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Новости за 22.11.2016


Chattanooga residents rush to give blood after bus crash

Lines to donate blood are out the door at Blood Assurance in Chattanooga after a bus flipped over and slammed into a tree Monday afternoon. At least five children were killed in the crash, according to school officials, and six others are currently hospitalized. College students, older adults and officers dropped everything to give blood […]


WADA: ‘The ball is in Russia’s court’

Russia faces “a number of challenges” before it can be readmitted to the World Anti-Doping Agency’s program, the drug-testing body says. The Russian Anti-Doping Agency was suspended for non-compliance a year ago, with the country having been accused of widespread, state-sponsored doping practices in an independent report by former WADA president Dick Pound. It meant […]


Prescription drug reactions send more older Americans to the ER

We are a nation of prescription drug users. In any given month, half the population — an estimated 48% — take at least one pharmaceutical medicine. One possible downside to what are often helpful medications is made clear in a study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, published Tuesday in the Journal of […]


Attorney General Beemer: Review of E-mails Shows No Evidence of Conspiracy in Criminal Justice System

HARRISBURG — Attorney General Bruce R. Beemer today announced that a review of more than six million e-mails and documents captured on Office of Attorney General servers showed no evidence of inappropriate communications that could impact the administration of justice in Pennsylvania. Beemer today released a report issued by BuckleySandler LLP, the law firm hired to […]


CNN anchor: Donald Trump should denounce alt-right by name

While President-elect Donald Trump has yet to denounce the alt-right by name, CNN’s Chris Cuomo says he should. “It’s about being a leader,” Cuomo said on “New Day” Tuesday. “You denounce things that are wrong. That’s what leaders do.” He was responding to CNN political commentator John Phillips, who supported how Trump denounced “racism of […]


Donald Trump’s first 100 days: A breakdown of his plan

There was no mention of building a wall along the Mexican border. There was nothing about repealing Obamacare. But President-elect Donald Trump has plenty to do in his first 100 days in office. In a video address on Monday, Trump outlined his priorities in his quest to “put America first.” Trump’s list focused on steps […]


Fugitive of the Week: Ethan McLachlan

CLEARFIELD – District Attorney William A. Shaw Jr. has announced Clearfield County’s Fugitive of the Week. He identified the fugitive as Ethan McLachlan, 25, of Grandview Road, Curwensville. McLachlan is wanted for failure to appear at a preliminary hearing Nov. 16, at which time a warrant was issued for his arrest.     On Oct. […]


Tennessee school bus crash: Mother of driver gives and asks for compassion

Chattanooga school bus driver Johnthony Walker tried to pull the children off the bus, his mother told CNN. But there was too much blood. Moments after the catastrophic crash Monday, Walker called his mother and told her what happened. ” ‘Mama, I love you. I have been in a drastic accident,’ ” Gwenevere Cook recalled […]


Stunning! Dow hits new high of 19,000 as Trump rally continues

The Dow Jones Industrial Average hit a new record high Tuesday morning just above 19,000 as the stunning market rally since the election of Donald Trump continues on Wall Street. The blue chip index went as high as 19,015 shortly after the opening bell. The Dow, which includes 30 brand name stocks such as Coca-Cola, […]


Trump didn’t pivot during the campaign — why would he now?

There’s still a small, increasingly fading hope in the United States — and indeed much of the world observing our “transition process” — that Donald Trump will suddenly transform through some magical wizardry into a more or less conventional president of the type we’ve seen in the 44 previous holders of that office. But if […]


Egyptian ex-President Morsy’s life sentence overturned

An Egyptian court on Tuesday overturned a life sentence handed to ousted President Mohamed Morsy and 18 others for espionage Tuesday, ordering a retrial in the case, Egyptian state media reports. Morsy and his co-accused were sentenced to life in June 2015 after being convicted of conspiring with Palestinian group Hamas, the Iranian Revolutionary guard […]


Trump rally rolls on; Commodities surge; Airline goes bust

1. Trump rally rolls on: It’s shaping up to be another record-setting day. The Dow Jones industrial average, S&P 500 and Nasdaq each hit new all-time highs on Monday as traders anticipate business-friendly policies that may be implemented by President-elect Donald Trump. Based on premarket trading, it looks like the rally could continue Tuesday. U.S. […]


Clearfield Elementary is “All in for Allison”

CLEARFIELD – The teachers and students are “All in for Allison” at the Clearfield Area Elementary School. Allison Colna, a 5-year-old kindergarten student at CAES, was recently diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, shared Principal Mary Mike Sayers at Monday night’s school board meeting. According to Sayers, teacher, Mrs. Kathy Shugarts, first noticed Allison wasn’t feeling […]


DuBois Woman Facing Homicide by Vehicle Charges

DUBOIS – A DuBois woman is facing homicide by vehicle charges for striking and killing a pedestrian while she was allegedly driving under the influence. Jackie Lynn Beach, 37, has also been charged with aggravated assault, involuntary manslaughter, simple assault, recklessly endangering another person, DUI, and three traffic summaries as a result of an incident […]


Nicolls to Resign from Clearfield Area School District

CLEARFIELD – Bruce Nicolls, director of curriculum and federal projects, has submitted his letter of resignation to the Clearfield Area School District. Nicolls’ resignation was approved by the school board during Monday night’s meeting. It will be effective March 1, 2017. In his letter, Nicolls wrote he intended on resigning for the purposes of retirement. […]


Proactive Measures Aim to Pair Historic Trends, Live Data

HARRISBURG – With increased traffic expected for the upcoming Thanksgiving travel period, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) and Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) have outlined measures they will take and tools available to drivers to make holiday travel as safe and smooth as possible. Thanksgiving travelers are encouraged to visit the “Historic Holiday Traffic” page at www.511PA.com, […]


PA DCNR’s Interactive Web Site Offering Hunters Wealth of Information

HARRISBURG – Timed for the Monday, Nov. 28, opening of Pennsylvania’s traditional deer season, the state Bureau of Forestry reminds hunters a revamped, interactive Web site offering a wealth of maps, statistics and other information is available to make their hunt more enjoyable and rewarding. “Those hunters who enjoy roaming our state forest and parklands will find an interactive map […]


TPP is ‘meaningless’ after Trump pulls the plug

The biggest regional trade deal in history is in ruins. So what happens now? President-elect Donald Trump said Monday that one of his first actions in office will be to withdraw the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), an agreement he had slammed as a “disaster” during his campaign. The move shatters a key […]


PennDOT, Local Law Enforcement Partner to Raise Seatbelt Awareness

Event Kicks off Click It or Ticket Seatbelt Mobilization to run through Dec. 4 DUBOIS – As part of a statewide Click It or Ticket seatbelt enforcement mobilization, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) and local law enforcement agencies in Clearfield and Elk counties held a media event Monday at Pizza Hut in DuBois. This […]


UK rejects Trump’s call to make Nigel Farage US ambassador

The UK has rejected a suggestion by Donald Trump that it should appoint the figurehead of the Brexit movement, Nigel Farage, as ambassador to the US. President-elect Trump caused diplomatic ripples when he said on Twitter that Farage, interim leader of the rightwing UK Independence Party, would “do a great job” in the post. But […]


Kanye West hospitalized for exhaustion

Kanye West is under observation at a Los Angeles hospital following an abrupt cancellation of his concert tour on Monday. A source close to West’s family told CNN that the rapper is being treated for “exhaustion” at UCLA Medical Center. The decision to hospitalize West came after Los Angeles police responded to a disturbance call, […]


Ex-NBA Star Dennis Rodman charged with hit and run

Dennis Rodman took a wild ride this summer, authorities say. The five-time NBA champion is charged with four misdemeanors after driving on the wrong side of a freeway, being involved in a hit and run, not having a valid license and lying to police, according to the Orange County District Attorney. The incident happened in […]


Woman fakes pregnancy, kills mom, kidnaps newborn, police say

A Texas woman faked a pregnancy then traveled to Kansas, killed an acquaintance and kidnapped her baby, Wichita police said Monday. Yesenia Sesmas, 34 of Dallas, was arrested Saturday and charged with killing Laura Abarca-Nogueda, 27, last week and kidnapping her newborn, Wichita Police Lt. Todd Ojile said. “We believe they knew each other for […]


56-car pileup in China leaves 17 people dead

Slippery conditions and fog are thought to have contributed to a huge car pileup that killed 17 people in northeastern China. The crash involved 56 cars on the Beijing-Kunming highway in China’s Shanxi province around 9 a.m. Monday, according to state news agency Xinhua. “The fog was heavy, so I drove slowly when I exit […]


US and China conduct rare military drill

If natural disasters often prompt countries to put their differences aside and work together, so does training for them. That kind of cooperation was on display during a joint disaster relief exercise held by the United States and China in the southwest Chinese city of Kunming last week. Around 200 soldiers trained for several days […]

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Экология в России и мире

АО «Транснефть – Дружба» подвело итоги деятельности в сфере экологической безопасности

Путин в России и мире

Путин 22 апреля проведет в Москве переговоры с президентом Азербайджана Алиевым

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко сравнил Всебелорусское народное собрание с «пустотой»

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

В Москве арестован на пять суток историк-публицист Сергеев за пост памяти Навального

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Концерт в Клинской детской школе искусств им. П. Чайковского


Педагоги из Якутии провели мастер-классы на площадке ВДНХ в Москве

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