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Новости за 11.08.2018


AI 101: How learning computers are becoming smarter


Many companies use the term artificial intelligence, or AI, as a way to generate excitement for their products and to present themselves as on the cutting edge of tech development.

But what exactly is artificial intelligence? What does it involve? And how will it help the development of future generations?See the rest of the story at Business Insider

See Also:


Zusätzliche Stahlzölle für Türkei gelten ab Montag

Die USA werden ihre zusätzlichen Strafzölle auf Stahl aus der Türkei von diesem Montag (13. August) an anwenden. Das Weiße Haus in Washington gab am Freitagabend (Ortszeit) eine entsprechende Erklärung von US-Präsident Donald Trump heraus. Von dem Datum an werden die USA Stahlimporte aus der Türkei mit 50 Prozent statt der bisher geltenden 25 Prozent belegen. Nach Angaben von Handelsminister Wilbur Ross sei dies ein entscheidender Schritt, um die Lebensfähigkeit der heimischen Stahlindustrie sicherzustellen, heißt es in der Erklärung. Читать дальше...


Eine Umfrage zeigt, wie massiv Amazon vom Prime Day profitiert

Für viele Amazon-Kunden ist der sogenannte Prime Day des Online-Händlers jedes Jahr ein heiß ersehntes Event. Denn wer Prime-Mitglied ist, kann seit 2015 einmal pro Jahr stark reduzierte Artikel und Sonderangebote shoppen. Für kann die Rabattschlacht also ein lohnendes Geschäft sein — definitiv ist sie es allerdings für Amazon selbst. Das geht aus einer Umfrage der zu McKinsey gehörenden Analysefirma Periscope hervor.

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The European Commission wants to scrap daylight saving hours - and there's only a few days left to have your say


  • The European Commission is considering scrapping daylight saving time.
  • There's one week left to give your opinion on the matter, according to the form on their website.
  • The effects of abandoning daylight saving time could be extensive, significantly affecting agriculture, health, and internal markets.

The European Commission is planning to scrap daylight saving time and there's one week left to give your opinion on the matter, according... Читать дальше...


The guide to understanding how artificial intelligence is impacting the world (AMZN, AAPL, GOOGL)

BI Intelligence

This is a preview of a research report bundle from Business Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about Business Intelligence, click here.

Artificial intelligence (AI) isn't a part of the future of technology. AI is the future of technology.See the rest of the story at Business Insider

See Also:

  • How insurtechs are tackling the notoriously tricky area of life insurance
  • How Gen Z and millennials watch Stories
  • Facebook... Читать дальше...


Scientists have found two planets outside our solar system that could host extra-terrestrial life


  • Scientists may have just come closer to answering questions about whether other planets in the universe may be able to support life.
  • The researchers used data on the UV levels required to make the molecular structures needed within a functioning cell.
  • The team used this data to search for planets receiving similar UV levels from stars nearby, and have narrowed down the possibilities to two planets outside of our solar system.

Are we alone in the universe? Читать дальше...


Kleine Hunde haben beim Gassigehen eine merkwürdige Angwohnheit, die durchaus nützlich sein kann

Bekanntermaßen besitzten alle Hunde einen äußerst gut ausgeprägten Geruchssinn. Kein Wunder also, dass gerade dominante Hunde, meistens sind das Rüden, ihren Urin dazu nutzten, um ihr Revier zu makieren. Dazu heben sie einfach ein Hinterbein und pinkel gegen so ziemlich alles, was ihnen dabei unter die Nase und vor die Augen kommt. Durch das Urinieren auf Nasenhöhe können Hunde schneller erschnuppern, dass dieses Gebiet bereits von einem anderen Hund beansprucht wird.

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Ausländeranteil im Dax über 30 Prozent — ein Unternehmen sticht heraus

Deutschlands Top-Konzerne setzen in ihren Chefetagen auf Fachwissen aus dem Ausland: In den 30 Dax-Unternehmen hat aktuell fast jeder dritte (60) der 194 Vorstände einen ausländischen Pass. Somit liegt der Ausländeranteil in den Chefetagen der ersten deutschen Börsenliga im zweiten Jahr in Folge über der 30-Prozent-Marke, wie das Beratungsunternehmen Simon-Kucher & Partners berechnet hat: Mit 30,9 Prozent zum Stichtag 1. Juli 2018 war er zum Vorjahr fast unverändert (30,8 Prozent). Von den... Читать дальше...


The founder of Silk Road is dictating tweets from the prison where he's serving life — and he's convinced 55,000 people to sign his petition for clemency


  • Ross Ulbricht was sentenced to life in prison in 2015 after being convicted of running the dark web marketplace Silk Road.
  • His family have set up the twitter account @RealRossU, which relays messages Ulbricht dictates from prison.
  • The account has helped get over 55,000 signatures for a petition asking for clemency for Ulbricht.
  • His supporters argue Silk Road was no different to eBay and it's not his fault that people used it to sell drugs.

Ross Ulbricht... Читать дальше...


Porsche will 10 Milliarden Euro sparen — um Tesla & Co. zu schlagen

Der Sportwagenbauer Porsche will in den kommenden Jahren Milliarden sparen. „Wir planen die Umsetzung eines Programms, das in den kommenden drei Jahren mehrere Milliarden Euro zum Ergebnis beiträgt“, sagte Porsche-Chef Oliver Blume im Gespräch mit „Stuttgarter Zeitung“ und „Stuttgarter Nachrichten“ (Samstag). Das Programm soll vom kommenden Jahr an bis 2022 im Schnitt zwei Milliarden Euro pro Jahr einsparen, wie mit den Vorgängen vertraute Personen den Blättern sagten.

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How automakers can compete in the future of mobility


This is a preview of a research report from Business Insider Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about Business Insider Intelligence, click here.

Automakers are on the verge of a prolonged period of rapid change to the way they do business, thanks to the combined disruptive forces of growing on-demand mobility services and self-driving cars, which will start to come to market in the next couple of years.

By the end of 2019, Google spinoff Waymo... Читать дальше...


'Suicidal' airline mechanic steals plane at Seattle-Tacoma Airport and crashes near a small island

AP Photo/Ted S. Warren

  • A "suicidal" airplane mechanic took off in a plane without permission at Seattle-Tacoma (Sea-Tac) Airport in Seattle, Washington, and later crashed in Puget Sound, the airport confirmed Friday night.
  • The mechanic was killed. There were no other passengers on board.
  • No one on the ground was hurt.

A Horizon Air mechanic described as "suicidal" took off in a plane without permission at Seattle-Tacoma (Sea-Tac) Airport in Seattle... Читать дальше...


'Suicidal' airline mechanic steals plane at Seattle-Tacoma Airport and crashes near Puget Sound


  • A "suicidal" airplane mechanic took off in a plane without permission at Seattle-Tacoma (Sea-Tac) Airport in Seattle, Washington and later crashed in Puget Sound, the airport confirmed Friday night.
  • There were no other passengers on board.
  • An FAA spokesperson confirmed that the plane departed without permission.
  • Alaska Airlines acknowledged the situation in a statement: "We are aware of an incident involving an unauthorized take-off of a Horizon Air Q400. Читать дальше...


An airline employee took off in a plane without permission at Sea-Tac Airport in Seattle and crashed in Puget Sound

AP Photo/Ted S. Warren

  • An airplane employee took off in a plane without permission at SeaTac Airport in Seattle, Washington and later crashed in Puget Sound, the airport confirmed Friday night.
  • There no other passengers on board.
  • An FAA spokesperson confirmed that the plane departed without permission.
  • Alaska Airlines acknowledged the situation in a statement: "We are aware of an incident involving an unauthorized take-off of a Horizon Air Q400. We believe there are no passengers on board. Читать дальше...


How banks are using new identity verification methods to boost conversions and keep their customers loyal

BI Intelligence

This is a preview of a research report from Business Insider Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about Business Insider Intelligence, click here.

The way incumbent banks onboard and verify the identities of their customers online is inconvenient and insecure, resulting in lowered customer satisfaction and loyalty, and security breaches leading to compensation payouts and legal costs.

It’s a lose-lose situation, as consumers become disgruntled and banks lose business. Читать дальше...


Bitcoin 101: Your essential guide to cryptocurrency

Thomson Reuters

Bitcoin is everywhere.

The cryptocurrency is seemingly in the news every day as investors and businesses try to understand the future of this digital finance.

But what is Bitcoin all about?See the rest of the story at Business Insider

See Also:

  • How insurtechs are tackling the notoriously tricky area of life insurance
  • How Gen Z and millennials watch Stories
  • Facebook might be partnering with major US banks


The feds are looking into bank transactions a GOP operative conducted during an independent search for Hillary Clinton's emails

Drew Angerer/Getty Images

  • Federal investigators are looking into bank transactions conducted by a GOP operative who launched an independent effort to find Hillary Clinton's emails during the 2016 election.
  • At the time, Peter W. Smith made clear that he wanted to uncover messages sent through Clinton's private email server and expose them during what was an already heated electoral contest between Clinton and then-candidate Donald Trump.
  • According to a BuzzFeed News report published Friday... Читать дальше...


How the Internet of Things will transform consumerism, enterprises, and governments over the next five years

  • The Internet of Things is fueling the data-based economy and bridging the divide between physical and digital worlds.
  • Consumers, companies, and governments will install more than 40 billion IoT devices worldwide through 2023.
  • The next five years will mark a pivotal transformation in how companies and jurisdictions operate, and how consumers live.

Being successful in the digital age doesn’t just require knowing the latest buzzwords; it means identifying the transformational trends ... Читать дальше...


Fintech could be bigger than ATMs, PayPal, and Bitcoin combined


This is a preview of a research report from Business Insider Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about Business Insider Intelligence, click here.

Fintech broke onto the scene as a disruptive force following the 2008 crisis, but the industry's influence on the broader financial services system is changing. 

The fintech industry no longer stands clearly apart from financial services proper, and is increasingly growing embedded in mainstream finance. Читать дальше...


President Trump says he’s having dinner with Apple CEO Tim Cook, praises him for ‘investing big dollars in U.S.A.’


  • President Trump says in a tweet that he has dinner plans with Apple CEO Tim Cook.
  • That dinner will likely take place in Bedminister, New Jersey, where the President has been since August 3. 
  • Cook has been vocal in his disapproval of certain Trump Administration policies, particularly around immigration and trade.

Diners in the vicinity of Bedminster, New Jersey could find themselves in very powerful company on Friday evening.

President Trump... Читать дальше...


THEN AND NOW: The cast of 'The Princess Diaries' movies 17 years later

Disney/Getty Images

Warning: Minor spoilers ahead for the "Princess Diaries" franchise.

Disney's two movie adaptations of Meg Cabot's book series "The Princess Diaries" are among the most iconic live-action films from the early 2000s era of filmmaking. The first movie, starring Anne Hathaway as Mia Thermopolis, premiered in 2001 and its lovable sequel following just three years later, "The Princess Diaries" franchise was home to many now-iconic stars. 

With both movies now streaming on Netflix... Читать дальше...


California jury orders Monsanto to pay school groundskeeper $289 million in Roundup weed-killer court trial

REUTERS/Mike Blake/File Photo

  • A California jury on Friday found Monsanto liable in a lawsuit filed by a man who alleged the company's glyphosate-based weed-killers, including Roundup, caused his cancer and ordered the company to pay $289 million in damages.
  • The case of school groundskeeper Dewayne Johnson was the first lawsuit to go to trial alleging glyphosate causes cancer.
  • Monsanto, a unit of Bayer AG following a $62.5 billion acquisition by the German conglomerate... Читать дальше...


Facebook's blockchain boss David Marcus is leaving cryptocurrency startup Coinbase's board (FB)

  • Facebook's blockchain boss David Marcus is leaving the board of crypto startup Coinbase.
  • His departure is a signal that the social networking giant's secretive blockchain efforts are progressing.
  • "Because of the new group I’m setting up at Facebook around Blockchain, I’ve decided it was appropriate for me to resign from the Coinbase board," Marcus said in a statement.

In a sign that Facebook's secretive blockchain effort is progressing, David Marcus, the head of that project... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

В парке на востоке Москвы нашли тело школьницы

Путин в России и мире

Захарова назвала визит Путина в КНР судьбоносным шагом, определяющим будущее всей планеты

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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