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Новости за 11.04.2018

NAIJ.COM (Nigeria News) 

Abuja court dismisses IGP Idris’ suit against Senate

The judge had also earlier ruled that an application brought by Idris’s counsel, Alex Izinyon (SAN), seeking to stay further proceeding in the matter pending the decision of the Court of Appeal, was an attempt to arrest judgment.

International Business Times 

Google-Branded Android TV Dongle With Google Assistant Spotted In FCC Filing

A recently published FCC filing shows a Google-branded HDMI dongle that’s running Android TV. The device is listed with the model number “SN5B6AD” and it is described as a “4K ATV Stick.” The mysterious device is listed as being manufactured by “Shenzen SEI Robotics Co. Ltd.” The dongle itself features Google’s signature “G” logo and it’s accompanied by its own remote. The device appears to have a design that closely resembles a next-generation Chromecast, but it's running the Android TV operating system.

Salzburger Nachrichten 

Liste Pilz kritisiert AMS-Kürzungen scharf

Die Liste Pilz wirft den Regierungsparteien vor, mit den angekündigten Einsparungen beim AMS gezielt die Situation am Arbeitsmarkt verschärfen und Spannungen in der Gesellschaft schüren zu wollen, weil sie sich dadurch mehr Stimmen bei den nächsten Wahlen ausrechnen würden. Dafür werde auch in Kauf genommen, dass durch die Kürzungen auch 2.000 Deutsch-Trainerinnen ihre Jobs verlieren.

Sports - Google News (uk) 

Jackson and Olding not bad young men, says Willie John McBride - Belfast Telegraph

Belfast Telegraph

Jackson and Olding not bad young men, says Willie John McBride
Belfast Telegraph
An Irish rugby legend has said Paddy Jackson and Stuart Olding are “not bad young men” and should be allowed to play for club and country again. Former Ireland captain Willie John McBride claimed the players, who were unanimously acquitted of rape, had ...
Willie John McBride calls for Ulster rugby players' returnBBC News
Willie John McBride: As far as I'm... Читать дальше...


Liverpool fear no one after wins vs. Manchester City - Oxlade-Chamberlain

Jurgen Klopp says his team is in for difficult semifinal after Liverpool beat Manchester city 2-1 in Champions League quarterfinals. Liverpool defender Dejan Lovren hails teammate Mo Salah as the Egyptian strikes again to help Reds beat Manchester City 5-1 on aggregate in the Champions League quarterfinal. ESPN FC's Steve Nicol recounts his rollercoaster of emotions during Liverpool's second-leg win over Manchester City. Liverpool midfielder Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain is one step... Читать дальше...

The Week 

Mick Mulvaney to make first congressional appearance as head of Consumer Finance Protection Bureau

On Wednesday, White House budget director Mick Mulvaney will make his first appearance before Congress as the head of the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB), testifying before his former colleagues on the House Financial Services Committee. Last week, Mulvaney asked Congress to weaken and reign in the independence of the CFPB, and Democrats will likely ask him why the bureau has dropped cases against payday lenders and not issued any enforcement actions since President Trump appointed him in November. Читать дальше...

The Week 

Mick Mulvaney to make first congressional appearance as Consumer Finance Protection Bureau head

On Wednesday, White House budget director Mick Mulvaney will make his first appearance before Congress as the head of the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB), testifying before his former colleagues on the House Financial Services Committee. Last week, Mulvaney asked Congress to weaken and reign in the independence of the CFPB, and Democrats will likely ask him why the bureau has dropped cases against payday lenders and not issued any enforcement actions since President Trump appointed him in November. Читать дальше...


Ranked! The 10 best Premier League players who could be available after relegation this summer

10. Nacer Chadli (West Brom)If Chadli wasn't quite good enough for high-flying Tottenham, he's way too good for the sinking Baggies. The 28-year-old has been injured since December, and while his absence has hardly been the defining factor in their decline, West Brom would surely have picked up an extra point or two with the technical winger in their side.Chadli, who now faces a battle to be included in Belgium's World Cup squad, is unlikely to find another top-six Premier League club in the summer. Читать дальше...

Sheffield Hockey Club 

SHC Weekly Red'Un 21 April 2018

SHC Weekly Red'Un 21 April 2018

Dropbox Red'Un Folder
Weekly hockey results, tables and stats for Sheffield HC & Sheff Hallam Univ HC

Just five (or six if M2s beat Windermere in North Div 2 promotion match 1: victory moves them into match 2 v 3rd bottom team in North Div 1 Neston 1) senior games left for Sheffield Hallam's 2017-18 Season
Top amongst these are the W4s last league game against Chapeltown 3 - victory ensures finishing as Division Champions and promotion. Читать дальше...

City Fans United 

Member Notification

The Board of City Fans United would advise the membership that we have very recently received an enquiry from a 3rd party individual regarding a potentially substantial investment in Chester Football Club.

Читать дальше...

Deva Chat 

CFU - Member Notification

The Board of City Fans United would advise the membership that we have very recently received an enquiry from a 3rd party individual regarding a potentially substantial investment in Chester Football Club.

The individual who has made the approach wishes to remain anonymous whilst initial investigatory discussions progress.

It should be noted that this enquiry is at a very early stage and we would stress that this would not in any way threaten or affect the principle of 100% Supporter... Читать дальше...

Salzburger Nachrichten 

Wasabi aus dem Südburgenland

In Oberwart soll ab dem kommenden Jahr Wasabi im großen Stil angebaut werden. Der japanische Meerrettich kostet immerhin 280 bis 580 Euro pro Kilogramm.

Sports - Google News (uk) 

How Dejan Lovren took the floor to ensure Liverpool seized the luck against Manchester City - The Independent

The Independent

How Dejan Lovren took the floor to ensure Liverpool seized the luck against Manchester City
The Independent
Five-one. On beds and couches, on mate's floors and in identikit hotel rooms, Liverpool supporters will have woken on Wednesday morning feeling a strong urge to pinch themselves. After two of the most thrilling games imaginable, the best team in the ...
Dejan Lovren: Now Liverpool will be gunning for Man City's league crown next seasonTelegraph.co.uk
Dejan... Читать дальше...

The National Interest 

China Wants to Build a Massive Underwater Tunnel to Taiwan. What Could Go Wrong?

Asia Times


Well, a lot--for Taiwan. 

Beijing’s building spree over the past decade has seen the inauguration of a raft of mega-projects throughout China. State media are currently ballyhooing the completion of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge, as the 55-kilometer tunnel-bridge structure that snakes through the Pearl River Estuary. The man-made marvel in the sea, as it’s being hailed, is slated to open to traffic in the second half of the year.

More ambitious... Читать дальше...

The Tilehurst End 

Fulham Ratings: Solid Stars Let Down Up Top

Catch how Waldemar Januszczak rated each individual player.

Vito Mannone: 7

On a really lucky day, might have kept out Johansen’s goal, but a couple of excellent second half saves capped off a fine and reliable performance.

Chris Gunter: 5

Classic Gunter. No forward thrust whatsoever, but a brilliant goal line clearance in the second half.

Liam Moore: 7

Faultless. Spent most of the game taming the gigantic Mitrovic.

Tiago Ilori: 7

His best game for Reading. Читать дальше...


Just a really lovely collection of beautifully imperfect medieval manuscripts

Before Tipex correction fluid, people sure got creative.

SEE ALSO: A librarian discovered the secret codes used by elderly library-goers

Writer and Twitter user Paul Cooper assembled thread of medieval manuscripts that had been repaired, and the results are a kind of art in and of themselves.

A thread on the creative and beautiful ways that the artists of the past repaired the flaws in torn and damaged manuscriptspic.twitter.com/81YSAhKGot

— Paul 🌹📚 Cooper (@PaulMMCooper) April 10... Читать дальше...

Arsenal News 

Aubameyang Reveals The Real Reason He Joined Arsenal

Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang has revealed the real reason he joined Arsenal from Borussia Dortmund (via The Standard). It&#8217;s still a little strange to Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang in an Arsenal shirt every week. The forward has had a fantastic few weeks for the club since his January arrival and has scored five in his last four matches. Of the players to join Arsenal in the last few years, many have cited Arsene Wenger has one of the biggest reasons they joined the club and now, Aubameyang has... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

What Would Follow Strikes on Syria?

Paul Goodman, Conservative Home
Let's think through what would be necessary to halt the use of chemical weapons in Syria. We know from experience that air strikes do not guarantee it. Donald Trump loosed 59 cruise missiles against Assad's regime after sarin, or a variant of it, was used in Khan Shaykhun last spring. But now it has apparently been used again in Douma. To stop the attacks, boots on the ground would be necessary to unearth the Government's chemical stocks, plus anyone else's... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

«Метриум»: Зеленое царство – обзор новостроек рядом с «Лосиным островом»

Путин в России и мире

Путин с Собяниным приехали в Храм Христа Спасителя на Пасхальное богослужение

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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