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Новости за 29.04.2017


US service member killed near Mosul

A US service member died from wounds sustained in an explosive device blast on Saturday outside of Mosul, Iraq, according to a statement from the anti-ISIS coalition. The service member has yet to be identified. Developing story – more to come


Debbie Wasserman Schultz slams Trump’s “irrational and extreme agenda”

Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz said Saturday that the best thing to come out of President Donald Trump’s first 100 days in office was the number of people who have come together to protest him. Wasserman Schultz, the congresswoman for Florida’s 23rd District and former Democratic National Committee chairwoman, told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer that she […]


Turkey blocks Wikipedia over what it calls terror ‘smear campaign’

Turkey has blocked access to Wikipedia over linking the nation to terror activity, the government said Saturday, according to state-run Anadolu Agency. Articles and comments on the popular online encyclopedia showed Turkey “in coordination and aligned” with terrorist groups, the Turkish Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications said. “It has become part of an […]


EPA removes climate change information from website

The EPA removed most climate change information from its website Friday, saying in a press release that language on the website is being updated to “reflect the approach of new leadership.” EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt has expressed doubt about the reasons for climate change, saying in a CNBC interview in March that he was skeptical […]


Protest takes on Trump’s climate policies — and the heat — in DC march

Protesters backing action on climate change are braving the sweltering heat Saturday in the nation’s capital as part of the People’s Climate March. The march began at 12:30 p.m. near the Capitol, and demonstrators plan to move to the White House and end up at the Washington Monument, according to the proposed route map. Michele […]


How artists are marking Trump’s 100th day in office

President Donald Trump’s 100th day in office has become, perhaps unintentionally, an inspiration for artists nationwide. Art exhibits, poetry sessions and dance performances are popping up to mark the first three months of the Trump administration, most casting themselves as acts of resistance. “After the election, I had very strong feelings about what was happening, […]


Democrats’ Senate math problem

Chuck Schumer is not only the leader of Democrats in the Senate. He’s also the smartest political mind of that group. Which makes what the New York Senator told MSNBC on Friday sort of perplexing. “If the President continues this way, there is a chance we could take back the Senate,” Schumer said. I’m assuming […]


If Trump wants a new NAFTA, here’s what he has to do

President Trump has agreed to renegotiate NAFTA, the free trade deal between the US, Mexico and Canada. But he’s warning everyone: If a new deal isn’t good, he’ll pull the US out. For its part, Mexico has said the same: It needs a win-win deal too or it will withdraw. Canada is also demanding a […]


Chuck Schumer says Democrats could win the Senate in 2018. Um …

Chuck Schumer is not only the leader of Democrats in the Senate. He’s also the smartest political mind of that group. Which makes what the New York Senator told MSNBC on Friday sort of perplexing. “If the President continues this way, there is a chance we could take back the Senate,” Schumer said. I’m assuming […]


Sen. Chris Coons slams Trump’s North Korea tweet: “This is no longer reality TV”

Democratic Sen. Chris Coons slammed President Donald Trump’s tweet Saturday about North Korea’s latest missile test, saying Twitter is no place to conduct diplomacy. Trump took to Twitter shortly after the ballistic missile blew up over land in North Korean territory. He decried the failed test while giving a nod to China, one of North […]


In Trump’s White House, CEOs are shaping economic policy

A Washington outsider, President Trump has surrounded himself in his first 100 days in office with those he knows best: business executives. He appointed Stephen Schwarzman, chairman and CEO of private-equity firm Blackstone Group, to head his economic advisory council. Gary Cohn and Steven Mnuchin, two former Goldman Sachs executives, were named to key administration […]


Lady Tide-Lady Bison Game Rained Out

HYDE — The Clearfield Area High School softball team’s home game with Curwensville scheduled for Saturday morning was postponed because of overnight rains that made the Bison Sports Complex Field unplayable. A new date for the non-league game, a make-up of the April 7 postponement, will be arranged later, according to athletic director Robert Gearhart. […]


How the world sees Trump, 100 days in

The world was dumbfounded by the election of Donald Trump, and his first 100 days in office have done little to alleviate a deeps sense of uncertainty and unpredictability. Indeed, as one observer put it, the last few weeks alone have caused a severe case of global geostrategic whiplash. The number of campaign promises that […]


Collins 17th at Penn Relays

PHILADELPHIA — Clearfield Area High School standout track athlete Matt Collins competed at the prestigious 123rd Annual Penn Relays at Franklin Field on the University of Pennsylvania’s campus Friday in Philadelphia. Collins placed 17th in the High School Division with a throw of 157′ 6″. The winner was Roje Stona, an athlete from Jamaica who […]


100 days of Trumpism

What is Trumpism? One hundred days into President Donald Trump’s time in office, the answer seems less clear than ever. Despite fueling intense partisan rancor and torqueing up the divisions his candidacy helped lay bare, Trump never tethered himself to the kind of coherent ideological framework that most presidential candidates vow to never abandon. And […]


Trump’s EPA: Cuts, infighting and no talk of climate change

President Donald Trump made a campaign trail promise to eliminate the Environmental Protection Agency — a department once looked to as an important national force tackling climate change — and during his first 100 days in office has held true to his word, taking swift strides towards dismantling the agency and rolling back regulations. Alongside […]


Lady Bison Give First Place Lady Raiders a Battle in 6-5 Loss

BELLEFONTE — The Clearfield Area High School softball team gave Mountain League co-leader Bellefonte a scare by forging a tie after five innings at O‘Leary Field Friday afternoon, but the Lady Raiders pushed around a run in the sixth for a 6-5 squeaker. The Lady Bison found themselves in a 5-0 hole after three innings […]


EU leaders finalize Brexit position before UK talks

European Union leaders adopted their negotiating principles for Britain’s exit from the EU at a meeting Saturday in Brussels amid signs they plan to take a tough stance over the country’s financial commitments to the bloc. Britain was not invited to the special summit of 27 EU nations, where the leaders finalized the guidelines for […]


Trump finds comfort in rallying base

President Donald Trump is going back to his comfort zone of rallying his base after betraying a tinge of regretful nostalgia for the life of a billionaire reality star he left behind. As he marks the 100th day of his administration Saturday and pivots from a contentious period of marking a milestone he rejects but […]


Pence still humbled, relishing large behind-the-scenes role

On Election Day in November, then-Gov. Mike Pence rode his bicycle around his neighborhood in Indianapolis with his wife Karen. It’s a passion of his and an activity that the now-vice president indulged in during a recent vacation in April with his family on Sanibel Island, the first break he’s had since Inauguration Day. Pence […]


Kenneth Williams’ execution: Last hours leading to his death

The execution of Arkansas death row inmate Kenneth Williams is raising questions after witnesses reports say his body repeatedly lurched when a lethal drug coursed through his veins. Williams, 38, was the last of four Arkansas inmates put to death in eight days. On Friday, Williams’ attorneys called for an investigation into the “problematic” execution. […]


Ciara and Russell Wilson welcome baby girl

Ciara and Russell Wilson’s baby girl is here. The singer and her Seattle Seahawks quarterback husband welcomed their new baby Friday, the couple announced on their social media accounts. “Dear Sienna Princess Wilson. No matter how big the wave, we will always be your calm in the storm. We Love You,” Ciara wrote on Instagram […]


How the LAPD has changed since the 1992 riots

The video was silent, but it spoke volumes: three white Los Angeles police officers, supervised by a sergeant, threw Rodney King to the ground, tased, kicked and stomped him, and battered him with batons 56 times. More than 20 officers responded when the black motorist led police on a high-speed chase after he didn’t pull […]


How the LAPD has changed 25 years after the riots

The video was silent, but it spoke volumes: three white Los Angeles police officers, supervised by a sergeant, threw Rodney King to the ground, tased, kicked and stomped him, and battered him with batons 56 times. More than 20 officers responded when the black motorist led police on a high-speed chase after he didn’t pull […]


From Gandhi to guns: An Indian woman explores the NRA convention

Guns are not a part of the culture of my homeland, except perhaps for the occasional Bollywood movie in which the bad guy meets his demise staring down the wrong end of a barrel. My childhood in India was steeped in ahimsa, the tenet of nonviolence toward all living things. The Indians may have succeeded […]

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Экология в России и мире

Сенсорный сад с экотропами появится в Бутырском районе Москвы

Путин в России и мире

МИД РФ иронично прокомментировал высказывание Шольца о Путине и Канте

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

VII Всебелорусское народное собрание: основные заявления Александра Лукашенко

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Во Франции назвали бредом слова Зеленского про угрозу Путина Европе

Навальный в России и мире

В РПЦ отказались называть причины запрета в служении иерея Сафронова, отпевавшего Навального

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Суд продлил арест певца Шарлота до 29 мая


По подозрению во взяточничестве задержана экс-зампред правительства Подмосковья

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