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Новости за 12.10.2017


Tim Hortons is selling Buffalo sauce-flavored lattes — and people are disgusted

Tim Hortons

Tim Hortons locations in Buffalo, New York, are selling Buffalo sauce-flavored lattes. 

On Thursday, the coffee chain announced that two locations would serve lattes made with espresso, steamed milk, mocha, and "bold Buffalo sauce." The drink is topped with whipped topping and a dusting of Buffalo seasoning. 

The Buffalo Latte starts at $2.79 and will be served while supplies last. 

Early reaction to the drink ranged from disgust to bafflement. 

Tweet... Читать дальше...


Clemson's new $55 million football complex shows how swanky college football facilities have become


Clemson University won their second national championship last season and have played in each of the last two College Football Playoff championship games.

This season, the Tigers are a favorite to make it back to the College Football Playoff and they will take the journey in their new $55 million football complex.

The school opened the facility earlier this year, and now we get a peak inside and outside what looks like a swanky playground for college students.

Here... Читать дальше...


What happens to your brain and body when you eat a hot pepper

What happens to your brain & body when you eat spicy food. 

Hot peppers trick your brain into thinking your mouth is on fire. But there's no real heat in a pepper. So, what's going on?

It's all about a chemical compound in peppers called capsaicin. Capsaicin binds to pain receptors on our nerves called TRPV1. 

Normally, it reacts to heat by sending warning signals to the brain. Capsaicin causes TRPV1 to send those same signals. So, you react as if there's something hot in your mouth. Читать дальше...


Hearst is doubling down on Snapchat Discover for four of its publications including Harper's Bazaar

  • Hearst is ramping up its Snapchat output.
  • Four of the company's publications will now produce new Snapchat Discover content twice a week.
  • Hearst says each of its Snapchat channels pulls 2 million unique readers per edition every week.

Even as some publishers scale back on Snapchat Discover or look to pivot to producing shows for the platform, Hearst is doubling down on its efforts on Snapchat Discover.

Читать дальше...


There's a troubling gap in the Las Vegas shooting timeline

REUTERS/Chris Wattie

  • There's an apparent six-minute gap from when a Mandalay Bay security guard was shot in the hotel to when the Las Vegas shooter opened fire on 22,000 concertgoers. 
  • The Mandalay Bay has said that police officials' timeline of the night could be incorrect. 
  • People are turning to conspiracy theories as explanations. 

People are pressing police and the Mandalay Bay Hotel and Resort to explain an apparent six-minute gap in the Las Vegas shooting timeline. Читать дальше...


A deadly supervolcano lies under Yellowstone — and an eruption would spread ash for 500 miles

Flickr / Howard Ignatius

Yellowstone National Park may be best known for its Old Faithful geyser and its stunning wildlife, but the national park also sits atop a supervolcano that simmers just under the surface.

You can see evidence of the volcano's active state in the park's famous hydrothermal activity, including Old Faithful, which shoots water every few hours.

Because the area's still active, researchers have been trying to determine when it might erupt again. And according... Читать дальше...


Steve Kerr first unveiled the NBA's most lethal offense on a charcuterie board to an airport bartender

Marcio Jose Sanchez/AP

For four seasons now, the Golden State Warriors have been the NBA's most dominant offense thanks to a high-octane system that promotes ball and player movement and, of course, three-pointers.

But it's easy to forget that in 2014, when Steve Kerr became head coach, he was taking over a team that underwhelmed on offense and often played a stagnant, one-on-one system.

As ESPN's Baxter Holmes recently documented, when Kerr was hired, he envisioned an up-tempo... Читать дальше...


These cheap, fire-resistant homes could save lives and property in future disasters


More than a dozen wildfires killed at least 23 people and engulfed more than 3,500 homes, buildings, and other structures across Northern California in one of the worst firestorms in state history.

The wildfires were especially devastating in the city of Santa Rosa, where entire neighborhoods were leveled by fast-moving flames.

Better home construction couldn't have prevented what happened, but it could ameliorate the impact of future fires.

In the United States... Читать дальше...


Ivana Trump said Donald once abandoned Donald Jr. on a tarmac because he was 5 minutes late for a flight

Win McNamee/Getty Images

President Donald Trump once left his son, Donald Trump Jr., stranded on a tarmac after he was five minutes late for a flight, the president's first wife Ivana Trump wrote in her new book "Raising Trump."

Ivana referenced the anecdote when describing a key feature of Donald and the rest of the Trump family that she learned when she and the future president first began dating.

"The entire Trump clan arrived exactly on time," she wrote. "I learned early on that they were punctual to an extreme. Читать дальше...


As a former HR exec, I can tell you that small talk in your interview is way more important than you think

Sebastiaan ter Burg/Flickr

For most people, interviews are not fun.

It's a stressful time where you're doing your best to make a good impression, while simultaneously trying to sell yourself to the recruiter.

Unfortunately, it's also where most people go wrong.

As a former HR and recruiting executive, I became a career coach after watching far too many talented people crash-and-burn the interview.

Especially when it came to small talk.

Recruiter's golden rule... Читать дальше...


Jamie Dimon says he's done talking about bitcoin

Kimberly White/Getty Images

JPMorgan Chase chief executive Jamie Dimon has said he won't be commenting on bitcoin anymore.

It's a statement that comes a month after his now-infamous declaration that the cryptocurrency is a "fraud." Dimon made the remarks during a third-quarter earnings call with reporters this morning, as cited by CNBC.

He reportedly said:

"I wouldn't put this high on the category of important things in the world, but I'm not going to talk about bitcoin anymore."

During the call... Читать дальше...


Trump reportedly 'threw a fit' when Mattis and Tillerson told him to keep the US in the Iran deal

Evan Vucci/AP

President Donald Trump was infuriated when Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, and top national security aides pressured him to recertify the landmark 2015 international nuclear agreement with Iran in July, The Washington Post reported.

"He threw a fit," an unnamed source familiar with the discussion told the Post. "He was furious. Really furious. It's clear he felt jammed."

Trump has long railed against the agreement, negotiated by the Obama administration... Читать дальше...


Iceland has a committee that decides what people can name their kids — and only 3 people are on it

Travis Wise/Flickr

In Iceland, there's a three-person committee that approves and rejects parents' decisions about what to name their children. It's called the Mannanafnanefnd.

Daniel Tammet writes about the committee in his new book, "Every Word is a Bird We Teach to Sing: Encounters with the Mysteries and Meanings of Language," which was excerpted on TED.com.

Tammet writes:

"Every month, submissions from parents or prospective parents reach the committee. On average... Читать дальше...


How Clorox scored a win through Amazon

BI Intelligence

This story was delivered to BI Intelligence "E-Commerce Briefing" subscribers. To learn more and subscribe, please click here.

The Clorox Company — whose brands encompass Burt’s Bees, Brita, and Glad — has been ramping up its digital marketing efforts, especially via paid search on Amazon, Digiday reports.

This strategy has led to a 50% lift in e-commerce sales — defined as digital sales occurring outside its own site — and an increase of 98% on Amazon alone. Читать дальше...


Joel Embiid showed off some dazzling moves just 2 days after signing a jaw-dropping $147 million contract

AP Photo/Julie Jacobson

It's been a long few seasons for the Philadelphia 76ers.

With the mantra of "Trust the Process" ringing through the City of Brotherly Love, fans hunkered down for season after season of uncompetitive basketball hoping that the fruits of their suffering would eventually form of a championship-caliber core of players.

One of the most important pieces of this ongoing puzzle is Joel Embiid — the seven-foot-tall Cameroonian center who has embraced the "Trust... Читать дальше...


Here's how the new iPhone 8 Plus stacks up against a $9,000 camera

Sarah Jacobs/Business Insider

The specs for the new iPhone 8 Plus' camera sound enticing — it's one of the most highly touted improvements  on the phone.

But when I was given the chance to compare the new iPhone's camera to the $9,000 Hasselblad X1D digital medium-format camera, I couldn't say no.

While drawing a comparison between a Hasselblad camera that produces 51-megapixel image files and an iPhone that produces 12-megapixel image files might not be totally fair (internally... Читать дальше...


There’s a live supervolcano underneath Yellowstone National Park — here’s what would happen if it erupted

*This video was originally published in May, 2016.

What would happen if Yellowstone erupted?

Yellowstone is a living, breathing supervolcano. In the last 2.1 million years the supervolcano has erupted three times.

Forming massive crater-like features called calderas. Scientists don’t know when, or if, Yellowstone will erupt again.

But if it did, the consequences could be catastrophic.

The biggest concern isn’t oozing lava, but deadly volcanic ash. The supervolcano... Читать дальше...


A hedge fund started by a pioneering female investor has lost more than half its assets in two years


  • Jamie Zimmerman is one of the few, and first, female investors to run a hedge fund. She started Litespeed Partners in 2000.
  • The fund has had a tough run of late, and now manages less than half of what it did two years ago.
  • Hedge funds running similar investment strategies have also struggled. Some have shut.

NEW YORK – A hedge fund started by a pioneering female investor has posted slight gains this year after suffering a steep drop in assets. Читать дальше...


The new Palestinian reconciliation agreement doesn't address the massive elephant in the room

REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa

The most contentious question between the rival Palestinian factions that announced a reconciliation deal Thursday is still up in the air.

Both Fatah and Hamas have acknowledged that the issue of Hamas' military wing was not discussed during the talks that led to Thursday's deal, signed in Cairo and brokered by Egypt.

This could be a sticking point for any reconciliation efforts moving forward. Fatah — which controls the West Bank — and Hamas — which controls Gaza ... Читать дальше...


What you need to know on Wall Street today

Thomson Reuters

Welcome to Finance Insider, Business Insider's summary of the top stories of the past 24 hours. Sign up here to get the best of Business Insider delivered direct to your inbox.

JPMorgan Chase and Citigroup both reported third-quarter earnings on Thursday, and both beat Wall Street estimates.

JPMorgan posted earnings of $1.76 a share, above the $1.65 consensus, with the consumer and community banking and corporate and investment banking units topping forecasts. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Бестопливные Neutrinovoltaic электромобили проектируются в Индии

Путин в России и мире

ООН незаметно признала Путина: Сообщено об официальном письме

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский после приезда Блинкена в Киев сразу же стал выпрашивать у США дополнительные ЗРК Patriot

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




В Российском национальном Музее Музыки пройдет концерт «Курские Песни 2.0»


Педиатр Бережанский рассказал о «змеиных» районах Подмосковья

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