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Новости за 18.12.2017


ESPN President John Skipper resigns to deal with substance addiction

President of Walt Disney Co.-owned ESPN, John Skipper, said on Monday that he is resigning from the network. "I have struggled for many years with a substance addiction. I have decided that the most important thing I can do right now is to take care of my problem," Skipper said in a statement. "I have disclosed that decision to the company, and we mutually agreed that it was appropriate that I resign. As I deal with this issue and what it means to me and my family, I ask for appropriate privacy and a little understanding." Skipper... Читать дальше...

Yahoo Autos 

Shots fired at US base in England after 'car drives into gate'

Police arrested a man at a US air base in Britain on Monday after a car drove into a checkpoint gate, prompting American military personnel to open fire, officials said. Suffolk Police in eastern England said the incident at RAF Mildenhall -- home to the US Air Force's 100th air refuelling wing -- was "ongoing" but that there was "no wider threat to the public or occupants on the base". Mildenhall, around 70 miles (110 kilometres) north-east of London, was briefly locked down over the incident before reopening at 2:35 pm (1435 GMT)... Читать дальше...

Europe Online Magazine 

Arno Ehret wieder Handball-Trainer in der Schweiz

Schaffhausen (dpa) - Weltmeister Arno Ehret kehrt auf die Handball-Bühne zurück. Eine Woche nach seinem 64. Geburtstag wurde der frühere Bundesliga-Torschützenkönig vom Schweizer Spitzenclub Kadetten Schaffhausen als Interimstrainer verpflichtet. Der ehemalige Bundestrainer und Sportdirektor des Deutschen Handball-Bundes soll Schaffhausen in der nun anstehenden Finalrunde und den anschließenden Playoffs wieder zur Meisterschaft führen. «Es macht mir nach wie vor sehr viel Spaß, eine Mannschaft zu führen und zu lenken. Читать дальше...


Amtrak train derails near Tacoma in Washington state

An Amtrak train has derailed along Interstate 5 in Washington state, in Pierce County, near Tacoma. Part of the derailed train has fallen off a bridge onto the road below. Amtrak, in a tweet, said it is "aware of an incident involving Amtrak train 501" and will provide an update when more details are known. It was not immediately clear if the crash included injuries either to train passengers or in the cars below, but local media reported a major emergency response on the scene.

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Investors are gearing up to bet big on eSports – here are the top stocks, companies & opportunities (ATVI, EA, TTWO)

Thomson Reuters

An increasing number of traditional media companies want to capitalize on the growing industry of eSports.

Currently, there are approximately 300 million people worldwide tuned in on eSports. It is projected that by 2020, the number of viewers will be closer to 500 million.

Recently, shares of video game manufacturers have lifted to all-time highs thanks to a new generation of consoles, the promise of VR gaming, and the adaptation of many titles in professional gaming that attract revenue... Читать дальше...


Investors gearing up to bet big on eSports – here are the top stocks, companies & opportunities (ATVI, EA, TTWO)

Thomson Reuters

An increasing number of traditional media companies want to capitalize on the growing industry of eSports.

Currently, there are approximately 300 million people worldwide tuned in on eSports. It is projected that by 2020, the number of viewers will be closer to 500 million.

Recently, shares of video game manufacturers have lifted to all-time highs thanks to a new generation of consoles, the promise of VR gaming, and the adaptation of many titles in professional gaming that attract revenue... Читать дальше...

New York Post 

American caught after daring escape from prison in paradise

A California man who broke through the steel ceiling bars in an Indonesian jail to escape last week has been recaptured, officials said Monday. Christian Beasley, 32, a suspect in narcotics-related crimes who had not yet been sentenced, bolted from the Kerobokan prison — about 6 miles from the main tourist beaches of Kuta, a...


Power outage strands thousands at Atlanta airport

OKLAHOMA CITY – While a lot of people are trying to get home for the holidays, thousands of travelers experienced some issues at airports across the country. On Sunday, a power outage at Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport in Atlanta left thousands of passengers stranded as almost 1,200 flights were canceled or delayed. The outage, which affected all airport operations, started with a fire in a Georgia Power underground electrical facility, Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed said. The electrical fire’s... Читать дальше...


Amtrak Train Derails, Dangles Over Interstate In Washington

TACOMA, Wash. — An Amtrak train has derailed on an overpass in Washington, authorities said Monday. At this time, all lanes of traffic remain blocked on Interstate 5. The Washington State Department of Transportation tweeted a photo of the derailment, urging motorists to avoid the area. All SB lanes of I-5 blocked near Mounts Road in Pierce County due to derailed train car. Avoid area! pic.twitter.com/SBH7dCc6yg — WSDOT Tacoma Traffic (@wsdot_tacoma) December 18, 2017 CBS News affiliate KIRO-TV reports... Читать дальше...


How 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' handles Carrie Fisher's death


Warning: This post contains spoilers for "Star Wars: The Last Jedi."

When Carrie Fisher died last December, it wasn't just the passing of a pop-culture icon; Fisher's untimely death also threw plans for the new "Star Wars" trilogy into disarray. Though the actress had completed work on "The Last Jedi" at the time of her death, she was meant to play an integral part in the franchise's unnamed ninth installment, with Lucasfilm chief Kathleen Kennedy saying Episode IX would... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

‘All the Money in the World’ Cast Discusses How Ridley Scott Pulled Off Reshoots With Christopher Plummer

When allegations of sexual harassment against Kevin Spacey came to light, Ridley Scott made a shocking decision to cut the actor out of his upcoming movie, “All the Money in the World,” and replace him with Christopher Plummer. Scott and the cast, which includes Plummer, Michelle Williams and Mark Wahlberg, spoke with Entertainment Tonight about the experience. “I knew as soon as they hit Kevin it was going to blow wide open and I contacted my partners and said, ‘We should recast this right now. Читать дальше...

NAIJ.COM (Nigeria News) 

Bride sheds tears as she walks down the aisle

The photos of a young lady have been shared social media where she was sharing tears of joy at the altar of her wedding. See her lovely photos on NAIJ.com

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

Liz Weston: How to 'death clean' your finances

The phrase "death cleaning" may sound jarring to unaccustomed ears, but the concept makes sense. It's about getting rid of excess rather than leaving a mess for your heirs to sort out. "Death cleaning" is the literal translation of the Swedish word dostadning, which means an uncluttering process that begins as people age. It's popularized in the new book "The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning" by Margareta Magnusson. Magnusson focuses on jettisoning stuff, but most older people's finances could use a good death cleaning as well. Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Liz Weston: How to 'death clean' your finances

The phrase "death cleaning" may sound jarring to unaccustomed ears, but the concept makes sense. It's about getting rid of excess rather than leaving a mess for your heirs to sort out. "Death cleaning" is the literal translation of the Swedish word dostadning, which means an uncluttering process that begins as people age. It's popularized in the new book "The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning" by Margareta Magnusson. Magnusson focuses on jettisoning stuff, but most older people's finances could use a good death cleaning as well. Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Zimbabwe general retires, could be named vice president

HARARE, Zimbabwe (AP) — The general in charge of the military intervention in Zimbabwe that led to the resignation of longtime ruler Robert Mugabe is to retire from the defense forces, paving the way for him to be appointed as vice president. General Constantino Chiwenga "is set to retire pending redeployment," said chief secretary to the president and cabinet Misheck Sibanda in a statement Monday. Chiwenga has not stated his political ambitions, but is widely tipped to take up a one of the two vacant... Читать дальше...

International Business Times 

Cowboys' Playoff Chances 2017: Ezekiel Elliott's Return, Schedule Could Get Dallas In

When the Dallas Cowboys fell below .500 in Week 12, a return to the playoffs seemed like a long shot. Last year’s NFC East champions lost the first three games of Ezekiel Elliott’s suspension, quickly falling further out of both the division and wild-card races. A lot has changed since “America’s Team” was embarrassed in front of the entire country on Thanksgiving. Three straight wins have greatly increased the Cowboys’ playoff chances, and the return of their star running back gives the team a real chance to make a postseason run.

International Business Times 

Cowboys' Playoff Chances 2017: Ezekiel Elliot's Return, Schedule Could Get Dallas In

When the Dallas Cowboys fell below .500 in Week 12, a return to the playoffs seemed like a long shot. Last year’s NFC East champions lost the first three games of Ezekiel Elliott’s suspension, quickly falling further out of both the division and wild-card races. A lot has changed since “America’s Team” was embarrassed in front of the entire country on Thanksgiving. Three straight wins have greatly increased the Cowboys’ playoff chances, and the return of their star running back gives the team a real chance to make a postseason run.

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Экология в России и мире

Тело пропавшей два дня назад школьницы нашли на востоке Москвы

Путин в России и мире

Путин провел совещание с участием оборонного сектора и сектора безопасности в связи с инцидентом с вертолетом Раиси

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам объективный срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть — онлайн (с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии).

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Булат Окуджава

Тагильский художник Александр Иванов создал металлическую скульптуру Булата Окуджавы в честь 100-летия поэта   


Глава МИД Ливии высоко оценил политику России в регионе

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