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Новости за 16.09.2018


The 50 best suburbs in America, ranked

Fotoluminate LLC/Shutterstock

  • Niche compiled a list of the best American suburbs to live in for 2018.
  • Suburban life in the US has changed in recent years, and is becoming nonexistent in some areas.
  • But still, Americans are attracted to suburban life. Some of the best suburbs are even tourist destinations, including Santa Monica and Berkley, California.

In a series titled "The Death of Suburbia," Business Insider previously explored the declining state of American suburbs. Читать дальше...


Refinancing activity in the US just plunged to the lowest level in over a decade


  • Refinancing activity plunged to the lowest level since 2000.
  • Refinancings decline when interest rates rise.
  • Rising interest rates are making it more challenging for potential homebuyers to afford the inflated home prices prevailing in many US housing markets.

On its way to 5% and higher: The average interest rate for 30-year fixed-rate mortgages with conforming loan balances ($453,100 or less) and a 20% down-payment rose to 4.84% for the week ending September 7... Читать дальше...


More millennials feel pressured to be perfect — and it's causing a huge spike in depression, anorexia and suicide


  • An alarming and upward trend in perfectionistic behaviours among young people has been highlighted in research by the American Psychological Association.
  • According to the research, the number of millennials suffering with mental health issues such as anorexia, anxiety, and depression has reached a record high.
  • The data suggests that our obsession with perfectionism is even leading to increased rates of suicide.

According to research published... Читать дальше...


Here's how to choose between Canon and Nikon if you're ready to ditch your phone and get a real camera


If you're considering getting into digital photography, you're probably feeling overwhelmed. Aside from questions like, 'What is an F-stop?' or 'Why are there so many numbers in the camera names?' you're also probably wondering which brand you should choose. 

There are plenty of great camera manufacturers making all kinds of cameras —mirrorless, DSLR, point-and-shoot, and everything else under the sun. But we're only going to focus on one big question this time: Canon or Nikon? Читать дальше...


Hurricane Florence's rains eroded a coal ash landfill in North Carolina, possibly releasing enough ash to fill 180 dump trucks

Matt Born/The Star-News via AP

  • Duke Energy said Florence's heavy rains caused a slope to collapse at a coal ash landfill at a closed power station near the North Carolina coast.
  • About 2,000 cubic yards of ash were displaced at the L. V. Sutton Power Station outside Wilmington.
  • The company isn't yet sure if the contaminated runoff flowed into the Cape Fear River.

Duke Energy said Saturday night that heavy rains from Florence caused a slope to collapse... Читать дальше...


How banks are using new identity verification methods to boost conversions and keep their customers loyal

BI Intelligence

This is a preview of a research report from Business Insider Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about Business Insider Intelligence, click here.

The way incumbent banks onboard and verify the identities of their customers online is inconvenient and insecure, resulting in lowered customer satisfaction and loyalty, and security breaches leading to compensation payouts and legal costs.

It’s a lose-lose situation, as consumers become disgruntled and banks lose business. Читать дальше...


6 reasons you should buy the iPhone 8 over the new iPhone XS (AAPL)

Hollis Johnson/Business Insider

Apple may have just unveiled brand-new iPhones, but there's still plenty to like about its older devices — and they're now cheaper than ever before. 

After introducing the iPhone XR, iPhone XS, and iPhone XS Max on Wednesday, Apple dropped the prices of some of its older devices. While the priciest iPhone now exceeds $1,100, a year-old phone like the iPhone 8 will set you back a more manageable $600. 

And the price isn't the only thing to love about the iPhone 8 ... Читать дальше...


GM, Ford, and Chrysler almost died a decade ago during the financial crisis — here's how the auto giants have changed since (F, GM, FCAU)

Mark Wilson/Getty Images

  • Ten years ago, amidst the worst financial crises since the Great Depression, the American auto industry almost died.
  • The "Big Three" U.S. car companies of General Motors, Chrysler, and Ford faced potential insolvency.
  • But a decade later, thanks to the $80 billion dollar lifeline provided by the Troubled Asset Relief Program engineered by the Bush and Obama Administrations, the U.S. auto industry has recovered.
  • Each of the major... Читать дальше...


Amazon says these will be the 25 toys every kid wants the most this holiday season (AMZN)


  • Amazon has already announced its top 25 toys for the holiday season as part of a larger, 100-toy list.
  • It features some commonalities with other lists that have already been released, like L.O.L. Surprise! dolls.
  • Amazon is expected to make a big push into toys this holiday season to fill the void left by the liquidation of Toys R Us.

The holidays are fast approaching, and retailers are getting ready for the onslaught.

Amazon has already... Читать дальше...


19 of the coolest things your Google Home can do (GOOG, GOOGL)


The Google Home is in millions of households. 

Earlier this year, Google revealed that it had sold more than one Home smart speaker device every second since October. According to our own calculations, that means Google sold at least 6.8 million Home devices during the last holiday season — and they seem to have been selling at a steady clip since. 

Google sells three Home devices right now: The $50 Google Home Mini, the $130 Google Home, and the $400 Google Home Max... Читать дальше...


16 heirs to some of America's best-known brands who are poised to inherit millions

Charles Sykes/Invision/AP Images

  • There aren't any royals with fortunes to envy in America, but there are many heirs and heiresses set to inherit millions from American brands.
  • These fortunes have been built across a variety of industries, from media to fashion; some are relatively new, while others could be considered "old money."
  • From Travis Knight of Nike to Ann Walton Kroenke of Walmart, take a look at some of America's most notable heirs and heiresses.

America may not have royalty... Читать дальше...


More than 2.4 million people flee as Typhoon Mangkhut hits China after killing at least 36 and trapping dozens in a landslide in the Philippines


  • Typhoon Mangkhut hit Hong Kong Sunday after devastating the Philippines on Saturday.
  • At least 36 people died in the Philippines, and dozens more are buried in a landslide.
  • More than 2.4 million people fled China's Guangdong province, nearly 50,000 fishing boats were called back to port, and the gambling enclave of Macau closed casinos for the first time, state media reported.

HONG KONG (AP) — Typhoon Mangkhut barreled into... Читать дальше...


How automated investment products are disrupting and enhancing the wealth management industry

BI Intelligence

This is a preview of a research report from Business Insider Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about Business Insider Intelligence, click here.

Startups with robo-advisor products are failing to live up to their initial promise.

As solutions proliferate and consumer adoption remains slower than expected, many firms are re-examining and updating their strategies to survive.  See the rest of the story at Business Insider

See Also:


Apple's $1,000 iPhones are turning it into a luxury brand — and it could lose a whole generation of customers (AAPL)

  • Apple is increasingly transforming itself into a luxury brand. A year after debuting its first thousand-dollar smartphone, the company replaced it with two more.
  • At the same time, it cut its lowest-priced iPhone.
  • The moves could boost Apple's near-term revenue and profits.
  • But they could lead to stagnating phone sales and could discourage people from becoming Apple customers, which could have long-term consequences for the company.

Apple, it seems... Читать дальше...


Artificial intelligence is cutting costs, building loyalty, and enhancing security across financial services

BI Intelligence

This is a preview of a research report from Business Insider Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about Business Insider Intelligence, click here. 

Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most commonly referenced terms by financial institutions (FIs) and payments firms when describing their vision for the future of financial services. See the rest of the story at Business Insider

See Also:


Research suggests stress only damages your health if you think it does

Strelka Institute/Flickr

  • According to Gallup's annual Global Emotions report, people all over the world are more stressed than ever before.
  • It isn't just adults experiencing these high stress levels; experts have also observed a rise in the number of children and youth.
  • Recent studies have shown that the best way to deal with stress is to alter your perception of it.

According to Gallup's annual Global Emotions report, people all over the world are more stressed than ever before. Читать дальше...


17 things we wish we knew before moving in with our partners

lenetstan / Shutterstock

Provided you're in one for long enough, relationships are full of milestones. There's "the talk," the first time you say "I love you," and meeting each other's parents. Then there's the point where you move in together.

Spending more time with the person you love can seem like a great idea on paper, but there's also going to be a lot you didn't predict. For instance, you'll learn more about your partner's bad habits, and you'll realise how much you liked having your own space. Читать дальше...


China is repressing an ethnic Muslim minority on an unprecedented scale — here are their excuses for imprisoning people

Thomas Peter/Reuters

The Uighurs, a Turkic-speaking Muslim ethnic minority in China, are subject to some of the most severe surveillance and repression in the country's history.

Around 1 million are reportedly imprisoned in detention centers or re-education camps in the western region of Xinjiang, where many of them live. Uighurs refer to the region as East Turkistan.

The detentions are part of China's "Strike Hard" campaign in Xinjiang, an anti-terrorism policy introduced... Читать дальше...


The newspaper that published the 'angry baby' Serena Williams cartoon ran a hit piece saying she is 'no feminist hero' — here's why they're dead wrong

AP Images

  • Serena Williams is being attacked by an Australian newspaper.
  • The American tennis player received three code violations during her loss to Naomi Osaka in last weekend's US Open women's final.
  • These violations were criticized, perhaps fairly, by the Herald Sun newspaper.
  • But the paper has continued a mean-spirited crusade against Williams. It lampooned her in a vulgar cartoon, and a headline in a conservative columnist's article claimed she "is... Читать дальше...


This female CEO is trying to defeat loneliness — and robots are part of her plan

No Isolation

  • Loneliness affects 20-40% of the entire population at some point.
  • Everyone from a four-year-old child to an 80-year-old in a care home can feel lonely.
  • Loneliness also has a negative impact on your health, causing stress, and even heart problems.
  • The burden of loneliness on the entire population is huge.
  • Karen Dolva, the CEO of No Isolation, is trying to combat this.
  • The company is tackling the loneliness of different demographics in innovative ways. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Пресс-релиз | CRYPTONIUM | Новая экосистема для заработка на криптовалюте | Арбитраж | Трейдинг | Обучение

Путин в России и мире

Мантуров: на инаугурации Путина 7 мая представят обновленный Aurus Senat

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Русских заявил о субсидировании новых авиарейсов до Минска

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