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Новости за 10.12.2017


Amazon may be getting ready to go on a digital media buying spree

Reuters / Richard Brian

  • Amazon is looking to hire a Corporate Development Senior Manager to oversee potential digital acquisitions.
  • The job would seem to signal that Amazon is making a new push into digital media and advertising with deals.
  • It's a high-level gig that would entail interaction with CEO Jeff Bezos.

Does Jeff Bezos want some digital media under his tree? A recent job posting may serve as the Amazon mogul's list for Santa.

Amazon... Читать дальше...


Woman threw a tantrum after they wouldn't give her more champagne on a plane, and had to pay $5,871 for causing an emergency landing

Flickr/Matt Weibo

  • A 44-year-old woman sitting in business class was enraged when they wouldn't give her more champagne.
  • Her outburst caused an emergency landing, and she had to pay a fine.
  • The flight from Moscow had to make an unscheduled stop in Stuttgart.

BERLIN (AP) — German police say the pilot of a passenger jet destined for Zurich made an unscheduled stop at Stuttgart airport because a Swiss passenger become aggressive after being denied champagne. Читать дальше...


Josh Gordon scores first touchdown for Browns since return to NFL, and promptly dons sunglasses

Jason Miller/Getty Images

  • Josh Gordon made his return to the NFL last week after multiple years of suspension.
  • On Sunday, Gordon scored his first touchdown since his return, finding the end zone for the first time since 2013.
  • The Browns are still winless but threatening the Packers late in Sunday's game.

Josh Gordon scored his first touchdown since his return to the NFL on Sunday, catching an 18-yard pass from DeShone Kizer in the first quarter of the Browns' game against the Packers. Читать дальше...


'A weapon of desperation': Trump loyalists are doubling down on a familiar strategy as the Russia probe reaches a boiling point

Thomson Reuters

  • As special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation ramps up, President Donald Trump's allies have doubled down on claims that Mueller's team is biased against him.
  • Right-wing figures latched onto new reports last week that two investigators on Mueller's team expressed views favoring former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.
  • FBI veterans refute that characterization, saying agents don't let political views interfere with their work. Читать дальше...


THE PAYMENTS INDUSTRY EXPLAINED: The Trends Creating New Winners And Losers In The Card-Processing Ecosystem

BI Intelligence

This is a preview of a research report from BI Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about BI Intelligence, click here.

Digital disruption is rocking the payments industry. But merchants, consumers, and the companies that help move money between them are all feeling its effects differently.

For banks, card networks, and processors, the digital revolution is bringing new opportunities — and new challenges. With new ways to pay emerging... Читать дальше...


Twitter's advertising business is still struggling (TWTR, FB)

Anthony Quintano/Flickr

  • Twitter's advertising business continues to struggle as advertisers increasingly choose Facebook instead. 
  • CFO Ned Segal said the segment is "demand constrained" but that Twitter has a higher ROI than Facebook in many cases. 

At a recent investor conference, Twitter CFO Ned Segal twice noted the company's ad business is "demand constrained." In other words, Twitter's struggling to grow ad revenue because marketers aren't willing to spend more on its products. Читать дальше...


Conservative economists rail against the GOP tax plan


  • Senate Republicans narrowly passed their tax plan overhaul.
  • But many conservative economists and former government officials are predicting that the bill will drive up the deficit, destabilize the health care market, exacerbate income inequality, and lead to cuts to social programs.

As Republicans in the House and Senate hash out their tax bill differences in a conference committee behind closed doors, with the goal of producing a final bill before the holiday break... Читать дальше...


Inside the New York City offices of $45 billion hedge-fund firm Two Sigma

Sarah Jacobs/Business Insider

What do you picture when you imagine a hedge-fund office? A noisy trading floor full of hedge-fund guys in fleece vests?

Two Sigma, a $45 billion hedge-fund firm that uses advanced technologies to find investment opportunities, is a little different. The firm, which says it has seen head count grow by more than 400% in the past seven years, is as much a technology company as it is a finance company, analyzing over 10,000 data sources to find patterns in markets. Читать дальше...


In a career filled with bad guy roles, Ben Mendelsohn is very thankful to show a different side in Churchill drama 'Darkest Hour'

Focus Features

  • Ben Mendelsohn plays King Henry VI in "Darkest Hour," one of the rare times he hasn't played a bad guy in a movie.
  • Don't worry though, he's got some major bad guy roles coming, like Sheriff of Nottingham in "Robin Hood" and the villain in "Ready Player One."
  • But he's quiet about a possible return of his "Rogue One" character Director Krennic in any future "Star Wars" movies. 

After years of being a struggling actor in Australia,... Читать дальше...


Goldman Sachs will clear bitcoin futures for some of its clients

REUTERS/Jason Reed

  • Goldman Sachs will clear bitcoin trading for some clients on a case-by-case basis, according to a person familiar with the plans.
  • The derivatives contracts are set to go live on the Cboe Futures Exchange on Sunday. 
  • Goldman CEO Lloyd Blankfein said last week that bitcoin "doesn't feel like a store of value" or a currency.
  • Bitcoin is up more than 1,500% this year. 

Goldman Sachs will clear bitcoin futures trading for some of its clients... Читать дальше...


Couples think they go to counseling because of money, sex, and parenting — but therapists know the real problem is usually lurking underneath

Universal Pictures

  • Couples say the main reasons they come to therapy are money, sex, and parenting.
  • But one therapist says the real reason is that each person is frustrated in their search for validation.
  • It's the therapist's job to help the couple get to the bottom of the issue and share their feelings.

Everyone knows marriage is hard, but it's easy to feel like your marriage is really hard — like your partner is the first partner in history to... Читать дальше...


Bills and Colts play in a whiteout after snow takes over Buffalo stadium — and fans can barely see the field

AP Photo/Jeffrey T. Barnes

  • Snow has taken over the Bills-Colts game in Buffalo, making for a surreal, wintry scene.
  • The Bills had put out a call for volunteer shovelers earlier in the weekend, but the ongoing snow has proved their efforts fruitless.
  • A "Snow Bowl" game so dramatic hasn't been seen since 2013.

Snow has taken over Buffalo, New York, making Sunday's game between the Bills and Colts a cold, wet, and low scoring affair.

After the Northeast was covered in snow on Saturday... Читать дальше...


2 Berkeley grads are using AI to make stock-buying decisions — and it could change investing forever

EquBot / Art Amador

  • Equbot's AI Powered Equity ETF uses IBM's Watson technology to construct a stock portfolio, employing machine learning to make rational investment decisions.
  • The original idea for the fund was synthesized in a classroom at UC-Berkeley, where founders Chida Khatua and Art Amador met during an entrepreneurship class.
  • Khatua's background in AI and machine learning complemented Amador's history in private wealth management, and the duo decided to launch an exchange-traded fund. Читать дальше...


THE CREDIT CARD REWARDS EXPLAINER: Examining issuers' battle to attract and retain customers with perks and loyalty programs


This is a preview of a research report from BI Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about BI Intelligence, click here.

Credit card rewards have become so popular in the US that issuers capture headlines just by launching a new rewards card. And with consumers now caring more about the type of rewards being offered than any other card feature, competition to offer the most lucrative and attractive rewards has intensified dramatically. 

For consumers... Читать дальше...


What interviewers really want to hear when they ask 'Why do you want to work here?'


  • The question "Why do you want to work here?" can give recruiters a favorable impression of you — if you answer it well. 
  • The most common, unimpressive responses show what you expect to get from the company, not what you can provide to it.
  • The perfect response demonstrates to the hiring manager you've done your research and the value you can bring to the company.
  • Your answer should include four points: What the company is trying to accomplish... Читать дальше...


The 10 biggest box-office bombs of 2017


It's time to look back on 2017 and see what happened at the multiplex. And for some titles it wasn't pretty.

Though 2017 found some success stories — like the early-year releases "Get Out" and "Split" from Blumhouse, the fall favorite "It," and presumably "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" when it comes out in mid-December — numerous titles were dead on arrival.

For every "Beauty and the Beast" and "Wonder Woman" in 2017, there was a dud like "CHiPs" and "mother!" that quickly followed. Читать дальше...


THE FUTURE OF LIFE INSURANCE: How insurtechs are tackling this notoriously tricky area of insurance

BI Intelligence

This is a preview of a research report from BI Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about BI Intelligence, click here.

Life insurance is a fundamentally hard product to sell, as it requires people to think about their deaths and promises no immediate rewards.

The way life insurance is sold makes it doubly unattractive, as consumers have to go through an paper-based, lengthy application process and a bothersome medical exam... Читать дальше...


Venezuela's unpopular president Nicolas Maduro is winning by making sure his opponents lose

Reuters/Carlos Garcia Rawlins

  • Venezuela's president Nicolas Maduro has held onto power despite growing opposition to his rule.
  • He has done so by ensuring that his opponents lose political power.
  • He has pursued a divide-and-conquer strategy in Venezuelan politics.

Nicolás Maduro, president of crisis-stricken Venezuela, will run for reelection in Venezuela in 2018, Vice President Tarick Al Aisammi announced in a Nov. 29 press conference.

Just a few months ago... Читать дальше...


A growing chorus of Democratic Senators are calling on Trump to resign over sexual misconduct allegations


  • Sen. Bernie Sanders said President Donald Trump should consider resigning over sexual misconduct allegations made against him.
  • Several Senate Democrats have called for the president to resign in recent days, though they have stopped short of calling for his impeachment.
  • They spoke up after Democratic Sen. Al Franken of Minnesota resigned over his own sexual harassment accusations.

Sen. Bernie Sanders said on Sunday that he thinks President... Читать дальше...


The yield curve is telling investors to be careful

Thomson Reuters

  • The flattening yield curve may not be signaling an economic downturn, as it has in the past.
  • Investors should still tread carefully, in case it does end up portending a downturn in the future.

What does a flattening yield curve mean these days? Perhaps not what it used to.

No doubt, the slope of the yield curve, as measured by the spread between two- and 10-year government bonds, has been flattening since 2014 in both Canada and the United States... Читать дальше...


The hardest part of being productive can trip you up from the start — here's how to sidestep the trap

Strelka Institute/Flickr

  • One of the hardest aspects of making a to-do list is estimating how long activities take.
  • Create a timeline with time budgets for each task to stay on track.
  • Revise that timeline constantly if you find you're behind or ahead of schedule.
  • Account for factors such as rest, sleep, and distractions.

A few weeks ago, I wrote about how not to make a to-do list. I'd found a hypothetical to-do list printed on the cover of a journal with such entries as run a marathon... Читать дальше...


One of the top recruitment firms on Wall Street just published its annual compensation guide for traders — and it's not pretty

Spencer Platt/Getty Images

  • According to an annual survey by Wall Street recruiting firm Options Group, compensation is going to drop for just about every business line in trading. 
  • Those running electronic markets for fixed income and equities are the exception. 
  • Investment bankers should expect a 10% increase on average.

It's not looking good for Wall Street traders.

According to an annual survey by Wall Street recruiting firm Options Group... Читать дальше...


Sinking NFL viewership is threatening to crush ad sales

AP Images / Jason Behnken

  • TV ratings for the National Football League have declined in each of the past two seasons.
  • RBC Capital Markets says that this is going to hurt ad sales as investors shy away in an increasingly competitive landscape.

When it comes to TV ratings, the National Football League needs a Hail Mary.

Average game viewership has fallen to 15 million this season, down from 16.5 million last year, and the lowest since 2008, according to data compiled by RBC Capital Markets. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге: "Акции по благоустройству способствуют формированию экологической культуры среди молодежи"  

Путин в России и мире

Путин и Раиси обсудили по телефону развитие сотрудничества России и Ирана

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск: Дан старт очередному совместному космическому проекту

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленского выпороли ультиматумом: США жестко ответили на наглость и поучения Киева

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Мама Тимати поделилась милым видео с 10-летней Алисой — подписчиков смутила одна деталь


Сборная России по гандболу может сыграть с Ираном, Китаем и Южной Кореей

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