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Новости за 29.04.2018

Paper Blog 

In Memory of James Cone: "The Conspicuous Absence of the Lynching Tree in American Theological Discourse and Preaching Is Profoundly Revealing"

The lynching tree—so strikingly similar to the cross on Golgotha—should have a prominent place in American images of Jesus' death. But it does not. In fact, the lynching tree has no place in American theological reflections about Jesus' cross or in the proclamation of Christian churches about his Passion. The conspicuous absence of the lynching tree in American theological discourse and preaching is profoundly revealing, especially since the crucifixion was clearly a first-century lynching. In the "lynching era," between 1880 to 1940... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Today's Review: Häagen-Dazs Peanut Butter Crunch

I saw this flavor a few weeks back, but didn't want to bite until it was on offer. Thankfully it just dropped to £2.50 at Tesco, so I was ready to pick me up some decadent peanut butter ice cream. At least, I hoped it would be decadent. This tub is all peanut, consisting of peanut butter ice cream, a peanut butter swirl and caramelised peanut pieces.
I'll start by saying this is perhaps a bit too much peanut. I know I should've ...

Paper Blog 

Fashion Brands’ Home Lines taking over Salone del Mobile - again

As my regular readers already know, the mutual influence between fashion and interior design is one of my favorite themes in this blog. And for a reason - every year we are seeing it grow. The most recent example - Milan Design Week 2018: some of the most exclusive fashion designer labels were presenting their new luxury home objects for the sixth year. What I liked very much:

André Fu’s "Ribbon Dance Chair" for

Paper Blog 

The integrity of Giving

2 Corinthians 8.16-24

We continue our theme on giving looking at 2 Corinthians 8 and 9.
The background is this: there is a serious famine in Jerusalem. The churches of Asia Minor and Macedonia, including the church in Corinth, have agreed to raise funds for famine relief.
In chapter 8.1-15, Paul has spoken about our motives for giving: that we give out of gratitude to God for what he has given us, and that is a response to the Lordship of Jesus. He is now into practicalities. He commends... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Killer Arguments Against LVT, Not (439)

Bayard posted this a few weeks ago. He didn't present it as an argument against LVT but said it was not necessarily an argument for, nut nonetheless, it is clearly incorrect:

The argument for LVT "... the private collection of rent is not only economically imprudent because it periodically destroys the economy, it is wrong!"

Leaving aside the periodic destruction of the economy, I don't think that it is a valid argument for LVT that it will be an instrument of social justice. Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Concert Review: Old Stalin's Ghost

The Los Angeles Philharmonic returns to Lincoln Center.
by Paul J. Pelkonen

Gustavo Dudamel returned to Lincoln Center with the
Los Angeles Philharmonic on Friday night. Photo courtesy Lincoln Center Press Dept.
The arrival of the sensational conductor Gustavo Dudamel and the Los Angeles Philharmonic is always a cause for celebration at Lincoln Center. Mr. Dudamel remains the leading musical export of Venezuela, the proof that that... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Jobs in dubai for Algerian

Jobs in Dubai for Algerian Jobs in Dubai for Algerian can be found with our company. Our team is helping people to get employment in UAE. Our company helps for jobs in Dubai for Algerian. We are managing job searching help for Algerians in the United Arab Emirates. So, if you are managing a career in Algeria. You will have a chance to get a career in the UAE. Our company is helping new expatriates to get employment. Our company helping people with following information about career searching for Algerians. Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

And Just Like That… 20 Years

This morning started like any other Monday. Rushing and scurrying and reminding and reminding and reminding. Breakfasts and showers and dressing and packing up, all culminating in a mad dance between kitchen and front door. Stashing a note in a lunchbox, a library book in a backpack; shooing the dog away lest she get stampeded.

Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 


The sea colors of Sorrento

Climbing Fortress Sant’ Elmo, Naples

The volcano Vesuvius and Naples at its feet

To the sea!

Via dell’Abbondanza, Pompeii

Different paths, same destination

Pictures shot with Nikon D800 + 50 mm f /1.4 G. Click each picture to enjoy it full-screen.

Previous episodes of this picture series:

1. Spaccanapoli

2. Out of space and ...

Paper Blog 

smashing smartphones in front of Rav Chaim Kanievsky

I am not quite sure what to do with this...

A group went to Rav Kaniesvky after deciding to smash their smartphones and they did so in front of him. Rav Kanievsky then gave them a bracha.

The article does not say Rav Kanievsky requested it or demanded it. They decided to do it and went to do it in front of him. The bracha he gave them, as written in the article, did not even have anything to do with the smashing of the phones but was a general bracha. ...

Paper Blog 

Quote of the Day

you cannot take the residents and residential areas and keep them separately [from commercial areas], without any income. Therefore, the Haredi population needs to be connects to non-Haredi cities

  -- Mayor of Bnei Braq Chanoch Zeibart, talking at a real estate conference, expressing his opinion that a Haredi city would collapse as it would not have enough taxes and income to sustain it. Zeibart explained why Bnei Braq is different, in his opinion, but believes this about other potential Haredi cities. Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

It Seems I Can't Let Go Of Trump

In the nine months since I moved from the US to the UK I've noticed a marked improvement in my stress levels. Oh sure, the move was hard work and very stressful; selling our US home and setting up again in the UK was fraught at times, but my shoulders are no longer constantly up around my ears. Why? Because I'm not baraged with Trump mania morning, noon and night.

Being a news junkie, I have the TV on a lot, sometimes just in the background, in case I miss something. (?) In the US, most of... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Big Birthday in the City - Day 1

This guy - my husband/partner-in-crime-and-travel/best friend is turning 40 next month - so we headed to New York City with his parents to celebrate the milestone with a ton of fun. After arriving and checking into our hotel, we had some classic NY-style pizza and headed to the live taping of the Late Show with Stephen Colbert. Guests on the show were Lucy Liu, Henry Winkler, and Run the Jewels.

Paper Blog 

kashrut alert: dairy Pringles

According to the OU, many flavors of Pringles are now really dairy and no longer pareve or "dairy equipment". The recipe has been changed and if the ingredients state "whey" or "milk", the product you are holding in your hands is really dairy.

In the words of the Orthodox Union:
Pringles is changing many of their OU pareve potato crisps to OU dairy. This may or may not be a result of a product reformulation. If a Pringles product is marked OUD and ingredients state ‘whey’ or ‘milk’... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Jessica Alba Weekend – The Eye (2008)

Director: David Moreau, Xavier Palud

Writer: Sebastian Gutierrez (Screenplay) Yuet-Jan Hui, Oxide Chun Pang, Danny Pang (Original Screenplay)

Starring: Jessica Alba, Alessandro Nivola, Parker Posey, Rade Serbedzija, Fernanda Romero, Rachel Ticotin, Chloe Grace Moretz

Plot: A woman receives an eye transplant that allows her to see into the supernatural world.

There may be spoilers the rest of the review

Verdict: Not as Bad as I Remember

Story: The Eye... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Tasting Notes: La Trappe: Quadrupel

La Trappe: Quadrupel (Netherlands: Quadrupel: 10% ABV)

Visual: Mahogany polished red touch in a clear fizzy body that has a small grey, evenly spread head.

Nose: Sawdust. Honey. Fresh toffee. Fresh fudge. Fresh crusty white bread. Lightly creamy. Shaved red wood.

Body: Cherries and shortbread. Fizzy mouthfeel. Honey to golden syrup. Liquorice touch. Sherbet lemon. Hop oils to generally oily. Gummy sap. Frothy. Nutty.

Finish: Clean, bitter oils. Palma violets. Light greenery. Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Promil iShine Art Camp with Teach Kara

What's the best thing to enjoy this summer with your kids?

It is learning new things. That is why I tried i-Shine Talent Camp where kids like my #HarveyAdventures enjoys an activity while learning from it.

This Year Promil iShine Talent Camp is new and exciting camp because it is divided into 4 different camps, Dance, Engineering, Art, and Music. Each camp has a powerful Camp masters Namely.

Well to sum up #HarveyAdventures activity watch this video.Don't ...

Paper Blog 

Boeing 767-300F, FedEx Express

@San Francisco, CA

April 2018

Kinda surprised myself when I realized this is my first FedEx jet post on this blog.  Like vampires, they don’t operate very often in daylight so I was pleased to see this one coming into SFO.  FedEx Express operates one of the largest civil aircraft fleets in the world (>650) and also carries more freight than any other airline.  FedEx operates 56 of these 767 aircraft and have another 58 on order, as they replace their Airbus fleet and MD-10 aircraft. Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

My old GT6 Mk2 is still on the road – a reunion at the Classic Carboot Sale

On Saturday afternoon I went for a mooch around the Classic Carboot Sale at Kings Cross. I have traded there in the past but this time I thought I'd have a weekend off and be a punter.
The first car I saw inside the market area was a 1966 blue Truimph GT6 Mk2:

April 2018 – Granary ...

Paper Blog 



Image by Cicero R.V. from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Infinity_war.png on a CC-BY SA 4.0 license

So, last night we went to see Avengers: Infinity War.

In summary - Wow.

The evening started off good ...

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Экология в России и мире

Ставропольцы провели мастер-класс на ВДНХ по изготовлению сувениров из одежды

Путин в России и мире

Песков: возможное изъятие активов РФ будет солидным гвоздем в гроб западной экономики

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Дух разделения в Святой Руси, или Можно ли лишиться сана за отпевание Навального*

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Денис Мацуев

Денис Мацуев выступит на фестивале "Владивостокские сезоны" в рамках ВЭФ-2024


"Динамо" и "Зенит" назвали стартовые составы на матч 26-го тура РПЛ

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