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Новости за 11.07.2016


Writing in blood, threats of bombs: Latest on Dallas investigation

Shortly after he gunned down five officers in Dallas, Micah Xavier Johnson sang and laughed at police. He threatened more deaths with explosives. And he left a final, cryptic message: the letters “RB,” scribbled twice on a wall with his own blood. Were these acts inspired solely by the misplaced angst of a deranged gunman? […]


Trump on VA: ‘I will pick up the phone and fix it myself’

Donald Trump laid out his plans Monday to reform the Department of Veterans Affairs and root out fraud and wrongdoing within the scandal-plagued agency, in a speech also peppered with barbs aimed at Hillary Clinton. The presumptive Republican nominee promised a “full investigation” into the agency’s scandals that came to light two years ago and […]


Jeb Bush: Donald Trump’s supporters will feel ‘betrayed’

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush predicted Monday that Donald Trump’s supporters will feel “betrayed” when his campaign promises fail to become reality. “I think people are really going to feel betrayed,” Bush told MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace of his former 2016 rival. “There isn’t going to be a wall built. And Mexico’s not going to pay […]


Adidas to Skechers: Stop ripping off our shoes

Skechers has been hit with a patent infringement suit from Adidas, claiming that one of its shoes rips off an Adidas design. The suit centers around the Mega Flex design from Skechers, which Adidas claims is stolen from the design of its Springblade shoe. Both shoes have a series of blade-like structures run underneath the […]


GOP poised to endorse Donald Trump’s border wall in platform

The Republican Party is set to give a formal endorsement to the wall along the U.S.-Mexico border espoused by Donald Trump, solidifying it in the party’s platform. Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach and Amy Carnevale of Massachusetts, both on the Republican National Convention Platform Committee, successfully petitioned to have the language in the draft […]


Possible Trump VP Michael Flynn flips on abortion

Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who is being vetted by Donald Trump’s campaign as a potential vice presidential candidate, flip-flopped his position on abortion in the last two days. Flynn said Sunday that it was up to women “to make the decision” about whether to end a pregnancy, a position squarely contradicting the Republican Party’s […]


Liv Tyler welcomes new daughter

Steven Tyler is a grandpop again. The rocker’s daughter, actress Liv Tyler, gave birth over the weekend to daughter Lula Rose Gardner. She’s Tyler’s second child with fiancé David Gardner. Tyler shared an Instagram of the newborn being held by her dad with the caption “Hello!!!!! our beautiful baby girl is here !!!! Lula Rose […]


DNC employee shot and killed in Washington

A Democratic National Committee employee died this weekend after he was shot in Northwest Washington. Seth Rich, 27, suffered multiple gunshot wounds early Sunday morning in Washington’s Bloomingdale neighborhood, according to law enforcement officials. D.C. police said officers who had been patrolling the area responded to the sound of shots fired, ultimately finding Rich at […]


Donald Trump could help — but not save — coal country

Donald Trump has promised to “save” America’s long suffering coal industry. In West Virginia, Trump promised coal miners he would save their jobs by pulling the plug on President Obama’s “job-destroying” executive actions and dramatically cutting funding for the EPA. “I’m going to put the miners to work,” Trump said in May, accepting the endorsement […]


At least 20 killed in Kashmir clashes after militant’s death

At least 20 people have been killed and more than 300 injured since Friday in clashes between protesters and security forces in Indian-administered Kashmir, according to police. A curfew in the region first issued Saturday remains in place, S.J.M. Geelani, Kashmir Zone police chief, told CNN. The violence erupted after Burhan Wani, a 21-year-old commander […]


Starbucks baristas get big raises: 5% or more

Starbucks employees will get a raise of at least 5%, the company said Monday. In a memo sent to all 157,000 U.S. employees, CEO Howard Schultz announced a wage hike for all store employees and managers as of Oct. 3. Starbucks will also double the company stock awards for employees who’ve been there two or […]


U.S. stocks at new record high

U.S. stocks zoomed to their first record high in more than a year on Monday. The S&P 500 quickly rallied above 2,137, surpassing the previous all-time record set back in May 2015. That ends a 14-month period where the markets appeared to hit a wall and even fell precipitously at one point and flirted with […]


Paul Ryan to speak at Republican convention

House Speaker Paul Ryan will speak at the Republican National Convention, according to a Ryan aide, part of the Wisconsin Republican’s effort to foster GOP unity after a fractious primary. Politico first reported Monday that Ryan would deliver a 10-minute, personally written speech at the convention focusing on “the sharp contrast between Republican ideas and […]


Navy: ‘American Sniper’ medal count corrected

A Navy investigation has concluded that Chris Kyle, the famed Navy SEAL sniper, received fewer medals than his records had previously shown. Kyle, who wrote the best-selling memoir “American Sniper” that was later made into a movie starring Bradley Cooper, received only one Silver Star and four Bronze medals, the Navy said in announcing its […]


Snoop Dogg missed a weed question on ‘Family Feud’

When it comes to the weed, rapper Snoop Dogg is pretty much the high priest of those who love to light up. That’s why it’s no shocker that his hand was the first on the buzzer for a question about marijuana on a celebrity edition of “Family Feud.” Snoop, whose birth name is Calvin Broadus, […]


Poll: Majority think Hillary Clinton should have been charged

A majority of Americans say they disagree with the FBI’s decision not to recommend criminal charges against Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email server while she was secretary of state, according to a new poll. A Washington Post/ABC News poll, released Monday, found that 56% of American adults disapprove of the FBI’s […]


Rudy Giuliani: Black Lives Matter ‘inherently racist’

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani stood by his recent comments Monday that the Black Lives Matter movement is “inherently racist.” “It’s inherently racist because, number one, it divides us. … All lives matter: White lives, black lives, all lives,” he told Fox News on Monday. “Number two: Black Lives Matter never protests when […]


Twitter to live stream the conventions through a deal with CBSN

You’ll be able to watch the political conventions later this month right inside Twitter. On Monday morning the company announced a deal with CBS News to carry the news division’s online coverage of the Republican and Democratic National Conventions. A simulcast of CBSN, the news division’s streaming service, will appear on Twitter whenever the convention […]


Ash Carter: U.S. sending more troops to Iraq

Secretary of Defense Ash Carter, who arrived in Baghdad Monday, announced that the U.S. is sending 560 additional troops to Iraq as part of the battle against ISIS. The troops will be stationed at the key recently recaptured Qarayyah airfield, which is about 25 miles south of Mosul. The new troop cap will be 4,647. […]


How dogs sniff out diabetes on your breath

Imagine if your dog could sense when you’re about to pass out — and do so in enough time to stop it. Now, imagine that all they need is their nose. This scenario is a reality for hundreds worldwide, including Claire Pesterfield, a pediatric diabetes nurse at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge, United Kingdom. Pesterfield has […]


Japanese election: Shinzo Abe declares victory

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has declared victory in Sunday’s election, with his ruling coalition winning a majority of seats in Japan’s upper house. Abe said Monday he would use his victory to push forward with his economic reform program — also known as Abenomics — along with further changes to his diplomatic policies. Together with […]


Singer Chaka Khan enters rehab

Grammy award winning R&B singer Chaka Khan is canceling her July performances in order to focus on her health, according to her website. The 63-year-old singer will enter into a drug rehabilitation program. “Chaka has struggled with a dependence on prescription pain medications and has voluntarily entered the program to get healthy and stay that […]


Many Hispanic voters in New Mexico proud of Spanish ancestry

One could argue New Mexico is home to this country’s original Hispanics. Their roots can be traced to Isleta Boulevard, as it is called in Albuquerque — a stretch of what was El Camino Real, the royal highway that connected Mexico City with Santa Fe when Spain controlled this territory hundreds of years ago. “And […]


Will ISIS be pushed easily from Mosul after ‘mother of all battles’?

“It is a splendid city, beautifully built,” a famous Muslim geographer once wrote. “The climate is pleasant, the water healthy. Highly renowned, and of great antiquity, it is possessed of excellent markets and inns, and is inhabited by many personages of account, and learned men.” The author, Mohamed Al-Maqdisi, writing in the 10th century, was […]


The Baton Rouge photograph that everyone is talking about

Will this be the photograph that symbolizes this past week’s protests? An image of what appears to be a woman’s peaceful resistance to police is garnering plenty of attention online. Shot by Jonathan Bachman for Reuters, the photograph shows a black woman in profile, standing in the middle of the street as two police officers […]

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Экология в России и мире

Климатический апокалипсис? В Москве снег, в Сочи полярные сияния из-за сильнейших магнитных бурь

Путин в России и мире

Приказ Путина об учениях с ядерным оружием вызвал бурную реакцию в Вашингтоне

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Святая миссия русского солдата

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Бато Багдаев

Рады познакомить вас с артистами цирка Бурятии: Саян Дондоков - Театр и дети, Культура и Россия


Зобнин: «Спартак» не разделяет РПЛ и Кубок России»

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