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Новости за 07.12.2016


Plotner Gets Jail Time for Stealing Over $19K from Band Boosters

CLEARFIELD – A Morrisdale woman will be spending time in jail for taking over $19,000 from a school band booster group. Kori Sue Plotner, 39, pleaded guilty during sentencing court Tuesday to a misdemeanor count of theft by unlawful taking. President Judge Fredric J. Ammerman sentenced her to serve 60 days to one year in […]


Georgia police officer fatally shot; second officer wounded; college on lockdown

A police officer was fatally shot and another was wounded Wednesday at an apartment complex in western Georgia, prompting a hunt for a suspect and causing nearby Georgia Southwestern State University to tell students to take shelter. The shooting took place in the small city of Americus. The slain cop served on the Americus police […]


Carter looks to boost India ties as China rises

Outgoing US Defense Secretary Ash Carter touched down in India Wednesday, in a last bid to boost relations with an ally that could prove crucial as China asserts itself.  Carter has devoted more personal attention to his Indian counterpart than any other, and that groundwork could prove crucial as the Obama administration prepares to hand over the […]


Album offers new clues about ‘gospel’s great disappearing act’

Nearly 90 years ago, a peddler and part-time preacher arrived at a makeshift recording studio in Dallas carrying a strange instrument and a fierce aversion to spiritual hypocrisy. The producer Columbia Records had sent down from New York was baffled by the man’s contraption, cataloging it simply as a “novelty.” But Columbia liked Washington Phillips’ […]


Paris will auction its love locks to help refugees

It’s been more than a year since Paris ended its relationship with love locks. The popular tradition of attaching padlocks to the city’s bridges – as a symbol of true love – ended after the city council deemed it unsafe. The idea was charming, but bridges were close to crumbling from the weight. But the […]


Trump transportation pick Elaine Chao made $1.2 million from Wells Fargo

President-elect Donald Trump’s pick to lead the sprawling Transportation Department made $1.2 million while overseeing Wells Fargo as a director during the period the bank has admitted to creating millions of fake accounts. As a member of Wells Fargo’s board since 2011, Elaine Chao was responsible for monitoring the bank’s actions as well as hiring […]


Aleppo girl Bana Alabed: Our neighborhood has fallen

The family of a 7-year-old girl who has captured the world’s imagination with her heartbreaking tweets from Aleppo says the Syrian army has taken control of their area of the city. Bana Alabed’s mother, Fatemah, said on Twitter Wednesday that the eastern Aleppo neighborhood where they live had been captured by the Syrian regime. “Our […]


PIA plane crash: All 48 on board killed; Pakistani pop star among victims

[Breaking news update at 1:30 p.m. ET] All 48 people on board the Pakistan International Airlines flight that crashed near Abbottabad were killed, the National Disaster Management Authority said. A pilot made a mayday call, saying he had lost control of one of the two engines, the airline’s chairman said. But “we were confident that […]


Dylann Roof has ‘cold and hateful heart,’ prosecutor says in opening statement

Dylann Roof was “cold and calculating” in planning an attack on Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, a federal prosecutor said Wednesday in opening statements of Roof’s trial in Charleston, South Carolina. Roof studied the church’s long history in the black community, found out what time the Bible study would be held, loaded his gun the […]


Claus’ claws: Mom says Santa insulted her son

A mom says her son was left in tears after being fat-shamed by a Santa in their town of Forest City, North Carolina. This raises a lot of questions. For one, where does Santa get off burning others about their weight? You break into people’s houses and gorge yourself on cookies, buddy, take a look […]


Pakistan: Plane crashes with about 40 people on board

A Pakistan International Airlines flight crashed Wednesday near Abbottabad, officials said. The airline said the PIA’s ATR-42 aircraft was carrying about 40 people when it lost contact with a control tower on its way from Chitral to Islamabad. Pop star turned preacher Junaid Jamshed was among those on board flight PK-661, his manager Arsalan Khan […]


Why Netflix’s Iron Fist will look different than anything else on TV

Hollywood cinematographer Manuel Billeter hovers over a TV monitor a few feet away from the set of Netflix’s upcoming Iron Fist series, looking for small objects in the shot that might catch the camera’s eye. After a take, he sends someone over to repaint a metal flap hanging off the side of a wall. Seconds […]


The abortion debate is more complex than you think

Abortion will always be one of those hotly debated and emotional issues. But if you think you have a good handle on the state of abortion in the U.S., you may be surprised by some of these stats: Abortions are not on the rise. Though the abortion debate is a very visible part of the […]


The ‘crazy’ Japanese billionaire who met Donald Trump has a 300-year plan

Masayoshi Son is not a household name in America. Yet. But the billionaire founder and CEO of Japan’s SoftBank loves to make a splash and is rapidly gaining a global profile thanks to a series of big deals. He met with Donald Trump in New York on Tuesday, after which the president-elect tweeted that “Masa” […]


Trump named Time Person of the Year

Time magazine has named Donald Trump its Person of the Year — calling him “President of the Divided States of America.” “I don’t think that we have ever seen one person, operating in such an unconventional way, have an impact on the events of the year,” said Time editor Nancy Gibbs. She called this year’s […]


Pakistan: Plane crashes with 40 passengers on board

[Breaking news update at 8:09 a.m. ET] Pop star Junaid Jamshed was among the 40 passengers on board Pakistan International Airlines Flight PK-661, his manager told CNN. [Breaking news update at 7:50 a.m. ET] Pakistan International Airlines Flight PK-661 has crashed, officials said Wednesday. “The plane had crashed on the border of Abbottabad and Haripur,” […]


President Obama marks 75th anniversary of Pearl Harbor attack

President Barack Obama marked the 75th anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on Wednesday by honoring those who gave their lives that day. “Over 2,400 American patriots lost their lives in the attack on Pearl Harbor — military and civilian, men, women and children,” Obama said in a statement. “Their sacrifice galvanized millions […]


Trump got it wrong. China is spending big to prop up its currency

China’s huge cash stockpile has taken another hit. Beijing burned through $69 billion in November as its currency came under pressure following Donald Trump’s victory in the U.S. presidential election. China’s foreign currency war chest fell below $3.1 trillion, the lowest level since March 2011, according to official data released Wednesday. The depleted reserves provide […]


Pakistan: Plane goes missing with 40 passengers on board

Pakistan International Airlines Flight PK-661 carrying 40 passengers has lost contact with a control tower, the airline said in a statement Wednesday. “We regret to inform that PIA’s ATR-42 aircraft operating as PK-661, carrying around 40 persons lost its contact with control tower on its way from Chitral (Pakistan) to Islamabad a short while ago,” […]


Biden stokes 2020 buzz on Colbert: ‘Never say never’

Vice President Joe Biden continued to tease a presidential bid in 2020 during an appearance on “The Late Show” with Stephen Colbert on Tuesday night, saying he’s learned to “never say never.” “I’m a great respecter of fate. I don’t plan on running again. But to say you know what’s going to happen in four […]


Oakland fire: Many complaints filed about warehouse

The city of Oakland received repeated complaints over three decades about the “Ghost Ship” warehouse, which was gutted last week by a fire that killed at least 36 people. Many of the 21 complaints were directed at the lot, pointing to a “ton of garbage piling up on the property” as well as the “illegal […]


No evidence threat to LA transit system credible, FBI says

There is no evidence that an anonymous threat that sparked security fears on the Los Angeles transit system was credible, according to the FBI. Investigators believe the latest threat was made by a source that may have made similar claims in the past, the bureau said in a statement Tuesday. None of the earlier threats […]


Earthquake in Indonesia’s Aceh province kills 52

Rescuers are still combing the rubble for survivors after an earthquake in Indonesia’s Aceh province on Wednesday morning. At least 52 people were killed, according to Indonesia’s National Disaster Management Agency. The shallow 6.5-magnitude quake damaged many homes, shops and mosques, in the district of Pidie Jaya, some of which had been completely destroyed. It […]


Israel’s Knesset to vote on legalizing West Bank outposts

Israel’s parliament is expected to vote Wednesday on the first reading of a bill that could legalize dozens of Israeli outposts in the West Bank. Outposts are small unsanctioned communities which have sprung up in the West Bank in the last 20 years. Many are very close to existing settlements. The outposts are currently considered […]


Apple supplier Foxconn is in talks to invest in the U.S.

One of Apple’s biggest suppliers is in talks to invest in the United States. Taiwan-based Foxconn is a giant contract manufacturer that plays a key role in assembling iPhones for Apple, employing hundreds of thousands of workers in mainland China. “We are in preliminary discussions regarding a potential investment that would represent an expansion of […]

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Экология в России и мире

АО «Транснефть – Прикамье» провело свыше 3 тыс. экологических исследований в I квартале 2024 года

Путин в России и мире

Транспортный коридор «Север-Юг» станет катализатором социального и экономического развития стран Евразии и глобального Юга

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко пообещал потенциальным агрессорам ответ всеми видами оружия

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Анастасия Волочкова

«Разрешаю им делать вообще все»: Волочкова рассказала об отношениях единственной дочери с бойфрендом


В Москве появятся еще 24 современные площадки для прогулок с собаками

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