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Новости за 06.04.2017


Babies born to Muslims to exceed Christian births, study predicts

Within the next 20 years, the number of babies born to Muslim parents is expected to surpass births to Christians — and all other religions — according to a new study by the Pew Research Center. The study confirms previous research predicting that Muslims will be the fastest-growing religious group during the next few decades. […]


At-home genetic test for 10 diseases gets first FDA approval

You will be able to test yourself at home for a genetic predisposition for certain diseases, thanks to a new ruling from the US Food and Drug Administration. On Thursday, the FDA gave 23andMe permission to market its Personal Genome Service genetic health risk tests for 10 diseases. It is the first direct-to-consumer genetic test […]


Don Rickles, legendary insult comic, dead at 90

Don Rickles, a comedian and actor known for his abrasive humor, died Thursday from kidney failure at his Los Angeles home, according to his publicist Paul Shefrin. He was 90 years old.


Teen re-creates ‘La La Land’ opening to ask Emma Stone to prom

Here’s to the ones who dream — of taking an Oscar winner to the prom. High school junior Jacob Staudenmeier re-created the opening scene of “La La Land” to make his plea to Emma Stone. All he needed was a few cars to make it look like he was in a traffic jam, some friends […]


Corona owner soars as Trump tariff fears fade

Cinco de Mayo is still about a month away. But investors in Corona parent company Constellation Brands can start celebrating already. Constellation stock surged 7% Thursday to an all-time high after the beverage company, which also sells Mexican brews Modelo and Pacifico, owns winery Robert Mondavi and SVEDKA vodka, reported quarterly sales and profits that […]


Headwaters Charitable Trust Brings AmeriCorps VISTA to the PA Wilds

ST. MARYS – In 2015, Headwaters Charitable Trust (HWCT) was awarded a team of AmeriCorps VISTA volunteers to create and implement the Living Greener Program. This program creates opportunities that meet the needs of individuals within the context of supporting a green economy.  It is a holistically-centered approach to developing skills that enable the most […]


The House ethics committee is investigating Devin Nunes. What does that mean?

House intelligence committee chairman Devin Nunes surprised Washington by announcing Thursday he’ll step aside from his panel’s investigation into Russian meddling into last year’s US elections, with the California Republican citing an ethics investigation into his handling of sensitive material. “Despite the baselessness of the charges, I believe it is in the best interests of […]


Diane von Furstenberg on the women who inspire her

As far as Diane von Furstenberg is concerned, there’s one thing that never goes out of style: inspiring and supporting other women. “I want every single woman in the world to know she can be the woman she wants to be,” she tells CNN. For eight years running, the fashion icon’s DVF Awards have sought […]


Man wrongfully convicted in coldest murder case wants name cleared

A man wrongfully convicted of the 1957 murder of a little girl returns to a courtroom in his childhood hometown Thursday to ask a judge to clear his name for good. When Jack Daniel McCullough was found guilty in 2012, prosecutors believed they’d solved the coldest case ever successfully tried. But Judge William Brady overturned […]


Amazon is hiring 30,000 part-time workers

Amazon will hire more than 30,000 part-time workers over the next year. The company said Thursday that 25,000 of the jobs will be in warehouses and 5,000 in customer service. Part-time employees at Amazon who work at least 20 hours per week receive benefits, including a program that pays most of the tuition for courses […]


South China Sea: Duterte orders Philippines military to occupy islands

Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte said Thursday he has ordered military personnel to occupy all Philippines-claimed islands in the disputed South China Sea. “We tried to be friends with everybody but we have to maintain our jurisdiction now, at least the areas under our control. And I have ordered the armed forces to occupy all these,” […]


Inside the White House, paranoia and unrest among top staff

In the West Wing, Reince Priebus and Steve Bannon occupy some of the most coveted real estate. Priebus, the chief of staff, enjoys the only outdoor patio in the White House. Bannon is mere steps from the Oval Office. But as President Donald Trump approaches the closing stretch of his first 100 days, with controversies […]


Russia challenges Trump to say what he would do about Syria

Russia has challenged President Donald Trump to set out his strategy on Syria after he declared that an apparent chemical weapons attack had transformed his views on the regime of President Bashar al-Assad. Trump, who has previously argued against removing Assad from power, said Wednesday’s attack on a rebel-held town in Syria’s Idlib province was […]


Bellefonte Mound Duo Shut Out Bison 10-0

BELLEFONTE — Adam Armstrong and Ashton Wetzler kept the Clearfield bats quiet while Logan Mathieu drove in three runs to key Bellefonte’s 10-0 Mountain League win in high school baseball action Wednesday afternoon. The Bison had only two hits, one a double by Zane Morgan, off Armstrong before he was relieved due to his pitch […]


Lady Tide Shutout By Johnsonburg 4-0

JOHNSONBURG -The Curwensville Lady Tide softball team went down in defeat Wednesday afternoon, losing to Johnsonburg, 4-0, on the Ramettes’ home field. For the 0-3 Lady Tide it was the same issue as in the first two games, unable to mount an offensive attack. Curwensville has now gone scoreless in its last 19 innings […]


Sachin Tendulkar: Legendary Indian cricketer releases debut single

He is more known for breaking records than making them, so perhaps it was always inevitable that a man accustomed to topping the charts during his sporting career is now attempting to be No.1 in the music world. Sachin Tendulkar, known as “The Little Master” and regarded as one of the greatest batsmen in cricket […]


Barack Obama to visit Scotland for charity fundraiser

Former US President Barack Obama is set to make his first visit to Scotland next month when he addresses business leaders in Edinburgh. Obama, who left the White House in January after eight years, is expected to give one of his highest profile speeches since leaving office at a charity event organized by The Hunter […]


Lewis Hamilton: An F1 street race in Beijing ‘would be epic’

When it comes to racing, Lewis Hamilton likes to do his talking on the track. But the three-time Formula One world champion, known for his aggressive driving style, isn’t afraid to voice his opinions about the sport’s future direction. Speaking candidly ahead of Sunday’s Chinese Grand Prix, Hamilton floated the idea of F1 taking to […]


Rep. Maxine Waters: O’Reilly needs ‘to go to jail’

Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters said Fox News host Bill O’Reilly should be arrested over the continued allegations of sexual harassment and slammed President Donald Trump for defending the embattled Fox host, calling them “two of a kind.” In an interview with MSNBC on Wednesday night, Rep. Waters criticized the President’s public defense of O’Reilly while […]


ISIS kills 33 execution-style in Syria; 22 people in Iraq attack

ISIS killed 33 people execution-style in eastern Syria on Wednesday, according to a monitoring group. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that the terror organization carried out the mass killing in the the al-Mayadin desert near the strategic city of Deir Ezzor on Wednesday morning, it said, adding that its activists were “able to […]


How Xi Jinping became one of modern China’s most powerful leaders

After less than five years as China’s leader, Xi Jinping has become one of the most powerful people in the nation’s modern history, outshining his immediate predecessors. “He is a powerful figure, he is the most powerful leader since (paramount leader) Deng Xiaoping, but again his power has limitations,” Cheng Li, director at the Brookings […]


Rep. Maxine Waters: O’Reilly needs “to go to jail’

Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters said Fox News host Bill O’Reilly should be arrested over the continued allegations of sexual harassment and slammed President Donald Trump for defending the embattled Fox host, calling them “two of a kind.” In an interview with MSNBC on Wednesday night, Rep. Waters criticized the President’s public defense of O’Reilly while […]


Teen lost 19 family members in Syria chemical attack: ‘I saw the explosion’

Mazin Yusif, 13, sauntered around the hospital with the confidence of a regular, taking us from room to room, introducing the people in each ward. He arrived here at the Reyhanli State Hospital 24 hours ago, one of around 30 Syrians rushed to this southern Turkish town near the Syrian border after what appears to […]

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Топ 10 новостей последнего часа

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Экология в России и мире

Прием заявок на участие в конкурсе на лучшее путешествие по Дальнему Востоку начнется в мае

Путин в России и мире

На окружном полуфинале конкурса «Это у нас семейное» Калмыкию представляют четыре семьи

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко сравнил Всебелорусское народное собрание с «пустотой»

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Ru24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам объективный срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть — онлайн (с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии).

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

В Москве арестован на пять суток историк-публицист Сергеев за пост памяти Навального

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Игорь Бутман

Бутман: не стоит обращать внимания на выбранную МОК музыку для россиян на ОИ


Подмосковные доноры в прошлом году обеспечили переливание крови 45 тысячам пациентов

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