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Новости за 10.04.2017


Spicer on Syria: If you gas a baby or barrel bomb, expect a response

White House press secretary Sean Spicer said twice Monday that the Trump administration will respond if the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad uses barrel bombs against his own people, something that’s been a regular occurrence in the six-year civil war. “If you gas a baby, if you put a barrel bombing to innocent people, […]


ProPublica, Daily News, Post’s Fahrenthold win Pulitzers

The New York Daily News and ProPublica are the twin recipients of this year’s Pulitzer Prize for public service. The pairing of a famed local newspaper and an ambitious nonprofit news web site might strike some people as symbolic of turbulent times in journalism. The Pulitzers, administered by Columbia University, are the most prestigious prizes […]


9 cases of rat lungworm disease confirmed in Hawaii

The Hawaii State Department of Health has confirmed six cases of rat lungworm disease on the island of Maui and three cases on the Big Island over the past three months, an official said Monday. No deaths have been reported. Rat lungworm disease, a parasite officially known as Angiostrongylus cantonensis, affects the brain and the […]


UK woman stands up to far-right supporter with smile

A woman is being praised for standing up to a supporter of a British far-right group with a smile. The powerful moment was captured in a photo that has been shared widely on social media. The image shows the woman, identified by multiple media outlets as Saffiyah Khan, smiling at a man who is wearing […]


For Wendy Williams, straight talk equals success

Wendy Williams makes no apologies for being Wendy Williams. “I’m a little too long in the tooth now to change exactly who I am, and exactly who I am is exactly what got me to the first seat of my six-week sneak peek, and exactly who I am has gotten me to eight seasons,” the […]


FCC chair comes out against phone calls on airplanes

Making phone calls from airplanes might not be cleared for landing. On Monday, FCC chairman Ajit Pai said he wants to halt the proposal that would have allowed cell phone calls in airborne planes. “I stand with airline pilots, flight attendants, and America’s flying public against the FCC’s ill-conceived 2013 plan to allow people to […]


Americans back the Syria bombing. They’re much more divided on what comes next

Nearly six in 10 Americans approve of President Donald Trump’s decision to strike at a Syrian air base from which chemical attacks were launched last week, according to a new CBS News national poll. But that’s where consensus — or even the appearance of consensus — ends. When prompted with four competing options about what […]


A local’s guide to what’s new and cool in Durham, NC

Yoga teacher Jessamyn Stanley hasn’t been seated more than a couple minutes at her favorite new restaurant, Palace International, when two women eating lunch nearby recognize her. “Oh, are you the one that does yoga?” asks the first woman, smiling nervously. “I follow you!” “Yes, hi,” replies Stanley, squirming a little at the attention. The […]


Obituary Notice: Dolores R. “Dolly” Cowfer

Dolores R. “Dolly” Cowfer, 80, of (Spike Island) Osceola Mills died Sunday, April 9, 2017 at the Mount Nittany Medical Center in State College. Born Jan. 25, 1937 in (Spike Island) Osceola Mills, she was the daughter of the late Frederick and Catherine (O’Farrell) Penny.  She was married to Chester A. Cowfer Jr., who preceded […]


Trump’s economy team is missing two big pieces

President Trump has been in office nearly three months, but he’s still missing two key members of his economic team. Robert Lighthizer, the nominee for U.S. trade representative, and Alexander Acosta, Trump’s pick for labor secretary, have yet to advance to the full Senate for confirmation votes. They will remain in limbo for at least […]


Rollover Accident Reported in Lawrence Twp.

CLEARFIELD – A rollover accident occurred Sunday night at the intersection of River Road and state Route 879 in the area of Big Lots. Lawrence Township police and fire departments responded to the scene.


GANT Weekend Police Blotter

State police at Clearfield State police investigated a DUI incident Saturday on Union Street in Gulich Township. During a traffic stop, state police determined a male had allegedly driven a vehicle after consuming a controlled substance. State police said he was also in possession of marijuana and paraphernalia. Charges are currently pending at this time. […]


‘Better Call Saul’ inches toward Fring benefits

When “Better Call Saul” premiered, the big fear was that this “Breaking Bad” prequel would rapidly run out of real estate. That’s become less of an issue as the third season begins in the show’s languid yet wholly satisfying fashion, heralding the much-anticipated arrival of Gus Fring, the drug czar/fast-food entrepreneur. This being “Better Call […]


NASA puts the Earth up for adoption

Wondering how to show that special planet some affection this Earth Day?Adopt it. NASA has sectioned off 64,000 individual pieces of Earth to be “adopted” by supporters on their website. The pieces are about 55 miles wide and assigned randomly. Similar to adopting a highway or naming a star, participants do not get legal or […]


Nikki Haley says ‘regime change’ in Syria. Rex Tillerson doesn’t. What gives?

Depending on which Sunday talk show you watched, you came away with a very different sense of what the Trump Administration’s next steps will be in Syria. If you watched UN Ambassador Nikki Haley on CNN, you heard her tell “State of the Union” host Jake Tapper that “regime change is something that we think […]


New York offers free college tuition. So do these countries

Is New York taking a page from Europe’s education playbook? Starting this fall, undergraduate students who attend a two or four-year public college will be eligible for free tuition if their families earn no more than $100,000 a year. Tens of thousands of students are set to benefit. No other U.S. state offers the same […]


‘Fate of the Furious’ cast missing Paul Walker

The death of Paul Walker is still being felt by his “Fast and Furious” franchise costars. The latest installment, “The Fate of the Furious,” debuts in theaters Friday without its star. Walker died in a car crash in 2013 just as he was completing filming of “Furious 7.” The crash, which was not connected to […]


Watchdog groups sue for White House, Mar-a-Lago visitor logs

Watchdog groups are suing to get visitor logs from the White House and President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. An ethics group, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, and two open government groups, the National Security Archive and the Knight First Amendment Institute, filed suit against the government Monday in New York federal court. […]


India’s roadside alcohol ban deals $10 billion blow to bars

For thousands of bars in India, happy hour has become decidedly unhappy. Since April 1, the sale of liquor near major roads has been banned. The move was supposed to reduce the number of deaths caused by drunk driving, and was aimed at the roadside shacks that line highways across the country. The original Supreme […]


Natural-born killers: The fruits and veggies that could poison you

Underneath its spiky exterior, the fruit is smooth, juicy and beautifully sweet. The spikes of the lychee fruit — also known as litchi — may be a deterrent for some animals, but for humans willing to break it away, it’s an exotic and tasty treat. And often, just one is not enough. But if eaten […]


Barclays CEO pay slashed after he tried to identify whistleblower

The boss of one of Britain’s biggest banks will have his pay slashed after he admitted trying to unmask a whistleblower. Barclays said in a statement that CEO Jes Staley tried to identify the author of a letter that the bank was treating as an attempt to report wrongdoing. Following an investigation by the Barclays […]


Masters 2017: Sergio Garcia beats Justin Rose in playoff

For so long Sergio Garcia was the nearly-man who many had written off to win a major title, but no longer after the Spaniard finally made his breakthrough with a dramatic Masters victory at Augusta. The Spaniard beat England’s Justin Rose on the first hole of a sudden-death playoff after the European Ryder Cup team-mates […]


Egypt facing state of emergency after Palm Sunday church bombings

Egypt’s President says he will declare a state of emergency after two deadly bombings targeted Coptic Christian churches on Palm Sunday. ISIS claimed responsibility for the attacks, which were aimed at a vulnerable religious minority on one of the most important days on the Christian calendar. The death toll rose to at least 49 Monday, […]


Delta expects ‘relatively normal’ schedule after days of storm disruption

Delta Air Lines is expecting a “relatively normal operational day” Monday after thunderstorms wreaked havoc on flight schedules last week and into the weekend. The No. 2 US airline canceled around 3,275 flights through Saturday after powerful mid-week storms stranded and frustrated passengers during one of the busiest travel weeks of the year. On Sunday, […]

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Экология в России и мире

В Кабардино-Балкарии стартует крупнейшая экологическая акция «Вода России»

Путин в России и мире

Путин сказал Алиеву: "Пора!". Новый БАМ пройдет через Кавказ. Транспортным коридором "Север — Юг" Россия и Азербайджан перешли дорогу Западу

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

В Минске открывается ВНС: что будет

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Ru24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам объективный срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть — онлайн (с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии).

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

Во Франции назвали бредом слова Зеленского про угрозу Путина Европе

Навальный в России и мире

В РПЦ отказались называть причины запрета в служении иерея Сафронова, отпевавшего Навального

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Александр Розенбаум

Александр Розенбаум рассказал о дополнительном источнике дохода: "Не бомжовые заведения"


Олимпийской чемпионке Елене Ильиных исполнилось 30 лет

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