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Новости за 04.11.2016


Obama rebukes supporters for shouting down Trump protester

President Barack Obama rebuked a crowd of Hillary Clinton supporters Friday after they shouted down a man holding a Donald Trump sign. Obama was addressing a get-out-the-vote rally for Clinton here when the man, wearing a military uniform and hat, stood up in the bleachers and prompted the response from supporters of the Democratic nominee. […]


Sen. Ernst: We can’t let ISIS get away

As the United States supports our allies and continues the fight for Mosul, we cannot ignore where ISIS will spread next. I am not alone in my fears that key leaders escaped the city before the major assault began — especially considering the advance warning about our battle plans. More importantly, should we and our […]


Americans adopted him; now he’s facing deportation

Adam Crapser was a toddler in an orphanage the last time he lived in South Korea. American parents adopted him decades ago and flew him to the United States. Now the 41-year-old could be days away from deportation. An immigration judge in Washington ruled against his request for relief last week, ordering his removal from […]


Opinion: The big price Chris Christie is paying for Bridgegate

Time for some political problems in Trenton. With the convictions of two ex-aides on counts including conspiracy and fraud, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie — already at a record low 21% approval level — now risks going into political free fall. Christie, who is chairman of Donald Trump’s transition team, has arrived at a level […]


Chicago Cubs parade: Millions of fans swarm streets

This was the parade that will “stand the test of time,” as Chicago’s mayor put it. An estimated five million people swarmed city streets and sidewalks Friday — some standing since well before sunrise — hoping to catch a glimpse of the Chicago Cubs team that won its first World Series title in 108 years […]


She’s a transgender nominee for the US Senate. And she’s from Utah.

Misty K. Snow is an unlikely candidate for the US Senate. The 31-year-old Salt Lake City native never went to college and works as a cashier at a Harmons Grocery. If elected, she would be the first Millennial elected to the Senate and the first woman that Utah has ever sent to that chamber of […]


‘Who Killed JonBenet?’ takes low road on Lifetime

The JonBenet Ramsey case’s mini-renaissance continues, with CBS’ four-hour documentary about the murdered beauty-pageant tot followed by the Lifetime movie “Who Killed JonBenet?” Mostly straightforward, the project employs one device — having the slain girl narrate her story — that leaves a bad, sleazy taste all around. Told mostly from the perspective of the detective […]


Clinton, Cuban: Trump will do what’s best for his bank account, not the country

Hillary Clinton, joined by billionaire investor Mark Cuban, questioned Friday whether Donald Trump would put his financial interests over the well-being of the United States. Clinton, at an event inside Heinz Field here, painted a picture for voters where Trump would put his own financial security over what is best for voters. “Ask yourself, so […]


Bill Clinton felt ‘bad’ for Melania Trump over vow to combat cyberbullying

Former President Bill Clinton expressed disbelief Friday that Melania Trump would denounce cyberbullying given how much her husband antagonizes others on Twitter. On Thursday, Melania Trump, in her first speech on the 2016 trail, said she’d work to improve a social media culture that she said has gotten “too mean and too tough” if she […]


Donald Trump leads in another Utah poll, McMullin second

Donald Trump is holding steady with a lead in Utah, a state that at one point recently appeared to complicate his path to the White House. Despite some recent polls that suggested the reliably red state could be in play, the Republican nominee leads in Utah by 33% to 28% over third-party challenger Evan McMullin, […]


Fugitive of the Week Darin Cooley Captured

CLEARFIELD – A wanted fugitive Darin Cooley, 34, of Patterson Avenue, DuBois, has been captured by authorities, according to District Attorney William A. Shaw Jr. Cooley was added to the Clearfield County Fugitive of the Week list Oct. 10. He was wanted in two, separate cases for his failure to appear for court. Cooley failed […]


Eric Trump jokes he’s ‘laying low’ after saying David Duke “deserves a bullet’

Eric Trump on Friday laughed off his comments the day before that former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke deserves “a bullet.” “Listen, I’m not talking about anymore bullets,” the son of Donald Trump said on Michigan’s “Big Show” when the show’s host jokingly asked him if Syrian President Bashar al-Assad also deserved a bullet […]


Amy Schumer says the internet will judge you if you don’t vote

For those of you that don’t plan on voting this election season, you will be deemed a “steamy dump” by Amy Schumer, which is probably worse than not voting. On Thursday, the comedian released a video imploring people to vote and explained that your parents will know you’re lying if you didn’t. “People are going […]


Investigators comb property where woman was chained ‘like a dog’

Investigators are combing a farm in rural South Carolina where they found a 30-year-old woman “chained up like a dog” inside a shipping container. Kala Brown, who went missing with her boyfriend more than two months ago, warned authorities that there could be other victims. So far, there are more questions than answers about this […]


Cash is still king for Americans

Americans still love cash more than debit and credit cards or checks. Despite the growing world of credit cards, PayPal, Venmo and the on-demand economy, cash is still king, according to a new report by Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco’s Cash Product Office. Cash was used in 32% of all transactions last year, the […]


Why adults are embracing communal living

Angela Fox and her teenage son are voluntarily opting to share a home with 170 strangers. They’ve been residents at a coliving space called WeLive, in Arlington, Virginia, since April. “My world is about adventures,” Fox, 48, told CNNMoney. When she and her son, Tatton, step outside the door of their “studio max” apartment, there’s […]


2 US trainers shot dead in Jordan

Two US trainers were shot dead Friday at an airbase in Al Jafr, Jordan, the Jordanian government announced. The trainers were in a vehicle attempting to enter the Prince Faisal airbase when the gunfire erupted, the government said. The airbase is in the south of Jordan. Another US trainer was also wounded, along with a […]


What Brexit Britain wants from India

U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May is heading for India in the hope of drumming up new business for Brexit Britain. She arrives in New Delhi on Sunday on her first official visit outside Europe. India is a logical first choice for British officials eager to find new markets when the U.K. leaves the European Union: […]


Yaya Toure: Manchester City star apologizes for ‘misunderstandings’

Left out in the cold by Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola, four-time African footballer of the year Yaya Toure has apologized for comments made by his agent in an attempt to build bridges with the English Premier League leader. Despite earning a reported $300,000 a week, Toure has yet to play in the Premier League […]


ISIS seizing boys as young as 9 to fight in Mosul, UN warns

As Iraqi troops waged fierce battles Friday with ISIS militants in Mosul’s eastern neighborhoods, the United Nations warned it believes the terror group is seizing boys as young as 9 to fight on its behalf. It has received reports ISIS has been instructing residents of Hammam al-Alil, about 30 kilometers (18.6 miles) south of Mosul, […]


Iraqi troops begin to liberate eastern Mosul neighborhoods

Buoyed after breaching the city limits of Mosul for the first time two years, Iraqi troops are engaged in hard-fought battles with militants to liberate the easternmost neighborhoods of the ISIS stronghold. Iraqi forces have started storming the neighborhoods of al-Karama, al-Zahra, al-Qudes, and al-Tahrir, Maj. Gen. Maan al-Saadi, commander of Iraqi counter-terrorism special forces […]


Michael Moore knew the Comey letter would ‘depress the Hillary vote’

Filmmaker Michael Moore said Thursday that he knew a letter sent to Congress by FBI Director James Comey would “depress” support for Hillary Clinton at the polls. The letter disclosed that the FBI had discovered new emails that could be relevant to Clinton’s use of a private server while she was secretary of state. “Nobody […]


Pro-Kurdish leaders detained in Turkish terror probe

Eleven members of parliament from a pro-Kurdish political party have been detained in Turkey after failing to respond to a summons by a prosecutor, according to a statement from the Prime Minister’s office. State media reported that several politicians from the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), were detained as part of a terror investigation after raids […]


ISIS captive gives birth to child of rape

Umm Al’aa will never tell her son who his father is. He’s an ISIS fighter who raped her while she was a prisoner of the terror group. Now 40 years old, she was a mother and a grandmother before being kidnapped and held captive for a year and a half. She has a child who’s […]


Thousands rally in Jakarta over governor’s alleged blasphemy

Thousands of protesters waving flags are marching through Jakarta demanding the ouster of the city’s governor, who has been accused of blasphemy against Muslims. Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, commonly known as Ahok, is alleged to have insulted Islam by criticizing his opponents’ use of a Quranic verse in a stump speech. As many as 18,000 […]

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Экология в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о сохранении экологии Севастополя

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге: «Запуск «Ангары-5» — новая страница в развитии космической отрасли России» 

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

У помощника Лукашенко по общим вопросам нашли три квартиры в Минске

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Владимир Зеленский подтвердил ракетный удар по аэродрому в Джанкое

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Юрий Лоза

Лоза посоветовал Серову задуматься после концерта в полупустом зале


Спасатели потушили условный пожар в детсаду в Орехово-Зуеве

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