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Новости за 30.11.2016


Natalie Portman on her admiration for ‘Jackie’

Embodying Jacqueline Kennedy’s darkest hours in the upcoming movie “Jackie” was no easy task for Natalie Portman. “Jackie,” directed by Pablo Larraín, tells the story of the aftermath of President Kennedy’s assassination from his wife’s perspective. “The way she handled herself in that sort of crucible was so strong and intelligent,” Portman told CNN. “It […]


Martin Scorsese meets the Pope

Martin Scorsese has reportedly had a different type of audience experience. According to Variety, the famed director had a private audience with Pope Francis on Wednesday. Scorsese, his wife and two daughters met with the Pope as the director was at the Vatican in support of his new film, “Silence.” The movie stars Andrew Garfield, […]


Colombia plane crash: Jet ran out of fuel, pilot said

[Breaking news, posted 3:12 p.m. ET] The pilot of LAMIA Flight 2933, which crashed near Medellin, Colombia, said, “The plane is in total electric failure and without fuel,” according to two sources familiar with the investigation who heard audio recordings of conversations between the flight crew and air traffic control. The audio was published in […]


Amanda Seyfried is pregnant

“Mama Mia!” Amanda Seyfried is having a baby. The star of “Mean Girls” and “Big Love” debuted her baby bump Tuesday at the launch of Givenchy’s new Live Irrésistible fragrance. It was announced in September that Seyfried was engaged to actor Thomas Sadoski. The pair performed together last year in the off-Broadway show “The Way […]


The Great Smokies: From looking ‘like a movie set’ to charred ruins

A couple of days ago, a good friend described taking his son-in-law, a native of the urban Northeast, into the Great Smoky Mountains National Park for the first time. “This is fantastic!” the young man kept saying as they walked along the Middle Prong, one of the many hiking trails of the Smokies. “This is […]


Keith Lamont Scott killing: Decision expected on whether to charge officer

Two months after Keith Lamont Scott was killed by a police officer at a Charlotte apartment complex, the local district attorney is expected to announce whether the officer will be charged. The 43-year-old black man’s death sparked protests and added more fuel to the national debate over whether police are too quick to use deadly […]


A new cold war: US Marines’ wintry war games on Norway-Russia border

An American tank full of US Marines crashes through the silence of the sub-zero pine forest, far above the Arctic Circle, as unidentified drones hover overhead and yellow and green smoke fills the freezing air. The troops’ target? A bunker up ahead, manned by Norwegian soldiers. Shots ring out as the Marines advance, crunching through […]


How do I turn my 401(k) into reliable retirement income?

I plan on retiring next year, but I’m unsure how to invest my 401(k) for retirement income. Do I need an annuity? What do you suggest? –F.M. It’s not surprising that you’re uncertain about what to do. Most of us focus our time and attention on growing our nest egg during our career. By the […]


What the Treasury Secretary does all day

Financier and Hollywood producer Steven Mnuchin has been named Secretary of the Treasury, which is one of the most powerful and important positions in the federal government. But plenty of people don’t really know what he — and so far it’s only been he — does. Very broadly, the Treasury secretary is the government’s banker, […]


Fidel Castro’s ashes start journey across Cuba

The ashes of former Cuban leader Fidel Castro were carried Wednesday from the capital, Havana, at the start of a journey that reverses the route Castro took across the island after seizing power in 1959. Crowds of people, some of them bused in by the government, lined the streets as they waited for his funeral […]


Severe weather kills 5 in Alabama, Tennessee

A suspected tornado that tore through Alabama early Wednesday killed three people and injured at least two others, officials said. Two people also were killed in Tennessee in the band of severe weather that barreled through the Southeast. One storm ripped through Jackson County in northeastern Alabama, causing destruction over a 1.5-mile path, knocking down […]


GANT Police Blotter

State police at Clearfield State police received a report about a trespass incident that occurred Monday on Fernwood Road in Gulich Township. During the incident, two people allegedly trespassed on the victim’s property. State police are continuing their investigation at this time. State police received a report about a theft incident that occurred Tuesday at […]


Netflix now lets you watch your favorite shows offline

It just got even easier to binge on Netflix. Netflix announced on Wednesday members now have the option to download movies and shows to watch offline later. This means you can finally watch the new season of Stranger Things and Bloodline while on a flight or stuck in the subway. The feature comes free of […]


Take the Stress out of Traveling this Holiday Season

Jana L. Davidson, Education Content Specialist for the Progressive Agriculture Foundation They say, “There’s no place like home for the holidays.” For some, home is a short drive, while for others it can be a long trip. As the holiday season approaches, planning travel to visit family and friends can lead to added stress and […]


CEA’s Community Outreach Committee Presents Funds to Marian House

CLEARFIELD – Brande Plyler of the Clearfield Education Association’s Community Outreach Committee is shown presenting a check to Mary Rauch of the Marian House of Clearfield. Funds distributed by the Community Outreach Committee are provided by Clearfield Area School District teachers.


Wolf Administration Awards First-ever ‘It’s On Us PA’ Grants to Combat Campus Sexual Assault

HARRISBURG – As part of his administration’s “It’s On Us PA” campaign, Gov. Tom Wolf has announced that 36 postsecondary institutions in Pennsylvania were awarded nearly $1 million in grants to address campus sexual assault. “Sexual assault has a corrosive effect on all of us,” said Wolf. “My administration is committed to combatting this urgent […]


Protesters armed with superglue shut down Australia’s parliament

Pro-refugee protesters shut down a sitting of Australia’s Parliament on Wednesday, gluing themselves to leather upholstery to resist police. The group of about 30 men and women interrupted the parliament’s Question Time with cries of “you shame us” and “this is a humanitarian crisis.” Parliament was suspended for 30 minutes while officers forcibly removed the […]


PA Environmental Stewards: Apply for 2017 Governor’s Awards for Environmental Excellence

HARRISBURG – From environmental justice advocates to business entrepreneurs, school students to senior citizens, many Pennsylvanians work to protect the air, land and waters of the Commonwealth. To honor their efforts, the Department of Environmental Protection seeks applications for the 2017 Governor’s Awards for Environmental Excellence. “These awards bring much-deserved recognition to environmental stewards who, project […]


Cirque du Soleil employee dies in accident before show in SF

A technician working on Cirque du Soleil’s “Luzia” show in San Francisco was struck by a lift and died from his injuries on Tuesday night, according to a statement from the performance company. The employee, who has not yet been identified, was taken to a local hospital where he died, according to San Francisco Police. […]


Death by overwork: Pressure mounts on Japan to act

Millions of Japanese people are in danger of working themselves into an early grave. Known for the punishing hours demanded by its ‘salaryman’ culture, Japan has struggled to tackle the impact of overwork on employees’ health. But plans to overhaul labor laws could improve the situation. A recent government study found that one in five […]


Alabama tornado leaves three dead

A tornado that tore through Alabama has killed three people and injured multiple others. Early Wednesday morning, strong storms ripped through Jackson County, which is located in the northeastern tip of the state. The tornado touched down there shortly after midnight. Jackson County Coroner Harry Laney told CNN that local officials and law enforcement have […]


Tennessee fires blaze into third day

Three people died in raging wildfires in Sevier County, Tennessee, that scorched roughly 15,000 acres, showered residents with embers and forced tourists to evacuate from resort communities. The wildfires, which started Monday, damaged or destroyed more than 250 buildings throughout part of eastern Tennessee that’s home to the resort towns of Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge. […]


Walter Scott shooting: Officer said his mind was like ‘spaghetti’

An emotional Michael Slager testified Tuesday his mind was like “spaghetti” during the April 2015 altercation that culminated in the North Charleston, South Carolina, police officer fatally shooting unarmed Walter Scott as he was running away. Taking the stand for the first time during his five-week murder trial, Slager said that even at 18 feet […]


The teenage refugees selling sex on Athens streets

In the heart of Athens, sidewalks teem with passersby, restaurants are packed with people and crowds flow from the metro. But take a few steps into nearby Victoria Square, and you’ll find a shocking world of survival sex and exploitation. The sex trade has always existed here, but it’s now exacerbated by a swelling number […]


Colombia plane crash: Jet may have run out of fuel

As air safety officials begin their investigation into the deadly crash of LAMIA flight 2933 near Medellin, Colombia, the final resting place of the jet’s wreckage may prove to be a central clue in determining why the airplane crashed. The crash killed at least 71 people during a charter flight to Medellin, including members of […]

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Экология в России и мире

Жёсткие экологические требования решат инновационные энерготехнологии

Путин в России и мире

Путин поручил сократить время в пути от Москвы до курортов Черного моря

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск не исключает попыток оппозиции оторвать часть территории Белоруссии в пользу НАТО

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Ru24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Михаил Кутушов

Токсиколог Кутушов рассказал почему возникает похмелье


В Котельниках написали «Диктант Победы»

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