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Новости за 14.07.2017


There are key differences between the Steele dossier and Trump Jr.'s meeting with a Russian lawyer

Brian Snyder/Reuters

Donald Trump Jr. has sought to deflect criticism of his meeting with a Russian lawyer at Trump Tower last June by saying its purpose was to collect opposition research on Hillary Clinton for his father's campaign, and was therefore politics as usual. 

Echoing his son, President Donald Trump said on Thursday that "most people would've taken that meeting. It's called opposition research."

The argument has spawned a new talking point among the president's allies... Читать дальше...


Blake Lively is set to become the next big female action hero

Christopher Polk/Getty Images

The INSIDER Summary: Blake Lively is going to star as an assassin in a new movie. "The Rhythm Section" tells the story of Stephanie Patrick, who assumes a variety of identities after the death of her family. The producers responsible for James Bond chose Lively for the role. The actress has proved in past roles that she has what it takes to lead her own action-thriller. The myth that fans do not show up for films primarily featuring action heroines is quickly being shown for what it is: false. Читать дальше...


Snap had acquisition talks with AdRoll and is actively shopping for ad tech startups (SNAP)


Snapchat is shopping for ad tech companies to help bolster its appeal to marketers, a process that led the company to have acquisition talks with AdRoll, Business Insider has learned.

Snapchat's main targets are startups in the marketing tech and ad tech sectors, as the social network owned by parent company Snap Inc. seeks to grow its ad business and allay investor concerns that have punished its stock price.

"They're looking for some business, or a set of businesses... Читать дальше...


Virginia's governor took a sly shot at Mike Pence while introducing him at an event

Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe took a shot at Vice President Mike Pence on Friday while introducing him at the National Governors Association's summer meeting, praising Pence for expanding Medicaid as the governor of Indiana.

"I thank Vice President Pence — he showed true backbone himself in Indiana when he expanded Medicaid for his citizens," McAuliffe, a Democrat and the chairman of the NGA, told the audience gathered in Rhode Island. "So he understands the... Читать дальше...


Kim Clijsters sparked an amazing scene at Wimbledon when she had a male fan put on a skirt and play a point


Wimbledon is known for its grass courts, high quality of play, and it's strict dress code.

While the professional side of the tournament play on Friday saw Roger Federer advance to his record 11th final, the highlight of the day came from the Ladies' Invitational Doubles Tournament, one of three Invitationals Wimbledon hosts which serves as something of an exhibition for fans to come see older or retired players.

Away from Centre Court, Kim Clijsters was having... Читать дальше...


Jennifer Lawrence is ‘not pretty enough’ to play Sharon Tate in new film, according to the late star’s sister

Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Lionsgate/AP Images

The INSIDER Summary: Quentin Tarantino has reportedly approached both Jennifer Lawrence and Margot Robbie for the role of Sharon Tate in his upcoming film about the Manson Family murders. Debra Tate said she doesn't think Jennifer Lawrence is "pretty enough" to play her sister and would prefer Margot Robbie take the role. Tate is not opposed to Tarantino's project, but is concerned about the portrayal of her sister. Jennifer Lawrence is... Читать дальше...


STOCKS HIT ALL-TIME HIGHS: Here's what you need to know

Scott Olson / Getty Images

The S&P 500 and Dow climbed to all-time highs in trading on Friday after some of the major banks reported quarterly profits that were better than expected. 

Here's the scoreboard: 

  • Dow: 21,637.74, +84.65, (0.39%)
  • S&P 500: 2,459.27, +11.44, (0.47%)
  • Nasdaq: 6,312.47, +38.03, (0.61%)
  1. In bank earnings, JPMorgan had a huge earnings beat, reporting $1.82 net income per share compared to the $1.58 expected. Читать дальше...


Salesforce will get to slap its name on San Francisco's new transit center — and some folks are not happy about it (CRM)

Cushman & Wakefield

Salesforce officially got naming rights to San Francisco's new transit center, but not without ruffling some feathers, the San Francisco Chronicle reports.

The Transbay Joint Powers Authority board voted Thursday to confirm a 25-year, $110 million sponsorship deal which will change the name of the Transbay Transit Center to the Salesforce Transit Center, according to the Chronicle.

"Unfortunately, we are in a situation where we have to rely on naming rights," Ed Reiskin... Читать дальше...


Astronomers have detected 'strange signals' that may come from a star 11 light-years away

Uploaded to Wikipedia by File Upload Bot (Magnus Manske)

Astronomers say they've detected "strange signals" coming from the direction of a small, dim star located about 11 light-years from Earth.

Researchers picked up the mysterious signals on May 12 using the Arecibo Observatory, a huge radio telescope built inside of a Puerto Rican sinkhole.

The radio signals appear to be coming from Ross 128, a red dwarf star that's not yet known to have any planets and is about 2,800 times dimmer than the sun. Читать дальше...


Paul Manafort was in the Russian lawyer meeting with Jared Kushner and Donald Trump Jr. — here's what you need to know about him

Win McNamee/Getty Images

Paul Manafort, President Trump's former campaign chairman, is in the center of a Russia controversy yet again as he was revealed to have been in a meeting with a Russian lawyer that has come under scrutiny.

More details about the meeting came out this week — Donald Trump Jr., the president's eldest son, published emails sent to himself, Manafort, and White House senior adviser Jared Kushner that show a music publicist with connections to Trump and Russia promising dirt on Hillary Clinton. Читать дальше...


Tanks, troops, and Donald Trump — see photos from this year's Bastille Day in France

Christophe Archambault (Associated Press)

On Friday, France celebrated Bastille Day with fireworks, a parade, and Donald Trump.

As part of their 24-hour trip to visit French president Emmanuel Macron in Paris, Donald and Melania Trump attended the city's annual military parade — an ornamental affair complete with music, military displays, and air shows.

Here are some of the most interesting photos from this year's Bastille Day celebrations.

Donald and Melania Trump arrived... Читать дальше...


'Game of Thrones' actor explains how Bran Stark is 'a very different character' on season 7

Frederick M. Brown/Getty/HBO

Warning: Minor spoilers ahead for "Game of Thrones" season seven.

The stars of HBO's "Game of Thrones" came out in full force on Wednesday to celebrate the season seven premiere in Los Angeles. Before the episode screening and after-party, INSIDER caught up with Isaac Hempstead Wright, who plays Bran Stark, on the red carpet to learn more about what will become of his character on season seven.

"He's got this wealth of important information that really needs to get to the right people. Читать дальше...


Carrie Coon feels 'heartbroken' over fellow 'Leftovers' cast member Emmy snubs

Donna Ward / Stringer

The 2017 Emmy Nominations were announced the other day, and fans were pleased to see that Carrie Coon had gotten herself a nomination...it was just for the wrong show, sort of. Coon got a nomination for her great work on "Fargo" Season 3, but her other show, "The Leftovers," went home mostly empty-handed -- save for a Best Guest Actress nomination for Ann Dowd. This has caused a large number of fans to cry foul over what feels like a glaring snub, and Coon herself... Читать дальше...


Martin Scorsese will team up with Leonardo DiCaprio again for a new movie — here's what we know


Marty and Leo are getting back together. 

After Martin Scorsese teams with his long-time collaborator Robert De Niro on the anticipated Netflix movie, "The Irishman," he'll switch gears and join up with another actor he can't help but work with: Leonardo DiCaprio. 

Variety reports that the two Oscar winners are developing an adaptation of the true-crime book, "Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI." Scorsese plans to make that his... Читать дальше...


Chance the Rapper says SoundCloud is 'here to stay,' after a report says its cash will run out in 50 days

Barry Brecheisen/AP; Twitter/@ChancetheRapper

Chance the Rapper — whose massively successful independent career arose from the free music he released on SoundCloud — tweeted Friday that he had a "very fruitful call" with SoundCloud CEO Alex Ljung. The call seemingly touched based on the company's reportedly dire financial situation. 

"@SoundCloud is here to stay," Chance tweeted, one day after tweeting that he was "working on the SoundCloud thing."

TechCrunch reported on Thursday... Читать дальше...


Twitter pops after Steve Ballmer calls it 'a very good asset' (TWTR)

Twitter has been on a tear recently.

Over the last week, shares of Twitter are up 9.41%. On Friday, the stock saw a 2.23% bump after Steve Ballmer, former CEO of Microsoft, went to bat for the company.

"Twitter is a very good asset," Ballmer told CNBC. "Imp roving the products some and improving and making the monetization better, I think the company has been on top of both of those things." Ballmer is a major investor in the company.

Twitter has been under fire for its slow user growth... Читать дальше...


Russian-American lobbyist says Russian lawyer presented documents in Trump Jr. meeting

John Sommers II/Getty Images

A man who says he is a previously unreported attendee of the controversial meeting in June 2016 between top Trump campaign advisers and a Russian lawyer said the attorney presented the men with documents.

Rinat Akhmetshin, a Russian-American lobbyist who served in the Soviet military, told The Associated Press on Friday that the lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, presented documents that she believed detailed the flow of illicit funds to the Democratic National Committee. Читать дальше...


Juicero, maker of the $400 juicer, just announced a price cut and employee layoffs


Juicero employees found out in a letter on Friday that the company is cutting the price of its cold-press juicing system. Some employees also found out they had been cut, too. 

In a letter obtained by Fortune, Juicero CEO Jeff Dunn wrote, “the current prices of $399 for the Press and $5 - $7 for produce Packs are not a realistic way for us to fulfill our mission at the scale to which we aspire.” 

The San Francisco startup's mission is to help people consume more fresh produce everyday... Читать дальше...


Amazon's Jeff Bezos brought two massive 'guns' to the Sun Valley conference (AMZN)

Drew Angerer, Getty images

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos thought it would be a good idea to bring these massive arms to the Sun Valley conference in Idaho.

People are taking notice, particularly on Twitter:

Tweet Embed:
<clears throat> ahem. Jeff Bezos is our new Chuck Norris 1/ pic.twitter.com/U8y67VAIv1Tweet Embed:
"I do have are a very particular set of skills... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Озоновые Дыры: Вызов современности, Взгляд Романа Терещенко

Путин в России и мире

Кировчанин с позывным Струна стоял рядом с Владимиром Путиным 9 Мая в Москве

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко: великая Победа является главным моментом становления белорусской нации

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Светлана Сурганова выступит на фестивале «Окна Открой»!


Спортсменка из Бурятии стала чемпионкой России по боксу

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