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Новости за 19.06.2016


Here's what Hollywood is saying about the death of 27-year-old 'Star Trek' actor Anton Yelchin

Thomson Reuters

As word spreads of "Star Trek" actor Anton Yelchin's tragic death in a freak car accident on Saturday, celebrities are expressing their sadness and appreciation for the late actor.

"All of us at Paramount join the world in mourning the untimely passing of Antony Yelchin," the movie studio behind the "Star Trek" film franchise told Business Insider via a statement on Sunday.

"As a member of the 'Star Trek' family, he was beloved by so many and he will missed by all. Читать дальше...


People reveal the 21 most life-changing purchases they've ever made

Flickr / Dev Bootcamp

What we choose to spend our hard-earned money on can say a lot about us.

In an Ask Reddit thread, Redditors were asked, "What is the best purchase you have ever made?" Over 13,000 people responded to share their favorite buys, from a luxury mattress to an HD projector.

Keep reading to see some of their best responses.

Bluetooth earphones


"[These] Bluetooth Earphones. I'll never go back to messing with wires!" - mr_jp

Buy them here... Читать дальше...


We went to one of the largest marijuana business conferences in the world — here's what it was like

Courtney Verrill

Cannabis is a serious business. 

Currently, medical marijuana is legal in 25 states, with several more considering bills. The Tax Foundation, a nonpartisan research group, estimates that it's a $45 billion industry in the US alone. 

This year, the International Cannabis Association hosted the second-annual Cannabis World Congress and Business Exposition in New York City, where cannabis businesses from around the world can network, show off their products,... Читать дальше...


Decrypting a 2,100-year-old computer will give us a never-before-seen look into this ancient world

AP Photo/Petros Giannakouris

We are closer than ever to deciphering what has been called the world’s first computer. The device, known as the Antikythera Mechanism, has been puzzling scientists for more than a century ever since it was discovered in an ancient Greek shipwreck in 1901.

In an event held at the Katerina Laskaridis Historical Foundation Library in Greece in June, an international team of researchers announced the results of a lengthy investigation into what might be the oldest computer in the world. Читать дальше...


Here's what it's really like for new dads to work at Facebook

Kimberly Isserlis

After his daughter's 5 a.m. feeding during the first few months after she was born, Adam Isserlis would lie back in bed with his newborn child resting on his chest, and the two would doze off together. Thanks to Facebook’s parental-leave policy, the first-time father says he enjoyed innumerable "magical" moments like these that helped him foster a bond with his new daughter.

"I say this all the time, but, at least in my perspective, I think it's one of the best benefits that Facebook offers," says Isserlis... Читать дальше...


Why Birchbox is laying off employees and putting expansion plans on hold

Cindy Ord / Getty Images

Birchbox, a startup which offers subscriptions to boxes of beauty products, is changing course. 

The New York City-based company is laying off employees and putting expansion plans on hold as it faces a lack of new funding and competition from other beauty box companies, the Wall Street Journal reports. 

Birchbox was previously planning to open three more physical stores in the U.S. — it has one brick-and-mortar location in SoHo — and had planned to expand into other markets, like China. Читать дальше...


Americans are abandoning Macy's for stores that offer 'small indulgences'


The retail industry has been ailing, and it's getting harder and harder to find a way to survive.

Shoppers have continued to abandon stores like Macy's, Banana Republic, and J. Crew, only helping to throw the mall industry into a wilder tailspin.

However, there's a category that's thriving: beauty and drug.

In a recent note to clients, consulting firm Conlumino called out beauty and drug as the "star performer for the month" of May, while apparel sales fell.

Millennials... Читать дальше...


The Supreme Court might take on its first major gun case since 2010

Thomas Cooper/Getty

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court may weigh in this week on gun control, an issue smoldering again following the June 12 Orlando massacre, with the justices due to decide whether to hear a challenge by gun rights advocates to assault weapon bans in two states.

The Connecticut and New York laws prohibit semiautomatic weapons like the one used by the gunman who fatally shot 49 people at a gay night club in Orlando in the deadliest mass shooting in modern... Читать дальше...


'Sobering and inspiring': Hillary Clinton's high-school classmates react to her clinching the nomination

AP Photo/Julio Cortez

Anita Rifkind wrote a note to her well-known high-school classmate, Hillary Clinton, right after her husband, Bill, was elected president in 1992.

"None of us are surprised to see you in the White House," Rifkind wrote. "We're just surprised you had to bring that guy with you."

Last week, it became clearer than ever before that Rifkind's note could prove to be more than witty prose. Clinton, in her second attempt at the presidency, became the presumptive... Читать дальше...


The Orlando attack exposes the biggest blind spot in the US strategy against ISIS

REUTERS/Kevin Kolczynski

Over the past several months, ISIS' "caliphate" has started to crumble.

Local forces and a US-led coalition have been beating the militants back in Iraq and Syria, where its core territory lies. And it's close to losing its stronghold in Libya, where ISIS was thought to be building a "back-up capital" in case its de-facto capital in Syria falls.

But none of that has mattered this week from a messaging standpoint. ISIS (also known as the Islamic State... Читать дальше...


The Navy is making its warships 'more lethal'



These are the TV shows millennials love, according to a brand expert


Millennials are the coolest kids on the consumer block. Companies are trampling over each other in the race to figure out what they want. And that includes TV networks.

In May, The CW announced that it was creating a digital channel called CW Good. It's meant to tap into the millennial generation's desire for content around social causes. CW Good will feature the causes its stars and fans support, as well as original series meant to inspire.

The CW, which targets a... Читать дальше...


These 8 awful movies were somehow huge hits in China


"Warcraft's" paltry domestic box office return of $24 million over its opening weekend would lead you to believe that the Duncan Jones helmed blockbuster was the latest in a long line of video-game adaptations to have faltered, but that only tells 1/16th of the story. Because while "Warcraft" has floundered in the US, it has grossed $280.5 million internationally, and in China alone it has brought in $156.8 million in just five days. "Warcraft" is now even expected to seriously... Читать дальше...


An attack on 'El Chapo' Guzmán's mother's house may be a sign of a looming cartel war

PBS Frontline/Drug Lord: The Legend of Shorty

On Saturday, 150 heavily armed men reportedly stormed into the community of La Tuna, the home of Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán's mother in Mexico's Sinaloa state, looting homes and leaving multiple people dead in what may be a salvo in a nascent cartel war.

At least three people from La Tuna and surrounding communities were killed, according to La Jornada en Línea, first spotted by British journalist Duncan Tucker.

Local news site... Читать дальше...


This preppy retailer that refuses to put models in its catalogs might be worth $1 billion

Instagram/Vineyard Vines

Preppy retailer Vineyard Vines has been around since brothers Ian and Shep Murray quit their jobs to start the brand in 1998, but it's becoming more and more ubiquitous.

The company has over 75 stores, with a loyal following in the Northeast. 

The company prides itself on selling"the good life" to consumers through preppy designs that evoke summer vacations on the water. 

One thing that sets Vineyard Vines apart? It refuses to put models in its catalog. Читать дальше...


This is the first mammal to be wiped out by manmade climate change

Queensland Government

Rising sea levels appear to have wiped out a rodent species living on an island in the Great Barrier Reef. This is the first documented case of a mammal species going extinct due to manmade climate change.

The mammal, called the Bramble Cay melomys, was a long-tailed, whiskered critter, with reddish-brown fur that was about the same size as a small rat. It was considered the only mammal endemic — or native — to the Great Barrier Reef, living on a tiny island... Читать дальше...


'Star Trek' actor Anton Yelchin dies in strange car accident at age 27

Getty Images

Anton Yelchin, an actor known for appearing in the "Star Trek" movie franchise, was found dead on Sunday morning in California's San Fernando Valley, where he lived. He was 27.

TMZ reported that the actor's body was found at around 1 a.m. by friends. Yelchin's body was pinned between his car and a brick mailbox attached to a security gate at his Studio City home.

Friends found the body after he failed to arrive at a rehearsal on Saturday evening.

Police... Читать дальше...


Genetically enhancing our children could raise interest rates

Once we understand the genetic architecture of human intelligence, couples will use existing fertility technologies to increase their offsprings’ average IQ. Today, couples who carry harmful genes, such as those responsible for cystic fibrosis, sometimes use embryo selection to avoid passing on these damaging genes to their kids.

Читать дальше...


The activist playbook is nearly 90 years old — and the first chapter was written by Warren Buffett's mentor

Samantha Lee/Business Insider

Jeff Gramm is a hedge fund manager who teaches value investing at Columbia Business School. He is the author of “Dear Chairman: Boardroom Battles and the Rise of Shareholder Activism.” In 1927, Benjamin Graham pressured Northern Pipeline Company to distribute its excess cash to shareholders. When the company refused, he ran a proxy fight to put himself on the board of directors. Graham later became famous as Warren Buffett’s mentor and the father of value investing. Читать дальше...


People who served time at a 'symbol of communist hell' are worried they'll be forgotten

AP/Hektor Puskina

Buried in the mountains of northern Albania are crumbling buildings and an old copper mine where political prisoners were once forced to work to exhaustion and even death.

The doors and window frames of the infamous Spac prison have rotted away and signs above the doorways have faded. But the nightmares never ended for former inmates who as young men were labeled enemies of Albania's communist dictatorship and punished there with years of hard labor.

As the prison falls into ruin... Читать дальше...


We asked healthcare leaders for their best career advice — and what they shared applies beyond their industry

Joe Raedle / Getty Images

More than 15.4 million people work in healthcare, an industry that's been growing rapidly.

From doctors to researchers in labs to sales force teams at pharmaceutical companies, healthcare covers a whole variety of careers. So, while at the American Society of Clinical Oncology's annual conference in June, Business Insider asked more than 20 healthcare executives for the best advice they'd give people who are interested in a career in healthcare. And a lot... Читать дальше...


I've been going to one of the most expensive summer resorts in the US for 23 years — and my favorite thing to do is free

Kathleen Elkins/Business Insider

My family has been going to Cape Cod, a popular East Coast vacation spot, since 1952, when my great-great-grandmother retired in Falmouth, a town on the southwestern tip of the island.

She was the town's oldest citizen when she died at 101, and it was her hope that my family would continue coming out to the Cape. We've been doing just that, spending summers in Cotuit, Massachusetts, since before I can remember.

After 23 years of beach days and Fourth of July parades... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Для лесопожарных станций Подмосковья закуплены три новых грузовика

Путин в России и мире

Стало известно, кто из Томской области едет в Москву на инаугурацию президента

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Польский судья приехал в Минск и попросил защиты у Лукашенко

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Юрий Башмет

В Мурманске пройдет очный отбор в юношеский симфонический оркестр Юрия Башмета


Путин: РФ продолжит работу с партнерами по созданию многополярного миропорядка

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