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Новости за 18.04.2018


The UK may commit to net-zero carbon emissions. That’s a big deal.

It would be the first G7 nation to formally commit to zero.

When we talk about individual countries and what they’re doing about climate change, the focus tends to be on the two big emitters, the US and China, as well as some of your sexier renewable-energy leaders, your Germanys and your Denmarks.

As it happens, though, some of the most interesting climate developments in the world are unfolding in the staid old United Kingdom.

In fact, this week, the UK moved several steps... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

The Future of Nigerian President Buhari - Straight Talk Africa

A discussion on Nigeria politics. Nigerian President M. Buhari says he will seek his party's presidential ticket in 2019. Meanwhile, the White House says President Buhari is set to meet U.S. President Donald Trump in Washington on April 30. Shaka is joined by Karen Attiah of the The Washington Post, Ogbeni Lanre Banjo, Former Gubernatorial Candidate at the Nigerian South Western State of Ogun and Adeola Fayehun, host and producer of “Keeping it Real with Adeola”.


The wrong kind of oil is flooding the US market — but that could be great news for a handful of producers

Reuters/Jim Urquhart

  • Super-light crude is becoming more common in the US.
  • Domestic refiners are having trouble processing it with efficiency.
  • But some think the mismatch could end up benefitting certain US refiners big-time.

Super-light crude is flooding the US oil market, and there's little demand to meet it.  

All of the industry's growth in the US over the last year was thanks to crude with a gravity above 40 on the American Petroleum Institute's scale... Читать дальше...

The Toledo Blade 

Black Swamp Players stage a classic

Bowling Green’s Black Swamp Players wrap up their 50th season with On Golden Pond, Ernest Thompson’s 1979 play that inspired the film starring Henry Fonda and Katharine Hepburn.

Inter Press Service 

Can modern bio-economy strengthen the climate agreement and energy security?

Dr. Frank Rijsberman, GGGI Director-General, will deliver a keynote presentation on Strengthening the Climate Agreement and Energy Security at the Global Bioeconomy Summit 2018 on April 20 in Berlin, Germany. During his presentation, Dr. Rijsberman will delve into the relationship between bioeconomy and climate change, and how agri-food systems are the primary driver of climate, […]

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Flights to Bali are now up to 50% off with round-trip tickets starting at $564


  • Flights to Bali, Indonesia, are as low as $564 from select cities in the US, including Chicago, Los Angeles, Seattle, San Francisco, and New York.
  • Round-trip fares are up to 50% off its usual rate, which is typically over $1,000. 
  • Prices are cheapest for dates through the fall, specifically in September and November.

Paradise is just a flight away — and at least today, that flight is on sale.

If you've always dreamed of vacationing in Bali... Читать дальше...


CRYPTO INSIDER: Bitcoin cash is soaring


Welcome to Crypto Insider, Business Insider’s roundup of all the bitcoin and cryptocurrency news you need to know today. Sign up here to get this email delivered direct to your inbox.

Bitcoin cash is up more than 10% Wednesday, outpacing all other major cryptocurrencies. Here are the current crypto prices:See the rest of the story at Business Insider

NOW WATCH: Wall Street's biggest bull explains why trade war fears are way overblown

See... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

APNewsBreak: Illinois youth tackle football ban dead for now

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) — The sponsor of a proposal to ban Illinois children younger than 12 from playing tackle football told The Associated Press on Wednesday that the measure aimed at delaying the effects of helmet-banging head trauma lacks the votes to pass this session. Rep. Carol Sente, a Vernon Hills Democrat, said parents and taxpayers "need more time to absorb the evidence" of a link between repeated blows to the brain and chronic traumatic encephalopathy, a dementia-like, degenerative disease characterized by memory loss... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Winds ease but deadly wildfires endure in Southwest US

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Frazzled residents in a part of rural northwestern Oklahoma paralyzed by days of wind-whipped wildfires expressed fear a blaze could overrun their home Wednesday, as firefighters battling the deadly fires there and in Colorado, Kansas and New Mexico found some relief at the promise of easing of dangerous weather conditions. Hundreds of people across the region have been forced to evacuate their properties, homes have been swallowed by the fires and cattle burned to death as they stood in rivers and streams... Читать дальше...

Society for American Baseball Research (SABR) 

Detroit Chapter meeting/"The Summer King" (Detroit, MI)



The Michigan Opera Theatre will stage four performances of the new opera The Summer King at the Detroit Opera House in May. The Summer King"tells the story of the life and career of Negro Leagues superstar Josh Gibson; it made its world premiere in 2017 in Pittsburgh.

In conjunction with the Saturday, May 19, performance, SABR's Detroit Chapter will hold a two-hour dinner meeting near the Opera House downtown to discuss the legend and the reality of Josh... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

A Young Actress Has the Best Worst Date of Her Life (Podcast)

Jillian Welsh remembers her best worst date well. It climaxed in the middle of the night, with the NYPD searching her bag in a subway, and the officers not sure whether to believe her explanation of what they found inside. What happened next is the focus of our latest episode of “Shoot This Now” podcast, in which Matt Donnelly and I talk about stories we think should be made into movies. You can listen on Apple or Spotify or right here, right now: The night had started romantically enough — Welsh... Читать дальше...

New York Post 

Cohen to get copies of seized documents by next month

Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen will get copies of materials seized in FBI raids last week by May 11, Manhattan federal prosecutors said on Wednesday. In a letter to Judge Kimba Wood, prosecutors said they could begin turning over materials seized from Cohen’s office, hotel and resident as part of an ongoing criminal probe on...

The Toledo Blade 

Payday lending reforms headed for House vote

COLUMBUS — A week after the Ohio House speaker resigned amid an FBI investigation apparently involving the payday lending industry, a committee on Wednesday dusted off sweeping reforms and positioned them for a full House vote.

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Wigan Warriors - wiganrugbyfans.com • Re: Wigan v Salford

Geoff wrote:

Neither sky nor football.

Head of Community and Marketing, Martin McLoughlin, said: “Having looked at the scheduled fixtures and the turnaround between games with the coaching staff, and following discussions with Salford, we felt it was best to make a decision now and bring the game forward to a time that definitely suits both teams.

“With the Challenge Cup set to be played the following week, the chances are that one or both teams could be playing on Thursday... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Man dies after losing control on steep Alpine Meadows ski slope

A Kings Beach man died Tuesday in a skiing accident at a Northern California resort, sheriff’s officials said. Jeffrey R. Pearlstein, 33, lost control around 11 a.m. while skiing down a steep run at the Squaw Valley-Alpine Meadows resort between Truckee and Tahoe City, according to the Placer County Sheriff’s Office. He was skiing in an area called Key Hole when the accident occured, prompting ski patrol, North Tahoe Fire and sheriff’s deputies to respond. CPR attempts were unsuccessful... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Sergio Garcia feeling at home in Texas Open

SAN ANTONIO (AP) — Sergio Garcia had a long history with Texas even before he became a part-time resident. He made his PGA Tour debut as a pro in 1999 at the Byron Nelson Classic and caused an immediate sensation with the gallery outside Dallas when he made eight birdies in 15 holes and had a chance for a 59 when he had a 4-iron into the par-5 16th hole. He finished par-par-bogey for a 62 and tied for third that week. Two years later, the Spaniard won his first PGA Tour event at Colonial, the first of three victories in the Lone Star State. Читать дальше...


The Southwest engine that exploded is one of the safest and most popular in the world, analyst says (LUV)


  • A Southwest Airlines Flight 1380 made an emergency landing in Philadelphia on Tuesday after one of its CFM56-7B engines failed mid-flight.
  • It's the second uncontained engine failure of this type experienced by a CFM56-powered Southwest aircraft since 2016.
  • Southwest is conducting an inspection of all of its more than 710 CFM56-powered Boeing 737s.
  • The CFM56 is the most popular jet engine in history and is also considered one of the safest by industry insiders. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Светильники обновили в переходах и тоннелях Москвы

Путин в России и мире

Путин посетил пасхальную службу в храме Христа Спасителя в Москве

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Русских заявил о субсидировании новых авиарейсов до Минска

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Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

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