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Новости за 26.12.2017


The Supercharger network isn't the only way to recharge a Tesla (TSLA)

Matthew DeBord/BI

  • Tesla Supercharger network offers high-speed charging for road trips.
  • But owners have other options.
  • It also isn't necessary to fully charge every time — a Tesla vehicle can calculate how much juice it needs to get from point to point.

A while back, I drove my kids to camp in the Catskills. Our chariot for the journey was a Tesla — the Model S sedan.

More recently, I took the entire family on a road trip in a Model X, Tesla's SUV. Читать дальше...


A common saying about hot weather could become morbidly true with climate change

Brendan McDermid/Reuters

  • The phrase "It's not the heat that kills you — it's the humidity" could take on a new level of meaning in coming years.
  • A new study foresees climate change-induced increases in humidity that will make the Earth's rising temperatures feel even hotter. 
  • By 2080, hundreds of millions of people could experience a staggering 95 degrees Fahrenheit at 100 percent humidity, the study says.
  • In "dry" heat terms, that would feel like 170 degrees Fahrenheit. Читать дальше...


A relationship therapist breaks down the 5 most common problems couples have in bed

Focus Features

  • Once you enter a serious relationship, sex can get complicated.
  • We asked Rachel Sussman, a NYC-based marriage counselor, about the most common problem couples have in the bedroom.
  • Those problems include sexlessness and one partner being resistant to the others' fantasies.

Sometimes, getting into a serious relationship means that sex becomes less, well, sexy. Both people are busy and there's no time to do it. One person would rather... Читать дальше...


The Library of Congress won’t be archiving every public tweet anymore

Thomson Reuters

  • The Library of Congress will stop recording every public tweet after December 31, 2017.
  • It will, however, record tweets "on a very selective basis."
  • The Library's decision was made because its original agreement doesn't reflect all the ways Twitter has evolved since 2010.

After December 31, 2017, The Library of Congress will no longer record every public tweet, as it has done for the past 12 years.

Instead, "the Library will... Читать дальше...


Ex-NBA player who made $60 million explains what really happens to your money when you sign an 8-figure contract

Getty Images

  • Josh Childress is a former NBA player who has made more than $60 million in his career after graduating from Stanford.
  • Childress has been able to avoid the financial problems that some other athletes have faced.
  • Childress explains that a big mistake players make is overestimating how much they actually get paid.

Josh Childress, a former NBA player who has made more than $60 million in his career after graduating from Stanford, is now playing professionally in Australia. Читать дальше...


THE POINT-OF-SALE APP MARKETPLACES REPORT: How payments firms are upgrading their service offerings to meet evolving merchant demands


In an increasingly digitized world, brick-and-mortar retailers are facing immense pressure to understand and accommodate their customers’ changing needs, including at the point of sale (POS). 

More than two years after the EMV liability shift in October 2015, most large merchants globally have upgraded their payment systems. And beyond upgrading to meet new standards, many major retailers are adopting full-feature, “smart” devices — and supplementing them with valuable tools and services ... Читать дальше...


Trump's most outlandish, bombastic, and eye-popping tweets of 2017

Chris Kleponis-Pool/Getty Images

President Donald Trump did a lot of tweeting in 2017.

On many days, Trump's tweeting provided the headline material for his roller-coaster first year as president.

He attacked everyone from former President Barack Obama to actress Meryl Streep. He tweeted about the Russia investigation, "fake news," 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, his travel ban, television hosts, and often what was airing on the "Fox & Friends" morning show in real time. Читать дальше...


Tour the remote island where some of the most secret scenes in 'Star Wars' were filmed


Rey seeks out Luke Skywalker in "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" for help on the hidden planet of Ahch-To. If you think that place only exists in a galaxy far, far away, you're wrong.

The real-life stage for Skywalker's hideaway is a remote island located off the coast of Ireland called Skellig Michael. And if you're a big "Star Wars" fan, you can head there, too. 

Keep reading to explore Ireland's remote destination.

In "The Last Jedi," Rey finds a broken... Читать дальше...


Uber has found a buyer, and a partner, for its auto-leasing business that was losing more money than expected


  • Uber is selling its money-losing auto-leasing business to Fair.com, a startup that's trying to upend the auto-leasing industry.
  • The sale price isn't known but the deal includes Uber taking a stake in Fair.com.
  • Partnerships like this one are quickly becoming a cornerstone of the management style of Uber's new CEO Dara Khosrowshahi.

Uber is selling its money-losing auto-leasing business to the startup Fair.com, unnamed sources have told The Wall Street Journal. Читать дальше...


McDonald's Big Mac is the best burger in America

Hollis Johnson

  • When it comes to the classic fast-food burger, nothing comes close to the Big Mac at McDonald's.
  • Like blue jeans and the iPhone, it has become a symbol of American culture around the world.
  • The Big Mac's main competitors are "better burger" chains like Shake Shack.

Gourmands and chefs may quibble, but at the end of the day, nothing can beat the Big Mac on three crucial points: It's cheap, it's consistent, and it's downright good. Читать дальше...


'These people' are 'the deep state': GOP Congressman calls for 'purge' of the FBI

  • GOP Rep. Francis Rooney said on Tuesday that he wants to see the FBI and Justice Department purge agents with perceivable political biases who he believes are working for the "deep state."
  • Rooney is the latest GOP lawmaker to criticize the FBI over what President Donald Trump's allies see as a tainted investigation into his campaign being carried out by special counsel Robert Mueller. 
  • Another Florida congressman, Rep. Matt Gaetz, has alleged that Mueller and his team are staging a "coup d'etat" against Trump. Читать дальше...


The British Navy had a Christmas encounter with a Russian ship in the North Sea

Thomson Reuters

LONDON (Reuters) - A British ship escorted a Russian vessel as it passed near UK territorial waters over Christmas, Britain's defense ministry said on Tuesday, adding that Russian naval activity near Britain had increased in the holiday period.

The frigate HMS St. Albans departed on Dec. 23 to track the new Russian warship Admiral Gorshkov as it moved through the North Sea.

The Royal Navy vessel monitored the Russian ship over Christmas and will return to dock in Portsmouth later on Tuesday. Читать дальше...


The British navy had a Christmas encounter with a Russian ship near UK national waters

Thomson Reuters

LONDON (Reuters) - A British ship escorted a Russian vessel as it passed near UK territorial waters over Christmas, Britain's defense ministry said on Tuesday, adding that Russian naval activity near Britain had increased in the holiday period.

The frigate HMS St. Albans departed on Dec. 23 to track the new Russian warship Admiral Gorshkov as it moved through the North Sea.

The Royal Navy vessel monitored the Russian ship over Christmas and will return to dock in Portsmouth later on Tuesday. Читать дальше...


Shoppers are about to return $90 billion in unwanted gifts that likely can't be resold and will end up in the trash

Getty/Kena Betancur

  • An estimated $90 billion in holiday merchandise is about to be returned to stores.
  • Much of that is no longer salable and will be thrown in the trash.
  • The rise of online shopping further complicates returns.

Every headline of a happy holiday result comes with a flip side: concerns about returns.

Returns make up the bulk of every retailer's holiday hangover. An estimated $90 billion worth of unwanted items will be sent back to retailers... Читать дальше...


Shoppers are about to return $90 billion in unwanted gifts with an uncertain future

Getty/Kena Betancur

  • An estimated $90 billion in holiday merchandise is about to be returned to stores.
  • Much of that is no longer salable and will be thrown in the trash.
  • The rise of online shopping further complicates returns.

Every headline of a happy holiday result comes with a flip side: concerns about returns.

Returns make up the bulk of every retailer's holiday hangover. An estimated $90 billion worth of unwanted items will be sent back to retailers... Читать дальше...


Apple's iMac Pro accessories surface on eBay without the $5,000 commitment


  • Accessories for the iMac Pro are now available for $2,499 on eBay.
  • Typically, consumers would have to pay at least $5,000 for the entire iMac Pro bundle to get these special accessories.
  • Those interested can also put in a bid to purchase the iMac Pro peripherals.

The space gray (or space black) Magic Mouse, Magic Trackpad, and Magic Keyboard that accompany Apple's new iMac Pro are now available to buy separately on eBay, selling for around $2,499. Читать дальше...


LeBron James offered an intriguing comment about wanting to 'break the mold' for older players on his next contract

Chris Graythen/Getty

  • LeBron James wants to "break the mold" on his next contract when he becomes a free agent this offseason.
  • James, at 33, said he wants to prove that older players can still sign huge contracts.
  • It's unclear, however, whether James means he will sign a long-term deal this summer or put off signing a long-term deal to prove that older players need such security.

For the first time since 2014, LeBron James has the chance to enter... Читать дальше...


A doomed-but-revolutionary operating system spearheaded by Steve Jobs will be free to download in 2018

Flickr/Frank Fujimoto

  • Next year, the Computer History Museum plans to release the Apple Lisa operating system for free, as open source.
  • Apple Lisa was a famous Apple flop, selling only 10,000 units on a $150 million R&D investment. 
  • Former Apple CEO John Sculley forced Jobs out of the Lisa project, leading to a conflict between the two that would end with Jobs leaving Apple.

Nearly 35 years ago, in January 1983, Apple released the Lisa, the first... Читать дальше...


One of Steve Jobs' most famous Apple flops will be released for free in 2018

Flickr/Frank Fujimoto

  • Next year, the Computer History Museum plans to release the Apple Lisa operating system for free, as open source.
  • Apple Lisa was a famous Apple flop, selling only 10,000 units on a $150 million R&D investment. 
  • Former Apple CEO John Sculley forced Jobs out of the Lisa project, leading to a conflict between the two that would end with Jobs leaving Apple.

Nearly 35 years ago, in January 1983, Apple released the Lisa, the first... Читать дальше...


Nike’s biggest sneaker advantage could become its biggest liability (NKE)

AP/Mary Altaffer

  • Nike has been struggling to beat earnings expectations despite having more than 26,000 retail stores in North America.
  • The company is struggling with the digital revolution, something its analog competitors are winning.
  • Digital upstart 'click-to-brick' brands are also eating into Nike's profits. 

The retail apocalypse and simultaneous digital revolution could be bad news for already-struggling Nike.

The Oregon-based sneaker... Читать дальше...


Taiwan says the Chinese air force did exercises near its island 16 times in the last year

Reuters/Petar Kujundzic

TAIPEI (Reuters) - China's air force has carried out 16 rounds of exercises close to Taiwan in the last year or so, Taiwan's defense ministry said on Tuesday, warning that China's military threat was growing by the day.

China considers self-ruled and democratic Taiwan to be its sacred territory and has never renounced the use of force to bring what it views as a wayward province under Chinese control.

China has taken an increasingly hostile stance towards... Читать дальше...


11 places where home prices will probably go up after Trump's tax plan goes into effect


  • The Republican tax bill passed Congress on Wednesday, and President Donald Trump signed it into law on Friday.
  • National home prices are expected to take a hit across the country.
  • But certain housing markets might see a small boost, especially in rural areas in states including Alaska, Texas, New Mexico, and North and South Dakota.

The Republican tax bill passed Congress, and President Donald Trump signed it into law before Christmas. 

... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Москвичам назвали пять мест, где можно полюбоваться цветущей сакурой

Путин в России и мире

Строители мостов и дорог удостоены государственных наград

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко пообещал потенциальным агрессорам ответ всеми видами оружия

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

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