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Новости за 06.10.2017


The DNC is giving portions of Harvey Weinstein's donations to pro-Democratic groups


The Democratic National Committee announced Friday that it will be redirecting a small portion of donations from embattled Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein to groups that regularly donate to Democratic candidates.

The announcement came after many Democratic officials said they are donating funds from Weinstein to various charities in light of revelations about his alleged sexual abuses.

DNC spokeswoman Xochitil Hinojosa said in a statement Friday that of the more than... Читать дальше...


How artificial intelligence & machine learning produced robots we can talk to

What is a Chatbot?

You've likely talked to a robot already without even knowing it. And you might have even heard the term "chatbot" in the news. But what is a chatbot? How do chatbots work?

Essentially, a chatbot is just a robot chat that imitates human conversations through voice commands, text chats, or both. It's a virtual conversation in which one party is an online talking robot.

The artificial intelligence feature within talking robots has been used in various industries to deliver information or perform tasks... Читать дальше...


Derek Jeter's reign as owner of the Marlins is off to a bumpy start and he already appears to be backpedaling on one of his first major moves

Mike Ehrmann/Getty

Derek Jeter has been at the helm of the Miami Marlins for less than a week, and his tenure is already off to a rocky start.

Jeter appears eager to leave his mark on the struggling franchise, but he may have tried to do too much, too soon.

The 14-time All-Star was given some authority over personnel matters in the weeks leading up to the sale, and he exercised it by reportedly instructing incumbent team president David Samson to fire four special assistants to the front office... Читать дальше...


Poll: Only 24% of Americans say the US is heading in the right direction

Thomson Reuters

WASHINGTON (AP) — Just 24 percent of Americans believe the country is heading in the right direction after a tumultuous stretch for President Donald Trump that included the threat of war with North Korea, stormy complaints about hurricane relief and Trump’s equivocating about white supremacists.

That’s a 10-point drop since June, according to a poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.

The decline in optimism about the nation’s... Читать дальше...


The US approves $15 billion sale of THAAD air-defense systems to Saudi Arabia

Thomson Reuters

The US State Department on Friday approved a sale of Terminal High Altitude Area Defense missile-defense systems to Saudi Arabia, according to a press release from Defense Security Cooperation Agency.

The State Department approved Saudi Arabia's request for 44 THAAD launchers, 360 THAAD interceptor missiles, 16 mobile fire-control and communication stations, and seven THAAD radars, DSCA said.

The sale will also include 43 trucks, generators, electrical power units, and other equipment. Читать дальше...


US officials: 4th Green Beret missing after Niger ambush has been found dead

AP Photo/Stephen Wandera

US officials say an American soldier missing for nearly two days in Niger has been found dead. He was one of four US troops killed in a deadly ambush.

His body was found and identified Friday after an extensive search. Four Niger security forces were also killed.

The Department of Defense on Friday also identified the first three Green Berets killed as Staff Sgt. Bryan C. Black, 35, of Washington; Staff Sgt. Jeremiah W. Johnson, 39, of Ohio; and Staff Sgt. Читать дальше...


Elon Musk just said he's delaying Tesla's semi-truck reveal to focus on struggling Model 3 production (TSLA)


Tesla CEO Elon Musk just announced that the company will delay its electric semi-truck reveal to focus on Model 3 production after missing its target for the much-anticipated car.

Tesla was set to unveil the semi-trailer on Oct. 26 in Hawthorne, California. It will now reveal the battery-powered truck on Nov. 16, Musk said.

Friday's announcement marks the second time Musk has delayed the reveal of Tesla's first big-rig. The company was originally supposed to debut the semitrailer in September. Читать дальше...


Congressman says the Charlottesville riots were organized by an 'Obama sympathizer' and suggests it was a George Soros-backed conspiracy

Vice News

A Republican congressman from Arizona suggested that a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia in August was organized by an "Obama sympathizer" and backed by financier George Soros in an interview that aired Thursday evening. 

Rep. Paul Gosar told Vice News that the Antifa group — short for anti-fascist — was responsible for the outbreak of violence in Charlottesville.

"Because let's look at the person that actually started the rally," Gosar said. "It's... Читать дальше...


White House fires back at top GOP senator's scorching criticism: 'I think the president is the one that’s keeping the world from chaos'

Drew Angerer/Getty Images

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders responded on Friday to veiled criticisms of President Donald Trump from Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker.

Corker, who recently announced his intent to not seek reelection, took what many saw as a shot at Trump on Wednesday, noting his cabinet officials' sound and stable nature.

"I think Secretary Tillerson, Secretary Mattis and chief of staff Kelly are those people that help separate our country from chaos," Corker said... Читать дальше...


LeBron James takes immaculate care of his body, and the NBA world is in awe of it

Ezra Shaw/Getty

Heading into the 15th season of his NBA career, at 32 years old, LeBron James is going to have to carry even more weight for the Cleveland Cavaliers.

With the departure of Kyrie Irving and the injury to Isaiah Thomas, James will have to take on more playmaking and perhaps even more scoring for the Cavs.

And amazingly, there's little concern about how James will handle it.

The NBA has never seen a player like James — a 6-foot-8 physical force, with a high basketball IQ... Читать дальше...


US SHEDS JOBS FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE 2010: Here's what you need to know

Lt. Zachary West/Army National Guard via Getty Images

Stocks finished little changed after the latest jobs report showed that the US economy lost more jobs than it created for the first time in seven years.

The Dow and the S&P 500 dipped into the red, while the Nasdaq just squeezed into a new all-time high close — by 0.07%.

First up, the scoreboard:


Trump and Melania reportedly compared life in the White House to being in a Venezuelan jail

Thomson Reuters

President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump met with the wife of an imprisoned Venezuelan opposition leader in February and reportedly tried to sympathize with her husband's plight by comparing life in the White House to that inside a Venezuelan prison.

Lilian Tintori, who is married to Venezuelan opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez, was at the White House to discuss human rights in Venezuela.

Many view Lopez as a political prisoner who was sentenced nearly... Читать дальше...


A 'Jeopardy!' fan favorite explains how he's won over $300,000 in an 8-day streak, and it's not by knowing the answers


New York bartender Austin Rogers has won $309,600 on "Jeopardy!" in an eight-day winning streak, and has quickly gone viral for his quirky mannerisms, and the unique way he prepared to be on the game show.

When Rogers sat down for an interview on "Good Morning America" Thursday, the "Jeopardy" contestant explained the simple key to his success: he just watched a ton of "Jeopardy."

According to Rogers, he's watched "hundreds upon hundreds" of episodes of the game show... Читать дальше...


The head of the IMF says bitcoin is 'too expensive for me at the moment'

Thomson Reuters

Bitcoin is too expensive for one of the most powerful women in finance. 

Christine Lagarde, the head of the International Monetary Fund, on Friday told CNBC's Sara Eisen that bitcoin is "too expensive for me at the moment" when asked if she would ever buy into the red-hot digital currency. 

Lagarde last month gave a soft defense of the cryptocurrency during a speech in London.  She said cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin could "give existing currencies and monetary... Читать дальше...


Any business trying to save jobs from robots could take a lesson from Starbucks


You wouldn't be crazy to worry about robots coming for American jobs.

A 2017 report by investment advisory firm Cornerstone Capital Group found that about 6 million to 7.5 million retail jobs will be rendered obsolete by automation in the coming years, Business Insider's Hayley Peterson reported. Cashiers in particular have a 97% chance of being replaced by robots, Business Insider's Kate Taylor reported.

Certain companies have better prepared for the impending robot takeover than others. Читать дальше...


'The nail in the coffin': Russia's top cyber-firm may have made a 'catastrophic' mistake

Thomson Reuters

  • Russian hackers reportedly stole top secret intelligence from the National Security Agency by exploiting Kaspersky antivirus software.
  • Experts say that, depending on what was stolen from the contractor, the revelation could be "catastrophic" for Kaspersky Lab.
  • The FBI has warned the private sector not to use Kaspersky software, and President Donald Trump banned all government agencies from using it in September.

Investigators believe... Читать дальше...


Marvel is teaming up with one of the biggest arms manufacturers in the world and fans are upset about it


On Friday morning, Marvel made a huge announcement on Twitter, and fans are not happy. 

Marvel Entertainment is joining forces with Northrop Grumman, an American global aerospace and defense technology company, and the world's fifth-largest defense contractor.

We don't know much yet, but it looks like there will be a promotional comic featuring the Avengers and "Northrop Grumman Elite Nexus," or N.G.E.N. 

The arms manufacturer generates over 20 billion dollars in revenue a year. Читать дальше...


CVS and Walgreens drop on rumors of Amazon's entry into the prescription drugs business (CVS, WBA, AMZN)

CVS Health

Reports that Amazon is thinking about taking on the prescription drug industry have sent shares of CVS and Walgreens off a cliff. Both stocks are down around 4% on Friday after the news.

Amazon is in the final stages of developing its plan to take on the prescription drug market, CNBC's Christina Farr reports. The e-commerce company is expected to make a decision about whether or not to enter the business by Thanksgiving.

Shares of CVS are down 3.96% to $77.68 and... Читать дальше...


The Trump administration just revealed how it wants to make going public easier for companies

Alex Wong/Getty Images

Fledgling companies with aspirations of going public got some good news on Friday.

President Donald Trump and the US Treasury department published a report outlining how they want to make it easier for companies to go public. It's a piece of the financial deregulation that's been proposed by Trump since he was on the campaign trail — and one that will be welcomed by smaller firms.

Perhaps the biggest Treasury department recommendation for IPO hopefuls ... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Цветение березы началось в столице

Путин в России и мире

Путин поручил сократить время в пути от Москвы до курортов Черного моря

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил, что не собирается проводить в Белоруссии мобилизацию

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Тимати показал идеальный пресс: горячее видео от рэпера


В подмосковной Лобне идет масштабная модернизация Центрального парка

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