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Новости за 28.12.2018


Georgia officer dies from gunshot wound earlier this month

MCDONOUGH, Ga. — A police officer in Georgia has died from a gunshot wound he suffered earlier this month when he responded to a disturbance at a dentist’s office. News outlets reported the Henry County Police Department said officer Michael Smith died early Friday in an Atlanta hospital from complications of a gunshot wound he


Notre Dame’s Kelly wins Dodd Trophy as coach of the year

ATLANTA — Notre Dame’s Brian Kelly has won the Dodd Trophy as coach of the year. Kelly also was honored as The Associated Press Coach of the Year this month. He has guided the No. 3 Fighting Irish to a 12-0 season and a chance to compete for the national championship. Notre Dame faces No.


Weed that sprouted holiday cheer mysteriously uprooted

TOLEDO, Ohio — A street corner weed that had been decked out with Christmas lights and brought out holiday goodwill in Ohio has apparently met an early demise. WTVG-TV in Toledo reports that someone pulled out the “Christmas weed” early Friday morning and drove off with it in his trunk. The weed had become a


House fire kills 3 children under 12 in southern Indiana

TELL CITY, Ind. — Authorities say an overnight house fire has killed three children under the age of 12 in a small southern Indiana city. The Indiana Department of Homeland Security says multiple people were inside the home when the fire broke out early Friday in Tell City, on the Ohio River. The agency says


Indiana house fire kills 3 children in city along Ohio River

TELL CITY, Ind. — Authorities say an overnight house fire has killed three children in a small southern Indiana city along the Ohio River. The Indiana Department of Homeland Security says multiple people were inside the home when the fire broke out early Friday in Tell City. The agency says three children died as a


Jerry Brown’s legacy: Climate, California budget and more

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — California Gov. Jerry Brown leaves office Jan. 7 after a record four terms as the state’s chief executive. After serving from 1975 to 1983, he was re-elected by voters in 2010. Here’s a look at his record: BUDGET Brown began his second stint as governor with a $27 billion deficit — an


US pending home sales slip 0.7 percent in November

WASHINGTON — Fewer Americans signed contracts to buy homes in November as higher mortgage rates and prices squeezed would-be buyers out of the market, especially in the West. The National Association of Realtors says its pending home sales index dipped 0.7 percent last month to 101.4. The index based on contract signings has dropped 7.7


Bills tackle Kyle Williams retiring after 13 seasons

ORCHARD PARK, N.Y. — Buffalo Bills defensive tackle Kyle Williams is retiring after completing his 13th season. Williams announced his retirement at age 35 through the team Friday, saying Buffalo’s season finale against Miami on Sunday will be his last game. He says it wasn’t an easy decision and there’s no ideal time to retire,


Israeli media: Acclaimed author Amos Oz dies at 79

JERUSALEM — Israeli media say renowned Israeli author Amos Oz has died at the age of 79. Oz, author of novels, prose and a widely acclaimed memoir, had suffered from cancer, the reports say. Oz won numerous prizes, including the Israel Prize, the country’s top civilian recognition, and Germany’s Goethe Award. He also was a


Markets Right Now: US stocks open with modest gains

NEW YORK — The latest on developments in financial markets (all times local): 9:35 a.m. Stocks are opening higher Friday as U.S. markets try to maintain the momentum from a late-day rally on Thursday. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 61 points to 23,199, while the S&P 500 gained 5 points to 2,493. The Nasdaq


California’s Jerry Brown caps 5 decades on political scene

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — It was a matter of life and death in 2015 when California Gov. Jerry Brown pondered an assisted suicide bill granting terminally ill people the right to choose when they die. After much speculation, Brown signed the measure, a victory for “death with dignity” advocates and a blow to the Catholic Church,


Pakistani police detain suspects in politician’s killing

KARACHI, Pakistan — A senior Pakistani police officer says officers have detained suspects in the murder of a former lawmaker assassinated last week in the southern port city of Karachi. Kalim Imam, the provincial police chief, said Friday his department would soon share “important news” about the assailants who killed Ali Raza Abidi outside his


Yellow vest protests target French Riviera presidential fort

PARIS — A small group of yellow vest protesters has tried to enter the grounds of a presidential fortress on the French Riviera, but they were blocked by authorities. The mayor’s office of Bormes-les-Mimosas, the town that is home to the Fort de Bregancon presidential retreat, said a few dozen protesters tried to approach the


Tesla names Oracle’s Ellison to board in SEC settlement

NEW YORK — Tesla is naming Oracle’s Larry Ellison and an executive from Walgreens to its board as part of a settlement with U.S. regulators who demanded more oversight of CEO Elon Musk. The company said Friday that Ellison and Kathleen Wilson-Thompson are the new independent directors, effective immediately. Wilson-Thompson spent 17 years at Kellogg


Spanish economy up 0.6 percent in third quarter of 2018

MADRID — Spain’s national statistics office says that the country’s economy grew 0.6 percent in the third quarter of 2018. The office expects Spain’s economy to finish 2018 with annual growth of 2.4 percent, compared to 3.7 percent last year. Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said on Friday that his government expects the economy to


UConn asks federal court to dismiss Ollie complaint

HARTFORD, Conn. — The University of Connecticut is asking a federal judge to dismiss a complaint filed by former basketball coach Kevin Ollie, who claims his firing was in part racially motivated. In documents filed Thursday, the school argues, among other things, that the federal court doesn’t have jurisdiction and that Ollie doesn’t make a


The Latest: Teams assessing storm damage in Mississippi

JACKSON, Miss. — The Latest on storms moving across the South (all times local): 7:45 a.m. Teams are heading out to determine the extent of damage in Mississippi after a line of storms moved across the South. Glenn Flynn with the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency said in an email Friday morning that no deaths or


Mom gets 10 years in accidental shooting of 5-year-old son

HARTVILLE, Mo. — A Missouri woman has been sentenced to 10 years in prison in the accidental shooting of her 5-year-old son after he and his 7- and 3-year-old siblings were left home alone with two loaded guns out in the open. Bobbie Jo Scott, of Hartville, was sentenced Thursday after pleading guilty to endangering


New span will provide reliable lifeline to NC’s Outer Banks

RALEIGH, N.C. — A bridge that North Carolina first put on its transportation wish list almost 30 years ago is scheduled to open in 2019, giving tourists to Hatteras Island and its residents a more certain connection to the mainland. The new 2.8-mile-long Bonner Bridge across the Oregon Inlet along the Outer Banks is expected


The Latest: Oxfam suspends Ebola work amid Congo protests

KINSHASA, Congo — The Latest on Congo’s presidential election (all times local): 4:55 p.m. The Oxfam aid organization says it is suspending its Ebola outbreak response work in Congo because of violent protests by people barred from voting in Sunday’s presidential election. The Oxfam statement comes after Congo’s electoral commission delayed voting in the Ebola-affected


The Latest: Tips given to workers struggling due to shutdown

WASHINGTON — The Latest on the partial government shutdown (all times local): 11:00 a.m. The government is offering advice to federal workers saddled with bills they can’t pay because of the partial federal shutdown that is expected to stretch into the new year. Federal workers and contractors forced to stay home or work without pay


Bosnian prosecutors charge 13 with war crimes against Serbs

SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina — Bosnian prosecutors on Friday charged 13 former fighters in two separate cases of war crimes against Serb civilians and prisoners during the country’s 1992-95 ethnic war. The prosecutor’s office first charged eight people with torturing more than 20 Serb civilians who were unlawfully imprisoned in 1992 in the area of Lukavac, in


AP-NORC Poll: Most support gene editing to protect babies

WASHINGTON — A new poll finds most Americans support using gene-editing technology to create babies protected against a variety of diseases — but not to make children smarter, faster or taller. Friday’s release of the poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research comes a month after startling claims of the world’s first


Italy’s premier says budget deal wasn’t dictated by EU

ROME — Italy’s premier has denied that the country’s new budget was dictated by the European Commission, saying that he held firm on key points including a basic income for job-seekers and rollbacks in an unpopular pension reform. Premier Giuseppe Conte told reporters in the government’s traditional year-end press conference Friday that “it is not


Italians Paris and Innerhofer finish 1-2 in Bormio downhill

BORMIO, Italy — Competing on home snow, Dominik Paris and Christof Innerhofer of Italy finished 1-2 Friday in the physically demanding World Cup downhill on the Stelvio course. The festivities for the host nation were interrupted when Slovenian skier Klemen Kosi was airlifted by helicopter to a local hospital after crashing. Kosi lost control toward

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Экология в России и мире

Подмосковье примет участие во всероссийском экологическом форуме

Путин в России и мире

Путин приехал в храм Христа Спасителя на пасхальную службу

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Виктор Тепляков

Депутат ЗСК Виктор Тепляков посетил кризисный центр в храме «Всех скорбящих радость»


Лучших работников пожарной охраны наградили в Лосино-Петровском

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