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Новости за 30.04.2018

Paper Blog 

REVIEW: Godard Mon Amour

There’s a cruel irony that runs through “Godard Mon Amour“, the latest nostalgia-tinged effort from Michel Hazanavicius. Its titular subject – famed pioneer of the French New Wave Jean Luc Godard – was known for his anti-establishment, inventive style of filmmaking. The name Godard is, therefore, one of the last names you would associate with a genre as old-fashioned as the biopic. But in perhaps one of the boldest moves of his career, Hazanavicius makes a valiant, if misguided attempt at capturing... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 


Early in Lucrecia Martel’s historical drama “Zama“, there’s a portentous scene that sets the one for the rest of the film. In it, a man recalls the story of a species of fish that spends its entire life swimming to and fro against the tide of the water, forever remaining in one place. The significance of this anecdote isn’t immediately apparent. But as this story unfolds, it becomes a metaphor for the film itself, which follows a man who is actively going nowhere.

Read more at The Awards Circuit

Paper Blog 

REVIEW: Boyz n the Hood

During the recently concluded awards season, the Hollywood Reporter published an interesting article in honor of the success of “Get Out”. In it, all of the African-American directing nominees in the history of the Oscars gathered for a candid discussion about their experiences in the industry. Before even reading the article, the accompanying photo was already telling in two significant ways. Firstly, the paltry 4 nominees couldn’t even fill a single year’s quota of nominees. And secondly, the oldest... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

REVIEW: The China Hustle

By no fault of its own, Jed Rothstein’s “The China Hustle” is an eye-opening yet somewhat underwhelming documentary. Thanks to prominent media coverage and a slew of fiction and non-fiction films about the 2008 economic crisis, its revelations of fraud will hardly alarm even the most casually informed viewer. Many Americans have already become disillusioned with the nation’s financial institutions. But this fascinating documentary further adds an unexpected piece to a global puzzle of capitalism gone mad. Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

REVIEW: Keep the Change

As the spirit of activism attempts to upend longstanding Hollywood paradigms, efforts at more inclusive filmmaking practices is a trending topic. Indeed, Frances McDormand recently sent the world into a googling frenzy when she ended her Oscar acceptance speech with the word “inclusion rider”. But what do we mean when we say “inclusion”? Too often our discussions around diversity are quite literally “black and white”. But the fabric of our modern society is a technicolor quilt of varied experiences... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

REVIEW: Claire's Camera

In the opening moments of Hong Sang-soo’s “Claire’s Camera“, a film sales assistant named Manhee (Kim Min-hee) is fired during a work trip at the Cannes Film Festival. The reasoning for her dismissal is a lack of trust, as her boss claims that she lacks honesty. As we follow her subsequent aimless drifting through this seaside city, the notion of truth becomes a primary concern for the film, which commits steadfastly to understated realism.

Read more at The Awards Circuit

Paper Blog 

10 Black Films to Anticipate in 2018

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ll know that “Black Panther” has taken the world by storm. With its record-smashing box office and cultural impact, the film has captured our imaginations and gave us a Black History Month to remember. Its monumental success has truly shattered any illusions as to the limited commercial potential of black films, though Hollywood will surely attempt to dismiss it as an anomaly. It is therefore up to us movie lovers to prove them wrong. ...

Paper Blog 

Today's Review: Yorkshire Tea Biscuit Brew

I'm not much of a tea drinker, I'll get in on the hot drink rounds at work, but I'm not one to stick the kettle on as soon as I get home. As such, I don't purchase tea bags very much, but that changed today when I saw this Yorkshire Tea biscuit brew. At first I thought it was just a good tea to have with biscuits, but that "new" sign on the shelf lured me in, and on closer inspection I found ...

Paper Blog 

Seriously Scammed in Sri Lanka (Colombo)

This scam took place when my parents arrived to Colombo on a one-day port stop, when they were led by a seemingly genuine man from the US Embassy to a shop in Colombo rob them of thousands of pounds. As my parents were spilt by those inside, and my mum was forced into buying gems which she had no clue or interest about. But my mum agreed to it, simply because the prices seemed small, and she was desperate to get out of the situation. To begin with, she was convinced to buy 4 stones for an unknown... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Quote of the Day

If there would be a concert of some singer every year, already a long time ago a 3-lane road in each direction would have been paved to the area. But when we are talking about a yahrtzeit celebration, this is how it looks. I want to advance this issue and as fast as possible.

  -- MK Moshe Gafni (UTJ), about the issues with the limited transportation available to Meron for Lag b'Omer and the Rashbi's yahrtzeit.

Gafni might be somewhat right (new roads have been paved, but I am sure... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

20,000 domains registered and not 1 sale

Darryl E. S. Lopes formerly worked for Uniregistry as a broker and he posted a story on LinkedIn and Namepros about registering 20,000 .xyz names at .01 each. Darryl reported that he did not make one sale in the year he held them. Had to be a lot of work to register 20,000 names. He talks about the worry of potential UDRP’s when regging so many names. It was certainly an interesting read.

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Paper Blog 

Power to the Weak

I Just Need U by Toby Mac

:  :  :

“A friend is more than a therapist or confessor, even though a friend can sometimes heal us and offer us God's forgiveness. 

A friend is that other person with whom we can share our solitude, our silence, and our prayer. 

A friend is that other person with whom we can look at a tree and say, "Isn't that beautiful," 
or sit on the beach and silently watch ...

Paper Blog 

Reuben Sachs by Amy Levy (1888)

I bought this book about three years ago in the lovely Persephone bookshop in London, and for some reason have only now got around to reading it. As a rule I love Persephone books and am keen to read more of them. I hadn't heard anything about Amy Levy, or Reuben Sachs, when I found the book in the shop, but gave it a go based on the blurb and the first page. It is what I would describe as a quite gentle society novel about a young man and his extended family - and as the preface by ...

Paper Blog 

Avengers Infinity War Just Had The Biggest Opening Weekend Ever

FirstLadyB | The Merge of Faith with Pop Culture

Disney/Marvel Studios Avengers Infinity War broke records, it’s opening weekend, and thanks in part to momentum from Black Panther.

According to Variety, Infinity War, smashed records, making it the  biggest box office opening ever.

The Marvel studio film had a North American launch of $258.2 million. Internationally, it secured $382.7 million for a global tally of $640.9 million.

Those numbers easily secured 

Paper Blog 

Author Interview – Shynu Koshy: Bye Bye Burden @shynukoshy

The Author, Shynu Koshy currently lives in Mumbai, India. She teams up with her husband to run a data archiving firm. She is also the mother of three delightful little girls. Her experience in creating cartoons for newspapers and her background in multimedia has led her passion for art find novel expression. And now she has used her talent to keep her young readers interested in a story that...

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Paper Blog 

Electronic Configuration Summary and Quiz App- Now available on Google Play

I would like to share a new app now available on Google Play store, available for download for free here.

This App teaches both how to find the electronic configuration of particles i.e. atoms, cations or anions. In addition, examples are also included to reinforce the notes.

Related Google App
- Find number of electrons - Notes and Quiz

Related Posts- Chemical bonding- Determine electronic configuration
- Drawing dot and cross diagrams (showing all electrons)
-... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Airbus A330-303 – Turkish Airlines

@ Istanbul Atatürk Airport, Turkey

April 2018

This Airbus A330 touches down at this busy Turkish airport. The Airbus A330-300 is the first and most common Airbus variant, Turkish operates 37 of these in their fleet.  The largest operator of A330’s is Turkish Airlines with 64 in its fleet.  This is the airline’s “Eurowhite” livery with a white fuselage with blue lettering, a gray tulip on the fuselage, and a red tail with the company logo. Fuji XE-2s w/18-55mm.

Paper Blog 

missing hidden money not included in divorce settlement

Mr and Mrs decided to get a divorce and divide their possessions between them.

Mr had used the bottom of the air conditioner as a hiding place for a wad of cash, totaling 90,000nis,  that he had saved from an inheritance, after he put it in the safe only to discover that Mrs used her access to the safe to dip into the money and use it for household expenses.

Mr accused Mrs of having taken the 90k and tells the beis din that he wants the 90k deducted from her portions of the ...

Paper Blog 

Why We Love Aveeno Sunscreen

This post is sponsored by Johnson and Johnson. All opinions and pictures are my own. Summer is quickly approaching and with the warmer months that means more time outdoors for my little family and I. We love the fresh air, the sunshine but most of all, just spending quality time together! However, all that time spent in the sun leaves me a bit worried for not only how well we can stay hydrated but also keeping our skin safe and attempting to not become crisp in the sun. I ...

Paper Blog 

#MusicMonday Maranda Curtis “Open Heaven” Official Music Video

FirstLadyB | The Merge of Faith with Pop Culture

Maranda Curtis continues to soar as a leading voice in the gospel music industry, with the release of her latest project “Open Heaven.”

“Worship is not a matter of skill; it’s a lifestyle!”- maranda

As she leads worshippers around the globe into the presence of God, Maranda brings a fresh sound and the ultimate encounter for all those who experience. Recorded live in Delaware, “Open ...

Paper Blog 

Reach Boldly Into Sunny Skies

This painting is called “Reach Boldly Into Sunny Skies.”

I have been creating it over the past month along with my painting, “A Soft Enchanting Forest.”

Artist Cedar Lee with painting: Reach Boldly Into Sunny Skies. 30″ x 40″, Oil on Wood, © 2018 Cedar Lee

This 30″ x 40″ oil painting is bold, with strong geometric shapes and bright, saturated colors.

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Экология в России и мире

Прокуратура Москвы: тело мужчины нашли в лесопарке в Сокольниках

Путин в России и мире

Петербургский автопром вышел из кризиса, заявил Беглов

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Продюсера Reuters арестовали за публикацию материалов на YouTube-канале «НавальныйLIVE»

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Анастасия Ивлеева

Суд рассмотрит 25 апреля протокол на Ивлееву за дискредитацию ВС России


Захарова назвала учения НАТО элементами гибридной войны против России

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