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Новости за 14.08.2018


Wie Modellstädte ihren Nahverkehr attraktiver machen wollen

Schnupper-Tickets für 365 Euro im Jahr, zusätzliche Haltestellen, extra Busspuren vorbei am Stau: Im Kampf gegen zu viele Diesel-Abgase in deutschen Städten will der Bund auch neue Ideen für einen attraktiveren Nahverkehr voranbringen — damit mehr Autofahrer auf Busse und Bahnen umsteigen. Fünf „Modellstädte“ bekommen dafür bis 2020 insgesamt bis zu 130 Millionen Euro Förderung, wie Verkehrsminister Andreas Scheuer (CSU) und Umweltministerin Svenja Schulze (SPD) am Dienstag mitteilten. Schlagen die Projekte ein... Читать дальше...


Thousands of young Wall Streeters got the results of one of the toughest exams in the world — over half failed

Natalie Behring/Getty Images

  • The results of the 2018 Chartered Financial Analyst exam were released to candidates on Tuesday.
  • According to an email to candidates seen by Business Insider, 43% of people passed Level I. That was unchanged from last year.
  • Bloomberg reports that 45% of people passed the Level II exam, down from 47% in 2017.
  • Pass percentages for this year will not be officially made public until August 28, when Level III results will also be released. Читать дальше...


This couples counselor left his job to coach Silicon Valley tech workers — here's why he says a good business partnership should be like a good marriage

Syda Productions/Shutterstock

  • Cameron Yarbrought said when he worked as a couples counselor in San Francisco, he would see a lot of tech company cofounders seeking help in their relationships.
  • The parallels between counseling a married couple and a set of cofounders were shocking, Yarbrough said.
  • There's one key way in which a business partnership is like a marriage, according to Yarbrough. Both pairs should aim for having "symmetrical values" and "complementary... Читать дальше...


Tinder's founders are suing Match Group and IAC saying they've been ripped off — and they're seeking at least $2 billion in damages (IAC, MTCH)

Advertising Week Europe

A group of early Tinder employees, including cofounders Sean Rad and Jonathan Badeen, announced on Tuesday that they filed a lawsuit against InterActiveCorp and Match Group, the owners of Tinder.

They're alleging that IAC undervalued Tinder, and used a lowball valuation based on false information to reduce the value of stock options that early employees and founders held.See the rest of the story at Business Insider

NOW WATCH: What's going on with Elon... Читать дальше...


Penn Jillette says Mark Burnett definitely has damaging tapes of Donald Trump, but won't say what's on them

Andy Kropa/AP Photo

  • In a new interview with Vulture, magician and former "Celebrity Apprentice" contestant Penn Jillette said that show producer Mark Burnett definitely has damaging tapes of Donald Trump.
  • Jillette claims he was in the room when the tapes were recorded, but he won't say what's on them because "the stakes are now high" and he is a self-described "unreliable narrator."
  • Several people who worked on the set of "The Apprentice" franchise have claimed that Trump was recorded on tape using the N-word. Читать дальше...


Oscar Health just raised $375 million from Alphabet

Eduardo Munoz/Reuters

  • Oscar Health just raised an additional $375 million from Alphabet, bringing the health insurer's total funding up to more than $1 billion. 
  • As part of that raise, Oscar CEO Mario Schlosser told Wired, the company plans to expand beyond the individual healthcare exchanges and small employer market and into the Medicare Advantage market, caring for people 65 and older. 

Oscar Health just got a cool $375 million from Google's parent company... Читать дальше...


Meet the 3 Tesla board members set to decide on Elon Musk's go-private plan (TSLA)

Ringo H.W. Chiu / AP Photo

  • Tesla's board of directors has formed a special committee to examine CEO Elon Musk's preference to take the company private, according to a statement on the electric-car maker's website. 
  • Three independent board members — Brad Buss, Robyn Denholm, and Linda Johnson Rice — will sit on the special committee.
  • While Musk has not yet presented a formal proposal to take Tesla private, he will need the committee's approval before such a move can occur. Читать дальше...


The Taliban's brutal strikes are rising the death toll and raising questions about the US's peace talks


  • The Taliban are asserting themselves on the battlefield, as U.S. officials talk up hopes for peace. 
  • Trump's strategy, announced in August 2017, revisits an approach that was tried, and failed, under President Barack Obama: increasing military pressure to push the Taliban into peace negotiations with the Afghan government.
  •  Signs point to Trump pressing ahead; he is about to send a new Army general, Scott Miller, to take charge of the U.S.-led coalition in Kabul. Читать дальше...


The US restaurant industry could be the big winner of Trump's trade war

Win McNamee/Getty Images

  • President Donald Trump's trade war is causing pain for many US industries, but the tariffs could actually help US restaurants.
  • The retaliatory tariffs on US agricultural goods are expected to cause a supply glut, which is already leading to price cuts for major agricultural goods.
  • This means restaurants will pay less for ingredients like pork, cheese, and corn.
  • According to restaurant invoice management company Plate IQ, the US restaurant... Читать дальше...


Japan activated an elite marine unit for the first time since World War II to counter China — and it's getting ready for its first naval exercise

Issei Kato/Reuters

  • Japan has been beefing up its military in recent years, diverging from the pacifist stance adopted after World War II.
  • That shift has included the activation of an elite amphibious unit for the first time since that war.
  • That unit is now slated for its first naval exercise before the end of the year — an exercise meant to counter China's assertive moves in the region.

Just a few months after activating its elite Amphibious Rapid... Читать дальше...


Tiger Woods has climbed a ridiculous 1,173 places in golf's world rankings in just 8 months after undergoing spinal fusion

Getty Images

  • Tiger Woods is enjoying a wild comeback in sport.
  • The American golfer placed second in the last of golf's major tournaments this year.
  • But what is most impressive is the fact that Woods has risen from 1,199th in the world golf rankings to 26th — and it's only taken him eight months.

Tiger Woods, the most famous golfer on the planet, is enjoying a wild comeback in sport.

Woods has not won a golf major in ten years but came... Читать дальше...


Business Insider Intelligence is hiring an Account Manager (Sales/Renewals)

WOCinTech Chat/Flickr

We're hiring an Account Manager to join our Enterprise Renewal team at Business Insider Intelligence.

Business Insider Intelligence is Business Insider’s cutting-edge research service, delivering real-time insights on emerging trends, technologies, and disruptors in the digital arena.

The Account Manager will be responsible for growing our existing business segment - he/she will engage, renew, and upsell $1,000,000+ of corporate accounts, including Fortune 100 companies in the finance... Читать дальше...


Here's how cutting out alcohol can affect your skin

Getty/Pascal Rondeau

  • Alcohol can have some negative impacts on your skin.
  • It can cause puffiness and acne. 
  • After cutting out alcohol, your skin should improve over time.

No matter how fun alcohol may be, it can be bad for your health, especially if you over-indulge. Your Margarita Mondays and Thirsty Thursdays may seem like fun, but having one too many shots can do some major damage to your health, and in this particular case, your skin.

While... Читать дальше...


Meet Grimes, the Canadian pop star who streams video games and is dating Elon Musk (TSLA)

Barry Brecheisen/Invision/AP

At the Met Gala in early May, a surprising new couple showed up on the red carpet: billionaire tech CEO Elon Musk and Canadian musician and producer Grimes.

While Musk has long been known to date successful and high-profile women, the two made a seemingly unlikely pairing. Shortly before they walked the red carpet together, Page Six announced their relationship and explained how they met — over Twitter, thanks to a shared sense of humor and a fascination with artificial intelligence. Читать дальше...


Big pickup trucks have one clear advantage over all other vehicles


  • Full-size pickup trucks can combine hauling capacity with ample seating.
  • They can also deliver these advantages while delivering cruising comfort.
  • The main drawback is that the truck bed is exposed to elements.

Everybody knows that pickup trucks have a killer feature: the truck bed.

Other types of vehicles can be more practical for everyday use, but pickups come in pretty handy when you need to move house, engage in some heavy home improvement... Читать дальше...


Florida GOP candidate Melissa Howard admits she created a fake college diploma


  • Florida state legislature GOP candidate Melissa Howard claimed she graduated from Miami University of Ohio.
  • But the diploma she posted a photo of contained several inaccuracies, including the degree title and signatures from university officials. Howard later admitted she'd doctored the diploma.
  • "I would like to apologize to my family and my supporters for this situation," Howard wrote in a Facebook apology. "It was not my intent to deceive or mislead anyone."

Melissa Howard... Читать дальше...


The FBI is reportedly quietly warning banks of a potential large-scale hacking scheme that could hit their ATMs

REUTERS/Noah Berger

  • The FBI reportedly sent a confidential email to banks Friday outlining a potential ATM security threat.
  • The scheme is known as an "ATM cash-out."
  • Hackers use malware to access machines, lift controls and access large sums of money.

The FBI is privately warning banks of a potential global hacking scheme that could be carried out through their ATMs.

The bureau sent a confidential alert to banks Friday to notify them individuals... Читать дальше...


How to Build a Robo Advisor: Advice for Starting a Robo Advisory


With the tremendous growth in robo advisor assets under management (AUM), financial institutions are scrambling to figure out how to build and become a robo advisor.

Starting a robo advisor service combines financially savvy with big data analytics, as well as a comprehensive understanding to how robo advisors work.

How Do Robo Advisors Work?

Robo advisors are platforms that leverage algorithms to handle users' investment platforms. These services analyze each customer's current financial status... Читать дальше...


Man dies after crashing plane into his home following a fight with his wife

  • Duane Youd, 47, died early Monday morning after crashing a plane into the Utah home where his wife and stepson were sleeping. 
  • Youd's unnamed wife and her son escaped the home uninjured. 
  • The incident happened just hours after Youd was arrested for attacking his wife.

APA Utah man flew a small plane into his own house early Monday just hours after he had been arrested for assaulting his wife in a nearby canyon where the couple went to talk over their problems, authorities said.

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Экология в России и мире

Гены устойчивости к антибиотикам сохраняются в сточных водах даже после очистки

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о показателях нефтедобычи

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Союзное государство – сила двух суверенных стран

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Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Михаил Кутушов

Компания ICDMC приняла участие в торжественном открытии выставки “Тульское качество”


Мирзиёев: товарооборот Узбекистана с Россией можно довести до $20 млрд

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