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Новости за 08.12.2017

The Verge 

YouTube’s new music streaming service reportedly launching next March

YouTube’s new music streaming service is set to launch next March, tentatively with the name Remix, according to a Bloomberg report. The news confirms an earlier report from The Verge published back in July, in which YouTube’s music head Lyor Cohen revealed that the company had plans to combine its YouTube Red video subscription service with its existing Google Play Music offering. The new product will offer both music and video in an effort to simplify YouTube’s somewhat confusing series of streaming... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Lindsey Vonn Says She Won’t Represent Trump at 2018 Winter Olympics (Video)

Lindsey Vonn won’t represent Donald Trump at the 2018 Olympic Games and would refuse any invitation to visit the White House, the U.S. skier said in an interview on Thursday. “I hope to represent the people of the United States, not the president,” Vonn told CNN’s Christina MacFarlane. “I take the Olympics very seriously and what they mean and what they represent, what walking under our flag means in the opening ceremony.” “I want to represent our country well. I don’t think that there are a lot... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Skier Lindsey Vonn Says She Won’t Represent Trump at 2018 Winter Olympics (Video)

Lindsey Vonn won’t represent Donald Trump at the 2018 Olympic Games and would refuse any invitation to visit the White House, the U.S. skier said in an interview on Thursday. Watch it above. “I hope to represent the people of the United States, not the president,” Vonn told CNN’s Christina MacFarlane. “I take the Olympics very seriously and what they mean and what they represent, what walking under our flag means in the opening ceremony.” “I want to represent our country well. I don’t think that... Читать дальше...

World Soccer Talk: World Cup 2014 

United eye City derby scalp, Everton face Liverpool’s ‘Fab Four’

London (AFP) – Pep Guardiola’s Manchester City travel to Old Trafford for the toughest test of their Premier League title credentials so far, while new Everton boss Sam Allardyce bids to defy Liverpool’s “Fab Four” as the northwest derbies take centre stage on Sunday. City are eight points clear at the top of the table and victory at their fierce rivals could realistically end Jose Mourinho’s hopes of landing the club’s first league title since Alex Ferguson’s trophy-laden reign. But while Manchester... Читать дальше...

Salzburger Nachrichten 

Spitzentreffen von CDU, CSU und SPD nächsten Mittwoch

Nach der Zustimmung der deutschen Sozialdemokraten zu ergebnisoffenen Gesprächen mit der Union wollen sich die Parteispitzen schon am nächsten Mittwoch treffen. Das erfuhr die Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa) am späten Donnerstagabend in Berlin. Dabei sollen Gemeinsamkeiten ausgelotet werden, es handelt sich aber noch nicht um den Einstieg in offizielle Sondierungen für eine Regierungsbildung.

Salzburger Nachrichten 

Saudi-Arabiens Kronprinz kaufte "Salvator Mundi"

Bei dem Käufer des Gemäldes "Salvator Mundi" von Leonardo da Vinci handelt es sich einem Bericht zufolge um den saudi-arabischen Kronprinzen Mohammed bin Salman persönlich. Der Kronprinz habe einen Zwischenhändler eingeschaltet, um das Ölgemälde zu kaufen, berichtete das "Wall Street Journal" am Donnerstag auf seiner Website.

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

The Latest: 20 homes burn in San Diego County wildfire

VENTURA, Calif. (AP) — The Latest on Southern California wildfires (all times local): 4:50 p.m. At least 20 homes have burned in a retirement community as a wildfire surges through northern San Diego County. The homes are burning in the tightly-packed Rancho Monserate Country Club community in the small city of Fallbrook. The wind-whipped blaze erupted Thursday afternoon and authorities say it's moving dangerously fast. Two people have been burned and about 4 square miles (10 square kilometers) of land have been blackened. Читать дальше...


Five State Players on Walter Camp All-America Team

Four Oklahoma Sooners and one Oklahoma State Cowboy are on the first team of the Walter Camp All-America Team. Quarterback Baker Mayfield, tight end Mark Andrews, offensive lineman Orlando Brown, and linebacker Ogbonnia Okoronkwo represent the Sooners, while Oklahoma State has wide receiver James Washington on the first team. OU’s four first team selections is the most of any school. The Walter Camp All-America team is the oldest All-America team and is one of five major All-America teams recognized... Читать дальше...

Sports - Google News (uk) 

Newcastle owner Mike Ashley holds takeover talks with Amanda Staveley in London curry house - Daily Mail

Daily Mail

Newcastle owner Mike Ashley holds takeover talks with Amanda Staveley in London curry house
Daily Mail
Newcastle owner Mike Ashley was pictured with financier Amanda Staveley in London on Wednesday night. The duo reportedly met for the first time to discuss a potential takeover of the North East club three weeks after Staveley's PCP Capital Partners ...
Newcastle owner Mike Ashley meets Amanda Staveley face to faceSkySports
If Mike Ashley wants... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Pelosi, Schumer lay out demands in White House talks over spending bill

WASHINGTON — President Trump projected an air of comity Thursday as he resumed budget negotiations with Republican leaders and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco and her Senate counterpart Chuck Schumer of New York, but the two sides remained far apart in their hardball talks over what to include in a long-term spending bill that would keep the government open. Before the White House meeting, Pelosi restated Democrats’ position that protection for young immigrants brought into the country ... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

6 students at New York college arrested in hazing probe

BROCKPORT, N.Y. (AP) — Members of an unrecognized fraternity at a state college tortured a rat as part of illegal hazing that occurred inside the group's house, according to police who announced charges against nine men on Thursday. The men, including six current and three former students at the College at Brockport, were part of an organization known as the Delts, according to the college. The organization operated as a fraternity despite the fact that its charter was revoked by the Delta Sigma Phi national fraternity in 2001. Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

‘Ferdinand’ Movie Review: Charming Kids’ Cartoon Is Bullish on Non-Conformity

You won’t be surprised to learn that “Ferdinand,” the new animated feature based on the beloved 1936 children’s book, manages to find a way to put the titular bull into a literal china shop. What might shock you, however, is that that sequence features some of the most brilliantly sustained slapstick of any movie in recent memory. Perhaps even more surprising, given recent cinema’s tendency to stretch short-and-sweet kids’ stories into ungainly three-act behemoths, “Ferdinand” figures out how to fit nicely into a feature-length movie. Читать дальше...

Arsenal News 

Wenger told by Arsenal star man to sign TWO star Players in January or…

Arsenal News HQ brings you the latest Arsenal news, match analysis, transfer news, injury news, team news and rumours from trusted media outlets around the world. Arsenal have been told by club legend to make key signing to a particular area in January if they are to stand a chance of keeping up with the rest of the part this season. These are the suggestions of former powerful Gunners centre back Sol Campbell, who believes Arsenal need to make additions to their defence to become a top team. Campbell told ESPN FC... Читать дальше...


China just launched the world's first electric cargo ship


  • China just launched its first all-electric cargo ship, which will travel 50 miles at a top speed of 8 miles per hour on a single charge.
  • It will be able to carry 2,200 tons of cargo with every haul, that battery capacity is barely enough to fulfill any transatlantic shipments.
  • It will take two hours to charge, roughly how long a ship takes to unload in port. 

Tesla is not the only one bringing electric engines to cargo transport.

China... Читать дальше...

New York Post 

Cuomo comes clean on New York’s high taxes

Gov. Cuomo just made an astonishing confession: New Yorkers pay sky-high local income and property taxes because that’s what he and other elected officials want. “New York is a high-tax state, yes,” the governor said in an interview Wednesday on National Public Radio. With a nod to other high-tax states like California and Connecticut, he...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Names & Faces: Bryce Love and Baker Mayfield

Bryce Love No surprise here: The Stanford running back who is a Heisman Trophy finalist leads the Associated Press All-Pac-12 Conference football team. He was named the AP’s All-Pac-12 Offensive Player of the Year by unanimous vote, and also earned first-team honors at running back. Love is averaging 164.4 yards a game, tops among Power 5 conference running backs. He’s averaging 8.3 yards per carry, has 17 touchdowns and set the FBS record with 12 runs of at least 50 yards this season. Читать дальше...

Salzburger Nachrichten 

Prozess um Loveparade-Katastrophe begann mit Antragsflut

Mit einer Flut von Anträgen hat in Düsseldorf der Prozess um die Loveparade-Katastrophe begonnen. Sechs Mitarbeitern der Stadt Duisburg und vier des Veranstalters Lopavent wird fahrlässige Tötung und fahrlässige Körperverletzung vorgeworfen. Bei dem Unglück am 24. Juli 2010 waren im Gedränge am einzigen Zu- und Abgang der Technoparade 21 Menschen erdrückt worden. Mindestens 652 wurden verletzt.

Salzburger Nachrichten 

Loveparade-Strafprozess in Düsseldorf gestartet

Gut sieben Jahre nach dem Loveparade-Unglück in Duisburg mit 21 Toten hat am Freitag in Düsseldorf der Strafprozess gegen zehn Beteiligte begonnen. Angeklagt sind sechs Mitarbeiter der Stadt Duisburg und vier des Veranstalters Lopavent. Die Staatsanwaltschaft wirft ihnen fahrlässige Tötung und fahrlässige Körperverletzung vor.

Salzburger Nachrichten 

Mammutprozess zum Loveparade-Unglück beginnt in Düsseldorf

Mehr als sieben Jahre nach dem Loveparade-Unglück in Duisburg mit 21 Toten beginnt am Freitag (9.30 Uhr) in Düsseldorf im deutschen Bundesland Nordrhein-Westfalen ein Strafprozess gegen zehn Beteiligte. Sechs Mitarbeiter der Stadt Duisburg und vier des Veranstalters Lopavent müssen sich wegen fahrlässiger Tötung und fahrlässiger Körperverletzung verantworten.

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Экология в России и мире

В одном из парков Москвы нашли тело 13-летней девочки

Путин в России и мире

В США признали незыблемость поддержки Пекином Москвы после встречи Путина и Си Цзиньпина

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Независимая политика Венгрии привела в ярость США

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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Mash: певец Сергей Шнуров задолжал ФНС больше 4,5 млн рублей


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