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Новости за 28.06.2018


Ein Handarbeitslehrer wollte diese 500 Jahre Statue restaurieren — das Ergebnis wird verspottet

Ein Kunstlehrer aus dem kleinen spanischen Ort Estella hat sich unsterblich gemacht — leider im Negativen. Die Kirchengemeinde des Ortes hatte den vermeintlichen Fachmann engagiert, um eine Plastik des Heiligen Georg in seiner Rüstung zu restaurieren. 500 Jahre Zerfall hatten dem Holzbildnis arg zugesetzt. Mit dem Ergebnis ist jetzt aber keiner zufrieden.

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What it's like to ride a $13,000 Tour de France road bike

Daniel McMahon/Business Insider

  • The Tour de France, the world's greatest race, runs July 7-29.
  • The most advanced performance road bicycles will be on display during the three-week event.
  • Curious what a fully loaded Tour bike would be like to ride, I rode one of the fastest for a year.
  • The Specialized S-Works Venge ViAS Disc e-Tap shines at high speed, in sprints, on flats and descents, and in windy conditions.
  • It isn't the lightest bike, but with aero wheels... Читать дальше...


Most Netflix subscribers with young kids have no idea Disney content will get pulled off the service

Disney / Pixar

  • When Disney launches its Netflix competitor in 2019, the Mouse House will pull its A-list movies and TV shows from Netflix.
  • New research shows that most Netflix subscribers who have young children, who will likely be most affected by the change, have no idea Disney content will be removed.
  • However, that doesn't mean they will cancel their subscriptions, likely because Netflix has made a big push to produce its own Netflix originals for kids.

For months... Читать дальше...


CHIPOTLE CEO: We've been the victim of a 'lack of discipline' — but that's set to change (CMG)

  • Chipotle's new CEO, Brian Niccol, isn't shy about revealing the company's recent struggles are attributable to "discipline" issues. 
  • He's initiating several plans to improve the operational efficiency and precision of the company. 
  • That'll help is drive its plan to reorganize the company, and execute its digital and marketing strategy. 
  • Watch Chipotle trade in real time here. 

Chipotle CEO Brian Niccol took the helm just a few months ago, and he's... Читать дальше...


'This is intimidation': An ICE whistleblower who said he was told to lie to the public was interrupted by Homeland Security agents banging on his door during a TV interview


  • Former Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesman James Schwab told CBS News he was instructed by the Trump administration to lie about an arrest operation.
  • During the interview at Schwab's home, agents from the Department of Homeland Security pounded on his front door and demanded to speak with him.
  • Schwab called the visit "intimidation" and encouraged other government workers to come forward if they have had similar experiences.
  • ... Читать дальше...


10 places on your body you didn't realize could get sunburned

Paramount Pictures

Even though there's an overwhelming body of research that proves how dangerous sun exposure can be, too few of us adequately apply sunscreen regularly. This leads to potential sun damage and skin cancer that’s otherwise avoidable by properly protecting our skin.

But even if you are diligent about daily sunscreen use, there’s a solid chance you're not covering all the body parts you should be, leading to sunburns in areas you didn't think could get burned.

Here... Читать дальше...


Dieser Immobilien-Trend könnte unsere Art zu bauen für immer verändern

Es geht schnell und ist umweltfreundlich: Immer mehr Häuser in Deutschland werden aus Holz gebaut. Was bisher meist nur Einfamilienhäusern vorbehalten war, geht jetzt auch größer: In Hamburg entsteht mit der „Windspitze“ derzeit Deutschlands höchstes Holzhochhaus mit 64 Metern. Auch in Berlin, Heilbronn und München wird auf Holz bei Immobilien gesetzt.

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Democrats' best hope to stall Trump's next Supreme Court justice just collapsed

Toya Sarno Jordan/Getty Images

  • Democrats' best hope of blocking President Donald Trump's upcoming Supreme Court nomination just fizzled out.
  • Republican Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona said he wouldn't block Trump's nominee from getting out of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
  • Flake had blocked lower court nominees in hopes of getting a Senate vote to curtail Trump's tariff powers.

Democrats' best hope of blocking President Donald Trump's upcoming Supreme Court nomination just fizzled out. Читать дальше...


Tesla has a 'remarkable' battery technology that one analyst says has been ignored by Wall Street (TSLA)

Benjamin Zhang/Business Insider

  • Tesla's new aluminum cooling radiators in Model 3 batteries have been largely overlooked, an analyst says.
  • Berenberg, a German investment bank, is one of the most bullish on Wall Street — and isn't worried about "production hell."
  • Follow Tesla's stock in real-time here. 

Most of Wall Street is focused on Tesla’s race to build enough Model 3s and how the company may soon need to raise more cash.

But one firm — Germany’s Berenberg ... Читать дальше...


Mexico supporters showed their love for South Korea with free beer, discounts, and celebrations after they saved their World Cup hopes

Photo courtesy of James Wagner

  • Mexico lost its last match of the group stage of the World Cup but still advanced thanks to South Korea defeating Germany. 
  • Mexico fans were seen celebrating with South Korean fans and even public officials. 
  • Mexican corporations also showed their support for South Korea. 

Mexico, despite losing to 3-0 to Sweden, has advanced to the next round of the World Cup, thanks to South Korea's shocking defeat of Germany. 

And... Читать дальше...


Here's the difference between a 'socialist' and a 'Democratic socialist'

Mark Lennihan/AP

  • After 28-year-old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's stunning upset against Rep. Joe Crowley in the New York Democratic congressional primary on Tuesday, the word "socialist" was repeatedly used to describe her.
  • "Socialist" remains a dirty, and often misunderstood, term in the realm of US politics.
  • In general, socialists believe the government should provide a range of basic services to the public, such as health care and education, for free or at a significant discount. Читать дальше...


Super-Flop bei Aldi: Diese Produkte bekommt der Discounter einfach nicht los

Aldi Süd hat ein Problem: Der Discounter wird Designermode von Steffen Schraut nicht los. Jetzt gibt es große Rabatte, weil das Unternehmens sonst darauf sitzen bleiben könnte. Waren die Klamotten zuvor noch relativ geordnet zu finden, sind sie seit dieser Woche auf den Wühltischen verteilt. Die Werbung hat sich verändert, der Name des Designers ist inzwischen nicht mehr offensichtlich zu finden.

Читать дальше...


Using money as a weapon is called financial abuse — and it's the ultimate form of manipulative control

Naparat / Shutterstock

  • Financial abuse is when somebody controls how and when you spend money.
  • Sometimes, they are the breadwinner and withhold or hide their money.
  • Other times, they are a financial leech. 
  • Shannon Thomas tells the stories of many victims of financial abuse in her new book "Exposing Financial Abuse: When Money is a Weapon."
  • She spoke to Business Insider about the signs of financial abuse, and how it manifests in people's lives.
  • ... Читать дальше...


10 hacks you can do with a lemon that could change your life

Boontoom Sae-Kor/Shutterstock

It’s no secret that adding lemon in your water can improve your health, but did you know that there are many other benefits to having the small fruit laying around the house? Of course, you can use it to make lemonade and add it to spruce up your different recipes, but there are so many other things that you can use lemons for around the house.

Full of Vitamin C, lemons have the ability to rid you of the most annoying stains, remove the stinkiest odors... Читать дальше...


Amazon needs help delivering packages. Here's how to cash in. (AMZN)


  • Amazon is trying to expand its network of package delivery couriers by offering incentives, including discounts on vehicles and fuel, to new business owners.
  • Delivery partners who are accepted into Amazon's program could earn about $300,000 in annual profits operating a fleet of up to 40 delivery vehicles, the company said.
  • Partners must make a minimum investment of $10,000 and have access to $30,000 in liquid assets.
  • To apply, individuals must complete an application through the company's website. Читать дальше...


Kylie Jenner's makeup routine includes her secret to getting perfect-looking brows


  • Kylie Jenner shared her makeup routine in a video with Vogue. 
  • She starts by using a brow pencil to fill in her brows, then applies concealer directly underneath to shape and provide a base for her eye shadow.
  • Jenner then uses one of her new Kylie Cosmetics Kyshadow Palettes to create a glittery golden shade with a peachy undertone.
  • She mixes Marc Jacobs Dew Drops ($44) into her foundation before applying with a brush; because she prefers to let her freckles shine through... Читать дальше...


6 celebrity couples who met on tour

Courtesy of Stylecaster via Getty Images / Francois Durand

They say love knows no bounds — and can happen anytime, anywhere. That certainly seemed to be the case for the following six celebrity couples, who met while on tour and then embarked on serious relationships. Here, we take a look back at these romances — a few of which are still going strong.

Tim McGraw and Faith Hill

Rick Diamond

In 1994, country crooners Faith Hill and Tim McGraw met while performing at a Nashville music festival... Читать дальше...


House investigators grill Christopher Wray and Rod Rosenstein in contentious hearing about the Trump and Clinton probes

  • Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher Wray are testifying before the House Judiciary Committee about the inspector general's report on the FBI's handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation.
  • Republican lawmakers are seizing on the report's findings to question the legitimacy of the Russia probe and to demand more classified intelligence from the DOJ about the investigation.
  • Democrats accuse their colleagues of playing politics, focusing on the "tired story" of Clinton's emails... Читать дальше...


College World Series extended when Arkansas drops championship-winning pop-up and Oregon State mounts huge comeback


  • Arkansas had a nightmare blooper at the worst possible moment to blow a chance at winning the College World Series.
  • With a 3-2 lead and two outs in the ninth inning, three Arkansas fielders watched as the game-winning out dropped safely in foul territory.
  • Oregon State took full advantage of the miscue, tying the game two pitches later and taking the lead with the next batter to force a decisive Game 3 on Thursday.

For a few brief seconds on Wednesday night... Читать дальше...


Watch Kim Kardashian publicly force Tristan Thompson to unblock her on Instagram — and his squirmy reaction

Cassidy Sparrow/Christopher Polk/Getty Images

  • Just before Khloe Kardashian gave birth to her first child with Tristan Thompson, news broke that he allegedly cheated on her multiple times.
  • Kim Kardashian West seemingly confirmed the rumors during an interview with Ellen DeGeneres, calling the situation "so f--ked up."
  • Shortly after, Thompson blocked Kim on social media.
  • While the family celebrated Khloe's birthday on June 27, Kim filmed herself asking Thompson to unblock her ... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

В Москве заключили соглашение об обмене знаниями в области разведения соколов

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о развитии ТЭК для достижения национальных целей

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Союзное государство – сила двух суверенных стран

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

В Киеве заявили о причастности Зеленского к покушению на Фицо

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




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