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Новости за 16.09.2018


Floating homes that can withstand Category 4 hurricanes will soon become a reality


As Hurricane Florence makes it way across the Carolinas, millions of coastal residents have reason to be concerned about the structural integrity of their homes. Already, nearly 300,000 homes and businesses have lost power, and officials are reporting damage to property in Onslow County, North Carolina. 

When Hurricane Harvey swept Texas last September, it damaged more than 204,000 homes and apartment buildings. Around the same time, Hurricane Irma destroyed a quarter of the homes in the Florida Keys... Читать дальше...


San Francisco's new $2.2 billion transit center, the 'Grand Central Station of the West,' is officially open to the public — take a look around

Katie Canales/Business Insider

  • San Francisco's new four-block-long Salesforce Transit Center — and the stunning rooftop park located on top of it — is officially open to the public.
  • A project almost two decades in the making, the transit center was designed to be a central nexus for local transportation.
  •  Eleven bus lines stop at the station, and transit officials plan to eventually connect it to rail lines as well. 
  • The $2.2 billion transit center is being... Читать дальше...


'We just don't want people to think this is over': Florence continues ravaging the Carolinas as the death toll climbs, rivers overflow, and tornadoes threaten to strike

  • Hurricane Florence is tearing through the Carolinas with disastrous flooding and record-setting rainfall.
  • "We just don't want people to think this is over because it's not. It's not anywhere," North Carolina governor Roy Cooper said on Saturday.
  • The storm has killed a reported 14 people so far, and officials expect the death toll to rise.
  • Though Florence was classified as a tropical depression on Sunday, the storm still threatens severe flooding of rivers and roads across North and South Carolina. Читать дальше...


The issues with discoverability, monetization, and retention, and how to solve them

BI Intelligence

This is a preview of a research report from Business Insider Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about Business Insider Intelligence, click here.

The voice app ecosystem is booming. In the US, the number of Alexa skills alone surpassed 25,000 in January 2018, up from just 7,000 the previous January, in categories ranging from music streaming services, to games, to connected home tools.See the rest of the story at Business Insider

See... Читать дальше...


Russia's huge war games aren't actually that strong a message to the West

Alexei Nikolsky/Kremlin via Reuters

  • The Vostok 2018 exercises taking place in Russia's far east are the largest since the cold war. 
  • With 300,000 Sino-Russian troops, the exercises are clearly intended as a message to the West.
  • However, analysts say the exercises are less portentous than they appear — and not as large as they have been described.

They are the most massive war games in Russia since the height of the cold war. And the Vostok 2018 exercises... Читать дальше...


One viral thread shows how quickly YouTube steers people to wacko conspiracy theories and false information (GOOG, GOOGL)

Stephen Lam/Reuters

  • YouTube has been under fire for promoting conspiracy theories in its search and suggestions.
  • In a viral Twitter thread, MSNBC's Chris Hayes demonstrates how quickly a simple search can return wild misinformation.
  • YouTube said it is "aware" of the issues after being contacted by Business Insider. 

The Federal Reserve is a critically important body for the global economy that's also frequently misunderstood.

So what happens... Читать дальше...


Mark Zuckerberg has never worked at a company besides Facebook, and that's a blessing and a curse


  • Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook's CEO and founder, has spent his entire career at one company.
  • According to The New Yorker, Zuckerberg often relies on COO Sheryl Sandberg to find out how things work at other companies.
  • Workplace experts say it's important for long-tenured leaders like Zuckerberg to surround themselves with other perspectives.
  • As for individuals, it can be helpful to move around between companies, or between departments at the same company, to develop new skills. Читать дальше...


Mueller's investigation bears the hallmark of an organized crime case

  • Paul Manafort's recent plea deal and cooperation agreement with the special counsel Robert Mueller is the latest indication of how the Russia investigation mirrors an organized crime case.
  • The hallmark of any prosecutor's approach to an organized crime case is the use of cooperating witnesses to move up the chain.
  • "You start low and you ask people: who did you answer to? Who gave you orders? Who did you report to?" said one Justice Department veteran. "That's the only way to get to the top of a criminal organization... Читать дальше...


I retired early to spend more time traveling — here's what I've learned since I left my finance job 2 months ago

Courtesy of Karsten, EarlyRetirementNow.com

  • Karsten, aka "Big Ern," is a former financial professional who retired early at age 44. He blogs at EarlyRetirementNow.com.
  • Since he retired in June 2018, he's been traveling with his wife Kristal, also an early retiree, and their young daughter.
  • Karsten says he's already learned a lot since retiring, like it's easier than you think to cut down on unnecessary expenses and that full-time travel is just a different type of job. Читать дальше...


These are the 5 leaders in the self-driving-car race (GOOG, GOOGL, GM, F)


Tech companies and auto companies are all racing to be the first to roll out self-driving cars onto the road.

The stakes are high for everyone involved. The self-driving revolution and the prevalence of ride-hailing services such as Uber and Lyft threatens to reduce individual car ownership, which would eat into a sizable piece of automakers' core business.See the rest of the story at Business Insider

See Also:


I hung out at the secluded mountain hideaway in Ibiza that's hosted celebs like Rihanna and Kate Hudson, and it feels worlds away from the hard-partying coast

Annie Zheng/Business Insider

  • While Ibiza is known as a party capital of the world, many wealthy and famous head to the lesser-known pastoral north of the island to relax.
  • One of the most luxurious and secluded resorts on the island is Atzaró Hotel and Spa, an agrotourism resort where Rihanna, Shakira, and other celebs have stayed.
  • I recently spent the day at Atzaró to see what it's like to live like a popstar. The food was good, the drinks were strong, and the grounds were stunning. Читать дальше...


I flew 14 hours on one of the best airlines in the world that you've probably never heard of — and even its worst seat put other long-haul flights to shame

Katie Canales/Business Insider

  • With just 12 years of operations under its belt, the Hong Kong-based carrier Hong Kong Airlines has become one of the best airlines in the world.
  • I recently flew from San Francisco to Hong Kong at the very back of the economy cabin on one of the airline's new Airbus A350-900s.
  • Though there's no such thing as a perfectly pleasant 14-hour flight in economy, my Hong Kong Airlines experience put other flights I've taken to shame, largely... Читать дальше...


Here's how the new $400 Apple Watch Series 4 compares to last year's model, the Apple Watch Series 3 (AAPL)

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Apple just debuted a brand-new Apple Watch, the Apple Watch Series 4.

The new watch has a larger display, upgraded heart-tracking sensors, and a faster chip than last year's model, the Apple Watch Series 3.

But it also bears several similarities to last year's model: the new watch gets the same amount of battery life (18 hours) and the design looks nearly identical to the Series 3, and to previous versions before that. 

So whether you're a first-time Apple Watch buyer... Читать дальше...


How brands can leverage artificial intelligence to improve personalization, enhance ad targeting, and make marketing teams more agile

BI Intelligence

This is a preview of a research report from Business Insider Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about Business Insider Intelligence, click here.

Artificial intelligence (AI), often used as an umbrella term to describe types of technology that can simulate human intelligence, is one of today’s hottest topics across a number of business sectors. AI techniques teach computers to parse data in a contextual manner to provide requested information... Читать дальше...


The anonymous woman who accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault has come forward

  • The anonymous woman who accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault has spoken out for the first time since her previously secret letter was revealed.
  • Research psychologist Christine Blasey Ford told the Washington Post she decided to come forward after hearing misrepresentations of her account and being approached by the press.
  • Ford said she wanted to maintain her privacy, but now felt that her "civic responsibility is outweighing my anguish and terror... Читать дальше...


Health officials in India warn that Facebook’s blood donation tool risks fueling a black market for blood (FB)

Shayanne Gal/Business Insider

  • Facebook's blood donation feature in India risks being abused by black market blood peddlers.
  • Local blood donation experts told Business Insider the product can be used to illegally sell blood in the country.
  • Facebook says it has only seen one report through its platform, though one expert said victims were unlikely to report the issue and that he has heard reports of blood selling.
  • "The Facebook blood donation tool is not only... Читать дальше...


Relationship experts say one of the most dangerous beliefs about marriage is that you're supposed to make your spouse happy


  • A bad piece of relationship advice is that you're supposed to make your spouse happy, experts say.
  • Instead, you should be a complete person — happy and healthy — on your own.
  • Regardless of whether you're currently in a relationship, it's important to work on your self-development.

I recently asked a series of relationship experts to share some relationship aphorisms that, despite being acknowledged as obvious wisdom, are simply not true. Читать дальше...


Hands-on with all the new iPhones Apple just introduced (AAPL)

Kif Leswing

Apple introduced its new iPhone lineup on Wednesday.

The iPhone's flagship X series will now consist of three models.

The iPhone XS and the iPhone XS Max are set to go on sale next week, on September 21.

The less expensive, more colorful iPhone XR is set to go on sale October 26.

Business Insider saw the phones unveiled at Apple's Cupertino, California, headquarters and was able to briefly handle the new devices after they were announced. Here's what... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире


Путин в России и мире

Шойгу рассказал о формировании Московского и Ленинградского округов

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Губернатор Поморья встретился с президентом Беларуси Александром Лукашенко

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский допустил, что Москва и Киев начнут мирные переговоры

Навальный в России и мире

Мосгорсуд оставил в СИЗО журналистку Фаворскую, обвиняемую в экстремизме за репортажи о Навальном

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Концерт в музее-заповеднике П.И. Чайковского


«Козыри у Путина»: в США сделали неожиданное заявлении о Ближнем Востоке

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