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Новости за 05.08.2018


Kellyanne Conway says she doesn't believe journalists are the 'enemy of the people'

CBS News

  • White House counselor Kellyanne Conway said Sunday she doesn't think the press is the "enemy of the people," differing with President Donald Trump's often-used phrase.
  • Conway is the latest in the administration to be pressed on Trump's attacks against the media.
  • After his daughter Ivanka Trump distanced herself from the accusation, Trump tweeted that he means the "FAKE NEWS" is the "enemy of the people."

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway... Читать дальше...


These are the top five trends shaping the future of digital health


The healthcare industry is in a state of disruption. Digital solutions are becoming a necessary part of the new global standard of care for patients and regulation is being fast-tracked to catch up to digital health innovation.

These rapid changes will have ripple effects across the entire healthcare system, impacting incumbents and new entrants alike.

Based on our ongoing analysis, understanding of industry trends, and conversations with industry executives, Business Insider Intelligence... Читать дальше...


'Mission: Impossible - Fallout' easily wins the box office for a 2nd-straight weekend (VIA)


  • "Mission: Impossible - Fallout" wins the weekend box office for a second-straight weekend.
  • It had an estimated $35 million in its second frame.
  • Coming in second place was Disney's "Christopher Robin."

Things are going exactly as Paramount planned.

Placing "Mission: Impossible - Fallout" in August, the studio knew its big money-making franchise had the potential to be atop the domestic box office for multiple weeks, and they have certainly... Читать дальше...


THE TECH COMPANIES IN PAYMENTS REPORT: How technology giants are using their reach and digital prowess to take on traditional banks (GOOG, GOOGL, AAPL, FB, MSFT, AMZN)


As headlines like "Amazon Is Secretly Becoming a Bank" and "Google Wants to Be a Bank Now" increasingly crop up in the news, tech giants are coming into the spotlight as the next potential payments disruptors.

And with these firms' broad reach and hefty resources, the possibility that they'll descend on financial services is a hard narrative to shy away from. To mitigate potential losses under this scenario, traditional players will have to grasp not only the level of the threat... Читать дальше...


Here's what you would need to do in order to pass the new US Army Fitness test

Scott Nelson/Getty Images

  • The US Army combat fitness test has been leaked online. 
  • The US Army requires all soldiers to take a 50-minute test that involves strength deadlift; a medicine ball power throw; pushups; a "sprint, drag, carry" event; leg tucks; and a 2-mile run.
  • The results place each soldier in a category of moderate, significant, or heavy based on their fitness, though the US Army is still experimenting with new ways to test soldiers.

Soldiers... Читать дальше...


30 people were shot in just 3 hours in Chicago, including at least 12 teenagers

Screenshot/Chicago Sun-Times

  • Thirty people were shot in just 3 hours early Sunday in Chicago.
  • Two people were killed and 28 were wounded between midnight and 3 a.m., including at least 13 teenagers.
  • There have been about 339 homicides in the city so far in 2018, with 285 people killed by gun violence.

Thirty people were shot in just 3 hours early Sunday in Chicago, with five mass shootings of three or more victims accounting for 25 of the casualties, according to the Chicago Sun-Times. Читать дальше...


AI 101: How learning computers are becoming smarter


Many companies use the term artificial intelligence, or AI, as a way to generate excitement for their products and to present themselves as on the cutting edge of tech development.

But what exactly is artificial intelligence? What does it involve? And how will it help the development of future generations?See the rest of the story at Business Insider

See Also:


American retirees are selling their investments, only to be purchased by foreign investors who pose a national security risk

Christopher Furlong/Getty Images

  • Recent reports show that many foreign investors are buying shares in US companies from aging Americans who are increasingly selling their ownership in those companies to fund their retirements.
  • Experts argue that this more gradual transfer of control from an aging American population to foreign investors in emerging markets can create national security risks for the United States.
  • These economists predict that majority ownership of key US businesses ... Читать дальше...


These 3 American neighborhoods are emerging as economic powerhouses


For decades, many Americans have chosen to live in suburbs and commute to urban centers for work. That's largely because cities — accounting for 85% of US GDP and jobs — help drive the nation's economy.

Neighborhoods like Midtown in Manhattan, the Loop in Chicago, and Central/East Boston have long been considered economic hubs due to their large concentrations of employment opportunities.

But there are many other places around the US that are rapidly emerging as new economic powerhouses. Читать дальше...


Trump lawyer shrugs off 2016 Trump Tower meeting legal troubles

Screenshot via ABC

  • President Donald Trump's attorney Jay Sekulow on Sunday questioned the importance of a June 2016 meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian lawyer.
  • The special counsel Robert Mueller is investigating the meeting as part of the probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election and the Trump campaign's possible involvement.
  • Sekulow's comments come after media reports that Trump was worried about his son's potential legal troubles because of the meeting... Читать дальше...


I traveled to a remote, 400-person indigenous village in the Himalayas. Here's what my journey way off the beaten path was like.

Courtesy of Devika Gurung

Nepal is full of contrasts.

Sandwiched between China and India, the country's 30 million residents are scattered across a stark geography, from the snowy Himalayan plateau to sweltering jungle and arid plains.

A common refrain among Nepali people is that if you were to spread the country flat, it would be one of the largest in the world. Perhaps as a consequence of the country's topography, Nepal's people represent a panoply of ethnic groups, speaking over 100 languages... Читать дальше...


Here are the new college football uniforms for the 2018 season

Iowa State Football

College football is nearly back and, as usual, a ton of teams will have changes to their uniforms.

The changes range from minor tweaks to full uniform makeovers as teams seek new excitement on the field. The big winner appears to be Adidas who added a bunch of FBS schools to their program.

Here is a rundown of the changes we have seen so far, with a lot of assistance from the invaluable Uni-Watch.

ARIZONA STATE — The Sun Devils have a new head coach in Herm Edwards... Читать дальше...


I asked two relationship experts how to keep young kids from eroding your marriage

Syda Productions/Shutterstock

  • Marriage typically gets harder after you have kids.
  • But it's important to prioritize your spouse and your relationship even after you become a parent. Two marriage therapists share their top tips for doing just that.
  • This post is part of Relationships 101, a series which aims to help us all be happier and healthier in love — and to stop fighting over who should take out the trash.

"There is no such thing as a family... Читать дальше...


The Carr fire — one of the most destructive in California history — has now killed 7 people, and it's still spreading

AP Photo/Noah Berger

  • The Carr wildfire in California is one of the most destructive in state history.
  • It has now killed seven people, and continues to spread.
  • The Carr fire is one of three currently burning hundreds of thousands of acres in California.
  • So far this year, US fires have burned 5 million acres, much more than the 10-year average.

NEW YORK (Reuters) - A seventh person died in a northern California wildfire on Saturday, as a couple... Читать дальше...


The surprising reason Tom Cruise almost had to fake the HALO jump in 'Mission: Impossible - Fallout'


  • The HALO jump in "Mission: Impossible - Fallout" almost had to be faked.
  • The Royal Air Force would only allow Cruise to do the stunt from 12,000 feet, not 25,000 feet, which would be a true HALO jump.
  • However, after Cruise broke his ankle while attempting a stunt for the movie, everything changed, according to Allan Hewitt, the "Fallout" skydiving coordinator.

The HALO jump in "Mission: Impossible - Fallout" took a year to execute, and required special equipment... Читать дальше...


Amazon is hinting it has a new plan to make boatloads of money from Alexa (AMZN)

AP/Elaine Thompson

  • Amazon's Alexa voice platform allows customers to shop on Amazon with voice commands rather than browsing and selecting.
  • Amazon has been making it easier to shop using voice with Alexa, but the company's focus now seems to increasingly be turning to using the voice assistant as a platform to trial digital subscriptions like music and video streaming.
  • In its most recent earnings call, Amazon executives hinted that the company would focus more on selling services... Читать дальше...


How this woman went from a Pizza Hut employee to founder of $4 billion startup

Credit Karma

  • When Nichole Mustard found herself adrift after college, she made a simple promise to herself: "be happy."
  • Time and again that choice led her to revamp her life and start over someplace new.
  • Ten years ago, it led her to sell her house, take a 60% pay cut and move her family across the country to found Credit Karma – a startup that today employs 800 people and is valued at $4 billion.
  • But it almost fell apart months after she risked it all.
  • ... Читать дальше...


Trump denies reports he's worried about Don Jr. getting ensnared in Mueller's investigation

REUTERS/Lucas Jackson

  • President Donald Trump tweeted Sunday morning to dismiss reports that he fears his son, Donald Trump Jr.'s legal fate in special counsel Robert Mueller's probe.
  • Stories from CNN and the Washington Post on Saturday cited sources close to the president that connected his worries for Trump Jr. and his increasingly hostile public statements against US intelligence.
  • Trump also confirmed the meeting in question was to seek dirt on then-Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Читать дальше...


These 15 cities are hiring the most six-figure-salary jobs in August 2018


  • Payroll processor ADP reported on Wednesday that businesses added 219,000 jobs in July in the US — meaning the country has been seeing gains in the job market for three straight months.
  • Economists expect the Labor Department to report 190,000 payroll gains in the public and private sectors at the end of the week.
  • Even so, certain cities have more lucrative options — here are the top 15 cities paying more than $100,000 a year.

The... Читать дальше...


We ranked every NFL team's quarterback situation heading into the 2018 season

Grant Halverson/Getty

It's possible there's no position in sports is more important to a team's success than that of an NFL quarterback.

The importance of the position goes beyond the starters. Backup QBs are also vital to a team's success heading into a fresh NFL season. Look no further than the reigning Super Bowl champions, the Philadelphia Eagles. While Carson Wentz played like an MVP candidate for most of the season, it was backup Nick Foles who carried the team over the finish line to lift the Lombardi Trophy. Читать дальше...


I visited the glittering Greek island of Mykonos, the summer destination of choice for billionaires — and it's a very different experience if you aren't swimming in money

  • Mykonos is a Greek island, world-famous as a party capital and a popular vacation hotspot for millionaires and billionaires.
  • I recently visited to see what the island would be like on both a frugal cheap vacation budget and on a more mid- to high-end vacation budget.
  • Visiting during the peak summer months of July and August turned out to be an expensive, exhausting, and crowded experience, with every beach packed, lines out the door of most clubs and bars, and resorts that were hard to book and cost a fortune. Читать дальше...


16 of the most eligible single royals from around the world

Paul Hackett/Reuters

Both of the British princes, William and Harry, have officially tied the knot with their respective wives, but that doesn’t mean the end of royal wedding excitement. There are many eligible princes and princesses all over the globe for the public to fawn over. Meet 16 of them.

Princess Beatrice of York has long been a British royal fixture.

Tristan Fewings/Getty

Although her sister, Eugenie, is engaged, Princess Beatrice of York is still eligible. The daughter of Prince Andrew... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге: «Ингушетия может стать настоящим открытием даже для опытных туристов»

Путин в России и мире

Санкт-Петербург не смог обойти Москву в рейтинге жизни населения

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Песков: Путин приедет с двухдневным визитом в Минск 23 мая

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский пожаловался, что западная помощь опаздывает

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



PR time

Один из лучших джазовых вечеров в Петербурге и Москве -  «Jazz под Небом»


В Москве стартует фестиваль «Москва — на волне. Рыбная неделя»

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