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Новости за 29.05.2020


No rodeo festival dashes Wyoming city’s hopes amid COVID-19

CHEYENNE, Wyo. — The Just Dandy women’s clothing store in downtown Cheyenne has endured fire, flooding, recessions and so far the coronavirus pandemic, but will this year’s cancellation of the city’s famous cowboy-and-rodeo festival, Cheyenne Frontier Days, be the daddy-of-’em-all disaster? “I think everybody went into mourning,” store owner Virginia Brinkerhoff said. “It was a


Ricky Martin makes ‘Pausa’ to channel newly found anxiety

NEW YORK — The world paused and for the first time in his life Ricky Martin felt anxiety. From his home in Los Angeles, where he worked with his foundation to get protective gear and food to hospitals and people in Puerto Rico and beyond, he followed the pandemic news and tried to hide his


Closing prices for crude oil, gold and other commodities

Benchmark U.S. crude oil for July delivery rose $1.78 to settle at $35.49 a barrel Friday. Brent crude oil for July delivery rose 4 cents to $35.33 a barrel. Wholesale gasoline for June delivery rose 3 cents to $1.03 a gallon. June heating oil rose 4 cents to 96 cents a gallon. July natural gas


AP Top 25 Podcast: Looking for 2020’s Burrow or Baylor

Baylor and Minnesota went from unranked to conference title contenders in 2019. Joe Burrow went from middle-of-the-pack quarterback to Heisman Trophy winner. In 2020, what teams and players have a chance to be the next Baylor or Burrow? On the latest AP Top 25 College Football Podcast, USA Today’s Paul Myerberg joins AP’s Ralph Russo


UK’s Johnson, Trump, discuss potential of G-7 meeting

LONDON — British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and U.S. President Donald Trump discussed the possibility Friday of meeting in person at the upcoming G-7 gathering in the United States — a session called into question by the global COVID-19 pandemic. Trump said last week he’s considering holding a meeting in the U.S. with the leaders


MLB Calendar

June 3-4 — Owners meeting, New York. June 10-11 — Amateur draft, first day at Secaucus, N.J. June 15 — International amateur signing period closes. July 2-Jan. 15 — International amateur signing period opens. Aug. 1 — Deadline for drafted players to sign, except for players who have exhausted college eligibility. July 14 — All-Star


NCAA offers plan to bring athletes back to campus

The NCAA released a long and detailed plan Friday to help schools bring athletes back to campus during a pandemic. The Resocialization of Collegiate Sports: Action Plan Considerations was announced as schools across the country prepare for the return of football players as early as June 8. The NCAA’s Division I Council voted last week


Lincoln Center artistic director leaving during shutdown

NEW YORK — Lincoln Center artistic director Jane Moss is departing on Aug. 1 after 27 years, leaving the performing arts center without a key leader while it remains shut due to the coronavirus pandemic. Lincoln Center’s constituent parts have been shut down since mid-March, including the Metropolitan Opera, New York Philharmonic, New York City


Review: Pop star Gaga is back, but where’s the art or spark?

Lady Gaga, “Chromatica” (Interscope) In the 12 years since Lady Gaga dropped her first album, the singer has exceptionally shown that she knows how to create a killer album. “The Fame” was danceable and clever. “The Fame Monster” was an epic adventure into her darker mind. “Born This Way” brilliantly wove in elements of rock


Hong Kong on borrowed time as China pushes for more control

BANGKOK — Hong Kong has been living on borrowed time ever since the British made it a colony nearly 180 years ago, and all the more so after Beijing took control in 1997 and granted it autonomous status. China’s passage of a national security law for the city is the latest sign that the 50-year


Review: The Archives pay inspired tribute to Gil Scott-Heron

The Archives, “Carry Me Home. A Reggae Tribute to Gil Scott-Heron & Brian Jackson” (Montserrat House) The Archives, a reggae band from Washington, D.C., pay an inspired tribute to the late, groundbreaking soul and jazz poet and musician Gil Scott-Heron — and his collaborator Brian Jackson — on songs from the 1970s that are still


Ruling means Missouri’s last abortion clinic stays open

O’FALLON, Mo. — Missouri’s only abortion clinic will be able to keep operating after a state government administrator decided Friday that the health department was wrong not to renew the license of the Planned Parenthood facility in St. Louis. Missouri Administrative Hearing Commissioner Sreenivasa Rao Dandamudi’s decision means Missouri will not become the first state


Take 2 for SpaceX’s 1st astronaut launch with more storms

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — SpaceX pressed ahead with its second attempt to launch astronauts for NASA — a historic first for a private company — but more stormy weather threatened more delays. Elon Musk’s company came within 17 minutes Wednesday of launching a pair of NASA astronauts for the first time in nearly a decade


Ducks’ offensive woes extend to rare 2-year playoff drought

ANAHEIM, Calif. — The last time the Anaheim Ducks missed the playoffs in back-to-back seasons, they went all the way to their franchise’s first Stanley Cup Final just one year later. Not many observers expect the current Ducks to duplicate the feats of those beloved 2002-03 Mighty Ducks after they complete another long offseason made


Powell: Fed to soon begin ‘challenging’ Main Street lending

WASHINGTON — Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell acknowledged Friday that the Fed faces a major challenge with the launch in the coming days of a program through which the Fed will lend directly to private companies for the first time since the Great Depression. The Fed’s Main Street Lending is geared toward medium-sized companies that


Indiana helps small companies hurt by virus; 40 more deaths

INDIANAPOLIS — Indiana is making $30 million available to small businesses to help them recover from losses caused by the coronavirus outbreak, officials said Friday. Forty more Indiana residents have died from COVID-19, while another 521 have been diagnosed with the respiratory disease caused by the coronavirus, state health officials said. SMALL BUSINESS AID The


Questions on reopening New York’s economy baffle businesses

ALBANY, N.Y. — Some upstate New York business owners who made plans to reopen Friday as the state gradually loosens restrictions put in place during the coronavirus crisis remained close amid last-minute confusion over whether their region indeed had the OK to move forward. County leaders learned on a 7 p.m. call with state officials


‘Never Have I Ever’ brings rare voice, and a newcomer, to TV

LOS ANGELES — When Mindy Kaling was growing up in the Boston area, few classmates looked like her, and her television choices ranged from angsty white teenagers to funny white teenagers. It helps explain her latest project, the hit Netflix comedy “Never Have I Ever,” which follows Devi Vishwakumar, a first-generation Indian American teen navigating


Indianapolis official: Many mail-in ballots may go uncounted

INDIANAPOLIS — The top election official in Indianapolis is warning that thousands of mail-in ballots cast for Tuesday’s Indiana primary might go uncounted because they won’t be returned in time. Marion County Clerk Myla Eldridge sent a letter Thursday to state officials asking them to extend the deadline that requires mail-in ballots arrive at county


Ex-Colts GM Ryan Grigson joins Browns’ staff as top adviser

CLEVELAND — Former Colts general manager Ryan Grigson was hired Friday as a senior adviser for the Cleveland Browns, reuniting with general manager Andrew Berry. Berry, a first-time GM and the NFL’s youngest, has now filled out his front office in four months. Grigson was the GM in Indianapolis from 2012-16, a stretch in which


Phoenix march to protest George Floyd death ends with clash

PHOENIX — Hundreds rallied in downtown Phoenix to demonstrate against the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody in a protest that turned into a clash with police. Protesters who marched from Phoenix City Hall to the state Capitol on Thursday night into Friday morning carried signs reading, “Silence is violence” and “Being black


Minnesota governor apologizes for arrest of CNN crew

NEW YORK — Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz apologized to CNN, saying he takes total responsibility for the arrest of one of the network’s crews Friday as they reported on violent protests in Minneapolis following the death of George Floyd. “This is a very public apology to that team,” Walz said at a news conference hours


Williams considers full sale of struggling Formula 1 team

OXFORD, England — After previously enjoying sustained success, Williams is now considering selling its storied Formula One team because of financial problems. The Williams Grand Prix Holdings group posted a loss of 13 million pounds ($16 million) for the year ending in 2019, according to its latest financial results released Friday, after making a profit


Video game look? Spanish league considering virtual crowds

MADRID — Spanish soccer matches could have the look of a video game when the competition resumes next month. The league is contemplating adding virtual crowds to the television broadcast of matches that will be played in empty stadiums because of the coronavirus pandemic. Spanish league president Javier Tebas said Friday the league is working


Bosnia: Officials, firm owner arrested over ventilator deal

SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina — Bosnian authorities have detained two high-ranking state officials and the owner of a private company which imported 100 ventilators from China that were found to be useless for COVID-19 patients. Bosnia’s media quoted state prosecutors as saying Friday that the arrested men include the prime minister of Bosnia’s Muslim-Croat federation, a top

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Новости 24/7 Все города России


Топ 10 новостей последнего часа

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Экология в России и мире

День начнет стремительно сокращаться после 22 сентября

Путин в России и мире

Новый 5-летний срок Гайнутдина и обращение к Путину: в Москве прошел мусульманский форум

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск продолжит выступать за расширение взаимоуважительного и конструктивного диалога с Ереваном – Лукашенко

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам объективный срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть — онлайн (с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии).

123ru.net — живые новости в прямом эфире!

В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский: Ни США, ни Британия не дали разрешения на удары вглубь России

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Юрий Лоза

Лоза раскритиковал теорию эволюции Дарвина


Летевшие рейсом S7 конкурсанты "Учителя России" остались без багажа в Саратове

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