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Новости за 17.12.2016


Why Trump’s Israel ambassador could upend relations in the Middle East

Donald Trump’s designated ambassador to Israel signals a potential shift in long-standing US policy that has implications for Washington’s relationships in the region, with Europe and even the American Jewish community. The President-elect tapped New York-based attorney David Friedman Thursday to represent the United States. Friedman, who maintains a residence in Jerusalem, is known for […]


Turkish bombing: 13 soldiers killed, 55 people wounded

A car bomb exploded near a public bus in Turkey on Saturday, killing 13 soldiers and wounding 55 people, according to Turkish officials. Authorities later arrested 15 people, the country’s Anadolu state news agency reported, citing prosecutors. Civilians may have also been wounded in the blast, according to the Turkish Armed Forces. Of the injured, […]


Illustrators get us up close with ‘Tatooine’ and other alien planets

Robert Hurt and Tim Pyle have provided the world with stunningly photo-realistic glimpses at what gravitational waves, Earth-like exoplanets, rain storms of molten iron and even the Milky Way from above might look like if we could ever see them for ourselves. They also have the joy of illustrating when science fiction meets science fact, […]


Spicer refuses to say if Trump will take action against Russia over hacking

A top Republican National Committee spokesman refused Saturday to say whether President-elect Donald Trump will take action against Russia for its interference in the 2016 presidential election. “I think to presume that he’s going to do anything at this point would be premature. He is not president yet. President Obama has every right to carry […]


US says China will return underwater drone; Trump slams Beijing over incident

China has agreed to return the underwater drone that was taken earlier this week, the Pentagon said Saturday. “We have registered our objection to China’s unlawful seizure of a US unmanned underwater vehicle operating in international waters in the South China Sea. Through direct engagement with Chinese authorities, we have secured an understanding that the […]


GOP’s illegal power grab in North Carolina

On Wednesday, December 14, an all-white caucus of the North Carolina General Assembly called the legislature into a second special session, giving their fellow legislators only two hours’ notice. ?Gov. Patrick McCrory had called the first special session, a one-day affair on Tuesday, with the purpose of allocating disaster relief in the wake of Hurricane […]


Trump’s Israel ambassador pick: Trump’s peace process policy will be guided by ‘what Israelis want to pursue’

Donald Trump’s pick to be ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, said in an interview earlier this year that the Trump administration’s approach to the Israeli-Palestinian peace process would be guided by what the Israeli government wants to pursue. Friedman, a fiercely pro-Israel bankruptcy lawyer who first worked for Trump in the 1990s, added that a […]


What is Aleppo? Now we know

The world is at last, reluctantly, looking at the horrors unfolding in Aleppo. The dictatorship of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, with the support of Iran, Russia, Hezbollah and other Iran-organized Shiite militias, has all but pulverized parts of the city, deliberately attacking hospitals and homes and targeting non-combatants and civilians. They are carrying out a […]


Minnesota football team ends boycott, will play in bowl game

The University of Minnesota football team has agreed to practice again and to play in the Holiday Bowl on December 27, players told reporters Saturday, ending a boycott over the suspensions of 10 of their teammates. The 10 players remain suspended following reports of sexual assault allegations. But the team decided it will play in […]


Tsunami alerts canceled following 7.9 earthquake off Papua New Guinea

Tsunami warnings issued after a 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck off Papua New Guinea on Saturday night have been canceled, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center and New Zealand government said. The quake struck in the ocean about 45 kilometers east of Papua New Guinea’s New Ireland island, also known as Latangai, at about 8:51 p.m. (5:51 […]


Evacuation agreement reached in Aleppo, rebel group says

The on-again, off-again evacuation agreement in eastern Aleppo is back on track, rebel groups said Saturday. “There has been an agreement reached with the Russians about the evacuation of Aleppo, no further information or comments in the current moment,” Ahmad Qurah Ali, spokesman for the rebel group Ahrah al-Sham, said in a tweet. Earlier the […]


‘Rogue One’ on target for $140 million opening weekend

Like the rebels in the Death Star trench run, Disney is hoping that “Rogue One” can “stay on target” this weekend. It’s been doing that so far. “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” brought in $71 million at the domestic box office for its opening day on Friday. The film’s Thursday night $29 million total […]


China says it will transfer US drone; Trump slams Beijing over incident

China’s defense ministry said Saturday that Chinese authorities have decided to return a US underwater drone it seized in international waters earlier in the week, saying the US had “hyped up” the issue. Beijing’s statement comes soon after President-elect Donald Trump weighed in on the matter, calling China’s action “unprecedented.” “Upon confirming that the device […]


China says it will transfer drone; Trump slams Beijing over incident

China’s defense ministry said Saturday that Chinese authorities have decided to return a US underwater drone it seized in international waters earlier in the week, saying the US had “hyped up” the issue. Beijing’s statement comes soon after President-elect Donald Trump weighed in on the matter, calling China’s action “unprecedented.” “Upon confirming that the device […]


Bison Boys Win On The Road At Huntingdon 68-51

HUNTINGDON – The Clearfield Bison boys basketball team made it three in a row to start the 2016-17 season with an important road win in Huntingdon Friday night, defeating the Bearcats 68-51 in a Mountain League game. After the road win Clearfield head coach Nate Glunt commented about the competitiveness of Huntingdon, saying, “Huntingdon […]


Quickness of Lady Bison Overpowers Huntingdon, 43-35

HYDE — For the first time in the new season, the Lady Bison of Clearfield had the chance to don the white jerseys.  On Friday night, many firsts took place on the young season.  It was the first home game of the new campaign inside the Bison Gymnasium.  It was the first home Mountain League […]


7.9 earthquake strikes off Papua New Guinea; tsunami alert issued

Dangerous waves could be headed to some South Pacific coasts after an 7.9-magnitude earthquake struck in the sea off Papua New Guinea on Saturday night, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said in a preliminary alert. The quake struck in the ocean about 45 kilometers east of Papua New Guinea’s New Ireland island, also known as […]


State Department ups reward for ISIS leader to $25 million

The United States is offering $25 million for information leading to the capture of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The Department of State released a statement Friday announcing the $25 million dollar reward for the self proclaimed caliph of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria — more than doubling the reward announced previously. “The […]


Turkish army: 13 soldiers killed, 55 wounded in bombing

A car bomb exploded near a public bus in Turkey on Saturday, killing 13 soldiers and wounding 55 people, according to Turkish officials. Civilians may have also been wounded in the blast, according to the Turkish Armed Forces. Of the injured, six people are in critical condition, said Turkey’s Health Minister Recep Akdag. A vehicle […]


Clearfield Borough Approves Final Budget With No Tax Increase

CLEARFIELD – Clearfield Borough residents will see no tax increase for 2017. At Thursday’s meeting, the Clearfield Borough Council approved the 2017 general fund and liquid fuels budget. The budget holds taxes in the borough at 25 mills. This means the owner of a $50,000 property would pay $312.5 in taxes to Clearfield Borough. Property […]


Tolle Highlights Value of Education at Penn State DuBois Fall Commencement

DUBOIS – Fall commencement ceremonies were held in Hiller Auditorium at Penn State DuBois Thursday evening. The commencement address was offered by Instructor in Mathematics John Tolle. Named the 2016 DuBois Educational Foundation Educator of the Year, Tolle began teaching at Penn State DuBois in 2008 after serving for 12 years as lecturer of mathematics […]


Frick Bros. Wrestling to Hold Clinic at Clearfield YMCA

CLEARFIELD – On Dec. 21 Frick Bros. Wrestling will be holding a special Christmas clinic at the Clearfield YMCA from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. There will be a special guest clinician, plus more.   This is an introduction to the Frick Bros. Gold Medal Wrestling Camp Series.  Frick Bros. have competed internationally and on U.S. […]


SkillsUSA Students Help Curwensville Food Pantry

CLEARFIELD – Students at the Clearfield County Career & Technology Center in the SkillsUSA program recently took time out of their day to help the Curwensville Food Pantry hand out food to those in community.  SkillsUSA is a national organization serving teachers and high school and college students who are preparing for careers in technical, skilled and service […]


Anne Frank’s arrest might not have stemmed from betrayal

Who betrayed Anne Frank? It’s a mystery that persists more than 70 years after police came to the Amsterdam building where Anne Frank and seven other inhabitants of the secret annex had been hiding. The familiar story is that the police had been tipped off by an anonymous caller in a clear case of betrayal […]


Blast reported near Turkish university

An explosion went off Saturday near Erciyes University in Turkey’s central province of Kayseri, according to a tweet from Turkey’s semi-official Anadolu news agency. Reuters citing Turkey’s DHA news reports that a Turkish bus was hit by a blast as it drove past a car believed to be laden with explosives. The bus was transporting […]

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Экология в России и мире

АО «Транснефть – Дружба» подвело итоги деятельности в сфере экологической безопасности

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о развитии отечественного судостроения   

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко сравнил Всебелорусское народное собрание с «пустотой»

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

В Москве арестован на пять суток историк-публицист Сергеев за пост памяти Навального

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Новосибирские энергетики поделились опытом цифровой трансформации


СК: в Москве иностранец пытался сбросить восьмиклассника с третьего этажа

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