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Новости за 03.05.2019


Trump: Noch keine Entscheidung über Autozölle gefällt

US-Präsident Donald Trump hat zu seiner Androhung, Auto-Einfuhren aus der Europäischen Union in die USA mit Zöllen zu belegen, noch keine Entscheidung gefällt. Das sagte er am Freitag in Washington. „Wir werden sehen, was passiert“, fügte er hinzu. Die EU habe die USA beim Handel unfair behandelt, bemängelte Trump. Das Außenhandelsdefizit seines Landes mit der EU sei auf 181 Milliarden US-Dollar angewachsen.

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Huawei, the Chinese tech giant embroiled in controversy, just overtook Apple to become the second-largest smartphone maker (AAPL)

  • Huawei has surpassed Apple to become the No. 2 smartphone vendor worldwide, according to a new report.
  • Huawei is thriving as global smartphone sales are continuing to decline.
  • The company's success comes as it combats accusations of espionage, among other controversies.  
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

The Chinese electronics giant Huawei has surpassed Apple to become the No. 2 smartphone vendor worldwide, according to statistics from the International Data Corp. (IDC).

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Travis Kalanick asked Uber's board if he could help ring the opening bell on IPO day, but CEO Dara Khosrowshahi rejected his request

  • Uber founder Travis Kalanick won't assist in Uber's bell-ringing ceremony when it goes public, according to Axios' sources.
  • However, Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi has offered to allow Kalanick to join other company directors on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, but it's not clear if Kalanick will take him up on that offer.

Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi has decided against inviting predecessor Travis Kalanick to join him on the New York Stock Exchange balcony during next Friday's bell-ringing ceremony... Читать дальше...


Unheimliche Bespitzelung: China soll eine App nutzen, um Uiguren zu überwachen

Die politische Verfolgung von Uiguren in China nimmt offenbar weiter zu. Mit einer App sollen chinesische Behörden Bewohner der westlichen Xinjiang-Region bespitzeln und Staats- und Regierungsbeamte erfahren, wer als gefährlich eingestuft wird — das geht aus einem Bericht der US-Menschenrechtsorganisation Human Rights Watch (HRW) hervor, der am Donnerstag veröffentlicht wurde. Xinjiang wird auch „Uigurisches Autonomes Gebiet Xinjiang“ genannt.

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31 things you should remove from your résumé immediately

  • A job application process starts with a résumé.
  • The résumé is a good way to showcase your accomplishments, but mistakes could also be holding you back from landing your dream job.
  • Here's what you need to remove from your résumé immediately.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Every job application starts with a résumé.

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China has a 3rd aircraft carrier in the works, and it could be a really big deal, Pentagon reveals

  • China is building a third aircraft carrier, the country's second domestically produced carrier, and it could be a major improvement over its predecessors, the Pentagon said in its new report.
  • China already has one carrier in service, and a second one is expected to join the fleet later this year.
  • The Department of Defense expects the country's third carrier, which is under construction, to be larger and include a catapult launch system, meaning the ship could possibly carry... Читать дальше...


THE IN-STORE CHECKOUT REVOLUTION: How payments companies can take advantage of a $21 billion opportunity

  • This is a preview of The In-Store Checkout Report from Business Insider Intelligence.
  • 14-Day Risk Free Trial: Get full access to this and all E-Commerce industry research reports.

Although there are only a handful of autonomous checkout stores today, the technology has seismic repercussions for in-store retail. These stores, which allow consumers to walk in, grab what they want, and exit without physically checking out, are setting a new standard for convenience in the in-store shopping experience. Читать дальше...


A looming problem has plagued Beyond Meat for years. Here's how the CEO says it plans to deal with demand as its rival Impossible Foods faces shortages. (BYND)

  • Beyond Meat dealt with Beyond Burger shortages in 2017 and 2018 as the chain struggled to keep up with demand — a problem its rival Impossible Foods is facing now.
  • The meat-substitute company rebuilt its supply chain in the face of shortages, opening new facilities and reaching new partnerships, CEO Ethan Brown told Business Insider.
  • "If we were just facing that curve right now, it'd be very daunting, given the level of demand," Brown said.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories. Читать дальше...


How the world's first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier lives on in other US Navy flattops

  • The USS Enterprise, the first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, may be out of action, but it lives on in other active US Navy aircraft carriers, according to Defense One.
  • Parts from the "Big E" are being harvested and have so far been incorporated into the USS Abraham Lincoln and the USS George Washington.
  • After 51 years of service, the Enterprise is sitting lifeless at a shipyard in Virginia, where it waits for a decision by the Navy on exactly what to do with the decommissioned flattop. Читать дальше...


Rewe will mit einer Umstellung in seinen Märkten 60 Tonnen Plastik pro Jahr sparen

Wer beim Einkaufen auf Plastik verzichten möchte, hat es oft nicht leicht. Bio-Gurken in Plastikfolie und Erdbeeren in Plastikschachteln sind keine Seltenheit. Rewe will damit jetzt Schluss machen. Seit April verkauft die Supermarktkette in einer Testphase unverpacktes Obst und Gemüse, berichtet die „Lebensmittel Zeitung“. Rewe geht davon aus, so jährlich bis zu 60 Tonnen Plastik sparen zu können. 

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I flew in business class on Air France's Airbus A380, the world's biggest passenger jet, and the experience is what I imagine the golden age of air travel was like

  • Flying in business class on Air France's Airbus A380 round-trip between New York and Paris was a treat.
  • The airline has only five superjumbo jets in operation, and Airbus recently announced it would cease making any new ones.
  • Travel junkies have lauded the A380 for how quiet it is. I couldn't believe how soundproof the mammoth double-decker plane was.
  • Here's what the journey was like, from check-in to the lounge to the flights themselves.
  • Visit BusinessInsider.com... Читать дальше...


Amazon's shipping network is set to explode as the company moves toward one-day shipping — and delivery drivers are bracing for big changes (AMZN)

  • Amazon delivery drivers are bracing for big changes as the company moves to cut its Prime two-day shipping promise to one day. 
  • "I don't know how we're going to do it," a Richmond, Virginia-based driver said Wednesday. "It's going to be hectic."
  • Another driver said she was excited about the change: "I just see job security! More packages, more work. I'm ok with that."
  • To support faster shipping speeds, Amazon plans to hire hundreds more delivery service partners... Читать дальше...


Amazon is pushing harder into video search ads, and agencies say it's a direct attack at Google

  • Amazon is expanding a test of video ads in search with its most prominent ad placement yet.
  • The ads will appear in search results and feature six-second product videos, agency sources said.
  • Agencies see the ads as a way to target people when they're in a shopping mode and as a direct shot at Google's ad business.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Amazon is about to test new video advertising units in what agencies said represents... Читать дальше...


Tesla's stock reclaims a key level after the electric-car maker ups the size of its capital raise (TSLA)

  • Tesla on Thursday announced it was raising about $2 billion through the sale of stock and notes. It raised that amount to about $2.7 billion on Friday. 
  • The announcement sent shares up more than 4% on both days.
  • The recent rally has catapulted the stock back above key support at $250.
  • Watch Tesla trade live.

Tesla shares have zoomed back above a key support level after the company announced on Friday that it was increasing the size of its capital raise. 

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Giant companies like Uber and Lyft are getting into the scooter business, but Lime's CEO is welcoming the new competition with open arms

  • In just two years, Lime has racked up a $2 billion valuation while powering more than 50 million bike and scooter rides around the world. 
  • It's a packed industry, with giants like Uber and Lyft competing with a dozen smaller companies to launch very similar services. 
  • CEO Toby Sun, one of Business Insider's 100 people transforming business, isn't worried about the new competition. He's welcoming it with open arms. 

Americans make 1.1 billion trips every day.

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Tesla is increasing the size of its capital raise to about $2.7 billion (TSLA)

  • Tesla now intends to raise up to $2.7 billion in equity and convertible bonds, up from the $2.3 billion figure announced Thursday.
  • The electric-car maker says it will offer 3.1 million shares of its stock and $1.6 billion worth of convertible notes, up from 2.72 millions shares and $1.35 billion in convertible notes.
  • Tesla CEO Elon Musk has signaled that he may buy up to 102,880 shares worth $25 million, up from a maximum of 41,896 shares worth $10 million.
  • Shares... Читать дальше...


Wages for low-paying jobs are finally going up. Here are the 10 jobs with the biggest salary spikes this year.

  • Ten years after the Great Recession, wages have finally started increasing across the US.
  • The lowest 25% of earners experienced the highest wage growth, thanks in part to minimum-wage hikes in 2019.
  • Bartenders, truck drivers, and cashiers are some of the low-wage jobs benefitting the most, according to a Glassdoor report released Tuesday that looked into wage changes across different jobs.
  • Here are the 10 jobs with the fastest-growing pay.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories. Читать дальше...


The ultimate guide to figuring out how (and if) you should start your own company

  • Should I start a business? It's a question on many ambitious professionals' minds.
  • We asked entrepreneurship experts how to make the decision.
  • Questions to ask yourself include: How much career stability do you need? Do you have unique experience?
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

From the outside, the life of an entrepreneur can look sparkly. You're free from corporate life! You're changing the world!

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Where to buy Beyond Meat's now-famous burger and tacos

  • Beyond Meat is sold at grocery stores and restaurants nationwide including Giant, Safeway, Harris Teeter, TGI Fridays, and Carl's Jr.
  • Sellers are giving away the meatless burgers and tacos for free or at a discount on Friday. 
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Beyond Meat stormed onto the public markets this week with the biggest-popping IPO in nearly two decades. 

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Google is deepening its automotive play (GOOGL)

  • This is an excerpt from a story delivered exclusively to Business Insider Intelligence Transportation & Logistics Briefing subscribers.
  • To receive the full story plus other insights each morning, click here.

Google has opened its Android Automotive operating system (OS) to third-party apps, according to Slash Gear. The OS, which Google first unveiled in 2017, will power cars' infotainment systems, starting with Volvo's Polestar 2 electric car.

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Экология в России и мире

На площадке МВЦ «Казань Экспо» открылся XVIII Российский венчурный форум

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт: корректировка порогов крупного и особо крупного ущерба по экономическим статьям оправдана и своевременна

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск не исключает попыток оппозиции оторвать часть территории Белоруссии в пользу НАТО

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«Это не предел»: полуголый Тимати показал свою физическую форму


Минск на майские праздники обогнал по популярности Москву и Сочи

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