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Новости за 14.08.2018


Vierspurige Autobahnbrücke bei Genua eingestürzt: „Es gibt Opfer“

Tragödie auf der Autobahn A10 bei Genua: Ein Teilstück der vierspurigen Strecke ist gegen 12 Uhr mittags eingestürzt. Nach italienischen Medienberichten gibt es zahlreiche Opfer, viele von ihnen sollen unter den Trümmern eingequetscht sein. Die Autobahn ist eine der zentralen Knotenpunkte der ligurischen Hauptstadt. Die Einsturzursache ist noch unklar.

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Dozens reported dead after a huge motorway bridge collapse in Italy

Twitter/Google Maps/Business Insider

  • A huge motorway bridge collapsed in the northern Italian city of Genoa on Tuesday morning.
  • Dozens of people are dead, according to Italian media.
  • Photo and video footage on social media show a huge portion of the bridge missing and rubble on the ground beneath.

Dozens of people have been reported dead after a motorway bridge collapsed in the northern Italian city of Genoa.

The collapsed bridge was a section of the A10 motorway... Читать дальше...


A potty-mouthed parrot told firefighters to 'f--- off' after getting stuck on a roof

REUTERS / Yiannis Kourtoglou

  • A parrot stuck on a roof for three days responded rudely to firefighters who attempted to coax her down.
  • Jessie the Macaw told her rescuers to "f--- off" before flying to another roof in a residential area of Edmonton, London.
  • Fortunately, Jessie returned home to her owner of her own accord on Monday afternoon.

If you'd been stuck on a roof for three days, you'd think you'd show some gratitude to your rescuers.

This wasn't the case with Jessie the Macaw... Читать дальше...


Home Depot beats across the board as same-store sales spike 8% (HD)

Scott Olson / Getty Images

  • Home Depot's second-quarter results beat on both the top and bottom lines.
  • Sales at stores open at least a year spiked 8%.
  • Shares are up more than 2% ahead of Tuesday's opening bell.

(Reuters) - Home Depot Inc's second-quarter sales at established stores beat Wall Street forecasts, boosted by a rebound in demand for seasonal merchandise.

Shares of the No. 1 U.S. home improvement chain rose 2.4 percent to $198.8 in... Читать дальше...


Turkey will boycott US electronics like the iPhone, according to its president

Umit Bektas/Reuters

  • Turkey's president said the country would boycott the iPhone and other US electronics.
  • Tayyip Erdogan made the remarks as the lira slides in response to an ongoing dispute with the US over the detention of an American pastor.
  • The lira rallied slightly on Tuesday, and Erdogan has issued bullish statements about being the target of an economic war.

President Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday Turkey will boycott electronic products from the United States... Читать дальше...


Dramatic satellite images of Europe show how this summer's heatwave scorched entire countries


  • Chillier countries may have enjoyed the spell of sunny weather across Europe this summer.
  • However, the heat of the past few weeks also caused a great deal of damage and destruction, both to people as well as to wildlife.
  • The European Space Agency and German astronaut, Alexander Gerst, have published satellite images of Europe from before and after the heatwave.

While some in colder countries may have enjoyed the spell of sunny weather across Europe this summer... Читать дальше...


Thousands of young Wall Streeters are about to get their results from one of the toughest exams in the world

Natalie Behring/Getty Images

  • The results of the Chartered Financial Analyst exams for 2018 will be released on Tuesday.
  • Students who sat for levels I and II of the CFA exam in June 2018 will be able to find out their fates at 9 a.m. ET (2 p.m. BST).
  • Last year, just 43% of candidates passed Level I, while 47% passed Level II.
  • Pass percentages will not be made public until August 28, when Level III results will also be released.
  • The CFA is regarded as one of the most grueling exams in finance. Читать дальше...


Kangaroo tendons may soon be used to fix human knee, ankle and shoulder injuries

Paul Kane/Getty Images

  • Researchers are testing the use of kangaroo tendons to fix ligaments in humans.
  • The University of Sydney and three industry partners plan to disrupt the billion-dollar ligament-replacement market.
  • Kangaroo tendon is six times stronger than that found in humans.

Australian researchers are testing the use of kangaroo tendons to fix ligaments in humans.

Early testing has shown kangaroo tendon is six times stronger than... Читать дальше...


Here's how Amazon's and Apple's new smart speakers stack up with consumers (AMZN, AAPL)

BI Intelligence

This is a preview of a research report from Business Insider Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about Business Insider Intelligence, click here.

Smart speakers — Amazon's Echo, for example — are the latest device category poised to take a chunk of our increasingly digital lives. These devices are made primarily for the home and execute a user's voice commands via an integrated digital assistant. These digital assistants can play music... Читать дальше...


Eine erschreckende Zahl zeigt, wie schlecht es um Bitcoin, Ripple und Co. wirklich steht

Im Handel mit Digitalwährungen haben sich die jüngsten Kursverluste am Dienstag fortgesetzt. Neben dem Bitcoin kam es auch zu einem Ausverkauf bei anderen bekannten Digitalwährungen wie Ether oder Ripple. Am Morgen fiel der Kurs des Bitcoin auf der Handelsplattform Bitstamp unter 6000 US-Dollar und erreichte bei 5880 Dollar den tiefsten Stand seit Juni. Als Ursache für die Talfahrt gilt nach wie vor die auf sich warten lassende Zulassung von börsengehandelten Bitcoin-Fonds (ETFs) in den USA.

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The world's biggest tech companies are at serious risk of losing a $32 billion market


  • Life may get harder for big American tech firms trying to break into one of the world's biggest online shopping and mobile markets.
  • India is proposing new laws that would protect homegrown companies trying to compete with the likes of Amazon, Facebook, Google, and Apple in online shopping.
  • India wants to level the playing field for domestic startups, store Indian user data in India, and change the rules around how foreign companies sell online in India.
  • ... Читать дальше...


10 things you need to know before the opening bell (SPY, SPX, QQQ, DIA, TSLA, CI, ESRX)

Reuters/Rupak De Chowdhuri

Here is what you need to know. 

The Turkish lira has stabilized.The lira is up 4.5% at 6.5730 per dollar. It's still down 73% this year. 

The Indian rupee hits a record low. The rupee fell to 70.08 per dollar early Tuesday as Turkey's currency crisis spilled over into other emerging markets. See the rest of the story at Business Insider

See Also:


Billionaire Carl Icahn has changed his mind on Cigna's $52 billion purchase of Express Scripts

Neilson Barnard/Getty Images

  • Carl Icahn has dropped his fight to stop health insurer Cigna’s purchase of Express Scripts, a pharmaceutical company.
  • Last week, Icahn said he would try and solicit proxy votes to block the $52 billion deal.
  • Icahn told CNBC that blocking the deal would be impossible and "there’s no point in fighting just to fight."

Activist investor Carl Icahn has reversed his position on US health insurer Cigna’s purchase of pharmaceutical subscription company Express Scripts. Читать дальше...


US-Türkei-Streit wird immer absurder: Jetzt kündigt Erdogan Boykott von iPhones und Co. an

Der Streit zwischen den USA und der Türkei wird immer absurder. Am Wochenende hatte US-Präsident Donald Trump Zölle auf türkische Stahl- und Aluminiumimporte verdoppelt. Jetzt schlägt Recep Tayyip Erdogan zurück. Der türkische Präsident kündigte an, elektronische Produkte aus den USA zu boykottieren, darunter auch Apple-iPhones.

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Der Wirtschaftskollaps der Türkei ist so unheimlich, weil Russland, Iran und Syrien nur darauf lauern

Was passiert, wenn die Türkei wirtschaftlich zusammenbricht?

Das Szenario ist jedenfalls nicht ganz unrealistisch. Die türkische Währung befindet sich im freien Fall. Die Inflationsrate liegt bei 15 Prozent und steigt weiter an. Der türkischen Wirtschaft droht eine Rezession. Die USA haben der Türkei wirtschaftliche Sanktionen auferlegt, nachdem sich der türkische Präsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan geweigert hatte, einen dort inhaftierten US-Prediger auszuliefern.

Viele Dinge gehen in der Türkei auf einmal schief. Читать дальше...


Unternehmer erklärt, warum die meisten Bewerber schon bei der Frage „Erzählen Sie mir von sich“ scheitern

Wenn ihr nach einer erfolgreich eingereichten schriftlichen Bewerbung zum persönlichen Vorstellungsgespräch eingeladen werdet, heißt es, in wenigen Minuten zu überzeugen. Wer bei den ersten Fragen ins Stottern kommt, der scheitert meist schon zu Beginn. Ein Unternehmer gibt Tipps, worauf es ankommt und wie ihr euer Gegenüber für euch begeistern könnt.

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A simple misunderstanding between Trump and Erdogan may have tanked Turkey's economy

Evan Vucci/AP

  • The dire state of Turkey's economy may be a consequence of a diplomatic misunderstanding between the country's president and Donald Trump.
  • Trump met Turkish President Tayyip Erdoğan at a July NATO summit, and reportedly cut a deal on prisoner releases.
  • Turkey asked the US to get a prisoner out of Israeli jail, which the US did the next day, according to The Guardian.
  • Trump asked for Erdogan to release a US pastor, and Erdogan said he'd look into it, the report says. Читать дальше...


Swedish PM 'really' mad at horde of masked youths who torched 80 cars, threw rocks at police

BNO via Twitter

  • Masked youths torched dozens of cars overnight in Sweden and threw rocks at police, prompting an angry response from the prime minister, who called it "extremely organized" vandalism. 
  • Police spokesman Hans Lippens said Tuesday that initial reports indicate that about 80 cars were set ablaze overnight, chiefly in Sweden's second largest city, Goteborg.
  • Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven is lashing out at those who set fire to dozens of cars in southwest Sweden... Читать дальше...


How AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, and Sprint are overcoming slow user growth amid a fierce price war

BI Intelligence

This is a preview of a research report from Business Insider Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about Business Insider Intelligence, click here.

It hasn't been smooth sailing for telecoms in recent years. Native voice and messaging services, which once accounted for the vast majority of telecoms' subscriber revenue, are struggling to compete with over-the-top (OTT) apps, like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and Viber — and they're... Читать дальше...


The 3 things people get wrong when buying wedding gifts, according to an expert — and how much you should actually be spending

Paul Rich Studio/Shutterstock

  • INSIDER spoke to The Wedding Shop managing director Anne-Marie Jenkins to find out what guests do wrong when buying wedding gifts.
  • The concept of "pay for your plate" no longer applies, according to Jenkins.
  • She also warns against buying off-list.

With countless casserole dishes and Champagne flutes to wade through, finding the perfect gift to give a couple on their wedding day can be an incredibly difficult task.

... Читать дальше...


The global crypto market has lost 10% of its value in the last 24 hours

Markets Insider

  • The entire cryptocurrency market has lost 10% of its value in the last 24-hours.
  • Bitcoin dipped below $6,000 earlier in the session but has since recovered.
  • Ethereum fell 17% on Monday and is down another 7% on Tuesday morning.
  • You can follow live cryptocurrency prices on Markets Insider.

LONDON — Cryptocurrencies are in the red on Tuesday, with bitcoin leading the market lower.

The value of the entire cryptocurrency... Читать дальше...


Es gibt 3 Gründe, warum Immobilien in Deutschland Mangelware sind

Die Nachfrage nach Wohnraum ist enorm, die Zinsen sind niedrig, der Immobilienmarkt floriert — und trotzdem kommt der Wohnungsneubau nicht richtig in Fahrt. 1,5 Millionen neue Wohnungen sollen bis Ende 2021 errichtet werden, so lautet das Ziel der Bundesregierung. Das entspricht 375.000 Wohnungen jährlich ab 2018. Doch von diesem Wert ist Deutschland weit entfernt: Gerade einmal 285.000 Wohnungen wurden 2017 fertiggestellt. Zwar war das ein minimales Plus von 2,6 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahr... Читать дальше...


A video showing Liverpool star Mo Salah driving while using his phone has surfaced online — and his own club reported him to the police

Getty Images

  • Mohamed Salah has been captured on video using a phone while in the driver's seat of a car.
  • His club, Liverpool FC, reported him to local police who have passed the footage to "the relevent department."
  • Salah is Liverpool's best soccer player and scored one of the club's four goals in the thrilling 4-0 win against West Ham United on Sunday.
  • Read Business Insider's coverage of the 2018-2019 soccer season here.

A video that seemingly... Читать дальше...


India's rupee hits an all-time low as the Turkish lira crisis spills over to other currencies

Thomson Reuters

  • The Indian rupee briefly fell to an all-time low of 70.1 per US dollar in Tuesday trade.
  • Indonesia’s currency also fell to a multi-year low as government ministers discussed strategies to prop up the currency.
  • JP Morgan’s emerging markets foreign exchange index is on track for its biggest monthly fall in six years.

There are lingering signs of tension in emerging markets during Tuesday trade after the Turkish lira’s collapse last... Читать дальше...


It's becoming more and more clear that Brexit is driving EU nationals out of the UK


  • There is rising evidence that European Union workers are leaving the UK because of Brexit.
  • The Office for National Statistics on Tuesday said that there were 86,000 fewer EU nationals in jobs in the UK than at the same time last year.
  • This is the largest fall on record. 
  • Workers from the A8 group of Eastern European nations are leaving at the fastest rate, the ONS said.
  • While the ONS did not explicitly mention Brexit in its release, anti-Brexit campaign groups seized on the figures. Читать дальше...

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