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Новости за 28.12.2016


Penn Jillette: Carrie Fisher and me at the porn awards

“I want it reported that I drowned in moonlight, strangled by my own bra.” –from “Wishful Drinking,” by Carrie Fisher ————————– I met Carrie Fisher in 1990. The crazy freedom fighter and pornographer, Al Goldstein, had invited me as his date to the Adult Video Awards — the porn awards. They were held in Santa […]


House GOP proposes new fines in response to Democrats’ gun sit-in

House Republican leaders are proposing new fines as a way to crack down on Members of Congress who violate rules governing floor debate. The move is a response to Democrats’ sit-in in June protesting the refusal of the GOP to schedule votes on gun control measures. That protest halted legislative business and forced GOP leaders […]


NYPD officers’ Snapchats not a free speech issue

The NYPD has suspended an officer who apparently took pictures of handcuffed family members in Brooklyn while police executed a search warrant, and then allegedly posted them on Snapchat, with titles like “Merry Christmas it’s NYPD!” and “Warrant Sweeps it’s still a party smh.” Where to begin. There have been reports that the warrant may […]


GANT Police Blotter

State police at Clearfield State police received a report about a theft that occurred Tuesday on Veterans Street in Gulich Township. During the incident, someone allegedly removed 230 gallons of home heating fuel from the victim’s tank. It was valued at $400, state police said. State police received a report about an incident of criminal […]


US military could carry out first execution in over 50 years

A former US Army soldier who has been on death row since 1988 for raping and murdering several women could now face execution after a judge denied his bid for another stay of execution. Judge J. Thomas Marten of the US District Court for the District of Kansas wrote last week that a previously granted […]


About that Trump tweet: Confidence has climbed for years

President-elect Donald Trump is already taking credit for the economy. “The U.S. Consumer Confidence Index for December surged nearly four points to 113.7, THE HIGHEST LEVEL IN MORE THAN 15 YEARS! Thanks Donald!” Trump tweeted Tuesday night. Consumer confidence, as measured by a business association known as the Conference Board, did rise in December to […]


Former student charged with murder of ex-teacher and their child

A 23-year-old man who as a high school student fathered a child with his teacher is facing two counts of murder after his former lover and their son were found dead, according to New York police. The bodies of Felicia Barahona, 36, and her 4-year-old son Miguel were found Monday in Barahona’s Upper Manhattan apartment. […]


House first votes in January: Condemning UN-Israel vote

House GOP leaders are planning to move quickly to pass three measures after the new Congress is sworn in next week that would boost President-elect Donald Trump’s agenda before he is sworn in, a senior House Republican leadership aide told CNN Wednesday. Republicans are looking to bring up a non-binding House resolution condemning a recent […]


T-Mobile is first carrier to remotely kill Note 7 batteries

Samsung Galaxy Note 7 holdouts will soon have dead phones. T-Mobile released an update on Wednesday to prevent Note 7 users from charging devices, rendering them useless. AT&T, Verizon, and Sprint will roll out similar updates the first week of January. The move will force the hands of those who have not yet traded in […]


Ronda Rousey returns to the Octagon. But for how long?

Covered in blood, Ronda Rousey crumpled to the Octagon floor, knocked out from a kick to the neck. It was November 2015 in Melbourne, Australia, and the previously undefeated Rousey was on the losing end of arguably the biggest upset in UFC history, succumbing to Holly Holm in UFC 193. Dropping to 12-1-0, Rousey retreated […]


How Trump’s victory turns into another ‘Lost Cause’

After President-elect Donald Trump’s recent victory, some of his supporters celebrated by flying Confederate battle flags from pickup trucks and waving them at rallies. But Trump’s victory may mark the resurgence of the Old South in another more sinister way: The return of “racial amnesia.” That’s what some historians are saying as they watch a […]


False alarm triggers Facebook safety check in Thailand

Facebook activated its Safety Check feature in Bangkok on Tuesday, saying there had been an “explosion.” Just one problem: There had been no terror attack, bombing or industrial accident in the city. The site’s Safety Check feature allows users in dangerous areas to mark themselves as safe, typically after a terror attack, natural disaster or […]


How to fight a holiday hangover like a pro

Usually a holiday hangover comes after a night of good intentions that were overwhelmed by great company and even greater temptations. When that happens, it can feel awful … but it doesn’t have to feel as bad, or last as long, as you might expect. When you understand the science behind that hungover feeling, you […]


The collateral damage after students’ ‘build a wall’ chant goes viral

The video was seen around the world. Shot in a school cafeteria at Royal Oak Middle School, just outside Detroit, you can hear seventh grade students shouting, “Build a wall! Build a wall!” the day after Donald Trump won the presidency. The chant matches what many of Donald Trump’s supporters yelled throughout the presidential campaign […]


Inside China’s ‘mosquito factory’ fighting Zika and dengue

Zhiyong Xi is a man on a mission. He wants to rid China — and potentially the world — of mosquitoes, specifically the ones that carry devastating diseases like Zika and dengue. And he’s doing it in the classic style of good versus evil. “We’re building good mosquitoes that can help us fight the bad […]


Airbus delays A380 deliveries as superjumbo woes mount

Airbus just can’t catch a break with its troubled superjumbo. The company has delayed the delivery of 12 A380s to Emirates following a dispute between the carrier and Rolls-Royce, which builds engines for use on the double-decker aircraft. Six A380s that were scheduled for delivery to Emirates next year have been delayed until 2018, while […]


Report: Russian doping scandal ‘institutional conspiracy’

Russian officials are no longer denying alleged “institutionalized” doping of the country’s athletes during the 2014 Sochi Olympics, a report from The New York Times said. But the Kremlin pushed back against the charge Wednesday. The newspaper spoke with three top Russian sports officials. Anna Antseliovich, the acting director general of Russia’s national anti-doping agency […]


Obama explains why his mom’s parenting style worked

As he prepares to leave the Oval Office after eight years, President Barack Obama recently reflected on the role his mother played on him becoming commander-in-chief, and how one of her biggest influences were her lessons on love. “For all the ups and downs of our lives, there was never a moment where I didn’t […]


John Kerry’s mission to save diplomacy

You can see it in everything he attempts to do around the globe, every conflict he wades into, every crisis he refuses to concede. And as John Kerry prepares to step down as secretary of state next month, he will carry it with him just as he has for 50 years: a deep-seated belief that […]


Second black box from crashed Russian military plane found

Both black boxes from a Russian military jet that crashed into the Black Sea with 92 people on board have been found, the country’s Defense Ministry said Wednesday, according to state-run media. The first of the two flight data recorders is at the Russian Aerospace Force’s research facility near Moscow, where officials hope to get […]


Toshiba shares plummet after warning of ‘billions’ in losses

Toshiba’s troubles keep piling up. The Japanese firm’s shares plunged 20% Tuesday, after the company warned it is expecting billions of dollars in losses from its takeover of a U.S. nuclear construction business last year. “We’re still figuring out the exact numbers, but it could reach up to several hundred billion yen,” CEO Satoshi Tsunakawa […]


Donald Trump rooster statue takes China by storm

What do you get when you cross the year of the rooster with the year of Trump? A “yuge” statue. A giant rooster sculpture, sporting the President-elect’s signature hairdo and hand gestures, has been erected outside a shopping mall in Taiyuan, in China’s northern Shanxi Province. The sculpture was commissioned by the company that owns […]


China: We will be on Mars by 2020

China is aiming to own the race for space in the next decade. China’s ambitious and fast-growing space program is targeting a landing on the dark side of the moon by 2018, and reaching Mars before the end of the decade. The country’s space agency held a press conference on Tuesday to mark the release […]


Report: Russian doping scandal ‘was an institutional conspiracy,’ official says

Russian officials are no longer denying alleged “institutionalized” doping of its athletes during the 2014 Sochi Olympics, a new report from The New York Times said. The newspaper spoke with three top Russian sports officials. Anna Antseliovich, the acting director general of Russia’s national antidoping agency, called the doping program “an institutional conspiracy.” But Russian […]


Nearly 2,000 lbs of meth seized in Philippines’ record-breaking drug raid

Philippines authorities have made the biggest drug seizure in the country’s history, confiscating 2,000 pounds (890 kilograms) and 1,110 liters of liquid methamphetamine worth about $120 million in a series of raids this month. “It is not only the biggest haul for this year, but so far the biggest in history,” Philippines Justice Secretary Vitaliano […]

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Экология в России и мире

Опыт проведения Всероссийской акции «Вода России» представлен на межведомственном заседании в Ташкенте

Путин в России и мире

Путин поручил сократить время пути поездов от Москвы до Черноморья до 16 часов

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск не исключает попыток оппозиции оторвать часть территории Белоруссии в пользу НАТО

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Девушке сделали предложение на концерте Басты: "Бери кольцо"


Кудряшов победил Робутти в бою новой суперсерии «Бойцовского клуба РЕН ТВ»

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