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Новости за 07.06.2016


Warren Buffett reveals his number one piece of advice to anyone starting a new business

Paul Morigi/Getty

Warren Buffett has one piece of advice to anyone starting a new business.

He gave that advice to a group of small business entrepreneurs at the 20th graduation of the Goldman Sachs "10,000 Small Businesses" program:

"Tomorrow morning when you look in the mirror after you've gotten up, just write — in lipstick or whatever you want, on the mirror — just put: Delight my customer," Buffett said.

"Not satisfy my customer, delight my customer."

He... Читать дальше...


Airbnb cofounder Nathan Blecharczyk is speaking at IGNITION 2016


Startup mega-unicorn Airbnb, currently valued at $24 billion, has disrupted the way people travel.

We're excited to announce that Airbnb's cofounder and CTO Nathan Blecharczyk will be speaking at IGNITION: The Future of Digital.

Blecharczyk keeps Airbnb's infrastructure running smoothly on a global level--the company is in 191 of the 194 countries in the world. That global footprint makes for a host of possible snafus that Blecharczyk and his team have to handle, from... Читать дальше...


17 box-office bombs that went on to become cult classics


Even if a film doesn't sell many tickets at the box office, it can still go on to become a beloved cult classic.

Many of Hollywood's greatest films were financial flops, and it took years for audiences to embrace them.

From "The Wizard of Oz" to "The Big Lebowski," here are 17 classic films that originally bombed in theaters.

Frank Pallotta contributed to a previous version of this story.

"Donnie Darko" (2001)

"Donnie Darko"

"Donnie Darko" may... Читать дальше...


Here's why New York City smells so rancid in the summer

Lucas Jackson

For travelers with the gleam of the Big Apple in their eye, nothing seems better than New York City in the summertime.

Restaurants have outdoor seating, there are festivals all over town, and you don't have to worry about bringing your jacket to Top of the Rock.

But long-time city dwellers know the horror behind the mystique: those awful smells that dominate every daily commute to and from the office.

Here's why it's hard to escape the stench of the city in the heat of summer. Читать дальше...


Beyoncé's mom designed all her daughter's most important dresses

Theo Wargo/Getty Images

Beyoncé was awarded the Fashion Icon award at the 2016 CFDA Awards, which are pretty much the Oscars of the fashion world.

The actress/singer/entrepreneur made a surprise appearance at the event to receive the award, and gave a heartfelt acceptance speech. In it, she spoke about the influence fashion has had on her life, dating back to when her grandmother picked up work as a seamstress so she could afford to send Beyoncé's mother to Catholic school.

Beyoncé... Читать дальше...


2% growth may not be enough to avoid the next recession


As I start this post, I am naming it “Why I’m on US recession watch despite 2% growth." I don’t know if that name will stick when I publish this piece; nonetheless, that is the theme I am trying to get across. When I look at the economic data, it shows a near-term in the 2% growth range – stall speed or slightly below.

But when I look at the same data for medium-term clues, I still see reasons to be concerned, and, therefore, I continue to be on recession watch.

Finally... Читать дальше...


Trump releases monumental statement on judge attacks, vows never to talk about university case again

AP Photo/Jae C. Hong

In a monumental statement released by his campaign on Tuesday, Donald Trump vowed to stop talking about the civil case involving his now defunct Trump University and the judge whom he has repeatedly attacked in recent days over his heritage.

Trump previously lambasted US District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel over his Mexican heritage, accusing the judge of being unable to preside impartially over the case involving Trump University.

He said that because Curiel... Читать дальше...


A billionaire investor thinks Tesla could become one of the largest companies in the entire world


Ron Baron, CEO of Baron Capital Group, believes that Tesla is going to grow and grow and grow.

He said that the electric-car maker could grow to be "one of the largest companies" in the world during an interview with CNBC on Tuesday.

"I think there is a very good chance I could own this stock for 10, 15, 20 years," said Baron, who predicted that he would make $6 billion or $7 billion over that time frame.

"I think this could be one of the largest companies in the United States... Читать дальше...


Keurig's cold drink maker was a wildly complicated, multi-million dollar piece of tech — and that's why it flopped (GMCR)


Keurig Green Mountain once hoped the next big thing would be its cold-drink maker. Less than a year after it launched, the brand is discontinuing the machine. Consumers who already purchased a Keurig Kold — a $370 machine that creates carbonated, chilled beverages — can get a full refund from the company. 

Keurig Kold's ability to deliver a carbonated, chilled beverage in 90 seconds without using a CO2 canister was intended to give the Kold an edge over rivals like SodaStream. Читать дальше...


These dystopian cityscapes were all designed by a computer program

Flickr/Daniel Brown

When it comes to architectural design, Daniel Brown likes to create the impossible.

The London-based programmer and designer is the mastermind behind a newly released series of computer-generated cityscapes that look straight out of the movie "Inception." 

"I was interested in the idea of 'creating' a virtual city, but realised I could never design such an amount of detail," Brown told Tech Insider in an email. So he created an algorithm that handled that detail for him. Читать дальше...


Inside Diddy's swanky $6.5 million NYC pad that he's selling off

Douglas Elliman Real Estate

Sean "Diddy" Combs is having trouble selling his apartment.

The rapper, producer, and entrepreneur has been trying to sell his home in Manhattan's The Park Imperial for the past four years, according to The Observer.

When he first put the condo on the market in 2012, Combs listed it for $8.5 million. In January, he cut it down to $6.995 million. Now, it's on the market for $6.5 million. Either way, he makes a profit: Curbed reported that he originally... Читать дальше...


This popular lip synching app is aggressively coming after Snapchat — and it has one big advantage


Dubsmash quickly became an overnight success when it debuted in late 2014.

The app let users create videos of themselves lip syncing to popular songs or movie lines. But unlike Instagram or Vine, these videos, called "dubs," weren't shared directly onto Dubsmash. They were meant to go viral on other platforms. 

But, 100 million users and countless celebrity dubs later, Dubsmash is changing its tune.

Last month, the app was completely revamped to become a full-fledged messaging service. Читать дальше...


11 Easter eggs hidden in Disney's latest animated movie 'Zootopia'

Walt Disney Animation Studios

Disney's latest animated movie "Zootopia" is packed with Easter eggs, or, small hidden references to other movies.

With the movie's Blu-ray and DVD release Tuesday, Disney has released several Easter Egg breakdowns to help audiences spot many of the film's nods to other movies and characters.

Keep reading to see some of the film's coolest Easter eggs.

Tundra Town, an area of Zootopia where the colder weather creatures live, looks an awful... Читать дальше...


The 20 most expensive homes for sale in the San Francisco Bay Area


San Francisco and the surrounding Bay Area are some of the most expensive housing markets in America. 

House prices fell 1.8% since March of last year, the first drop of its kind in four years, but the housing in the Bay Area still carries a hefty price tag.

Using data provided to us from Zillow, the largest real estate network on the web, we've narrowed in on San Francisco's 20 most expensive homes for sale.

Scroll down to see the most expensive listings for yourself, ordered lowest to highest:

20. Читать дальше...


IT BEGINS: One of the most vulnerable Senate Republicans just backed off supporting Donald Trump

Thomson Reuters

A Republican senator from Illinois announced on Tuesday that he would not support Donald Trump, his party's presumptive nominee for president, in November.

Mark Kirk's statement was issued amid a firestorm in the Republican Party about Trump's attacks on a federal judge, which many have characterized as racist. And it came after the senator said that he would support Trump if the real-estate mogul won the nomination.

"I have spent my life building bridges and tearing down barriers ... Читать дальше...


Billionaire John Paul DeJoria says in 4 decades, only 70 employees have ever left his company — here's why

Ethan Miller/Getty Images

In a recent interview with Joe Polish, creator of the Genius Network Internet Series, billionaire John Paul DeJoria revealed a curious statistic.

Since DeJoria cofounded John Paul Mitchell Systems nearly four decades ago, he said only 70 employees have left the company.

To be clear, we're not talking about an organization with tens of thousands of people — DeJoria said John Paul Mitchell Systems has 300 full-time and about 800 part-time workers. But... Читать дальше...


This awesome visual effects breakdown shows all the crazy details that went into making 'Deadpool'

Rodeo FX/Vimeo

"Deadpool" was a huge surprise hit at the box office this year, and brought the beloved comic book hero to the big screen for the first time. 

While the visual effects might not look as flashy as those in, say, "Captain America: Civil War," it took a lot of work to bring "Deadpool" to life.

Rodeo FX, one of the companies that did visual effects for the film, released a video breaking down some of its work on "Deadpool."

While Atomic Fiction, another company... Читать дальше...


Over 400,000 people are calling for the removal of the judge who gave the ex-Stanford swimmer a 'lenient' sentence

Dan Honda/Bay Area News Group via AP

More than 400,000 people have signed a petition calling for the removal of the judge who sentenced 20-year-old ex-Stanford swimmer Brock Turner to six months in a county jail, ABC News has reported.

The Change.org petition, with a goal of 500,00 signatures, has amassed over 400,000 since its creation on Sunday. It hammers Judge Aaron Persky for his perceived leniency after Turner was convicted of sexually assaulting an unconscious woman.

"We... Читать дальше...


OPPENHEIMER: Amazon is set to explode (AMZN)

Brent Lewis

Everyone knows Amazon for its online-retail business, but it's everything else that could lead to crazy future growth for the company.

Oppenheimer just adjusted its 12-month price target to $930, about 28% higher than Tuesday's opening price.

This rosy outlook is based primarily on the potential of Amazon Web Services. The business has been a consistent performer for Amazon since early 2014.

Oppenheimer noted:

Amazon's Web Services segment is now the global leader in cloud computing... Читать дальше...


Charleston shooting suspect Dylann Roof will face trial in November

REUTERS/Jason Miczek

The federal death penalty trial of a white man charged in the slayings of nine members of a historic black church will be held in November, a judge said Tuesday.

Chief U.S. District Judge Richard Gergel set Nov. 7 as the day to begin selecting jurors for the federal trial of Dylann Roof, 22, who faces numerous federal counts, including hate crimes, in the June 17 shootings at Emanuel AME Church.

Handcuffed and clad in a gray striped jumpsuit, Roof attended... Читать дальше...


14 things I learned when I quit my job to travel the world

Anisa Purbasari/Business Insider

Two years ago, I made the decision to leave my job as a lawyer to travel the world as I transitioned into a new career as a journalist.

The decision was scary, exciting, and left me wondering more than once if I'd made the right decision.

I can now say without a doubt that I did.

The experience not only let me tick a few countries off my list, but also equipped me with skills and experiences that have been useful in both my personal and professional lives. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

HTX Ventures сотрудничает с Core Venture Network для расширения возможностей инноваторов Core Chain

Путин в России и мире

Первый пуск «Ангары-А5М» с Восточного запланирован в 2027 году

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

У помощника Лукашенко по общим вопросам нашли три квартиры в Минске

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

В Киеве обвинили Зеленского в неспособности добиться нового пакета помощи от США

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

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Игорь Бутман

Бутман, Фантине и Аккуратов: как пройдет открытие Летнего театра в ЦПКиО Екатеринбурга


Что чувствует мужчина, когда расстается с любимой женщиной: стихотворение Иосифа Бродского

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