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Новости за 12.07.2016


Sources: DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz seems safe until November

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz appears safe as chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee until the November elections after Democrats privately mulled options to replace her, including with Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin, according to several sources familiar with the discussions. Wasserman Schultz had come under withering criticism from Sen. Bernie Sanders and his supporters who […]


Fox News suspending ties with Trump veep possibility Gingrich

Fox News had a Newt Gingrich problem — and it just announced a solution. The cable news channel is suspending its ties with Newt Gingrich since Gingrich is on Donald Trump’s vice presidential short list. Gingrich has been a Fox News contributor since last October. He appears frequently on the channel to give political commentary. […]


Memorial for Dallas police officers: Obama praises law enforcement reaction

For five days, the news has revolved around the horrific details of the slayings, but on Tuesday afternoon the focus was on the men in blue who lost their lives keeping watch over what had been a peaceful protest. Brent Thompson, 43, a newlywed. Lorne Ahrens, 48, whose smile was regularly reciprocated. Patrick Zamarripa, 32, […]


Hope Solo on ‘Equal Play Equal Pay’ t-shirts: We’ll keep pushing

“Equal Play Equal Pay.” That’s the logo on the new shirts being sold by the U.S. Women’s Soccer team to raise awareness about their fight to close the pay gap. “It was important for us to use the platform before the Olympic Games to keep our fight for equal pay at the forefront,” goalkeeper Hope […]


Driver in Tesla Autopilot accident would buy another Tesla

A Tesla Model X crashed while in Autopilot mode over the weekend in Montana, but the owner says he’d buy another Tesla. The owner, who would only identify himself by his last name — Pang — said he’s not yet sure whether the accident was the car’s fault or his fault. He said he’s eager […]


Police could face this invisible injury

Who in our country was not sickened by the shootings of the police officers last week in Dallas? And we should all be heartbroken about the continued killing of black Americans like Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. In response, which one of us doesn’t scratch our heads, throw up our hands and say, “What is […]


How Giuliani misreads Black Lives Matter

Rudolph Giuliani’s claim that Black Lives Matter is responsible for tragedies like Micah Johnson’s murder of five Dallas policemen last week is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of what the Black Lives Matter movement is and represents. But make no mistake, Giuliani is correct in arguing that black men are in much more danger of […]


Rare ‘Frankenstein’ galaxy discovered

Since its discovery in the 1960s, astronomers believed that in a relatively quiet suburb of our universe 250 million light-years away, there lived a boring little galaxy named UGC 1382 that was otherwise unremarkable — apart from being a system of millions of stars, gas and dust being held together by gravity. It is one […]


Unsealed documents reveal new details of Sandusky case

Newly unsealed court documents detail former Penn State football coach Jerry Sandusky’s pattern of abuse among young men. They also reveal that head coach Joe Paterno knew about the abuse and that he allegedly dismissed a victim’s complaint about Sandusky. Here are the other explosive details revealed in the documents, which were part of a […]


Black and blue: Double despair for African-American police

Even before five fellow Dallas officers were shot and killed last week, Morris Pope was already in sorrow. Like much of the country, the senior corporal had seen the police shooting deaths of black men in Falcon Heights, Minnesota, and Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on video. “It hurt me when I saw what happened in Minnesota. […]


Opinion: Grading David Cameron’s time as Prime Minister

How quickly things change: Today David Cameron is the leader of one of the world’s most powerful countries — by Wednesday night he will be just another member of Parliament. As the outgoing British Prime Minister hums his way towards the exit door, we’ve graded his time in 10 Downing Street. Gay Marriage The legalisation […]


OPEC oil production on the rise again

OPEC is pumping out more oil than at any time in recent history. The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries produced nearly 32.9 million barrels of oil a day in June, according to its monthly statistical bulletin. That’s 260,000 barrels per day more than in May, an increase of about 1%. OPEC, led by Saudi Arabia, […]


Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Trump: ‘He is a faker,’ should share tax returns

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s well-known candor was on display in her chambers late Monday, when she declined to retreat from her earlier criticism of Donald Trump and even elaborated on it. “He is a faker,” she said of the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, going point by point, as if presenting a legal brief. […]


20 killed in Italy train collision

Two trains collided head-on in a rural area of southeastern Italy late Tuesday morning, killing at least 20 people, a provincial official said, and prompting authorities to ask for blood donations for an unspecified number of injured. Pictures from the scene in the Puglia region showed both trains were on the same track about 15 […]


GANT Police Blotter

State police at Clearfield State police are investigating an incident of burglary that occurred Monday at the former Girard-Goshen Elementary School. During the incident, someone allegedly made entry through a rooftop hatch, and once inside they went to the boiler room and cut numerous sections of copper tubing from the boiler and hot water tank. […]


Rory McIlroy: I have not let golf down by missing Rio Olympic Games

Rory McIlroy has said he does not feel he has let golf down by missing the Rio Olympics amid fears over the Zika virus. McIlroy added that he may not even tune in to watch golfers in action at the Games. His comments came after Jordan Spieth announced his decision not to play at Rio […]


Off-duty cops walk out over WNBA players’ Black Lives Matter shirts

Four Minnesota Lynx players stood solemnly at a press conference, showing the Black Lives Matter T-shirts their team was about to wear on the court. It wasn’t long before the statement, according to the Minneapolis Star Tribune, made four off-duty officers walk off the job. Members of the reigning WNBA champions wore the black-and-white shirts […]


At least 20 killed in Italy train collision

[Breaking news update, published at 10:11 a.m. ET] At least 20 people were killed in Tuesday morning’s head-on train collision in southern Italy, a provincial official, Giuseppe Corrado, said on Italian television. The hospital in Andria is asking for blood donations for the injured through a local news website. The collision happened on a single […]


Dow rises to all-time high

The Dow zoomed to a record high Tuesday. The Dow gained over 120 points and hit 18,353, surpassing the previous record set in May 2015. It ends a 14-month period in which the markets appeared to hit a wall. They even fell precipitously at one point and flirted with a new bear market. “This proves […]


Hero waiter breaks up brazen street robbery in Washington

Who needs superheroes when we have waiters? A waiter turned in his best Captain America impersonation Sunday when he sprinted to the aid of an elderly tourist being mugged in Washington’s posh Mount Vernon Square neighborhood. The waiter, who works at the Dignitary Bar, raced across Massachusetts Avenue and took on the mugger, who had […]


Nominations Sought for Clearfield Fair 4-H, FFA Royalty Contest

CLEARFIELD – The Clearfield County 4-H Teen Council is seeking nominations for its annual 4-H & FFA Royalty Contest. The contest is open to current 4-H & FFA members, as well as 4-H & FFA alumni. The contest serves three primary objectives: to increase awareness of the 4-H & FFA programs; to recognize current and […]


Slam Jam Set for Aug. 13

DUBOIS – It’s time to slam and jam. The Slam Jam, three-on-three basketball tournament, will be held at DuBois City Park Saturday, Aug. 13. The Slam Jam includes youth and adult divisions. Registration is 100 percent free for all youth division teams and $100 per team in the Open Divisions. The registration deadline is Aug. […]


Sass Awarded “Service Above Self” Award

CURWENSVILLE – The 2016 “Service Above Self” award was presented to Peggy Sass for her efforts over the years to help animals in need through Orphans of the Storm. It was presented to her during the Vesper Service Sunday at the Curwensville Days Celebration. Since 1971, 39 individuals, eight groups and two business entities from […]


Fugitive of the Week: Robert Mack

CLEARFIELD – District Attorney William A. Shaw Jr. has announced Clearfield County’s Fugitive of the Week. Shaw identified the fugitive as Robert Mack, 33, of Lingle Street, Osceola Mills. He is wanted for failure to appear at Motions Court on June 14, at which time a warrant was issued for his arrest. On May 27, […]


United Way Helps Camp Confidence

PENFIELD – Clearfield Area United Way recently held a site visit at Camp Confidence, a United Way member agency. Camp Confidence is a summer camp for challenged youth from the area, and it’s held annually at Camp Mountain Run near Penfield. CAUW President Debbie Bowser is shown presenting a donation to Camp Director Grace Marshall […]

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Экология в России и мире

Лесной северный олень Прохор переехал в Керженский заповедник из зоопарка

Путин в России и мире

Ушаков: Путин и Пашинян расставят на встрече многие точки над i

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Польский судья приехал в Минск и попросил защиты у Лукашенко

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Сергей Арутюнов

Певец Сергей АРУТЮНОВ и солистка группы Демо - встречаются, или просто выпустили совместный хит “Солнышко”? Разлад АРУТЮНОВА и Маши Малиновской?


Анна Данилова дала старт Всероссийской акции "Синий платочек Победы" 2024 на станции метро Курская

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