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Новости за 13.05.2019


These are the slides about Slack's spending, sales and customer growth that the CFO is betting its IPO on

  • In a presentation to Wall Street on Monday, Slack's chief financial officer promised continued growth and a total market opportunity of $28 billion for the office communication company, which is set to go public in the upcoming weeks.
  • In the presentation, CFO Allen Shim showed statistics on Slack's continued growth and customer acquisition.
  • Slack also gave guidance for its first quarter of fiscal 2020, which it intends to report on June 10.
  • Slack said it expects... Читать дальше...


Tesla was named the most-loved car brand by AutoTrader (TSLA)

  • AutoTrader has named Tesla the most-loved auto brand for 2019,
  • The UK-based online automotive marketplace surveyed over 60,000 vehicle owners.
  • Respondents highlighted the tech features — including the semi-autonomous Autopilot system, over-the-air updates, and touchscreen — and electric propulsion systems in their vehicles, as well as the community formed by electric-vehicle owners.
  • Tesla's Model S sedan, first released in 2012, won AutoTrader's 2019 award for the best green car. Читать дальше...


Uber tanked 11% after logging the biggest first-day dollar loss in US IPO history (UBER)

  • Uber shares plunged Monday after the ride-hailing giant suffered through a brutal initial public offering on Friday, which saw the biggest first-day dollar loss in US IPO history.
  • The broader US markets were under pressure Monday as investors grappled with renewed trade tensions between the US and China.
  • Watch Uber trade live.

Uber shares plunged by nearly 11% Monday after Friday's initial public offering cost investors billions.

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VW will als erster deutscher Autobauer Batteriezellen für E-Autos fertigen — mit einem geheimen Partner

Der Volkswagen-Konzern will die Lkw-Sparte Traton noch vor der Sommerpause in diesem Jahr an die Börse bringen. Der Vorstand habe mit Zustimmung des Aufsichtsrats beschlossen, den Börsengang grundsätzlich durchzuführen und vorbehaltlich der weiteren Kapitalmarktentwicklung vor der Sommerpause 2019 anzustreben, teilte das Unternehmen am Montagabend nach einer Aufsichtsratssitzung in Berlin mit.

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'Our stock did not trade as well as we had hoped': Read the reassuring email Uber's CEO sent employees following its disastrous IPO (UBER)

  • Uber became a public company last Friday — it's now listed on the New York Stock Exchange.
  • But the company's first two days of trading have been disastrous so far. Uber's stock suffered a 7.6% loss by the end of its first day of trading, a $655 million loss of investor wealth. The stock dipped even further on Monday morning.
  • In a letter sent to employees on Monday obtained by New York Times reporter Mike Isaac, Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi attempted to reassure employees. Читать дальше...


This is how a Marine earned a secret Navy Cross for untold heroism during the 2012 Benghazi attack

  • During the 2012 attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya, a small group of US security personnel defended the compound from hundreds of gunman.
  • The attack killed four Americans, and the defense earned a Marine and US soldier present a Navy Cross and Army Distinguished Service Cross, respectively, for heroism.
  • Visit INSIDER's homepage for more stories.

Minutes after Tate Jolly arrived at the diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, a mortar hit the compound... Читать дальше...


Costco is becoming America's favorite place to buy a car, and it's gearing up to double its used-car sales in the next two years

  • Costco is becoming a major player in the auto industry thanks to its auto program, where Costco members can get discounts on new and used cars at participating dealerships.
  • In 2018, it sold more cars than ever through the program. 
  • Executives are gearing up for rapid growth in sales of used cars specifically, as more dealerships look to partner with the retail giant. 
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Costco has quietly become a... Читать дальше...


3 hidden tricks in the Chick-fil-A app that most people have no clue exist

  • Chick-fil-A has seen incredible digital growth since revamping its mobile app in August 2018. 
  • However, not all customers know all the tricks and Easter eggs in the app, according to Kevin Purcer, Chick-fil-A's director of digital culinary experience. 
  • Customers can make a last-minute location switch if they ordered to the wrong location on mobile, as well as give their rewards to friends once they reach silver status in Chick-fil-A's loyalty program. 

Chick-fil-A's... Читать дальше...


The 33-year-old CEO of a successful startup reveals the key to minimizing risk when you leave a steady job to become an entrepreneur

  • The Muse is a career-advice and job-search platform for young professionals.
  • CEO Kathryn Minshew says the company started as a side project when she and her cofounder worked at McKinsey & Company.
  • Minshew thinks it's better to wait and see if your business idea is viable before quitting your day job — and some research backs her up. 
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

In 2010, Kathryn Minshew quit her job as an analyst at McKinsey & Company to start her own business. Читать дальше...


Lyft hits yet another low as rival Uber sputters in its 2nd day of trading (LYFT, UBER)

  • Lyft hit a new low Monday after shares of rival Uber had an underwhelming stock-market debut on Friday.
  • Lyft's stock is down nearly 34% since its initial public offering in late March as investors grapple with the company's uncertain path to profitability and the threat Uber poses. 
  • Watch Lyft trade live.

Lyft on Monday continued its rocky run as a public company, with shares plunging to a new low.

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Tesla tumbles to its lowest level since January 2017 (TSLA)

  • Tesla shares fell nearly 5% Monday morning to their lowest level since January 2017.
  • One Wall Street strategist says technical damage has been done, and that there's no real support until the $188 level.
  • Tesla's stock was trading at $229 on Monday morning.
  • Watch Tesla trade live.

The bad news for Tesla shareholders keeps getting worse. 

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A Delta flight on a Boeing 737-800 made an emergency landing after 'a possible mechanical issue' (DAL)

  • A Delta Air Lines flight made an emergency landing on Sunday, a Delta representative told Business Insider.
  • The aircraft used for the flight was a Boeing 737-800.
  • USA Today reports that the emergency landing followed an issue with the aircraft's nose gear. 
  • Boeing has come under fire in recent months following two deadly crashes involving its 737 Max aircraft.
  • The 737-800 is an older version of the 737 Max.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories. Читать дальше...


A small business trying to get on 'Shark Tank' took a man dressed as a banana to an NYC open casting call. Here's how it went.

  • We followed one small business pitching at the "Shark Tank" open casting call in New York City to see what it was like.
  • The business, Banana Loca, employed a mascot named Brandon Vassallo, otherwise known as Banana Guy.
  • Banana Loca's founders, Renee Heath and Bechara Jaoudeh, remained calm before and after their pitch. They credited Banana Guy for their confidence.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Business Insider recently followed... Читать дальше...


Impossible Foods raises $300 million as the meat-substitute company struggles to meet skyrocketing demand

  • Impossible Foods announced a $300 million Series E funding round on Monday. 
  • The funding will primarily be used to increase Impossible Foods' ability to keep up with demand, as the company has recently struggled with shortages. 
  • Despite rival Beyond Meat's explosive IPO, Impossible Foods CFO David Lee tells Business Insider that the company is not planning to go public at this point, allowing it to avoid being "distracted by how exciting the IPO market may or may not be."... Читать дальше...


10 of the most brutal criticisms activist investors lobbed at Bed Bath & Beyond in a savage presentation weeks before the CEO's departure (BBBY)

  • Activist investors released a presentation in late April slamming Bed Bath & Beyond for everything from messy stores to CEO pay.
  • Slide after slide of the presentation described different parts of the company that activist investors believed to be "broken."
  • Investors also slammed Bed Bath & Beyond CEO Steven Temares. The company on Monday announced that Temares had stepped down and resigned as a member of its board.
  • Here are 10 of the most brutal criticisms investors lobbed at Bed Bath & Beyond. Читать дальше...


Uber's CEO is optimistic about Eats growth (UBER)

  • This is an excerpt from a story delivered exclusively to Business Insider Intelligence Transportation & Logistics Briefing subscribers.
  • To receive the full story plus other insights each morning, click here.

In a wide-ranging interview released prior to Uber's initial public offering (IPO), CEO Dara Khosrowshahi said that it's "a toss-up" as to whether Uber Eats becomes bigger and more profitable than its core ride-hailing segment in the long term.

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China kontert im Handelskonflikt mit USA: Neue Zölle ab Juni

China schlägt im Zollstreit mit den USA zurück. Das Finanzministerium erklärte am Montag, die Volksrepublik plane ab Juni die Einführung von Importzöllen auf US-Waren im Volumen von 60 Milliarden Dollar. Davon seien insgesamt 5140 Produkte betroffen. US-Präsident Donald Trump hatte Chinas Führung kurz davor gewarnt, auf die jüngsten amerikanischen Strafzölle mit Vergeltungsmaßnahmen zu reagieren. Die Regierung in Washington bereitet bereits auf alle übrigen Einfuhren aus der Volksrepublik höhere Abgaben vor. Читать дальше...


3rd-party sellers are thriving on Amazon (AMZN)

  • This is an excerpt from a story delivered exclusively to Business Insider Intelligence E-Commerce Briefing subscribers.
  • To receive the full story plus other insights each morning, click here.

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos revealed in the company's annual letter to shareholders last month that third-party sellers make up a bigger share of sales on Amazon's marketplace than Amazon itself, racking up $160 billion to Amazon's first-party retail business' $117 billion in 2018.

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Ab September müsst ihr euch beim Online-Banking auf eine gravierende Änderung einstellen

Es sind nur noch rund vier Monate, dann wird es das Online-Banking, wie viele es bisher noch kennen, so nicht mehr geben. Die Zeiten des Suchens nach der TAN-Liste in Schubladen oder Ordnern sind dann vorbei, denn die Transaktionsnummern auf Papier haben ab dem 14. September dieses Jahres ausgedient. Auch beim Bezahlen mit Kreditkarte müssen sich viele auf Neuerungen einstellen.

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Daimler will 2039 auf Autos mit reinem Verbrennungsmotor verzichten

Bis 2039 will Daimler dafür sorgen, dass die weltweit verkauften Neuwagen CO2-neutral unterwegs sind. Welche Technologien allerdings genau zum Einsatz kommen werden, will sich der Autobauer offen halten. „Jetzt zu sagen, exakt in jedem Markt der Welt, wo die Reise hingeht, das wäre nicht seriös“, sagte Entwicklungsvorstand Ola Källenius am Montag in Sindelfingen. Aktuell liege der Fokus auf der batterieelektrischen Mobilität. Autos mit reinen Verbrennungsmotoren sind in dem Plan aber offensichtlich nicht mehr vorgesehen. Читать дальше...

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123ru.net — ежеминутные новости с ежедневным архивом. Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Не нравится, не хотите слышать — не читайте, читаете — будьте взаимно вежливы и корректны в своих высказываниях. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. 123ru.net — обозреватель новостей. Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть —онлайн с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии. 123ru.net — живые новости в живом эфире! Быстрый поиск от 123ru.net — это не только возможность первым узнать, но и преимущество сообщить срочные новости мгновенно на любом языке мира и быть услышанным тут же. В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость - здесь.

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Экология в России и мире

Результативность, вовлечённость, трудоголизм — где грань? Книга от автора российской модели факторов вовлечённости персонала.

Путин в России и мире

Строители мостов и дорог удостоены государственных наград

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

VII Всебелорусское народное собрание: основные заявления Александра Лукашенко

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

Во Франции назвали бредом слова Зеленского про угрозу Путина Европе

Навальный в России и мире

Проводивший панихиду по Навальному* священник запрещен в служении

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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