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Новости за 15.06.2021

Times of Malta 

UK, Australia agree post-Brexit free trade deal

Britain has agreed its first major post-Brexit free trade deal with Australia, London announced on Tuesday, adding that they plan to “intensify cooperation on security, climate change and science and tech”. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the deal “marks a new dawn in the UK’s relationship with Australia, underpinned by... shared history and common values”. “This is global Britain at its best – looking outwards and striking deals that deepen our alliances and help ensure every part of the country... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

No new COVID-19 cases reported

No new cases of COVID-19 were reported on Tuesday as three patients recovered. Health authorities said 1,526 swab tests were conducted over the past 24 hours.  There were also no new deaths. The number of active cases is now down to 51. There have now been a total of 419 deaths to date and 30,582 confirmed cases of the virus. Vaccinations The number of people who have received at least one dose of the vaccine has now reached 596,074, with 265,090 people being fully vaccinated.  Vaccination is currently available to anyone aged 16 and over... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Hibernians drawn against Flora Tallinn, of Estonia

Hibernians were handed a very tough draw in this season’s Champions League when they were paired with Estonian side Flora Tallinn. The Paolites, who finished as runners-up in the Premier League last season, found themselves in the Champions League qualifiers after UEFA failed to upheld the appeal lodged by Malta champions Ħamrun Spartans over their exclusion from the elite competition due to their involvement in a match-fixing case way back in 2013. Hibernians were put as one of the unseeded teams... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Plan to build on Binġemma ODZ land 'abuses' policy to protect area

A policy that is supposed to protect the rural character of land in Binġemma is being abused to seek permits for a residential area in land outside the development zone, according to environmental NGOs. The application proposes a two-storey house and garage on vacant land on Triq il-Nicca, between two other plots. According to the North West Local Plan (NWLP), development in the area is only allowed if it ‘constitutes an infill or corner site, or forms the end of a terrace of three dwellings.'... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Farsons Beer Festival 2021 cancelled

Farsons has decided cancelled its beer festival for the second year in a row following last week’s announcement by the health authorities on the organisation of mass events.  This is the second edition of the Farsons Beer Festival that is not taking place ever since the first festival was held in 1981. "This is undoubtedly a disappointment for our crew, partners, suppliers, artists, vendors and sponsors who work so hard to make this event the success that it is, as well as for the thousands of loyal Beer Fest fans. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

France defender Hernandez out to curb Bayern team-mate Mueller

France defender Lucas Hernandez says his Bayern Munich team-mate Thomas Mueller is the German player the world champions need to subdue in Tuesday’s Euro 2020 clash against Germany.  Hernandez has spent two seasons with Bundesliga champions Bayern since his 80 million euros ($97 million) transfer from Atletico Madrid in 2019. The 25-year-old will line up for visitors France against several of his Bayern team-mates at Munich’s Allianz Arena for the Group F showdown between the European heavyweights. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Ikea France found guilty in employee spying scandal

A French court ruled Tuesday that Ikea had set up an elaborate system to illegally spy on hundreds of employees and job applicants over several years, using private detectives as well as police sources. The French unit of the Swedish furniture giant was fined €1 million ($1.2 million) while its former chief Jean-Louis Baillot was handed a suspended two-year prison term and ordered to pay 50,000 euros. They were found guilty of "receiving personal data by fraudulent means," though the sentences... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Repubblika unveils proposals to fight corruption in elections

Civil society group Repubblika has published a series of proposals it says are needed to help fight corruption in elections.  Unveiled on Tuesday, the document outlines a series of measures that need to be taken to "challenge the status quo and the underlying consensus of tolerance" for certain misconduct.  Addressing a press conference, Repubblika president Robert Aquilina said the most basic element of a functioning democracy is free and fair elections.  "In Malta, the abuse of what is referred... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Amazon cloud game service Luna opens to US Prime members

Amazon on Monday opened its cloud video game service Luna to all Prime subscribers in the United States as part of its annual online mega-sale. Luna has been in an invitation-only mode since late last year as Amazon honed the platform designed to stream video game console-quality play directly over the internet. While teasing shopping deals offered as part of its eagerly-awaited "Prime Days" event slated for June 21 and June 22 in the United States, the e-commerce colossus invited subscribers to try Luna free of charge. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Solar panels pumped 20% more energy into the grid last year

The harvesting of renewable energy from grid-connected photovoltaic systems increased by 20.5% over the previous year in 2020 and was estimated at 233.1 gigawatt hours, the National Statistics Office said.  According to NSO data, there were 29,339 PV panel installations in the country that year, with 85% of those in Malta and the other 15% in Gozo and Comino.   When compared to 2019, the stock of PV installations increased by 6.8%.  The domestic sector accounted for 93.6% of the total stock of PV installations... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

A commodity round-up

Following a turbulent year 2020, conditioned by the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic triggering a widespread global shutdown of economic activity, negatively impacting demand and disrupting supply chains, 2021, at least to date, proved benevolent.  Energy, industrial metals, and even precious metals — those mainly reliant on industrial applications, continued to rebound, maintaining the upward trajectory witnessed at the end of last year.   Oil Crude oil – strongly depressed in the first half of 2020... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Capacity for Euro 2020 finale raised to 40,000

The Euro 2020 semi-finals and final will be played in front of 40,000 fans at Wembley, while a capacity crowd will witness the Wimbledon finals as part of a series of new pilot events in England. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Monday announced a four-week delay in England to the full lifting of coronavirus restrictions — which were due to end on June 21 - because of a surge in infections caused by the Delta variant. However, the final four matches at Wembley of the European Championship... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Djokovic, Federer, Nadal: Who’s the greatest of them all?

Novak Djokovic’s French Open triumph, which made him only the third man to win all four majors twice and took him halfway to a rare calendar Grand Slam, has reignited the debate over who is the greatest male player of all time. The 34-year-old Serb wrapped up his second Roland Garros title and 19th Slam trophy with victory from two sets down over Greece’s Stefanos Tsitsipas, 12 years his junior. It was a triumph built on the foundations of his epic semi-final win against 13-time champion Rafael Nadal... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

New Israel government faces early test with far-right march

Israel's fledgling new government faced an early test Tuesday as Jewish ultranationalists prepared to march into annexed east Jerusalem, stoking tensions the UN has warned threaten a fragile Gaza ceasefire. Rallies by far-right Jewish groups in Arab neighbourhoods have raised tensions in recent months, prompting a police intervention in the flashpoint Al-Aqsa mosque compound that triggered the deadliest flare-up of Israeli-Palestinian violence since 2014. The so-called March of the Flags, which... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Bell-ringing to war: archives to have new look and sound

The festa season has kicked off in Malta, bringing with it the usual complaints about fireworks and bells ringing at the crack of dawn. Every year, parishioners and new residents across several villages clash over whether bell-ringing should continue for tradition’s sake. Just last month the Żebbuġ archpriest had to intervene in a squabble on social media over bell-ringing on the feast day, while earlier this year Qormi parishioners started a petition to ensure the church clock bells are not silenced. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Emirates airline posts $5.5 billion annual loss, first in over 30 years

Dubai-based Emirates airline on Tuesday posted a $5.5 billion (€4.5bn) annual loss, its first in more than three decades, after the coronavirus pandemic devastated the aviation industry. “Due to ongoing pandemic-related flight and travel restrictions, the airline reported a loss of 20.3 billion dirhams ($5.5bn) after last year’s 1.1 billion dirhams ($288 million) profit,” the Middle East’s largest carrier said in a statement. The airline, which was forced to temporarily suspend operations last year... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

‘Hungry’ Germany relishing facing France in blockbuster Euro opener

Joachim Loew said Monday that his under-fire Germany team are keen to prove themselves in their opening Euro 2020 fixture against world champions France. Germany are under pressure to perform at Munich’s Allianz Arena in Tuesday’s eagerly-anticipated Group F clash against France, who are among the favourites for the title. Loew stands down as coach after the Euro following 15 years in charge and badly needs a deep run in the tournament following a bleak three years for German fans.   Continue reading this article on Sports Desk... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Israel, 40 US states, territories added to Malta's amber list

Israel and 40 US states and territories have been added to Malta's amber list, meaning travellers will not have to quarantine upon their return to the island.  They must still present a negative PCR test taken not later than 72 hours from arrival on the island or in the case of Maltese travellers, a vaccine certificate.  The update to the list is the first since April, when the UK was bumped up the list from the red zone.  The inclusions of Israel and the 40 US states marks the first time travel... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Australia releases Tamil asylum-seeking family from island detention

Australia’s conservative government bowed to public pressure and announced the release of a Tamil asylum-seeking family from island detention Tuesday, after the youngest daughter fell ill. The Murugappan family of four have been held at the remote Christmas Island immigration detention centre since August 2019, as they fight deportation to Sri Lanka. The family’s neighbours in the small, rural Queensland town of Biloela have been waging a vocal campaign for them to remain in Australia, giving their case national prominence. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Quinoa corn puffs warning

Four flavours of Eat Real’s quinoa corn puffs contain undeclared milk, the health authorities have warned. In a statement on Tuesday, the authorities said Quinoa Corn Puffs White Cheddar, Quinoa Corn Puffs Jalapeno and Cheddar, Quinoa & Kale Corn Puffs White Cheddar and Quinoa Corn Puffs Mediterranean, must not be consumed by persons intolerant or allergic to milk. The puffs come in 113 gram packs and the products affected are all those with dates up to and including end May 2022.

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Экология в России и мире

Климатический апокалипсис? В Москве снег, в Сочи полярные сияния из-за сильнейших магнитных бурь

Путин в России и мире

Слова Путина сказанные на Параде Победы в Москве вызвали негодование у Британии

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Святая миссия русского солдата

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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Гарик Мартиросян прокомментировал беременность Анны Хилькевич в Comedy Club на ТНТ


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