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Новости за 02.11.2018


Trump tweets Bob Knight will join him in Indiana rally

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump is headed back out on the campaign trail with rallies Friday in West Virginia and Indiana. In Indiana, he’ll have help from Hall of Fame basketball coach Bob Knight, who coached the Indiana University Hoosiers. Trump teased Knight’s appearance in a tweet, saying: “Don’t tell anyone (big secret), but I


UPS employee fired for wearing blackface as part of costume

SHARONVILLE, Ohio — A UPS employee in Ohio has been fired for wearing blackface as part of her Halloween costume. The Cincinnati Enquirer reports UPS media relations manager Kim Krebs cited the company’s strict policies against harassment and discrimination for the dismissal. Krebs says in a statement the company has “no tolerance for hatred, bigotry


Soundtrack of Bruce Springsteen’s Broadway show is coming

NEW YORK — Now you don’t even have to go to Broadway to hear Bruce Springsteen’s sold-out show. Columbia Records said Friday the official two-disc soundtrack of “Springsteen on Broadway” will be released Dec. 14. A few days later, on Dec. 16, a filmed version of the show debuts on Netflix. “Springsteen on Broadway” has


US reimposes all Iran sanctions lifted under nuclear deal

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is announcing the reimposition of all U.S. sanctions on Iran that had been lifted under the 2015 nuclear deal. The sanctions cover Iran’s shipping, financial and energy sectors. They’re the second batch of penalties reimposed since President Donald Trump withdrew from the deal in May. The sanctions that’ll come into


NFL begins ‘Salute to Service’ with pledge up to $5 million

NEW YORK — The NFL kicked off its “Salute to Service ” campaign to honor the nation’s military, veterans and their families by pledging to donate up $5 to its nonprofit partners for every use of the hashtag Salute To Service through Nov. 19. The league will quadruple its offering to $25 for every use


No. 2 Clemson heavily favored in ACC matchup vs Louisville

CLEMSON, S.C. — No. 2 Clemson has not been challenged the past month and struggling Louisville looks to be overmatched heading into Saturday’s matchup with the Tigers. Clemson coach Dabo Swinney isn’t buying it, and doesn’t want his team to buy into thinking Saturday’s game against the Cardinals will be a cake walk. Swinney, channeling


High schoolers posing as Columbine shooters suspended

COLUMBIA, Ky. — Two Kentucky high school students who dressed as the Columbine High School shooters for Halloween have been suspended. WHAS-TV reports the Adair County High School students went to school Wednesday wearing the costumes. The girls’ outfits resembled the clothes 18-year-old Eric Harris and 17-year-old Dylan Klebold wore when they killed 12 classmates


Press group urges action in slain Slovak reporter case

BRATISLAVA, Slovakia — An international press freedom group is keeping pressure on Slovak authorities to solve the killing of local reporter Jan Kuciak and his fiance, while using their case to draw the attention to crimes against journalists worldwide. The Vienna-based International Press Institute says nearly 75 journalists have been killed around the world in


The Latest: Migrants set sights on town near Veracruz state

MATIAS ROMERO, Mexico — The Latest on the caravans of migrants making their way through Mexico (all times local): 8:15 a.m. The caravan of Central American migrants has resumed their trek through Southern Mexico after spending nearly three weeks on the road. The group estimated to number some 4,000 is now heading for the town


Coptic Church: Attack on Christians in Egypt kills 7

CAIRO — Islamic militants on Friday ambushed a bus carrying Christian pilgrims on their way to a remote desert monastery south of the Egyptian capital, Cairo, killing at least seven and wounding 12, the Interior Ministry said. Church spokesman Bouls Halim said the death toll in Friday’s attack was likely to rise. Local church officials


US stocks edge higher after strong jobs report; Apple sinks

NEW YORK — U.S. stocks are rising Friday after the federal government said employers added 250,000 jobs in September, far more than analysts expected. Hourly pay jumped 3.1 percent, the most since the beginning of 2009. Companies including Starbucks and Symantec are climbing after their third-quarter reports as the market continues to recover from its


Russia and Cuba vow to expand their ‘strategic’ ties

MOSCOW — The leaders of Russia and Cuba vowed Friday to expand what they called their “strategic” ties and urged the United States to lift its blockade of Cuba. In a joint statement issued after their talks, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Cuban counterpart Miguel Diaz-Canel denounced U.S. “interference into domestic affairs of sovereign nations”


Italian skier Fanchini to return after tumor treatment

MILAN — Italian skier Elena Fanchini has been cleared to train again after sitting out nearly a year with an undescribed tumor. The Italian Winter Sports Federation says Fanchini was given the go ahead by its medical commission after recent exams concluded she was “completely healed.” The 33-year-old Fanchini will begin training with the Italian


Markets Right Now: Stocks open mostly higher; Apple sinks

NEW YORK — The latest on developments in financial markets (all times local): 9:35 a.m. Stocks are opening mostly higher on Wall Street after the government reported another month of solid job growth. Banks and health care companies led the early gains on Wall Street Friday, but technology stocks were held back by a drop


NY family thinks bones under home are long-missing father

BROOKHAVEN, N.Y. — A New York family says they’ve found human bones beneath their basement, and they believe the remains are those of their patriarch who disappeared half a century ago. Steven Carroll, 61, and his brother Michael Carroll, 57, said their family had tried just about everything to find out what happened to their


Japan Cabinet OKs bill that would allow more foreign workers

TOKYO — Japan’s Cabinet has approved a draft bill that would allow more foreign blue-color workers as the country’s fast-aging population faces labor shortages. The bill, endorsed by the Cabinet on Friday, is a major revision of Japan’s policy on foreign labor. The country has long resisted accepting foreign workers. The proposed legislation would create


Dennis Miller plans politics break after ‘Fake News’ special

LOS ANGELES — Dennis Miller says he’s easing away from political humor after next week’s release of his new comedy special, “Fake News-Real Jokes .” The former “Saturday Night Live” news anchor says he’s trying a “mental exercise,” trading jokes about current events for lighter humor. Miller said the goal is to be funny and


Man City’s De Bruyne facing 6 weeks out with new knee injury

MANCHESTER, England — Manchester City midfielder Kevin De Bruyne if facing another six weeks out with a fresh injury. De Bruyne, who has only just returned from two months out with ligament damage in his right knee, now has the same problem in his left knee. The ligament was damaged in City’s 2-0 victory over


Washington lawmaker faces blowback for biblical war document

SPOKANE, Wash. — A Republican state lawmaker from Washington is facing intense criticism for distributing a document describing how a “Holy Army” should kill people who flout “biblical law,” with some campaign donors asking for their contributions back. State Rep. Matt Shea of Spokane Valley in conservative eastern Washington is seeking a sixth term in


US trade gap grew to $54 billion in September

WASHINGTON — Record imports expanded the U.S. trade deficit for the fourth straight month in September. The politically sensitive trade deficit in goods with China hit a record. The Commerce Department says the gap between what America sells and what it buys abroad climbed to $54 billion, up 1.3 percent from $53.3 billion in August


US adds robust 250,000 jobs; pay growth fastest since 2009

WASHINGTON — U.S. employers added a stellar 250,000 jobs last month and raised average pay by the most in nearly a decade. The Labor Department’s monthly jobs report, the last major economic data before Tuesday’s congressional elections, also showed that the unemployment rate remained at a five-decade low of 3.7 percent. The influx of new


Boston Marathon bomber’s friend deported to Kazakhstan

DALLAS — Immigration officials say a college friend of Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev (joh-HAHR’ tsahr-NEYE’-ehv) has been deported to his native Kazakhstan after he was convicted of concealing evidence in the case. Dias Kadyrbayev (DY’-us kah-dur-BY’-ehv) was sentenced in 2015 to six years in prison for removing items from Tsarnaev’s dorm room at the


Exxon: 3Q Earnings Snapshot

IRVING, Texas — Exxon Mobil Corp. on Friday reported third-quarter profit of $6.24 billion. The Irving, Texas-based company said it had profit of $1.46 per share. The results topped Wall Street expectations, but Exxon does not adjust its reported results based on one-time events such as asset sales. The average estimate of seven analysts surveyed


Netanyahu decries writer’s death, stresses Saudi stability

SOFIA, Bulgaria — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says the slaying of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi was a horrendous act and “should be duly dealt with” in a way that doesn’t undermine Saudi Arabia’s stability. Netanyahu said at a news conference in Varna, Bulgaria on Friday that Iran is a bigger threat than Saudi Arabia


The Latest: Storm threat spreads up East Coast

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — The Latest on severe weather (all times local): 7 a.m. Forecasters said most of the East Coast was at risk for severe weather Friday, with winds as strong as 60 mph, isolated tornadoes and heavy rain possible as the Gulf Coast recovered from storms blamed for two deaths. Waves of weather moving

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Экология в России и мире

Электромобиль Xiaomi SU7 начали продавать в России

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о суверенной финансовой системе в России

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

Белый дом признал причастность к выработке «формулы мира» Киева

Навальный в России и мире

Раз нет протестов, будут санкции: как навальнисты и команда Ходорковского меняют стратегию борьбы с Россией

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Михаил Кутушов

Компания ICDMC приняла участие в торжественном открытии выставки “Тульское качество”


"Контракт" на выступление Канье Уэста в Москве назвали фейком

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