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Новости за 12.07.2017


American Apparel's disgraced founder seems to be resurrecting his 'dead' brand under a new name

Los Angeles Apparel

Dov Charney has started a new clothing company that's shockingly similar to American Apparel.

The brand, called Los Angeles Apparel, launched in late 2016 soon before American Apparel — the company that Charney founded — declared bankruptcy in October. 

According to Bloomberg's Matthew Townsend, the sense of deja vu goes beyond the similar name. Other shocking similarities include: 


The White House made a video attacking the budget office that gave devastating reviews to the GOP healthcare bills

Drew Angerer/Getty Images

The White House released a video Wednesday attacking the Congressional Budget Office for its brutal reviews of the Republican healthcare bills.

The video, released on Twitter, claims that the analysis by the nonpartisan CBO is based on "faulty assumptions and bad math."

The CBO has said various versions of the Republican healthcare plans would leave between 22 and 23 million more Americans without health insurance in 2026 compared to the current baseline. Читать дальше...


Russian government officials were reportedly overheard discussing Trump associates months before he declared his candidacy

REUTERS/Lucas Jackson

In light of Donald Trump Jr.'s recent disclosures about his contact with a Russian lawyer, US investigators are taking a renewed look at conversations Russian government officials had about Trump associates before the presidential campaign, according to The Wall Street Journal.

The US intelligence community reportedly overheard Russian officials discussing President Donald Trump's associates as early as 2015, the Journal reported Wednesday. The conversations... Читать дальше...


37 burning questions that need to be answered on 'Game of Thrones' season 7

Florence Fu/Tech Insider

Warning: Spoilers ahead for "Game of Thrones" season six.

The "Game of Thrones" season six finale was explosive, dark, and satisfying in many ways — but it still left us with some burning questions about what's ahead on season seven.

From the order of succession in Westeros to where Jon Snow is keeping his direwolf Ghost, these are the things INSIDER really hopes "Game of Thrones" season seven answers.

Will Daenerys choose a husband when she gets to Westeros? Читать дальше...


American Apparel's founder had a surprising response when asked if he's having sex with employees at his new company

Dov Charney

American Apparel founder Dov Charney has started a new wholesale clothing company called Los Angeles Apparel. 

Charney started the company late last year, two years after he was forced out of American Apparel following a string of sexual harassment allegations lodged against him by several of his own employees.

In a new interview with Bloomberg's Matthew Townsend, Charney was asked whether he is "going down the same path at Los Angeles Apparel and hooking up with employees." 

Surprisingly... Читать дальше...


Charlize Theron calls Hollywood ‘caveman-like’ for not allowing women to star in big-budget films

Antony Jones/Getty Images

The INSIDER Summary: Charlize Theron calls Hollywood "caveman-like" for rarely allowing women to work with big-budget films. The actress praises Sigourney Weaver and Linda Hamilton for leading the way as heroines in the "Alien" and "Terminator" films, but says that the momentum has never carried far enough to allow women to break through. Theron stars in "Atomic blonde," out in theaters August 9. Charlize Theron has branded Hollywood "caveman-like" for rarely allowing women to command big-budget films. Читать дальше...


Bitcoin is embroiled in a civil war — here's one way it can unfold


A civil war is taking place in the world of bitcoin, putting the future of the red-hot cryptocurrency in question.

Bitcoin is up over 250% since last year, but in the past few months its price has experienced big swings.

Arthur Hayes, CEO of BitMex, a bitcoin derivative exchange, told Business Insider he thinks recent volatility in bitcoin's price reflects the uncertainty surrounding the outcome of this war, which will be decided August 1 when crypto-power brokers will determine... Читать дальше...


Central banks could be moving us closer to the next financial crisis

Thomson Reuters

Financial politicians (aka central bankers) have a long history of saying the wrong things at the wrong time.

Far worse, they simply fail to tell the truth. They lie because they’re afraid of the impact the truth will have. This is a problem, because markets can’t function on false information, at least not forever.

They also face enormous pressure to “do something,” even when the right thing is to do nothing and just let the market clear.

Janet Yellen’s... Читать дальше...


The Philippine container ship that crashed into a US guided-missile destroyer may be liable for almost $2 billion

Associated Press/Eugene Hoshiko

The USS Fitzgerald and the Philippine-flagged container ship MV ACX Crystal collided early in the morning on June 16.

The port bow of the containership, particularly its bulbous bow and its port anchor, came into contact with the starboard side of the destroyer opening three compartments to the sea and heavily damaging the deck structure aft of the bridge above the main deck.

The destroyer will require extensive and costly repairs over many... Читать дальше...


I've been traveling on a budget for years — here are my 10 best tips to book luxurious getaways at enviable prices

Roman Babakin/Shutterstock

Lay in the lap of luxury, and while you're at it, close your eyes and stay the night. Planning a vacation on a budget doesn't mean you can't experience the best of the best; it simply means you have to be resourceful. As my thirst for travel has only grown stronger with age, I've learned to book luxurious getaways at enviable prices.

When I was 21, I spent four amazing months in Europe. I remember exploring Paris for the first time, surviving strictly on... Читать дальше...


Google wins challenge against 1.1 billion-euro French tax bill

Reuters/Eric Gaillard

A French court ruled on Wednesday that Google was not liable to pay 1.1 billion euros ($1.3 billion) in back taxes demanded by the French authorities.

The Paris administrative court ruled that Google Ireland Limited was not subject to corporate and value-added taxes for the period 2005-2010, striking down the tax administration's demands for back payments.

The ruling in favor of Google, now part of Alphabet, followed a court adviser's recommendation that... Читать дальше...


10 of the best places to eat outside this summer

Ray's Cafe/Facebook

Rooftop bars have been all the rage of late in big cities, from New York to L.A. and everywhere in between. And while this trend shows no sign of stopping, with more and more watering holes opening up atop dormant rooftops, most are suited for drinks and appetizers and are not true outdoor dining destinations.

If you’re yearning for a more complete al fresco dining experience this summer, we’ve got you covered from coast to coast. Here’s our list of the best restaurants... Читать дальше...


Scientists say we're witnessing the planet's sixth mass extinction — and 'biological annihilation' is the latest sign


When kids learn about extinction in school, they're told about creatures that have disappeared from the planet, and those that are endangered.

But rarely are they told that we are currently witnessing a mass extinction event — an incredibly rare phenomenon in which the majority of species on the globe die off.

This has happened five times in the history of Earth so far. The one happening now will be the sixth.

According to a study recently published... Читать дальше...


June 2-13, 2016: Donald Jr.'s controversial meeting came at a pivotal point for the Trump campaign

Brian Snyder/Reuters

The controversial meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and a Kremlin-connected lawyer occurred at a pivotal point in President Donald Trump's campaign.

The meeting took place just after the primary season concluded in June 2016, at a time when Trump and his campaign were wrangling with what could have been a massive floor battle for delegates at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland the next month.

It also took place amid one of the biggest controversies of the Trump campaign... Читать дальше...


The Newark Riots began 50 years ago today — here's why they still matter

Associated Press

Fifty years ago, the city of Newark, New Jersey experienced a string of violent riots after two white police officers stopped and beat up a black taxi driver on July 12 in a community that had suffered decades of social frustration caused by poverty and racial profiling.

While more than half a century has passed, many of the issues at the heart of the protests continue to divide the country today. 

Here's how the riots started, how the police responded, and... Читать дальше...


TRUMP: If Congress doesn't repeal Obamacare, 'I will be very angry about it'

Kevin Lamarque/Reuters

President Donald Trump said in an interview published Wednesday that he would be "angry" with congressional Republicans failed to get a bill that would repeal and replace Obamacare to his desk.

In an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network's Pat Robertson, Trump was asked what would happen if Congress was unable to pass a bill to overhaul the healthcare system.

"I will be very angry about it and a lot of people will be very upset," Trump said. Читать дальше...


Here are the millionaires, billionaires, and moguls arriving in Sun Valley, Idaho this week for Allen & Co.'s annual conference

Drew Angerer, Getty Images

Every summer, the top moguls of the tech, media, and business worlds gather in the sunny resort town of Sun Valley, Idaho for investment bank Allen & Co.'s annual week-long conference. They hobnob around town, talk business during conference sessions, and ride bikes through the mountains. 

The 33rd annual event brought some of the wealthiest and most powerful people from around the world to Sun Valley once again, and we've gathered photos so you can... Читать дальше...


Box has a new COO and she's a skydiving, rattlesnakes battling, bungee jumping Australian who was once VP at Apple (BOX)


Every successful tech company needs an inspirational and dramatic founding story to add to its buzz. Even better, is an executive with a riveting personal profile. 

Box, the Silicon Valley-based cloud storage company, is sure to get extra points for its new COO, Stephanie Carullo. 

"While Stephanie is super hardcore about scaling technology organizations, she's also really fun, too," Box CEO Aaron Levie wrote on the company blog Wednesday. "She's a super adventurous Australian who is sometimes known to skydive... Читать дальше...


DOW HITS ALL-TIME HIGH: Here's what you need to know

Lucy Nicholson/Reuters

Stocks rallied and the Dow hit an all-time high on Wednesday after Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen said the US economy was strong enough to absorb gradual rate increases over the next few years.

Here's the scoreboard: 

  • Dow: 21,532.14, +123.07, (0.57%)
  • S&P 500: 2,443.25, +17.72, (0.73%)
  • Nasdaq: 6,261.17, +67.87, (1.10%)
  1. Yellen spent the morning in Congress. "Because we also anticipate that the factors... Читать дальше...


House Democrats want to know why a major Russian money-laundering case was abruptly settled

Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

Democratic members of the House Judiciary Committee sent a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Wednesday asking why the Department of Justice settled a major money-laundering case involving a real-estate company owned by the son of a powerful Russian government official whose lawyer met with Donald Trump Jr. last year.

Trump Jr., the president's eldest son, on Tuesday tweeted an email chain from June 2016 in which he entertained accepting damaging information... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

В Кабардино-Балкарии стартует крупнейшая экологическая акция «Вода России»

Путин в России и мире

Киркоров и Пелагея спели для амурчан-бамовцев в Москве

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко убежден, что белорусы «никогда еще так хорошо не жили»

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Во Франции назвали бредом слова Зеленского про угрозу Путина Европе

Навальный в России и мире

В РПЦ отказались называть причины запрета в служении иерея Сафронова, отпевавшего Навального

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Моргенштерну* не нужны деньги? Рэпер рассказал о своем отношении к богатству


Рябков: Недопуск россиян на рейсы из Турции в Мексику связан с давлением США

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