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Новости за 01.06.2016


Instagram now lets businesses learn more about you than ever before


Instagram is upgrading its analytics.

The social media platform has unveiled a new suite of tools that lets businesses obtain an unprecedented level of access into followers and posts. This suite will let businesses and brands on Instagram understand their audiences better and advertise their products more effectively.

Approximately 60% of Instagram's 400 million monthly active users (MAUs) learn about new products and services through the platform, according to the Financial Times. Читать дальше...


Jay Z fires back at a conservative critic of Beyoncé and brags about avoiding taxes


Jay Z is getting a lot off his chest in guest verses these days.

The rap legend recently used a remix of a Fat Joe song to address his wife Beyoncé's "Lemonade" album and its much-discussed potential meaning about infidelity in their marriage. He rapped: "You know you made it when the fact / Your marriage made it is worth millions / Lemonade is a popular drink and it still is / Survival of the littest."

Now he's going off on a conservative critic of Beyoncé in a just-released Pusha T song... Читать дальше...


Baby boomers are buying a lot of 2016's hottest investment product

Flickr / jenny downing

FA Insights is a daily newsletter from Business Insider that delivers the top news and commentary for financial advisors.

Baby boomers are buying a lot of 2016's hottest investment product (Bloomberg)

Low-volatility ETFs have surged over the past year, in part thanks to baby boomers' concerns about having enough money for retirement, reports Yakob Peterseil, citing Dan Draper, the head of Invesco PowerShares.

Draper told Bloomberg that baby boomers are living longer ... Читать дальше...


You haven't heard of these weird little earphones, but they're a great value

Tech Insider/Jeff Dunn

If you spend a significant chunk of time with your headphones, it’s worth paying for something higher-end.

They don’t have to be swanky, but spending just a little bit more on a good pair of cans will usually open new doors, both in terms of sound quality and durability.

After testing many pairs that cost anywhere from $100 to $2,000, I know I’ve personally ruined any chance I had of going back to the old Apple EarPods.

If you just can’t drop the cash for something explicitly nice... Читать дальше...


A robot that can teach children as young as 6 to code launched its Kickstarter campaign

Courtesy of Photon Entertainment

He’s small, looks friendly, and helps children get into the world of programming.

It’s a robot created by young startup Photon Entertainment that launched its crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter earlier this week.

The robot is supposed to help kids in making their first steps into the world of coding.

"We’re not teaching a specific language, and instead focus on developing a proper mindset, and explaining how modern technology works," says Martin Joka... Читать дальше...


The billionaire founders of Airbnb just pledged to give away the majority of their wealth


Since its launch in 2008, Airbnb has grown to be a $25 billion company. Now, the founders of the tech startup are giving a huge chunk of that money to charity.

On June 1, all three Airbnb co-founders — Brian Chesky, Joe Gebbia, and Nathan Blecharczyk — announced that they'll donate the majority of their wealth to the Giving Pledge, a philanthropic initiative started by Warren Buffet and Bill and Melinda Gates. To join the pledge, members must commit to give away more than... Читать дальше...


Beautiful photos of A-10s and F-16s flying over South Korea

Jake Melampy / US Air Force

On May 9, more than 40 aircraft, including 15 A-10 Thunderbolt II aircraft with the 25th Fighter Squadron “Draggins” and F-16 Fighting Falcon aircraft from the 36th FS “Flying Fiends” with the 51st Fighter Wing, Osan Air Base, South Korea, with some additional F-16 aircraft with the 179th Fighter Squadron “Bulldogs” from the 148th Fighter Wing out of Duluth Air National Guard Base, Minnesota, took part in a cool Elephant Walk exercise at Osan Air Base.

Jake... Читать дальше...


At least 2 casualties reported in shooting at UCLA


At least two victims were "down" after a shooting was reported at the University of California at Los Angeles, a UCLA spokeswoman confirmed Wednesday.

Authorities arrived on the scene amid reports of a shooter on campus, which was on lockdown.

Campus media-relations officer Rebecca Kendall said police were on the scene at Boelter Hall, a science building. Kendall said the report came in about 9:55 a.m and that the LAPD was advising residents to stay away from the area. Читать дальше...


Automakers are reporting huge drops in May sales (HMC, TM, F, GM, FCAU, NSANY, VOW)

Chris Phutully/Flickr

On Wednesday, major automakers are announcing their US sales numbers for May.

So far, most of them have reported declines. 

Economists estimate that total vehicle sales rose at an annualized pace of 17.30 million, according to Bloomberg, virtually flat compared to the prior month.

At first glance, the drops look discouraging following a record year for car sales in the US.

However, as Business Insider's Matthew DeBord writes, sales are not... Читать дальше...


We went to J. Crew and saw why the brand is in trouble

Mallory Schlossberg/Business Insider

Once a great retail success story, J. Crew has been struggling in recent years. 

J. Crew's sales slid 8% in the most recent quarter, with the company blaming a "challenging retail environment."

It's true — it's rough out there for most retailers —but a walk around the store shows why the company may be having a hard time getting consumers to pay a premium for its clothing.

Here's what you would have been greeted with if you walked... Читать дальше...


Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff paid an enormously high price for Demandware because of a bidding war (CRM, DWRE)

Justin Sullivan/Getty

Salesforce on Wednesday announced its biggest acquisition to date, the $2.8 billion all-cash purchase of Demandware, which makes software for building web sites.

And speaking with CNBC's Jim Cramer, Marc Benioff confirmed what everyone was thinking: the price was so high because Salesforce got in a bidding war over this company.

Salesforce paid $75 a share. That's a 56% premium over the share price the day before, when it closed at just under $48. That's... Читать дальше...


There's one big roadblock to getting people to try experimental treatments

Thomson Reuters

The role of clinical trials in medicine is changing.

Clinical trials are research studies that help scientists and regulators understand whether a certain treatment is effective and safe.

But, according to a recent national survey of consumers and physicians conducted by Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, only about 35% of people would consider taking part in one of these trials.

Finding participants is critical, so that trials are large enough to... Читать дальше...


What to expect from Apple's big annual summit in June (AAPL)


Later this month, Apple will hold its annual summit in San Francisco.

Since 1983, programmers have flocked to the Worldwide Developers Conference to participate in hands-on labs, learn more about Apple tools and technologies, and network with fellow developers.

Oh, and Apple frequently announces new products and services, too.

This year, WWDC will take place between June 13 - 17 in San Francisco. Here’s what to expect:

Apple CEO Tim Cook will deliver a keynote speech to kick off the festivities. Читать дальше...


I expected living on $8.15 an hour for a month in New York City to be hard, but I was surprised by the most difficult part

Kathleen Elkins/Business Insider

Recently, I simulated the lives of millions of Americans who earn minimum or nearly minimum wage and lived on an $8.15-an-hour salary for 30 days in New York City.

My experience was worlds away from the millions of Americans who live with limited income day in and day out — after all, I did have a safety net of savings and my challenge had a 30-day "timer" on it — but it gave me a small glimpse of what it's like to make ends meet with limited income in an expensive city. Читать дальше...


Former NBA player posts awesome Instagram video about confronting a man who made a racist remark in the gym

Ronald Martinez/Getty

Former NBA player Stephen Jackson posted a great, inspiring video on Instagram on Wednesday recounting a confrontation he had at the gym.

Jackson explained that while working out, he overheard an "older white man" talking about the gorilla that was shot at the Cincinnati Zoo when a four-year-old fell into its enclosure.

According to Jackson, another man then said, "They shot Serena [Williams]? Serena got shot?" and began laughing.

Jackson said he... Читать дальше...


HSBC's global marketing boss Chris Clark is stepping down (HSBA)

YouTube/Hot Topics

HSBC's top marketing boss, Chris Clark, is stepping down after 15 years at the company, Adweek first reported.

Business Insider understands the move had been planned for some time and a HSBC spokesperson told Adweek Clark is staying on to oversee the handover before a replacement is found.

His departure comes six months after Business Insider reported the bank laid off staff within its London-based global marketing department, including the marketer leading that division, Amanda Rendle. Читать дальше...


Building due to serve as refugee shelter in Austria set on fire in ‘act of vandalism'

Thomson Reuters

A building in northern Austria that was due to house dozens of asylum seekers was deliberately set on fire, the Red Cross said on Wednesday, a relatively rare attack on a refugee center in a country that has taken in many migrants.

The new wooden building in the town of Altenfelden, near Austria's borders with Germany and the Czech Republic, caught fire overnight. The Red Cross, which owns the building, later said arson was the cause.

"It was a shock for us," Red Cross spokesman Stefan Neubauer said... Читать дальше...


VW's only bright spot is a car that was once its biggest flop


Volkswagen's struggle to sell cars in the US continues with the automaker's latest data showing sales have plummeted another 17.2% in May.

For the year, VW sales are down more than 13% compared to last year. 

But buried in all this lousy sales data is one bright spot: Sales of its compact Tiguan crossover is surging.

According to VW, the company sold 43% more Tiguans last month than it did during same period in 2015. So far this year, the Wolfsburg-based company... Читать дальше...


Sous-vide cookers will prepare your food perfectly — but here’s why I don’t want one


Sous vide means "under vacuum" in French, and the term refers to the process of cooking food in a temperature-controlled water bath. Basically, meat, eggs, and vegetables are sealed in an airtight vacuum bag, which is left in a precisely heated pot of water for longer than normal cooking times.

Sous-vide-cooked food used to be something you could only find in restaurants, but thanks to innovative new products, today there are lots of precision cookers on the market.

I... Читать дальше...


PIMCO: Here are 22 charts that define our outlook for the global economy


PIMCO just published its secular view on the global economy and here are 22 charts that help illustrate their outlook that may be stable but hardly secure

As always, PIMCO's focus was to "identify the key secular forces that will drive the global economy, monetary and fiscal policy, and financial markets over the next three to five years."

To make sense of it all, Andrew Balls, Richard Clarida, and Daniel J. Ivascyn put together this chartbook.

Thanks to PIMCO... Читать дальше...


6 productivity hacks that tripled my income

Ryan Levesque

In February 2012, my son Henry was born.

Shortly after, I found myself hooked up to machines in the ICU.

I had been losing weight and feeling ill for a few months. When I applied for life insurance and was denied, the blood test results were alarming: I had undiagnosed juvenile diabetes — and at 30 years old, my organs were shutting down.

The doctors said I was 24 hours away from slipping into a coma or possibly dying.

Lying in a hospital bed gives... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

В Москве заметили первый в России электромобиль Tesla Cybertruck

Путин в России и мире

Президент России Владимир Путин подтвердил проведение XVI Международного военно-музыкального фестиваля «Спасская башня»

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

«Набей им морду, покажи им, что ты настоящий белорус». Лукашенко о поездке спортсменов на Олимпиаду

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Генсек НАТО прибыл в Киев: главные заявления Столтенберга и Зеленского

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Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Певец Стас Михайлов заявил, что в детстве пел шансон заключенному за деньги


Олигархи с Рублевки высказались о возвращении Чулпан Хаматовой в Россию

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