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Новости за 27.09.2018


How banks rank on offering the features consumers say are critical for choosing a bank

BI Intellgence

This is a preview of a research report from Business Insider Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. This report is exclusively available to enterprise subscribers. Check to see if your company has access. 

Banks are going to new lengths to attract and retain customers with mobile features. See the rest of the story at Business Insider

See Also:


Kristen Bell read President Donald Trump's tweets using her 'Gossip Girl' voice — and she nailed it


  • Kristen Bell appeared on NBC's "Late Night With Seth Meyers" on Wednesday and was asked to read three of President Donald Trump's tweets using her "classic Gossip Girl send-off."
  • Bell narrated the titular character on the hit teen drama. 
  • "We feel as though a lot of Donald Trump's tweets feel very gossipy," Meyers explained.
  • "These do sound like the things that were written on the show," the actress quipped as she read Trump's tweets.
  • Watch the video below. Читать дальше...


Meet Rachel Mitchell, the woman questioning Ford about her Kavanaugh allegations at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing

Associated Press/Andrew Harnik

  • Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee hired longtime Arizona prosecutor Rachel Mitchell to question Christine Blasey Ford during her testimony Thursday.
  • Ford has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her when the two were teenagers in the 1980s.
  • Mitchell is a respected, experienced prosecutor who specializes in sex crimes, and has said that the innocence and vulnerability of victims is what first drew her to the practice. Читать дальше...


17 celebrities who you didn’t know are also fiction authors

Getty Images/Ethan Miller

The lifestyles and career trajectory of celebrities are completely unpredictable. From fashion lines to liquor companies, there's no shortage of unique celebrity business ventures out there, but perhaps none riskier than publishing a novel. Other hustles like podcasts, startups, and memoirs are impressive in and of themselves, but it takes a certain level of creativity to write a novel, especially one that's engaging enough to become a bestseller.

Although books aren't guaranteed to be hits... Читать дальше...


The last Supreme Court nominee accused of sexual misconduct was confirmed — here's what's changed since

Rick Wilking/Reuters

  • In 1991, Anita Hill accused Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment.
  • Now, as Brett Kavanaugh faces allegations of sexual assault, observers are saying that "things have changed since Anita Hill."
  • However, asserting that "things have changed" is difficult to prove.

In 1991, Anita Hill accused Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment. Thomas was nonetheless confirmed. Now, as Brett Kavanaugh faces an allegation of sexual assault... Читать дальше...


A drug derived from marijuana has triggered the first federal shift on cannabis in half a century, and experts predict an avalanche effect


  • The nation's top drug regulator has officially changed how it regulates CBD, a marijuana compound in a new epilepsy drug called Epidiolex.
  • This is the first time the Drug Enforcement Administration has shifted its stance on cannabis in 46 years.
  • The DEA's move comes nearly 90 days after Epidiolex was green-lit by another government regulator at the end of June.
  • Experts say the approval will galvanize research into other marijuana-based drugs. Читать дальше...


The 'X-Men: Dark Phoenix' trailer teases a funeral and fans are guessing which character is most likely to die


Warning: There are potential spoilers ahead for "Dark Phoenix."

The first teaser trailer for the next "X-Men" movie is here and it teases the death of a character. See the rest of the story at Business Insider

NOW WATCH: The Samsung Galaxy Note 9 is a $1,000 phone that's actually worth it

See Also:

  • The first trailer for the next 'X-Men' movie is here and it teases Sophie Turner as a dark superhero
  • 'Colette' is a witty, painfully relevant film that... Читать дальше...


Thyssenkrupp plant Aufspaltung in zwei Unternehmen

Nach einer monatelangen Führungskrise wird der Essener Thyssenkrupp-Konzern grundlegend umgebaut und dabei in zwei eigenständige Unternehmen aufgespalten. Dies kündigte die Führung am Donnerstag an. Der Vorstand werde dem Aufsichtsrat das entsprechende Konzept auf einer Sitzung am Sonntag vorschlagen.

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Some of the most surprising tech in Netflix's 'Maniac' already exists

  • Netflix's trippy new series "Maniac" is set in a retro-future that feels like it could be happening 20 years from now.
  • But the technology in this alternate reality version of New York is surprisingly realistic.
  • From targeted advertising to renting friends, some of the tech in the series is already possible in real life.  
  • Other things like commercial space travel and psychoactive drugs aren't realities yet, but developments are well underway. 

Netflix's... Читать дальше...


80,000 people died from the flu last winter — the highest number in over 40 years

Getty / David Greedy

  • An estimated 80,000 people died from the flu and its complications last winter, according to the Centers from Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
  • Last winter's death toll was higher than every other flu season going back to 1976—1977.
  • Last year's vaccine was 40% effective against the flu virus, CDC estimates show.
  • Even imperfect flu shots save lives and can make the illness milder.
  • The CDC says everyone 6 months and older... Читать дальше...


12 unique movies theaters from around the world


There are only a few things that bring people together. Amongst these are cooking, traveling and, possibly most beloved, film. Across languages, cultures, and time, movies have brought people together in ways few other things can.

Part of this connection comes from coming together in one place to enjoy a film. Movie theaters are a community staple around the world, serving as a cultural and social center. Whether outside, in 3D, or inside a dome, each movie theater has its own charm that draws people to it. Читать дальше...


Man arrested for chasing after his plane on the tarmac of the Dublin Airport because he missed his flight

Sean Pogatchnik/AP

  • A man ran onto the tarmac at the Dublin Airport on Thursday, and was arrested.
  • He had arrived too late to board his flight.
  • A witness heard him shout, "Wait!" before security tackled him to the ground.

LONDON (AP) — An Irish man who missed his flight at Dublin Airport was arrested Thursday for running after the plane on the tarmac in a bid to flag it down.

Witnesses said a man in his 20s broke through an airport door and ran toward the Ryanair plane... Читать дальше...


Nike have developed tech-powered basketball courts that teach you to play like LeBron James

Jason Miller/Getty Images

  • Nike started an experimental tech programme to build the world's first Google tech-powered courts.
  • The aim was to provide basketball training for kids with little access to coaches or limited internet access.
  • The impact of the programme has been monitored and the results have been extremely positive.

Six months ago, Nike started an experimental tech programme called Hyper Court. The aim was to build the world's first Google... Читать дальше...


50 million Americans live below the official poverty income — here are the poorest towns in every US state

Brian Stansberry/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY 4.0

  • Currently, close to 50 million Americans live below the official poverty income of $25,100 a year, or less, for a family of four.
  • Poverty is the most extreme example of financial hardship, but the official poverty rate fails to capture tens of millions of additional Americans who also struggle to make ends meet.
  • Low-income Americans often struggle to afford even the most basic necessities — the towns on this list often have a high SNAP recipiency rates. Читать дальше...


A high school athletic director who said girls ‘ruin everything’ has been put on leave — but many students are supporting him

Chattanooga Times Free Press

  • Jared Hensley, the athletic director and a vice president at Soddy-Daisy High School near Chattanooga, Tennessee, was put on administrative leave on Wednesday. 
  • It came after he told students to "blame girls" for the dress code because they "pretty much ruin everything."
  • Students have since voiced their support for Hensley with the hashtag #TeamHensley.

A high school athletic director in Tennessee is being supported by students... Читать дальше...


Verkehrsforscherin erklärt, wie sich die Mobilität auf Deutschlands Straßen verändern wird

Geht es um de Mobilität der Zukunft und um E-Autos, denken viele an Tesla. Der US-Konzern wurde zum Pionier der Elektrifizierung. Firmenchef und Visionär Elon Musk schaffte es, die gesamte Branche zu überrumpeln und wagt nun mit dem Model 3 den Sprung in den Massenmarkt — bevor die etablierten deutschen Autobauer ab 2020 ebenfalls groß in den Bereich einsteigen werden.

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In Japan gibt es eine neue Sorte Coca Cola, die in Deutschland undenkbar wäre

Die Japaner haben sich ja über die vergangenen Jahrzehnte den Ruf aufgebaut, bei allem ein wenig verrückter zu sein. Also ein Konzept zu nehmen, das auch wir Europäer kennen, und ins Kuriose zu drehen. Ihr müsst auf die Toilette gehen? Dann könnt ihr in Japan dabei Musik hören und den Wasserstrahl und Fön aktivieren. Ihr mögt Kitkat? Dann könnt ihr in Japan Süßkartoffel-Kitkat essen. Ihr findet Katzencafés langweilig? Wie wäre es, wenn ihr in Japan ein Eulen-Café besucht?

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X-Men fans think the first 'Dark Phoenix' trailer is too similar to the disappointing 'X-Men: The Last Stand'


  • The first trailer for the next "X-Men" movie, "Dark Phoenix," is here.
  • It's an ominous trailer that teases an end for the X-Men, and pits the team against one of their own: Jean Grey, played by "Game of Thrones" star Sophie Turner. 
  • Fans have mixed reactions to the footage.
  • Some are excited, while others feel it looks too similar to 2006's "X-Men: The Last Stand," which also attempted to adapt the "Dark Phoenix Saga" comic book storyline.

The first trailer for the next "X-Men" movie... Читать дальше...


Was euch Aldi, Lidl, Edeka & Co. über ihre Einkaufswagen verschweigen

Hand aufs Herz: Wer von euch hält sich immer strikt an seinen Einkaufszettel? Oder anders gefragt: Wer macht sich überhaupt noch eine Liste? Wahrscheinlich hat jeder von uns schon einmal etwas in den Einkaufswagen gelegt, das er oder sie gar nicht kaufen wollte. Wenn man den Statistiken glaubt, ist das sogar die Regel: „Zwei Drittel der Kaufentscheidungen werden spontan im Supermarkt gefällt“, schreibt das Portal „besserhaushalten.news“.

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Stores and credit-card companies are in an all-out war over fees

AP/Luis Hidalgo

  • Retailers are hoping to quash the "honor all cards" rule that requires retailers to accept all of a network's credit cards if they accept any as a form of payment, the Wall Street Journal reported.
  • The rule is included in contracts between Visa and Mastercard and the retailers that accept their cards.
  • Some major retailers are arguing that the fees charged by certain premium rewards cards are getting too high to be sustainable.
  • The conflict... Читать дальше...


Here are all the sexual-misconduct allegations against Brett Kavanaugh

J. Scott Applewhite/AP

  • Brett Kavanaugh, the Supreme Court nominee, is facing multiple allegations of sexual misconduct.
  • Christine Blasey Ford, Deborah Ramirez, and Julie Swetnick have publicly accused Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct in high school and college, and another anonymous allegation has surfaced.
  • Kavanaugh has categorically denied the allegations and is testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday.

Brett Kavanaugh, President Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Озоновые Дыры: Вызов современности, Взгляд Романа Терещенко

Путин в России и мире

Кировчанин с позывным Струна стоял рядом с Владимиром Путиным 9 Мая в Москве

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко: тактическое ядерное оружие для Москвы и Минска — средство сдерживания

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

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«Классика Победы» в колледже Коркино: памяти поэтов-фронтовиков Юлии Друниной и Булата Окуджавы


Футболист Скопинцев: редко удается побаловать фанатов подарками

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