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Новости за 31.05.2020


Unrest devastates a city’s landmark street of diversity

MINNEAPOLIS — Along the miles-long Minneapolis street where more than a century of migrants have found their American footholds — Germans, Swedes, Vietnamese, Somalis, Mexicans — a new history can be traced. There’s the smoldering police station torched early Thursday morning by protesters enraged by the death of George Floyd while in custody. There’s the


Israeli police probe false claims in case against PM’s wife

JERUSALEM — Israeli police on Sunday said they were investigating whether two employees at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s official residence gave false testimony in a civil case against his wife, Sara Netanyahu — reportedly in order to help her fend off accusations of mistreating a housekeeper. Sara Netanyahu faces a civil lawsuit from former employee


Protests force Target, CVS and Walmart to close some stores

U.S. retailers large and small have closed some of their stores across the country because of disruptions caused by the widespread street protests over the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis. Target, CVS, Apple and Walmart all said Sunday that they had temporarily closed or limited hours at some locations for safety reasons. In


AP Interview: Floyd’s death opens old wounds for Sefolosha

Thabo Sefolosha knows what it’s like to be a black man, on the ground, surrounded by police officers. Such was the scenario when George Floyd died in Minneapolis last week. And when Sefolosha watched that video, his memories came flooding back. “I was just horrified by what I saw,” Sefolosha said. “That could have been


Protesting lawyers detained in Moscow for violating lockdown

MOSCOW — Moscow police on Sunday detained demonstrators who were holding one-person pickets outside the headquarters of Russia’s main criminal investigative agency. The OVD-Info organization that monitors political arrests says at least seven people were detained and some of them were charged with violating the prohibition on holding public events during the coronavirus lockdown. Over


College Football Hall of Fame damaged in Atlanta protests

ATLANTA — The College Football Hall of Fame is boarded up and assessing damage from a destructive night of protests in downtown Atlanta. The facility’s most valuable trophies and artifacts were moved to a secure facility in case additional trouble breaks out amid nationwide unrest over the death in Minneapolis of a handcuffed black man


Suit over delayed Maine reopening; Vermont court to resume

A look at coronavirus-related developments around New England on Sunday. MAINE More than 30 Maine business owners have joined a federal class action lawsuit over the governor’s decision to delay the reopening of restaurants in Cumberland, York and Androscoggin counties to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Bill Palladino, owner of The Shed Restaurant and


Online divisions: Twitter, Facebook diverge on Trump’s words

OAKLAND, Calif. — President Donald Trump posted identical messages on Twitter and Facebook this week. But while the two social platforms have very similar policies on voter misinformation and glorifying violence, they dealt with Trump’s posts very differently, proof that Silicon Valley is far from a united front when it comes to political decisions Twitter


Future of stadiums, arenas promises high tech, low capacity

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — The smell of barbecue wafts through the parking lots hours before kickoff at Arrowhead Stadium, and when the first salvo of fireworks explode overhead, thousands of Chiefs fans begin to march en masse toward the entrance gates. That’s how things normally are on an NFL game day in Kansas City. But


Thuram tribute to Floyd as Gladbach beats Union 4-1

BERLIN — Marcus Thuram took a moment in apparent tribute to George Floyd after scoring in Borussia Mönchengladbach’s 4-1 win over Union Berlin in the Bundesliga on Sunday. The Gladbach forward was left free at the far post to score the home side’s second goal with a header in the 41st minute. He briefly accepted


NHL plans to test players for COVID-19 daily if games resume

Nick Foligno watches Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine’s coronavirus briefings and appreciates the value of the information. It is part of the reason the Columbus captain supports NHL players undergoing daily testing if the season resumes. “Testing is a must because it’s the only way you’re going to know and feel confident every time you step


Season’s 1st tropical storm drenches part of Central America

MEXICO CITY — The first tropical storm of the Eastern Pacific season drenched parts of Guatemala and El Salvador on Sunday as it plunged inland. Newly formed Tropical Storm Amanda had maximum sustained winds of 40 mph (65 kph) Sunday morning and it was centered about 15 miles (25 kilometers) east-northeast of Guatemala City while


Top opposition figure detained in Belarus

MINSK, Belarus — A human rights group in Belarus said Sunday that more than 30 people have been detained amid demonstrations against authoritarian President Alexander Lukashenko, who is running for another term. Lukashenko, who has suppressed opposition and independent news media during quarter-century in power, is seeking a new term in an election scheduled for


The Latest: Klopp welcomes ‘massive lift’ for reunited squad

The Latest on the effects of the coronavirus outbreak on sports around the world: Liverpool manager Juergen Klopp says having the squad back together is a “massive, massive lift” as his team prepares to wrap up a first league title in 30 years. English football has been on hold since mid-March due to the coronavirus


French Quarter sans tourists: ‘An old neighborhood again’

NEW ORLEANS — For Jack Greenwood, New Orleans’ COVID-19 lockdowns brought sadness, but also a revelation: He was making more acquaintances with fellow residents — people he might not have noticed before tourism dried up in the French Quarter. “I’ve seen and met more neighbors now than ever before,” said Greenwood, who has lived in


SpaceX’s historic encore: Astronauts arrive at space station

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — SpaceX delivered two astronauts to the International Space Station for NASA on Sunday, following up a historic liftoff with an equally smooth docking in yet another first for Elon Musk’s company. With test pilots Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken poised to take over manual control if necessary, the SpaceX Dragon capsule


Ethiopia and Sudan urge cooperation to stop border violence

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia — Ethiopia says a recent violent incident that flared up along the border with Sudan should be addressed by diplomatic discussions. For its part, Sudan’s military says that the two countries should deploy a joint force to patrol the border to prevent any violence. The statements from Ethiopia and Sudan came Sunday


Icardi’s arrival at PSG could push Cavani to look elsewhere

PARIS — Prolific striker Mauro Icardi’s arrival at French champion Paris Saint-Germain on a four-year deal raises doubts as to record scorer Edinson Cavani’s future at the club. Icardi joined PSG on a season’s loan and had impressed with 20 goals in 31 games when the league season was stopped because of the coronavirus pandemic.


AMERICAN DIARY: To be black and a journalist at this moment

For many Americans, “space” means leaving the Earth’s atmosphere and exploring the galaxy. They think of this weekend’s Space X launch. Or going where no one has gone before on “Star Trek.” But the concept of space has a different meaning for African Americans. It’s about finding places in American society — white society —


Roadside bomb near Somalia’s capital kills 8 civilians

NAIROBI, Kenya — A Somali police officer says at least eight civilians were killed when a minibus hit a roadside bomb outside the capital on Sunday morning. Abdullahi Ahmed says the minibus hit the bomb in the Hawa Abdi area near Mogadishu. The death toll may rise because many of the surviving passengers were seriously


Pope: Pull together, avoid pessimism in this coronavirus era

VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis is cautioning against pessimism as many people emerge from coronavirus lockdowns to lament that nothing will ever be the same. During Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica to mark Pentecost Sunday, Francis noted a tendency to say “nothing will return as before.” That kind of thinking, Francis said, guarantees that “the


Israeli defense minister apologizes for Palestinian’s death

JERUSALEM — Israel’s defense minister apologized on Sunday for the Israeli police’s deadly shooting of an unarmed, autistic Palestinian man. The shooting of Iyad Halak, 32, in Jerusalem’s Old City on Saturday, drew broad condemnations and revived complaints alleging excessive force by Israeli security forces. Benny Gantz, who is also Israel’s “alternate” prime minister under


US cities clean up, prepare for another night of unrest

MINNEAPOLIS — America’s cities boarded up windows, swept up glass and covered graffiti Sunday as the country’s most significant night of protests in a half-century spilled into another day of unrest fueled by killings of black people at the hands of police. The turbulence sparked by the death of George Floyd — a black man


Liberal Warsaw mayor injects suspense into presidential vote

WARSAW, Poland — Childhood actor. Pro-democracy activist. Avid supporter of the European Union and LGBT rights. Warsaw’s liberal mayor Rafal Trzaskowski made a late entry in Poland’s presidential election and has quickly emerged as the main challenger to the conservative incumbent, Andrzej Duda. He has injected competition and suspense into a race that Duda had


With masks and gloves, Ukraine’s priests return to duties

IVANO-FRANKIVSK, Ukraine — Wearing a white biohazard suit, a face shield and a blue mask over his mouth and nose, the Rev. Yaroslav Rokhman is hard to recognize as a priest when he visits terminally ill patients at a Ukrainian care center. But his words still bring comfort to the dying. Rokhman, a clergyman in

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Экология в России и мире

«Рексофт», «Норсофт» и АТОЛЛис анонсировали скорое тестирование отечественных IT-продуктов бренда «MAGMA»

Путин в России и мире

Путин встретился с главой Ингушетии Калиматовым

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Запустить прямой авиарейс между Барнаулом и Минском предложил Александр Лукашенко

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Столтенберг решил не встречаться с Зеленским в Брюсселе

Навальный в России и мире

Суд Москвы продлил арест трем адвокатам Навального по делу об экстремизме

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Игорь Бутман

В "Зарядье" пройдет премьера спектакля Хабенского и Бутмана


Администрация Химок провела круглый стол с делегацией из Китая

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