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Новости за 30.05.2020


Dodgers’ David Price throws money toward minor leaguers’ pay

LOS ANGELES — Minor league players in the Los Angeles Dodgers organization will be getting something extra in their paychecks courtesy of star pitcher David Price. He will give $1,000 each to 220 minor leaguers as a goodwill gesture, a team spokesman said Saturday. They will continue to receive $400 a week from the team


Stenhouse heads to Bristol buoyed by good run at Charlotte

BRISTOL, Tenn. — Ricky Stenhouse Jr. could not have had a bumpier return to racing after NASCAR’s 10-week shutdown. How bad was it? Stenhouse crashed on the first lap of the first race back and finished last. He followed it with a 25th-place finish at the second Cup race at Darlington Raceway, then was 24th


Tight congressional races top Indiana’s delayed primary

INDIANAPOLIS — The final votes will soon be cast for Indiana’s primary election after it was upended by the coronavirus outbreak amid aggressive campaigns for two congressional seats where incumbents are retiring. Health concerns prompted state officials to delay Tuesday’s primary by four weeks from its original May 5 date and push widespread mail-in balloting


Roosevelt Taylor, 82, safety on Bears’ 1963 title team, dies

Roosevelt Taylor, a star safety on the Chicago Bears’ 1963 NFL championship team, has died. He was 82. The team said he died Friday but did not provide details. An All-Pro in 1963 when the Bears won the title, Taylor played his first nine NFL seasons with Chicago, 1961-69, appearing in every game. A ballhawk,


Indianapolis imposes curfew after 2 nights of violence

INDIANAPOLIS — The Indianapolis mayor imposed an overnight curfew Sunday after two nights of violent protest over police mistreatment of African Americans that caused widespread damage downtown and included several shootings. Two people died in shootings, though it wasn’t clear their deaths were related to the protests. The governor announced that several hundred Indiana National


Bayern beats Fortuna 5-0 to take 10-point Bundesliga lead

MUNICH — Robert Lewandowski scored twice as Bayern Munich took a confident step closer to an eighth straight German title with a 5-0 demolition of Fortuna Düsseldorf in an empty stadium on Saturday. With five games remaining, Bayern moved into a 10-point lead over Borussia Dortmund, which plays at Paderborn on Sunday. Only Bayern’s players


The Latest: 80 arrested at George Floyd protest in Las Vegas

The Latest on the death in Minneapolis of George Floyd, a handcuffed black man who pleaded for air as a white police officer pressed a knee on his neck (all times Eastern): LAS VEGAS — Police in Las Vegas say 80 protesters were arrested and 12 police officers injured during violence Friday that followed a


AP Sportlight

May 31 1927 — Detroit first baseman Johnny Neun records an unassisted triple play in the ninth inning to end the 1-0 win over the Cleveland Indians. Neun grabs a Homer Summa line drive, tags Charlie Jamieson at first and outruns Glenn Myatt to tag second. 1938 — Henry Armstrong beats Barney Ross for the


This Date in Baseball

May 31 1914 — Joseph Benz of the White Sox pitched a no-hitter against the Cleveland Indians for a 6-1 victory. 1927 — Detroit first baseman Johnny Neun made an unassisted triple play against Cleveland. He caught Homer Summa’s liner, tagged Charlie Jamieson between first and second and then touched second base before Glenn Myatt


Sports events in England allowed to resume from Monday

MANCHESTER, England — Sports events will be allowed to resume in England from Monday, without any spectators and providing they comply with the government’s coronavirus protocols. The guidance for elite sports bodies was published by the government on Saturday as COVID-19 lockdown restrictions that were imposed in March are eased further. It paves the way


15 killed as extremists attack traders in Burkina Faso

OUAGADOUGOU, Burkina Faso — Islamic extremists killed at least 15 people, including children, in an attack on a group of traders traveling between towns in northern Burkina Faso, the government said Saturday. The victims of Friday’s attack in Loroum province were being escorted by a local defense group that was likely the target, according to


US food prices see historic jump and are likely to stay high

DES MOINES, Iowa — As if trips to the grocery store weren’t nerve-wracking enough, U.S. shoppers lately have seen the costs of meat, eggs and even potatoes soar as the coronavirus has disrupted processing plants and distribution networks. Overall, the cost of food bought to eat at home skyrocketed by the most in 46 years,


Italy court rules Uber food delivery riders were exploited

ROME — A court in Milan has ordered the appointment of a judicial administrator to oversee Uber Italy for one year after determining the company’s food delivery service exploited workers, according to Italian news reports. The decision on Friday came amid an ongoing investigation into Uber’s activities in Italy. Italian news agency ANSA quoted the


List of college teams cut because of coronavirus pandemic

Four-year college athletic teams eliminated because of budgetary cuts or school closures associated with the coronavirus pandemic, according to Associated Press research through Friday, May 29 (x-denotes school closure) : DIVISION I (19) Baseball (2): Bowling Green, Furman. Men’s cross country (1): Akron. Men’s golf (1): Akron. Men’s lacrosse (1): Furman. Men’s soccer (2): Appalachian


Flooded Michigan city is midcentury architecture mecca

MIDLAND, Mich. — Christopher Jue knew he was home the moment he and his wife stepped inside the sprawling 62-year-old ranch with brick floors, a sunken living room and built-in desks, shelves and bureaus — hallmarks of an Alden B. Dow original. “To say it was a no-brainer is an understatement,” Jue said of their


Number of eliminated college sports programs nearing 100

Four-year colleges facing budget shortfalls stemming from the pandemic are approaching an unwelcome milestone: In coming days, the number of eliminated sports programs will almost surely pass 100. Research by The Associated Press found a total of 97 teams eliminated at four-year schools through Friday. The count includes only teams cut with the coronavirus outbreak


Quarantine cuts number of Florida traffic crashes in half

MIAMI — The number of traffic crashes in Florida dropped by 50% in April compared to the same time last year, according to highway officials. With residents holed up at home, working remotely and running fewer errands, rush hour traffic has dipped considerably. Shuttered bars and restaurants has meant fewer drunk drivers on the roads.


Central Indiana trash levels surged amid stay-at-home order

INDIANAPOLIS — Central Indiana trash haulers have collected record levels of residential trash since a statewide stay-at-home order that’s now being eased took effect in March due to the coronavirus pandemic, officials said. In the wake of that trash surge, Indianapolis city workers and private trash-collecting contractors have experienced longer days for drivers, lengthy lines


EPA seeks comments on cleanup of Indianapolis Superfund site

INDIANAPOLIS — The federal government is seeking the public’s input on its plan to clean up groundwater contamination at a Superfund site in Indianapolis that’s tainted with chemicals used by a dry cleaning company. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced Thursday that it would accept public comments from June 1 to June 30 on the


Indiana’s Lincoln Amphitheatre moves 2020 shows to next year

LINCOLN CITY, Ind. — An outdoor amphitheater in southwestern Indiana that pays homage to Abraham Lincoln’s childhood years in the region has moved all of its 2020 performances to next year because of the coronavirus pandemic. The Lincoln Amphitheatre’s director, Marc Steczyk, announced the move Tuesday in a statement which said social distancing guidelines during


‘Back in the game’: SpaceX ship blasts off with 2 astronauts

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — A rocket ship built by Elon Musk’s SpaceX company thundered away from Earth with two Americans on Saturday, ushering in a new era in commercial space travel and putting the United States back in the business of launching astronauts into orbit from home soil for the first time in nearly a


Ukraine’s soccer restart disrupted by positive tests

KYIV, Ukraine — The Ukrainian Premier League restarted Saturday but one game was called off when an unspecified number of soccer players and staff tested positive for the coronavirus. The league said players and staff from last-placed Karpaty Lviv had tested positive ahead of Sunday’s match against Mariupol. They aren’t showing symptoms and are in


The Latest: Ex-minister says French league canceled too soon

The Latest on the effects of the coronavirus outbreak on sports around the world: ___ France’s former sports minister says the government was too hasty in calling off soccer leagues this season. The French leagues were canceled after Prime Minister Édouard Philippe said in late April they could not resume because of the coronavirus pandemic.


Kenya: Police kill 2 children, fetus trying to catch suspect

NAIROBI, Kenya — Two children and and an unborn child were killed in a Kenyan police operation aimed at detaining a family member, a human rights group said Saturday. Police confirmed the children’s deaths and asserted they were used as “human shields” by the man, whom they called a suspected Islamic extremist with an al-Qaida


$10 billion bailout for Germany’s Lufthansa passes hurdle

BERLIN — German flagship airline Lufthansa agreed Saturday to a compromise worked out between the government and the European Union, overcoming a major hurdle toward final approval of a 9 billion-euro ($10 billion) bailout from Berlin. Lufthansa said in a statement it had agreed to the compromise worked out between Germany and the EU in

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России

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Новости 24/7 Все города России


Топ 10 новостей последнего часа

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Экология в России и мире

День начнет стремительно сокращаться после 22 сентября

Путин в России и мире

Лавров: президент Путин шутил о «поддержке Харрис»

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко поддержал расширение взаимоуважительного диалога с Ереваном

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам объективный срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть — онлайн (с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии).

123ru.net — живые новости в прямом эфире!

В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский: Ни США, ни Британия не дали разрешения на удары вглубь России

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Жена Джигана Оксана Самойлова опубликовала фото в легинсах и топе


Минэнерго поручило Системному оператору оценить риски веерных отключений электроэнергии в России

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