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Новости за 03.04.2017


Senate Dems close to reaching filibuster threshold on Gorsuch

Three Senate Democrats announced Monday they plan to oppose Neil Gorsuch, bringing the Democratic caucus extremely close to the 41 votes needed to sustain a filibuster against the Supreme Court nominee. With Sens. Dianne Feinstein of California, Mark Warner of Virginia, and Patrick Leahy of Vermont all saying Monday they could not support Gorsuch, Democrats […]


Fox News hit with new Ailes harassment suit in wake of O’Reilly bombshell

Still reeling from a bombshell report about its biggest star, Fox News on Monday was hit with a lawsuit filed by a contributor who accuses the network’s founder, Roger Ailes, of sexual harassment. In the lawsuit, Julie Roginsky alleges that Ailes advised her to “engaged in sexual relationships with ‘older, married, conservative men’ because ‘they […]


The Senate is about to change forever

The Senate isn’t a place that changes much. Which is why what is almost certain to happen later this week matters so much. Neil Gorsuch’s nomination to the Supreme Court will, barring some sort of cataclysm, make it the Senate floor later this week. Democrats seem poised to block a vote that would end debate […]


Wife of Tennessee teacher accused of kidnapping wants divorce

The wife of the former Tennessee teacher accused of absconding with 15-year-old Elizabeth Thomas wants to end her marriage of 31 years, according to court filings. Jill Cummins, who has pleaded with her husband to bring Elizabeth home, filed the documents last week, citing irreconcilable differences and alleging that Tad Cummins is “guilty of inappropriate […]


Amazon Cash lets you shop without a bank card

You don’t need a credit or debit card to shop Amazon anymore. The e-commerce giant on Monday announced the launch of Amazon Cash, a new service that allows customers to add funds to their online Amazon account by showing a barcode to a cashier at certain brick-and-mortar stores. To use the service, customers go to […]


Trump won’t throw out a first pitch. But it isn’t because he can’t

President Donald Trump won’t be throwing the first pitch out at an Opening Day baseball game Monday. But it isn’t because the reality star-turned-President can’t get the ball over the plate. Trump, according to a number of accounts of his childhood and time at the New York Military Academy, was a standout baseball player whose […]


Russia: Metro commuters describe horrific scenes in St. Petersburg

Metro commuters have described scenes of horror Monday following the subway blast in St. Petersburg, Russia. Stanislav Listyev told CNN: “I was going down the escalator at Sennaya Square at about 2:30pm — and at that moment I felt an explosion wave underneath, everything filled with smoke, people started panicking. “So the trains stopped and […]


St. Petersburg metro explosion: 11 dead in Russia blast

Eleven people were killed in a blast on the St. Petersburg metro on Monday, the Russian health ministry said, in what authorities described as a terrorist attack. An explosion tore through a train as it was traveling between two stations in Russia’s second-biggest city, injuring dozens more. A second device was found and defused at […]


Why Fox stock is immune to Bill O’Reilly scandal

21st Century Fox, the media empire controlled by Rupert Murdoch and his sons Lachlan and James, may be the ultimate Teflon stock. Sexual harassment claims against former Fox News chief Roger Ailes failed to dent the company’s performance. It’s possible that similar accusations against its star host Bill O’Reilly may have little impact as well. […]


Donald Trump’s Arab fantasy

It’s raining Sunni leaders in Trumpland. Egyptian President al-Sisi arrives for meetings Monday with President Trump. Jordan’s King Abdullah is due on Wednesday. Last month, the Saudi King’s influential son, Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, showed up for what were hailed as breakthrough meetings with the president and administration officials. Trump seems to be […]


Roger Federer beats Rafael Nadal in Miami Open then announces eight-week break

Is sustained rest the key to sustained success? Roger Federer seems to think so. The 18-time grand slam champion announced he is to take an eight-week break from the Tour after he beat long-term rival Rafael Nadal 6-3 6-4 to clinch the Miami Open Sunday. It means that the 35-year-old Federer, who has lost only […]


More than 250 dead in Colombia mudslides

There are no more people officially missing after mudslides in Colombia that killed at least 254, the country’s president said on Twitter Sunday. Torrential rains Friday night caused three rivers surrounding the southern Colombian city of Mocoa to overflow — sending a torrent of mud and debris surging through the city. President Juan Manuel Santos […]


Second quarter begins; Tanking tech stocks; Auto sales reports

1. Stock market overview: The second quarter of 2017 is starting on a cautious footing. U.S. stock futures are holding steady after the main indexes posted eye-popping rallies over the first three months. The Dow Jones industrial average pushed up by 4.6%, while the S&P 500 gained 5.5% and the Nasdaq surged by 9.8%. European […]


How could Trump go it alone on North Korea?

US President Donald Trump says he stands ready to fix the nuclear threat posed by North Korea — with or without China. Trump, who will meet with China’s President at his Mar-A-Lago estate this week, declared Sunday that he would be willing to go it alone to restrain the secretive country’s nuclear weapons program should […]


Jared Kushner traveled to Iraq

White House senior adviser Jared Kushner traveled to Iraq this weekend and is expected back in the United States early this week, a senior administration official told CNN. Kushner, President Donald Trump’s son-in-law, was invited by the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Joseph Dunford, and is traveling with him, sources told CNN. A […]


Russia’s prank voice message: ‘Press 3 for election interference’

Moscow has been emphatic in its denials of allegations that it interfered the US election process. But that didn’t stop the Russian Foreign Ministry poking fun at the claims in an April Fools’ Day spoof. On Saturday it published what it said was a new automated answering message for the switchboards of Russian embassies around […]


Brockway Men Allegedly Found With Over 100 Bags of Heroin

DUBOIS – Two Brockway men face drug charges after police allegedly found over 100 bags of heroin in their vehicle after a routine traffic stop. Tristen L. Shugar, 20,  and Justin Lee Prave, 21, were charged by DuBois City police after an incident March 29 near West DuBois Avenue. According to the affidavit of probable […]


Enter Your Catch in the Big Fish Contest

BROOKVILLE – The Pennsylvania Great Outdoors Visitors Bureau has announced its fourth annual Big Fish Contest, which runs April through June. There’s no shortage of great places to cast a line in the PA Great Outdoors, including two nationally designated Wild and Scenic Rivers, organizers say. Everyone is invited to enter photos of their catch, from Clarion, Jefferson, […]


Dubois Central Catholic Announces Palm Sunday Events

DUBOIS – DuBois Central Catholic has a series of programs scheduled for Palm Sunday, April 9. The junior class of DCC and their parents are hosting the annual Palm Sunday spaghetti dinner in the cafeteria from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.  The cost is $8 for adults and $5 for children under 12 years. Caitlin […]


Clearfield Rotary Holds Speech Contest

CLEARFIELD – The Clearfield Rotary Club recently held its annual Four-Way Speech Contest at the Lock Haven University. Shown are participants from the junior class.  From left are: Alex Coval, Katrina Spencer (first place), Luke McGonigal, Madison Jones (third place), Makayla Ross, Michael Ternoway, Quentin Edwards and Wyatt Porter (second place). Among the world’s most-widely […]


Jared Kushner is in Iraq

White House senior adviser Jared Kushner is in Iraq, a senior administration official confirmed to CNN. Kushner, President Donald Trump’s son-in-law, was invited by the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Joseph Dunford, and is traveling with him, the source said. Further details were not immediately available. The New York Times first reported Kushner’s […]


Justin Trudeau challenges actor Matthew Perry to fight rematch

Justin Trudeau has three words for actor Matthew Perry: Bring. It. On. The Canadian Prime Minister wants a rematch of an elementary school fight after the “Friends” star said he beat up Trudeau when the two attended school in Canada. “My friend … who was also in the fifth grade in Canada, reminded me that […]


Fox braces for fallout from Bill O’Reilly scandal

If Bill O’Reilly weren’t the biggest star at Fox News, would he still have a job at Fox News? Many media industry observers, reading about the harassment allegations that have cost O’Reilly and Fox millions of dollars, are saying he would not. What does that answer say about the Murdoch media empire? Murdoch and his […]


South Carolina wins women’s NCAA basketball championship

The University of South Carolina beat Mississippi State University 67-55 to win the women’s NCAA basketball championship for the first time in Gamecocks’ history. The Bulldogs made it a close game in the fourth quarter, but went cold in the final minutes as the Gamecocks sprinted to victory at Dallas’ AmericanAirlines Arena. South Carolina’s star […]


Bison-Scarlet Dragon Game Postponed for Fourth Time

HYDE — The Clearfield Area High School baseball team’s Mountain League road game with Central Saturday was postponed because the field at Martinsburg was unplayable. A make-up date has not been arranged for the game that has been called off four times, twice booked for the Bison Sports Complex and twice set for the Scarlet […]

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Экология в России и мире

Синоптик Шувалов: в Москве потеплеет до +15 градусов, заморозки прекратятся

Путин в России и мире


Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко надеется на восстановление транспортных маршрутов с Израилем

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Мечтающего по победе Киева Макаревича* проверят на экстремизм

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Концерт в музее имени П.И. Чайковского


Yandex N.V. подала заявку на делистинг акций с Московской биржи

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