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Новости за 12.10.2017


The reporter behind The New Yorker's explosive Weinstein investigation is working on a 'Daily Show' for Britain


Ronan Farrow, the American journalist behind The New Yorker's explosive investigation into Harvey Weinstein this week, is developing a new TV show in Britain.

The reporter has teamed up with "The Daily Show" co-creator Madeleine Smithberg to create a topical satire show for UK commercial broadcaster Channel 4.

Channel 4 confirmed the project to Business Insider, but it was first mentioned last week by the company's Head of Entertainment, Ed Havard, at a conference run by Broadcast magazine. Читать дальше...


Twitter explains why it suspended Rose McGowan's account following her Harvey Weinstein comments

Rachel Murray/Getty

Rose McGowan's Twitter account was temporarily locked Wednesday after she accused Ben Affleck of lying about his knowledge of Harvey Weinstein's alleged sexual harassment.

But McGowan's account was reinstated on Thursday morning, and her tweets about Affleck were not the cause of the initial suspension, according to Twitter. 

Twitter's "Safety" account has since tweeted out a thread explaining the company's decision to lock the account, citing her inclusion... Читать дальше...


BERNSTEIN: Netflix is successfully pulling off a move very few companies can (NFLX)

Ken Ishii/Getty

Netflix said last week it would raise prices for the US and a few other European countries. The company's stock took a small hit the day of the announcement, but any adverse effects will be negligible, according to research firm Bernstein, and the extra cash will balance out any subscriber loss.

"For anyone who still questions whether Netflix has pricing power, consider this: since 2014, the U.S. price of Netflix's standard plan has increased at a 10% CAGR (for new subs)... Читать дальше...


BANK OF AMERICA: ‘This is not your parents’ tech bubble’

Reuters/Jeff Christensen

For stock enthusiasts, drawing parallels between the current market and the dotcom bubble is a pretty common activity.

But Bank of America Merrill Lynch doesn't buy into those comparisons at all.

In their mind, the tech-driven stock rally is far more stable this time around — and the reason stretches far beyond valuation.

"This is not your parents' tech bubble," BAML chief US equity and quantitative strategist Savita Subramanian wrote in a client note. Читать дальше...


Adobe says it will help advertisers and publishers find out if they are getting ripped off by ad tech companies

Stephane Mahe/Reuters

  • Adobe says that ad tech companies have been charging advertisers hidden fees.
  • The company has inked deals with 15 ad tech companies to disclose all of their fees in its software.
  • The move comes as more marketers are scrutinizing their digital advertising budgets.

Apparently buying ads using ad tech software is a lot like paying for your wireless bill. There are lots of hidden fees.

So Adobe is requiring that every ad tech... Читать дальше...


Sheryl Sandberg got everything wrong about Facebook's role as a media company (FB)

Ruben Sprich/Reuters

How would you classify a company that:

  • distributes news and information to billions of people every month?
  • is a major source of news and information for a large chunk of those billions of people?
  • runs ads against that content, generating billions in revenue every quarter?
  • is paying content creators ranging from the NFL to Insider to make original video programming that streams to mobile devices, computers, and connected set-top boxes? Читать дальше...


London police are reportedly investigating Harvey Weinstein over a sexual abuse allegation

John Phillips / Getty

London police have reportedly opened an investigation into Harvey Weinstein over an sexual abuse allegation in the UK, multiple reports have said.

The Telegraph, BBC, and Guardian reported on Thursday that the London Metropolitan Police's child abuse and sexual offences unit was assessing an allegation made against the producer.

The alleged assault took place in London, but the claim was made by a woman currently living in the Liverpool area, the Telegraph said. Читать дальше...


Nike's 'unprecedented' 40% off sale reveals how big the brand's problems are

AP/Mary Altaffer

Nike is on sale.

The largest sports brand in the world is having a 40% off sale on its website, Nike.com. A smattering of product is included in the 48-hour sale, including running shoes, sportswear, and specialty gear.

It's a big change for the brand, which in the past has rarely held sales. Nike has been more promotional lately, in light of increased competition and potentially shrinking consumer demand for sporty clothing and sneakers.

Matt Powell... Читать дальше...


Sessions urges crackdown on policies allowing immigrants to seek asylum in the US

Reuters/Jonathan Ernst

FALLS CHURCH, Va., (Reuters) - US Attorney General Jeff Sessions said on Thursday the policies that allow immigrants to seek asylum in the United States were broken and subject to "rampant abuse and fraud."

In a speech at the department's Executive Office For Immigration Review, Sessions said too many immigrants were taking advantage of the rules, and urged Congress to pass legislation that could make it harder for asylum petitions to be granted.

Sessions... Читать дальше...


Equifax may have been hacked again (EFX)

Thomson Reuters

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Equifax Inc said on Thursday it has taken one of its customer help web pages offline as its security team looks into reports of another potential cyber breach at the credit reporting company, which recently disclosed a hack that compromised the sensitive information of 145.5 million people.

The move came after an independent security analyst on Wednesday found part of Equifax's website was under the control of attackers trying to trick visitors... Читать дальше...


Sheryl Sandberg's Russia talk was an insult to your intelligence


You should be disgusted.

In a live interview with Axios on Thursday, Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg lamented that she wished the company had found out Russia's use of the platform to spread disinformation and propaganda before the 2016 elections.

"We were looking at this certainly not as early as we would have liked to, because we wish we had found it before it ever happened," Sandberg said.

"If you think about 2015, 2016," she later added, "the... Читать дальше...


Americans are becoming obsessed with $80,000 luxury pickups (F)

Associated Press/LM Otero

DETROIT (AP) — Heated and cooled seats. Backup cameras. Panoramic glass roofs.

Not exactly what springs to mind when you think of a pickup. But that’s what American truck buyers increasingly want, spending an average of $46,844 on a pickup, according to Kelley Blue Book. That’s more than the starting price of luxury SUVs like the Mercedes GLC or the Lexus RX. In 2016, pickup trucks made up a little more than a third of all vehicles that sold for over $50,000. Читать дальше...


Target is joining forces with Google to take on Amazon

Matt Weinberger/Business Insider

NEW YORK (AP) — Target is jumping into voice-activated shopping as it deepens its relationship with Google, offering thousands of items found in the store except for perishables like fruit and milk.

The move is happening as Google says shopping will be available later this year through Google Assistant on iPhone and Android phones, joining its Google Home device and Android TV. So shoppers can shout out orders to their phone while they're running around doing errands or just walking. Читать дальше...


Barcelona is reportedly giving Lionel Messi a record $100 million signing bonus — and they're going to use an unusual way to pay for it

David Ramos/Getty

Lionel Messi is already one of the richest soccer players on the planet, and he could soon add a record-breaking signing bonus to his bottom line.

According to a report from the Daily Mail, FC Barcelona is set to offer Messi a bonus of approximately $100 million to extend his tenure with the club. That sum would be on top of a reported base salary of around $650,000 per week.

A $100 million bonus would shatter the previous record, according to the report.... Читать дальше...


The Army's next body armor may get stronger the harder it's hit


The Army has been racing to equip soldiers with lighter, more durable body armor and helmets for years, a requirement that Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley reiterated during the Association of the U.S. Army’s annual conference in Washington on Oct. 11.

And defense contractors like Gentex, the corporation behind the Army’s Advanced Combat Helmet (ACH), flooded AUSA’s tech expo to showcase the latest updates in soldier protection.

But with the help of university researchers... Читать дальше...


A Google exec shares how researching plane crashes has helped him understand failure

Hiroshi Lockheimer

Google's SVP of platforms and ecosystems Hiroshi Lockheimer told Business Insider he has a "morbid" hobby.

He avidly reads books and articles on plane crashes.

"Airplane crashes are an interesting study and exercise in learning how failures happen," he told Business Insider.

Perhaps the greatest insight he's gained: "It's usually not one cause."

Though there's usually a huge human element to plane crashes, Lockheimer said he's found that many failures ... Читать дальше...


Changing office culture isn't going to stop the Harvey Weinsteins of the world

Jamie McCarthy/Getty

My colleague Josh Barro floated an idea this week, in response to the news that Harvey Weinstein is being accused of sexually harassing and assaulting women for decades. In a column, he argued that one way to stifle this kind of behavior is to create "more formal, less ‘fun’ office cultures."He's not the only one who has suggested this. More than one writer has used the Weinstein scandal to suggest Hollywood's "casting couch" culture — meetings in hotels or producers' homes — needs a change. Читать дальше...


A small Minnesota-based investment bank you've never heard of got in on a $3.6 billion Wall Street deal

Triple Tree

Think of Minnesota, and the first thing that probably comes to mind is the state's 10,000 lakes. Not multi-billion dollar pharma deals.

But that's exactly what's on the mind of the 50-plus financiers at TripleTree, a Minneapolis-based investment bank focusing on healthcare and healthcare tech deals. 

The boutique investment bank, which was founded in 1997, is slated to split $15 million to $20 million with Lazard, a New York-based investment bank, for its role advising... Читать дальше...


The stock market is relying less on a handful of stocks to do its heavy lifting

Brian Snyder/Reuters

Big stock market returns are usually powered by a handful of large companies. Lately, that's been the so-called FAANGs: large tech companies like Facebook and Alphabet. 

But the biggest companies' contribution to earnings and sales growth — the most important drivers of the bull market — has been falling since 2010, Morgan Stanley found. Instead, earnings growth is becoming spread out among more stocks.

The implication of lower concentrations for earnings and earnings growth is positive for investors... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Концентрация песка в городском воздухе возвращается к обычным значениям

Путин в России и мире

Поведение Путина вызвало резонанс, потерянные в 90–е заводы возвращаются РФ

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Басманный суд Москвы арестовал продюсера Reuters Константина Габова за помощь ФБК в подготовке материалов

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Рэпер Джиган вызвал Тимати на поединок после публичных насмешек в свою сторону прямо во время шоу


Мособлдума поздравила с праздником работников скорой помощи

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