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Новости за 11.06.2018


5 money secrets self-made millionaires teach their kids

Christopher Polk/Getty Images for NARAS

  • Steve Siebold spoke with more than 1,2000 millionaires to determine the secrets they teach their children to help establish good money habits. 
  • From, Wall Street to Main Street, people should look for opportunities on every level. 
  • Young athletes who play golf, tennis or other sports favored by powerful people have better networking opportunities. 

In Steve Siebold’s book "Secrets Self-Made Millionaires Teach... Читать дальше...


An Israeli has written a series of open letters to his Palestinian neighbors. Will anyone respond?

Nasser Nasser/AP

  • Conversations about the Israeli Palestinian conflict are often stale and unproductive.
  • Interlocutors talk in circles and rarely say anything new or productive.
  • A new book from Yossi Klein Halevi might change that.

When it comes to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, most of the “dialogue” consists of people talking in circles, to themselves, and to like minded individuals.

The peace processors talk about the peace process... Читать дальше...


23 people reveal the most horrifying bridezilla moments they've ever seen — and they'll make you want to stay single


There's no getting around it: weddings can be really stressful, especially for a bride. And although no one would blame them for getting a little upset, some exceed the acceptable amount of anger and turn into total bridezillas. 

We've rounded up our favorite horror stories from Reddit that will make you laugh, cringe, and decide that, maybe it's better to just elope. 

"The bride threw an actual, honest-to-god tantrum."

Allef Vinicius / unsplash

"It was a stinking hot... Читать дальше...


Airana Grande and Pete Davidson are reportedly engaged

Jason Merritt/Michael Loccisano/Getty Images

  • Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson are reportedly engaged, according to multiple reports.
  • The couple has been dating for about a month.
  • People are stunned by the news.

Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson are reportedly engaged, according to multiple reports from outlets including People and Us Weekly.

Grande and Davidson reportedly told people they were engaged on Saturday when they attended Robert Pattinson's birthday party in Hollywood... Читать дальше...


A 2-year-old girl went missing for 2 days — her dog stayed by her side the entire time, and is being hailed a hero

Courtesy of Facebook/Scotty McGaha

  • Two-year-old Charlee Campbell and her dog Penny went missing for nearly two days in a densely wooded area outside of Louisville, Kentucky.
  • Charlee was found mostly unharmed on a neighbor's doorstep around the same time her grandmother saw Penny running back from the hills behind her home.
  • Penny helped guide Charlee home, and now gets extra treats.

A Kentucky family's dog has been dubbed a hero after staying by their... Читать дальше...


11 romantic comedies to see in your lifetime

Universal via YouTube

Predictability can be a sore spot when it comes to romantic comedies, but a story that follows a formula isn't always a problem. To some degree, audiences expect and even demand that romantic leads will fall for each other by the time the credits roll. As viewers, we rarely question if two people will end up together, but wonder if we'll be convinced of how they found their happily ever after.

The best movies in the genre take the time to develop their characters... Читать дальше...


Burglars got away with breaking into billionaire Jeff Bezos's Beverly Hills mansion after leading police on a car chase

Drew Angerer/Getty Images

  • Burglars tried to break into Jeff Bezos' Beverly Hills mansion last week.
  • They didn't end up stealing anything from Bezos' home, but it's suspected that the same culprits broke into another nearby home that same night.
  • After the police chased them for 25-minutes by car, the burglars escaped on foot.

Three burglars attempted to break into Jeff Bezos' Beverly Hills mansion last week, TMZ reports. 

The burglars, who successfully... Читать дальше...


Trump-Kim summit: 'You are my friend,' US president tells Singapore prime minster over ice cream and birthday cake

Ministry of Communications and Information, Singapore

  • US President Donald Trump met Singapore Prime Minster Lee Hsien Loong for a working lunch on Sunday at the Istana in the lead-up to the historic summit between Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
  • Acknowledging the host country as well as the Singaporean prime minster, Trump added, “We appreciate your hospitality and professionalism and friendship … You’re my friend.”
  • There was also an early birthday cake for Trump, who turns 72 on Thursday. Читать дальше...


The directors of 'Infinity War' want you to stop making 'Avengers 4' assumptions based on the already announced sequels

  • Marvel fans have a lot of feelings surrounding the ending of "Avengers: Infinity War."
  • Some people are making assumptions based on the fact that sequels like "Spider-Man: Homecoming 2" and "Black Panther 2" have already been confirmed. 
  • The directors of "Infinity War" want fans to remember that time works differently in the MCU. 

We're including "Avengers: Infinity War" spoilers, here, but if you haven't caught the movie, yet, get on that.

Читать дальше...


Lava is still tearing through Hawaii as the Kilauea volcano continues to erupt— here's what it looks like on the ground

U.S. Geological Survey via AP, file

Hawaii's Kilauea volcano is still gushing lava and ash, weeks after violent eruptions began.

The volcano has technically been erupting since 1983, but this recent spate of dangerous eruptions has been escalating since May 3. The lava flows have severely damaged nearby residential neighborhoods and forced over 2,000 people to evacuate their homes. Many still can't access their properties as ash and lava continue to spread around the island.

Beyond the immediate fire danger from lava... Читать дальше...


Fitbit was once a 'piñata for short sellers' — but now it's making a big change to how it makes money (FIT)


  • Fitbit soared Monday after short seller Andrew Left suggested there are big gains ahead. 
  • Left believes Fitbit's revenue growth potential is under-appreciated by Wall Street, and that its shift to services and software will enable it to have a more constant revenue stream. 
  • Somewhat uncharacteristically, Left's Fitbit note is his second in two weeks that moved a stock dramatically higher because his position was bullish. 
  • Watch Fitbit trade in real time here. Читать дальше...


Here's how to save one year's salary by the time you're 30

Tory Ho/Getty Images

  • Fidelity recommends to have an amount equal to your annual salary saved towards retirement by the time you're 30.
  • For many people, even small goals can seem unattainable, but it's important to remember these investment goals are meant to break down the larger numbers into more digestible increments.
  • If this benchmark is too overwhelming, there are other ways to set goals to plan for retirement, such as using a retirement calculator or setting weekly targets. Читать дальше...


The latest 'Fallout 76' game is going to be completely different than any previous 'Fallout' game


"Fallout" fans — and anyone who enjoys video games at all, really — should mark your calendars for November 14, when "Fallout 76" is released. 

At the E3 video game mega-event this week, "Fallout" creator Bethesda announced a huge number of new details surrounding "Fallout 76," the latest game in the franchise, coming to Microsoft Xbox One, Sony PlayStation 4, and the Windows PC.

Apart from a new timeline, location, adventures, and monsters to fend off, Bethesda introduced... Читать дальше...


'Fortnite: Battle Royale' just got a patch — here are all the new weapons, skins, challenges, and more!

Epic Games

For months now, "Fortnite: Battle Royale" has kept players on their toes with weekly — and sometimes daily — updates to the game, including new character skins, limited-time game modes, and fun and interesting challenges.

Some of those updates have been just for fun, and some actually change the way the game is played. For example, in the days leading up to the beginning of Season 4, the game hinted that a meteor shower would change the island forever. When the meteor did hit... Читать дальше...


What North Korean experts don't understand about the country, according to a defector who lived there for 20 years


  • After living in North Korea for 20 years, defector Kim Young-il told Business Insider that North Korean experts focus exclusively on misleading North Korean government propaganda. 
  • Kim says that because those experts tend to discount the testimony of defectors like himself, they can't accurately represent what life in North Korea is like.
  • "The official announcements of North Korea is all false," Kim said.

As US president Donald Trump prepares... Читать дальше...


IHOP changed its name to IHOb to celebrate burgers, but now lots of people are craving pancakes (DIN)

Hollis Johnson

  • IHOP changed its name to IHOb to promote its new burger line, the chain announced on Monday.
  • The news exploded on social media, sparking intense pancake cravings among IHOP loyalists. 
  • The pancake obsession is actually good news for IHOP (or IHOb), as the chain is still serving up pancakes even under the IHOb brand.  

IHOP's decision to change its name to IHOb — International House of Burgers — is fueling some cravings. But, they aren't necessarily cravings for burgers. Читать дальше...


33 people reveal the worst thing they've ever seen at a wedding — and some of the stories are truly horrifying

Tom Pumford/Unsplash

Absent grooms. Spurned exes. Toppling brides.  

There's a million things that can go wrong on your wedding day, but when Redditors were asked to reveal the worst things they've ever seen at a wedding, they took the (wedding) cake of horrible experiences. 

We rounded up some of the most cringe-worthy, sad, and downright awful answers. 

"The bride was surprisingly fine afterwards."


"The sister of the bride, who wasn't invited, showed up... Читать дальше...


How banks rank on offering the features consumers say are critical for choosing a bank

BI Intellgence

This is a preview of a research report from Business Insider Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. This report is exclusively available to enterprise subscribers. Check to see if your company has access. 

Banks are going to new lengths to attract and retain customers with mobile features. See the rest of the story at Business Insider

See Also:


Jada Pinkett Smith's grandmother taught her how to 'self-pleasure' when she was 9

Sonia Recchia/Getty Images

  • In a recent episode of her Facebook series, Jada Pinkett Smith revealed that her grandmother taught her about "self-pleasuring" when she was 9.
  • Her reason for doing so was to teach Pinkett Smith that pleasure came from herself, not the "hands of a man."
  • Parenting specialists today say it's OK to talk to kids about masturbation from a young age.

Deciding when and how to teach kids about sex is one of the longest-standing... Читать дальше...


21 photos of North Korea that Kim Jong Un wouldn't want you to see


North Korean leader Kim Jong Un keeps a close watch over the media in his country, controlling much of what citizens know of the outside world, and vice versa.

His people don't officially know Kim is in Singapore to meet with President Donald Trump on Tuesday in a historic summit. They'll likely find out after Kim returns home on Wednesday.

Though Kim has fought to present the Hermit Kingdom to the world as a bastion of military might, nuclear power, and anti-West sentiment, the reality of daily life is grim. Читать дальше...


Apple bans mining cryptocurrency on iPhones (AAPL)


  • The newest version of Apple's App Store rules prohibits cryptocurrency mining.
  • Unscrupulous programmers have sneakily inserted software that mines cryptocurrency in unrelated advertisements and apps. That's what Apple is banning.
  • Apple does explicitly permit a lot of cryptocurrency apps, including wallets, exchanges, and software that mines cryptocurrency on a server.

Apple has a clear message for cryptocurrency enthusiasts: Don't mine it on our devices. Читать дальше...


A B-1 Lancer bomber made an emergency landing just days before the Air Force grounded the whole fleet

US Air Force

A B-1 Lancer made an emergency landing after experiencing an in-flight incident on June 1, less than one week before the Air Force ordered a stand-down of its entire fleet, a spokesman for Air Force Global Strike Command confirmed to Air Force Times on Monday.

  • The B-1 crew out of Dyess Air Force Base, Texas, experienced a “minor” issue after take-off, forcing the crew to quickly land at Hawaii’s Hickam Air Force Base, AFGSC spokeswoman Maj. Anastasia Schmidt told Air Force Times on June 11. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Сбер собирает волонтёров на весенние «Чистые игры»

Путин в России и мире

Запад признает, что бывший офицер КГБ В.Путин не дал им подчинить Москву и вернул великую славу России

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко подписал указ по реализации до 2028 года нового с РФ проекта в сфере космоса

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленского выпороли ультиматумом: США жестко ответили на наглость и поучения Киева

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




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