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Новости за 27.12.2018


Nationals again boost rotation, agree to deal with Sanchez

WASHINGTON — The Washington Nationals have agreed to terms on a two-year contract with right-hander Anibal Sanchez. The deal, announced Thursday by the Nationals, includes a team option for 2021. The 34-year-old Sanchez will add depth to Washington’s new-look rotation after boosting his appeal with a comeback season for NL East rival Atlanta. The Nationals


Aide to Bolsonaro’s son says cash from cars, not corruption

RIO DE JANEIRO — A former employee of the son of Brazilian President-elect Jair Bolsonaro says he is innocent of any form of corruption after authorities flagged irregular financial movements in his account. Speaking Wednesday with Brazilian television channel SBT, Fabricio Jose Carlos de Queiroz says the $306,726 going through his account came from buying


Rome zoo opens new area for African penguins

ROME — A new area for penguins opened at Rome’s Bioparco zoo on Thursday. The 18 African penguins arrived in the Italian capital from zoos in Turin, northern Italy, and Bristol, England. The transfer was part of the European Endangered Species Program, which aims to preserve a population of healthy endangered animals in captivity. Half


Elon Musk asks judge to toss diver’s lawsuit in Thai dustup

LOS ANGELES — Elon Musk is asking a California judge to throw out a lawsuit filed against him by a British diver who accused the tech entrepreneur of falsely calling him a pedophile. Wednesday’s court filing argues that “the public knew from the outset that Musk’s insults were not intended to be statements of fact.”


Frenchman trying to cross Atlantic in barrel capsule

PARIS — A 71-year-old Frenchman has departed on a journey across the Atlantic in a specially designed barrel capsule, which will use ocean currents alone to propel him across the sea. Jean-Jacques Savin set off from El Hierro in Spain’s Canary Islands on Wednesday and is aiming to complete his 4,500-kilometre (2,800-mile) journey to the


No. 25 Iowa State’s finish far better than its start

SAN ANTONIO — Back in September, Iowa State was sitting at 1-3, a record that looked like the Cyclones of old. A season of big expectations — at least bigger than most years in Ames — was on the brink of collapse with a canceled game, an injured senior quarterback and two straight losses out


Mexico’s new president: fuel theft an inside job

MEXICO CITY — The theft of $3 billion in fuel every year from Mexico’s state-run fuel depots and pipelines is an inside job, the country’s new president said Thursday. President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said thieves didn’t just drill taps into government pipelines. He said company employees stole fuel and distributed it, or helped thieves


Kosovo police officer, bank robber killed in shootout

TIRANA, Albania — Police in Kosovo say that an officer and a bank robber have been killed during a shootout. A police statement says a man identified as K.M., 50, opened fire on two police officers responding to a robbery Thursday at a bank branch in Istog, 80 kilometers (50 miles) west of the capital,


The Latest: Sheriff says officer’s killer is in US illegally

SAN FRANCISCO — The Latest on the death of a California police officer and search for the killer (all times local): 11:25 a.m. A California sheriff says the suspect in the shooting death of a police officer is in United States illegally. Stanislaus County Sheriff Adam Christianson told reporters Thursday that authorities have identified a


2nd man nears end of historic solo trek across Antarctica

A British adventurer is close to becoming the second person to traverse Antarctica completely unassisted. Louis Rudd’s expedition blog shows he has only has about 50 miles left on the journey across the continent and is expected to finish Saturday. If the Hereford, England, resident completes the journey, he’ll become the second man to do


German journalist in scandal says he didn’t use donor money

BERLIN — Lawyers for a German journalist found to have fabricated information for numerous articles said Thursday that he denies having used for himself donations given by readers to help nonexistent Syrian siblings. On Sunday, Claas Relotius’ former employer, Der Spiegel magazine, said he had asked readers by email for donations to be transferred to


Sooners’ Murray still fighting illness, will play Saturday

MIAMI GARDENS, Fla. — Kyler Murray knows his future plans. Lots of rest, lots of fluids and a football game on Saturday. From there, it’s still a mystery. Oklahoma’s quarterback and the reigning Heisman Trophy winner was still dealing with a cough and some sniffles Thursday, two days before the fourth-ranked Sooners will face top-ranked


Iowa State seeks bowl win to cap best season in decades

Alamo Bowl: Washington State (10-2) vs. No. 25 Iowa State (8-4) in San Antonio, Dec. 28, 9 p.m. EST (ESPN) Line: Washington State by 3. Series Record: First meeting. WHAT’S AT STAKE Iowa State is looking to cap one of its best seasons in decades with a bowl win. After a 1-3 start, the Cyclones


He promised: LeBron James is the AP’s male athlete of 2018

LeBron James went to the NBA Finals for the eighth consecutive year. He changed addresses again, leaving his Cleveland home for the second time to join the Los Angeles Lakers in the biggest move of free agency over the summer. He remained arguably the dominant player in the basketball, adding even more glitz on a


2 dogs that escaped man’s euthanasia request find new home

VALPARAISO, Ind. — Two dogs that escaped death when a northwestern Indiana veterinarian refused their owner’s request to have the healthy canines euthanized have found a new home together with an Illinois couple. The man who’d owned Sam, a pointer, and Cosmo, a Lab mix, had divorced and was moving in with his girlfriend, who


Carnival workers extradited to face charges in Kansas death

VAN BUREN, Ark. — An Arkansas judge has dismissed local charges against four carnival workers suspected in the deaths of a retired couple in Kansas. Investigators say one suspect texted the others posing as a carnival mafia boss and ordered them to kill the couple. The suspects were originally charged in Arkansas with abuse of


All eyes on Dungey, as Syracuse faces off with West Virginia

ORLANDO, Fla. — It’s easy to tell that West Virginia has plenty of respect for Syracuse quarterback Eric Dungey, since at least one of the Mountaineers compared him to Will Grier. And that’s high praise. There is one distinct difference, of course: When the Orange (9-3) and the Mountaineers (8-3) renew their rivalry in the


Syracuse takes on West Virginia in Camping World Bowl

ORLANDO, Fla. — Camping World Bowl: No. 15 West Virginia (8-3) vs. No. 17 Syracuse (9-3), Friday, 5:15 p.m. EST (ESPN). Line: Syracuse by 1. Series Record: Syracuse, 33-27. WHAT’S AT STAKE Syracuse is trying for its first 10-win season since 2001, and its chance comes in a game against a former Big East rival.


Jets place TE Tomlinson on IR, sign TE Walford

FLORHAM PARK, N.J. — The New York Jets have placed tight end Eric Tomlinson on injured reserve and signed tight end Clive Walford to replace him for the season finale. The nature of Tomlinson’s injury wasn’t immediately certain. He wasn’t on the injury report Wednesday. Tomlinson dealt with an Achilles tendon issue late last week,


Magnitude 4.9 aftershock strikes near site of Alaska quake

ANCHORAGE, Alaska — A magnitude 4.9 aftershock has shaken an area of south central Alaska near where a powerful temblor jolted the region last month. There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage. The U.S. Geological Survey says the quake occurred at 5:21 a.m. Thursday and was centered 10.5 miles (17 kilometers) northwest of


Russian anti-doping seeks Putin’s help to release lab data

MOSCOW — The head of the Russian Anti-Doping Agency has asked President Vladimir Putin for help in getting key doping data released to World Anti-Doping Agency inspectors. WADA reinstated the suspended RUSADA in September on the condition Russian authorities hand over lab data, which could help confirm violations uncovered during an investigation that revealed a


RUSADA’s chief appeals to Putin over doping data

MOSCOW — The head of the Russian Anti-Doping Agency has asked for President Vladimir Putin’s help in getting Russian officials to hand over key doping data to World Anti-Doping Agency inspectors. WADA reinstated the suspended RUSADA in September on the condition Russian authorities hand over lab data, which could help confirm a number of violations


Sweden charges 3 men with plotting extremist attack

HELSINKI — Swedish prosecutors say they have charged three men with preparing an extremist attack, and they were also charged along with three other men for financing the Islamic State group. The state prosecutor’s office said in a statement Thursday that the main three suspects allegedly acquired and stored large quantities of chemicals and other


Lighter load: Laundry detergents shrink for Amazon

NEW YORK — Amazon’s rise is forcing laundry detergents to shrink. Tide and Seventh Generation have introduced redesigned laundry detergents that are several pounds lighter by cutting down on plastic in their packaging and using less water in their formulas. They’re making the changes to please Amazon and other online stores: Lighter packaging means retailers


Brown victory, Hammond pardon top Oregon stories

Gov. Kate Brown’s election to her first full term was voted Oregon’s top news story of 2018 by Associated Press staff. Other top news items of the past 12 months included President Donald Trump’s pardoning of the ranchers whose imprisonment sparked a standoff at a remote Oregon wildlife refuge, a fatal cougar attack near Mount

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Экология в России и мире

Песков: погода не является препятствием для проведения парада Победы

Путин в России и мире

Путин поблагодарил Рахмона за соболезнования в связи с терактом в «Крокусе»

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко: великая Победа является главным моментом становления белорусской нации

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

В Москве налоговая потребовала взыскать долг с Алексея Навального

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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Почетный гражданин: Булату Окуджаве — 100 лет!


Предупреждая болезни. Главная медсестра поликлиники в Черёмушках напомнила, почему важна диспансеризация

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