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Новости за 11.12.2017


Apple Music could get a boost from Shazam, the company's newest addition (AAPL)

Apple's latest startup acquisition could give its music service a jolt. On Monday, Apple officially announced it was buying Shazam, maker of a popular music-recognition app. It's not hard to understand why the iPhone maker might have been interested in Shazam. As we can see in this chart from Statista, users of the company's app grew quickly up to 2015, and were expected to have doubled to 1 billion between 2014 and 2016.

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Kids are more anxious than they've ever been — and it's because of an all-too common parenting habit

Flickr/Blondinrikard Fröberg

  • Anxiety has become a widespread mental illness in children and teens.
  • Researchers have found a link between anxiety and the over-protection of children.
  • Parents should allow kids some level of physical and risky play.
  • Physical play helps children have hands-on experience with difficult or frightening experiences, and fosters self-assurance for later in life.

Anxiety has become an epidemic, now eclipsing depression as the most common health disorder... Читать дальше...


A new study reveals the exact day and time you're at your most productive

  • Researchers looked at project management data and found that people are at their most productive at 11 a.m on a Monday in October.
  • Task completion seems to steadily decline by the end of the week.
  • It's likely that October was the highest month for productivity because people are eager to finish tasks before the holidays.
  • People are unsurprisingly more productive in the morning and seem to burn out after lunch.

Back when most people worked in factories, productivity was constant. Читать дальше...


Reporter asks Sarah Huckabee Sanders whether she has ever been sexually harassed or has empathy for accusers

Screenshot/White House

  • A reporter asked the White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, during a press briefing on Monday whether she had ever been sexually harassed or had empathy for victims.
  • The question was one of several concerning the multiple allegations of sexual misconduct against President Donald Trump.

After facing several questions about the multiple allegations of sexual misconduct against President Donald Trump, the White House press secretary... Читать дальше...


Reporter asks Sarah Huckabee Sanders if she has ever been sexually harassed and if she has empathy for accusers

Screenshot/White House

  • White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was asked whether she personally has been sexually harassed and whether she has "empathy" for victims of harassment. 
  • The question was one several Sanders received during a press briefing on Monday concerning the 19 allegations of sexual misconduct that have been made against the President Donald Trump. 

After facing several questions about President Donald Trump's alleged history of sexual misconduct... Читать дальше...


Bitcoin hits all-time high above $17,300 after bitcoin futures premiere


  • The price of bitcoin, the red-hot digital currency, topped its previous all-time high set Friday, according to data from Markets Insider.
  • Bitcoin was trading up more than 14% against the US dollar on Monday at a record $17,346, less than a day after the launch of Cboe's bitcoin futures market.
  • The price picked up just after Coinbase's cryptocurrency exchange, GDAX, went back online after a very brief crash.
  • Bitcoin is up more than 1,500% year-to-date. Читать дальше...


Most people spend years stuck in a toxic cycle — and I never found real success until I managed to break free

Dean Drobot/Shutterstock

  • Author Cole Schafer didn't discover real success until he stopped trying to do everything and just focused on becoming really good at one thing.
  • Everyone goes through the process of learning, working, succeeding and failing.
  • Trying to master this process and minimize the failures for three or four things is too distracting.
  • If you can commit to learning, working, succeeding, and failing at one thing, you'll start to succeed more... Читать дальше...


The CEO of Soylent, a food-replacement startup that has raised $75 million, is out

Josh Edelson / Getty Images

  • Rob Rhinehart, the founder of Soylent, a startup that makes a soy-based food replacement drink, is out as the company's CEO.
  • Bryan Crowley, president of Soylent's parent company, is replacing him.
  • Soylent saw major setbacks over the past two years, including a temporary halt to sales after customers reported becoming violently ill.

Rob Rhinehart, founder of the much-maligned food-replacement startup Soylent, is stepping down as CEO effectively immediately... Читать дальше...


The CEO of food-replacement startup Soylent is out

Josh Edelson / Getty Images

  • Rob Rhinehart, the founder of Soylent, a startup that makes a soy-based food replacement drink, is out as the company's CEO.
  • Bryan Crowley, president of Soylent's parent company, is replacing him.
  • Soylent saw major setbacks over the past two years, including a temporary halt to sales after customers reported becoming violently ill.

Rob Rhinehart, founder of the much-maligned food-replacement startup Soylent, is stepping down as CEO effectively immediately... Читать дальше...


Incredible satellite photos of Southern California's wildfires show the disaster's evolution from space

Deimos Imaging/UrtheCast

While the most destructive wildfire season in California's history slogs on, satellites are recording the devastation from space.

California's latest group of blazes began with the Thomas fire in Ventura County on December 4. Since then, at least six other large fires sparked across the Southern California counties of Los Angeles (Creek, Rye, and Skirball fires), San Bernardino (Little Mountain fire), San Diego (Lilac fire), and Riverside (Liberty fire).

... Читать дальше...


Netflix shared its 10 most binge-watched shows of 2017


Netflix has shared a list of the TV shows that viewers binge-watched the most on its platform in 2017.

Led by the true-crime satire "American Vandal," Netflix listed the ten series that were most popular for binge-watching (defined as watching more than two hours per day).  

The streaming service looked at the average daily viewing hours per user between November 2016 and November 2017. The resulting list of shows includes several sci-fi series and a few unexpected titles. Читать дальше...


Litecoin is surging after Bitcoin futures launch

Marko Ahtisaari/Flickr

Litecoin, the fifth-largest cryptocurrency by market cap, has gained more than 25% in value over the last 24 hours, reaching an intra-day high of $195.66 per coin.

The gains come the day after Cboe Global Markets, a a Chicago-based exchange operator, launched trading of Bitcoin futures contracts.

Litecoin initially saw a hefty loss after Coinbase’s GDAX exchange crashed last week, briefly sagging below the $100 mark before this week’s skyrocket in price. Читать дальше...


The Air Force is throwing cold water on suggestions it would train enlisted airmen to be pilots

US Air Force

  • The Air Force has been grappling with a deepening pilot shortage for some time.
  • The recent announcement of a pilot-training program that will include enlisted airmen sparked suggests the service would train enlisted fliers for the first time since World War II.
  • The Air Force has said the program is strictly to evaluate training and teaching methods, however.

An email from the chief of the Second Air Force obtained by an unofficial... Читать дальше...


Tesla is rising after reports it has started to deliver the Model 3 to regular customers (TSLA)

Screenshot via Elon Musk

  • Tesla has been seen stocking up on the new Model 3 at its stores and delivery centers.
  • Tesla has been plagued by production issues for the Model 3 recently and is working to overcome them.
  • Watch Tesla's stock move in real time here.

Tesla is up 3.88% to $327.29 on Monday after reports that the company is starting to deliver its Model 3 to regular customers.

Electric car blog, Electrek, is reporting that Tesla is... Читать дальше...


Coinbase's cryptocurrency exchange crashes briefly

Anthony Harvey/Getty Images for TechCrunch

  • The Global Digital Asset Exchange, the cryptocurrency exchange run by Coinbase, was down briefly Monday afternoon.
  • The exchanged resumed trading at 2:57 p.m. ET. 

Coinbase, the US-based cryptocurrency trading platform, saw its Global Digital Asset Exchange crash for a brief time Monday afternoon.

The exchange stopped executing trades for clients at around 2:50 p.m. ET, according to an alert on its website,... Читать дальше...


The NFL Playoff Picture is in a state of chaos with 3 weeks to go

  • With three weeks remaining in the NFL season, there are several tight playoff races worth watching.
  • In the AFC, there are two big battles for division leads, with four realistic teams battling for two Wild Card spots.
  • In the NFC, the race for the NFC South is particularly grueling, while the Green Bay Packers and Detroit Lions gasp for air in the Wild Card race.

There are just three weeks left in the NFL season, and things are going exactly to plan for the league ... Читать дальше...


A new approach to treating blood cancer just got a promising set of results (BLUE)


  • Researchers are looking for new ways to approach blood cancers.
  • One of those ways is a target called BCMA, short for "B-cell maturation antigen," that's integral to a cancer called multiple myeloma.  
  • Interest in BCMA has been "building" according to industry experts, as companies like GSK and Bluebird Bio release more data on their experimental treatments. 

Biotech companies are working to develop new treatments for hard-to-treat forms of blood cancer. Читать дальше...


Peter Thiel is betting on magic mushrooms to treat depression — and he's not the only one

Daiana Lorenz/Youtube

  • A for-profit company that Peter Thiel invests in has plans to start clinical trials of magic mushrooms for depression within the first three months of 2018.
  • Psychedelics appear to disrupt the brain's activity patterns in a positive and life-changing way.
  • Several research institutions are studying psychedelics for their potential to treat depression, anxiety, addiction, and PTSD.

When Clark Martin tripped on magic mushrooms for the first time... Читать дальше...


THE FUTURE OF LIFE INSURANCE: How insurtechs are tackling this notoriously tricky area of insurance

BI Intelligence

This is a preview of a research report from BI Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about BI Intelligence, click here.

Life insurance is a fundamentally hard product to sell, as it requires people to think about their deaths and promises no immediate rewards.

The way life insurance is sold makes it doubly unattractive, as consumers have to go through an paper-based, lengthy application process and a bothersome medical exam... Читать дальше...


Sig Sauer is going to sell a special version of the Army's new handgun to the public

U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Samantha Stoffregen

Sig Sauer, the maker of the US Army's Modular Handgun System, intends to sell a special, commercial version of the full-size MHS 9mm pistol.

"We are planning to do a limited release of about 5,000 of the Army variant of the M17 for the commercial market," Tom Taylor, Sig Sauer's chief marketing officer and executive vice president for commercial sales, told Military.com. "The timing is not finalized yet, but it looks to be late spring."

... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Московскую компанию заподозрили в хищении 103 млн рублей при реализации нацпроекта в Орле

Путин в России и мире

МИД РФ иронично прокомментировал высказывание Шольца о Путине и Канте

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко убежден, что белорусы «никогда еще так хорошо не жили»

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

Во Франции назвали бредом слова Зеленского про угрозу Путина Европе

Навальный в России и мире

Проводивший панихиду по Навальному* священник запрещен в служении

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Сергей Прокофьев

Мариинский театр исполнил оперу Прокофьева в честь дня рождения композитора


Власти США снова не дали дипломатам из РФ возложить венки к табличке «Дух Эльбы»

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