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Новости за 22.07.2016


Munich shooting: Police operation underway, reports say multiple deaths in spree

A police operation is underway after gunfire erupted Friday at a shopping center in Munich, Germany. German media are reporting six people were killed in the shooting spree. Authorities shut down public transportation and warned people to stay home or seek protection. Here’s what we know so far: • At least one shooter remains on […]


North Miami police identify officer who shot unarmed man

[Breaking news update, posted at 3:05 p.m.] The North Miami, Florida, police on Friday identified the officer who shot an unarmed African-American man lying in the street with his arms in the air earlier this week. The officer is Jonathan Aledda, North Miami City Manager Larry Spring Jr. said at a press conference. Aledda, a […]


Will the public get to see Mike Pence’s tax returns?

Will Mike Pence release his tax returns or won’t he? If he doesn’t — or if his new boss, Donald Trump, won’t let him — that would diverge from a long history of transparency expected of people running for the White House. “The tradition of tax return release is just as robust for vice presidential […]


Donald Trump’s kids might have saved the convention

In a party convention beset by distractions — Melania Trump’s plagiarism, Ted Cruz’s defiance — there’s been one part of the program that delegates say has been nearly flawless: Donald Trump’s grown children. Four members of Trump’s clan capitalized on their prime-time speaking slots. Donald Trump Jr. shared stories of growing up with his dad […]


Obama: US was not involved in Turkish coup attempt

President Barack Obama rejected on Friday suggestions the US was behind a failed coup in Turkey, voicing strong support for the government in Ankara and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. “Any reports that we had any previous knowledge of a coup attempt, that there was any US involvement in it, that we were anything other […]


Ohio undecided voters: Trump’s tone was serious, but he lacks specifics

After listening to Donald Trump’s speech Thursday night, about half of a group of undecided Ohio voters said they are more likely to vote for the Republican nominee. The focus group of 20 Republican and independent voters from the crucial swing state were asked to react and respond to the speech in real-time using mobile […]


You can now ride your luggage around the airport

Getting around an airport may never be the same. A Chicago businessman is selling a rideable carry-on bag. Rather than pulling your luggage from terminal to terminal, travelers can sit on the Modobag and reach speeds up to 8 mph thanks to an electric motor. “We’re not trying to make anyone lazy,” said Kevin O’Donnell, […]


Munich shooting: Police operation underway, report says several killed at mall

A police operation is underway after gunfire erupted Friday at a shopping center in Munich, Germany. CNN affiliate NTV reports several are dead and others are wounded. Authorities shut down public transportation and warned people to stay home or seek protection. Here’s what we know so far: • At least one shooter remains on the […]


This is how much loss of NBA All-Star Game will cost Charlotte

The NBA’s decision to yank next year’s All-Star Game out of Charlotte, North Carolina, because of the state’s so-called bathroom law will mean the loss of $100 million to the city’s economy. That figure from the city’s visitors authority is based upon an estimate of 27,000 nights of hotel rooms being booked, and tourists spending […]


Former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke running for Senate seat in Louisiana

Former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke announced his US Senate campaign Friday in Louisiana, promising to defend the rights of European Americans. “Thousands of special interest groups stand up for African Americans, Mexican Americans, Jewish Americans, etc.,” he said in a YouTube video. “The fact is that European Americans need at least one […]


Devastating accident inspires man to run half-marathon

On the morning of January 28, 2014, freezing rain and snow glazed the streets of Birmingham, Alabama, bringing chaos to a city unaccustomed to those conditions. Schools shut down, businesses closed and residents frantically tried to make their way home, leading to gridlock on the roads. Kelly Garner set out that afternoon to assist motorists […]


Hillary Clinton poised to reveal VP pick

Hillary Clinton is poised to reveal her vice presidential candidate Friday in a message to supporters, people close to the search say, and is planning to make her first appearance with her running mate at a campaign rally in Miami on Saturday. Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia has emerged as a leading contender after a […]


Sanders blasts Donald Trump’s shoutout with #RNCWithBernie tweets

Donald Trump sought to attract Bernie Sanders voters in his convention speech, but the Vermont senator responded by saying his supporters won’t back the GOP nominee’s “bigotry and divisiveness.” “Those who voted for me will not support Trump who has made bigotry and divisiveness the cornerstone of his campaign. #RNCwithBernie,” Sanders tweeted Thursday during the […]


The entrepreneur trying to save London from Brexit

As the U.K. prepares to close its doors on the European Union, London is wasting no time in signaling the capital will remain open for business. Just two weeks after being tasked with protecting the city’s 976,000 businesses, Deputy Mayor for Business Rajesh Agrawal is on message, extolling the virtues of the metropolis he proudly […]


Trump: A speech like no other?

CNN Opinion contributors offer their takes on the final day of the Republican Party convention in Cleveland, Donald Trump’s speech, and what this week has meant for the Republican Party. The views expressed are the writers’ own. David Gergen: A vision for the Apocalypse? Give credit where it is due: Donald Trump delivered the best […]


Jeff Bezos passes Warren Buffett to become third richest person in the world

Move over Warren Buffett. Jeff Bezos is richer than you. The Amazon founder is worth $65.1 billion as of Thursday, according to Bloomberg’s Billionaire Index, which puts him just slightly ahead of Buffett’s $65 billion. Bezos moved into third place on the global index, behind Bill Gates and Amancio Ortega, the majority owner of Zara’s […]


Olympic doping: Retests show 45 new failures from London and Beijing

Is there any chance that Rio will be a drug-free Olympics? New analysis from the previous two Games has confirmed that 45 athletes tested positive for banned substances. The International Olympic Committee made the announcement Friday after a second set of samples provided at the London and Beijing Olympics were reanalyzed. According to information provided […]


North Miami shooting: Police accidentally shot man, union says

A video that shows an unarmed African-American man lying in the street with his arms in the air doesn’t tell the whole story of what happened when North Miami police shot the man earlier this week, a union official told reporters. An officer accidentally shot behavior therapist Charles Kinsey, according to John Rivera, president of […]


World reacts to Donald Trump’s acceptance speech

In officially accepting the Republican nomination for President, Donald Trump vowed to put “America first” and put forward a credo of “Americanism, not globalism.” While the speech was mainly focused on domestic issues, Trump singled out China as a beneficiary of what he described as the decline of the U.S. “(Hillary Clinton) supported China’s entrance […]


R.I.P.: The world’s last VCR will be manufactured this month

R.I.P., VCR. Funai Electric, the world’s last known VCR manufacturer, says it will cease production of video-cassette recorders this month. Japanese firm Funai started manufacturing VCRs in 1983, and at one point was selling 15 million units a year. Alas, the clunky VCR has since been replaced by an array of new technologies: DVDs, Blu-ray, […]


North Miami shooting: Police accidentally shot man, says union

The police shooting of an African-American caregiver, who was lying in the street trying to help an autism patient, was accidental, according to the local police union representing the North Miami officer. The officer had intended to shoot the patient, whom he thought posed a danger, but accidentally shot the caregiver instead, said John Rivera, […]


McDonald’s forced to halt Big Mac sales in Venezuela

The latest sign of deepening crisis in Venezuela? McDonald’s has been forced to suspend sales of Big Macs in the country because it can’t source one of the burger’s key components. Arcos Dorados, the world’s largest McDonald’s franchisee, said Thursday that it wasn’t able to supply the middle bun that separates the two burger patties. […]


Austin police investigating two officers after teacher’s violent arrest

Austin police face a series of questions after local media revealed this week a video of an officer yanking a woman from her car and violently throwing her to the ground during a traffic stop. The incident happened a year ago, but the Austin Statesman and KVUE-TV acquired the police video this week showing the […]

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Экология в России и мире

АО «Транснефть – Прикамье» провело свыше 3 тыс. экологических исследований в I квартале 2024 года

Путин в России и мире

Транспортный коридор «Север-Юг» станет катализатором социального и экономического развития стран Евразии и глобального Юга

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск не исключает попыток оппозиции оторвать часть территории Белоруссии в пользу НАТО

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Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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Мацуев — о московском дерби: Бездарное зрелище. Уснул на 15-й минуте


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