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Новости за 02.11.2018


Chip Kelly returns to Eugene with UCLA to face Oregon

EUGENE, Ore. — Coach Chip Kelly won’t be strolling down memory lane on Saturday when UCLA pays a visit to Oregon. “No, we’ve gotta focus on the team across the other sideline or we’ll go get beat,” Kelly said. “It’ll be an unbelievable experience. It’s a special stadium, a special fan base, but we better


Bulger prison switch a ‘death sentence,’ union boss says

BOSTON — Sending Boston crime boss James “Whitey” Bulger to a troubled federal penitentiary that housed other New England mobsters was like giving him a “death sentence,” a prison workers’ union official said Friday. Bulger, who ran the largely Irish mob in Boston in the 1970’s and ’80’s and ratted on the New England Mafia,


Minnesota looks for needed win at reeling Illinois

CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — Minnesota is just two wins from securing eligibility for a bowl game and the Gophers get a golden opportunity this weekend to lock up a victory. The Gophers visit Illinois on Saturday and will face a reeling program that has lost its defensive coordinator, its best passer and its best rusher in


Alec Baldwin charged with assault in alleged parking dispute

NEW YORK — Alec Baldwin was arrested Friday and charged with assault and harassment after allegedly striking a man in the face during a dispute over a parking spot outside his New York City home, authorities said. Police said the actor claimed he had a family member holding the spot for him as he attempted


Macri: Visiting fans can attend Copa Libertadores final

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — Argentine President Mauricio Macri says he’s allowing opposing fans to attend the Copa Libertadores final between Boca Juniors and River Plate this month. The decision on Friday is at odds with a ban on visiting fans in Argentine soccer that is aimed at reducing violence. Macri said the two-leg final between


Some Rhode Island Democrats upset over Murdoch donation

PROVIDENCE, R.I. — Some Rhode Island Democrats are upset that the state party accepted tens of thousands of dollars from the CEO of the parent company of Fox News, saying what he represents is antithetical to the party’s values. It’s the latest example of the party coming under fire from within this election season, including


Police: No sign of assault in Saudi sisters’ NYC deaths

NEW YORK — Police say two Saudi Arabian sisters whose bodies washed up on New York City’s waterfront told people they would rather harm themselves than return to their home country. The bodies of 16-year-old Tala Farea and 23-year-old Rotana Farea were discovered Oct. 24 in the Hudson River. They were bound together with tape,


The Latest: Drive-by that killed girl targeted wrong house

NORTH LAS VEGAS, Nev. — The Latest on a drive-by shooting that killed an 11-year-old girl (all times local): 11 a.m. Police say a drive-by shooting that killed an 11-year-old girl was gang-related and targeted the wrong house in suburban Las Vegas. North Las Vegas police Officer Eric Leavitt said Friday that a neighbor who


Path to power: Senate races to watch on election night

WASHINGTON — Republicans have a huge advantage as they seek to hold or expand their 51-49 Senate majority, with the battle for control running mostly through states that President Donald Trump won in 2016. Out of the 35 Senate contests taking place Tuesday, 10 involve Democratic incumbents seeking re-election in states that Trump won, often


Trump vs. Obama in the final weekend of the midterms

WASHINGTON — The final weekend of campaigning in the midterms might come down to this: Donald Trump versus Barack Obama. The Republican president and his Democratic predecessor are both lending their considerable political clout to key Senate and gubernatorial battlegrounds in Indiana, Florida and Georgia this weekend, aiming to motivate voters before Tuesday’s election. Far


FDA OKs powerful opioid pill as alternative to IV version

TRENTON, N.J. — U.S. regulators have approved a fast-acting, super-potent opioid tablet as an alternative to IV painkillers used in hospitals. The decision by the Food and Drug Administration on Friday came over objections from critics who fear the pill will be abused. In a statement, FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb said there will be “very


EU stress tests show banks more robust against a crisis

FRANKFURT, Germany — The European Central Bank says a continent-wide stress test shows banks are more resilient against financial panics than they were in the last set of tests two years ago. The ECB says 33 big banks it supervises came through a simulated recession and market crash and were left with thicker financial buffers


No. 10 Washington St continues quest for playoff facing Cal

Washington State resumes its longshot quest to crash the College Football Playoff as well as its bid to take the Pac-12 North when the No. 10 Cougars host California on Saturday night. Washington State (7-1, 4-1 Pac-12, No. 8 CFP) is the only remaining Pac-12 team with a single loss, and the Cougars almost certainly


Wahlberg lending support to repairs on vandalized memorial

BOSTON — Actor and Boston native Mark Wahlberg is among those offering his support to efforts to repair a vandalized Vietnam War memorial. The damage to the memorial in Boston’s Dorchester neighborhood and the landscaping around it was discovered last week. State police said bricks had been thrown at the memorial stone, an American flag


Akron faces South Carolina Dec. 1 for storm canceled game

COLUMBIA, S.C. — South Carolina will play Akron at home on Dec. 1 to make up for its September contest cancelled due to Hurricane Florence. The Gamecocks announced the addition Friday. South Carolina was scheduled to face Marshall on Sept. 15, but called the game off in midweek as the one-time Category 4 storm approached


Thiem eliminates Sock to reach Paris Masters semifinals

PARIS — Dominic Thiem beat defending champion Jack Sock 4-6, 6-4, 6-4 to reach the Paris Masters semifinals on Friday. The Austrian served out the match and clinched victory on his first match point when Sock hit a big forehand long. “I’m in the semifinals of a Masters 1000 only for the fourth time,” Thiem


Khachanov eliminates Sock to reach Paris Masters semifinals

PARIS — Dominic Thiem beat defending champion Jack Sock 4-6, 6-4, 6-4 to reach the Paris Masters semifinals on Friday. The Austrian served out the match and clinched victory on his first match point when Sock hit a big forehand long. Thiem broke the American in the fifth game of the third set, and then


Maryland turns focus to Michigan State during ongoing saga

COLLEGE PARK, Md. — Maryland’s frayed football program turns its attention to a game after a tumultuous week in the midst of a surreal season that seems to have little immediate hope of achieving a sense of normalcy. The external investigation into the death of offensive lineman Jordan McNair; an independent review of the coaching


Where’s the beef? Cormier, Lewis vie for heavyweight crown

Sure, the heavyweight championship is on the line at UFC 230. But for Daniel Cormier and challenger Derrick Lewis, their biggest beef is over chicken. Their chicken challenge goes back to July when the fighters shared the dais after they both fought on the same pay-per-view card. Cormier was feeling great after he flattened Stipe


Guetta breaks down his formula for success, talks new album

LONDON — Grammy-winning DJ-producer and hitmaker David Guetta says success is mostly down to hard work and luck — not talent. The 50-year-old French performer, who says he feels “very complete as a man and an as an artist right now,” credits his longevity to his persistent work ethic, adding that he believes the formula


Defending champ Rose leads by 2 in Turkey

ANTALYA, Turkey — Defending champion Justin Rose has a two-shot lead halfway through the Turkish Airlines Open after consecutive 6-under-par 65s on Friday. Another Englishman, Tom Lewis, posted the low score so far of 63 to share second with Danny Willett (65) and 2016 champion Thorbjorn Olesen (67). A shot behind them at 9 under


Balkan leaders meet to improve energy, transport links

SOFIA, Bulgaria — Leaders of four Balkan nations have met to discuss regional security, economic development and energy and transport connectivity. The forum in Bulgaria’s Black Sea city of Varna was attended by the prime ministers of Bulgaria, Greece and Romania, the president of Serbia, as well as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Bulgarian Prime


Indiana records unusual early-season influenza death

INDIANAPOLIS — Indiana health officials say the state has recorded its first influenza-related death of the 2018-19 season at an unusually early time. State Health Commissioner Kris Box said Friday, “We don’t typically see flu-related deaths this early in the season, but flu viruses circulate year-round and can have heartbreaking consequences at any time.” The


Nebraska’s confidence high for No. 8 Ohio State

COLUMBUS, Ohio — The bye week has been quite unpleasant for Ohio State. After a collapse against unranked Purdue on Oct. 20 that further exposed weaknesses in the defense and running game, the Buckeyes spent the off week stewing in the loss and trying to fix the problems enough to still try make a run


No. 24 BC, Virginia Tech meet in pivotal ACC matchup

Boston College and Virginia Tech are looking to remain in the Atlantic Coast Conference divisional races when the teams meet on Saturday. The No. 24 Eagles need a victory to set themselves up for a huge showdown with second-ranked Clemson for Atlantic Division supremacy. And the Hokies are trying to keep pace in the loss

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Экология в России и мире

«Компьютерный 3D-переводчик на жестовый язык» стал одним из победителей конкурса цифровых проектов и идей для людей с нарушением слуха «Мы услышим»

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о суверенной финансовой системе в России

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

Белый дом признал причастность к выработке «формулы мира» Киева

Навальный в России и мире

Раз нет протестов, будут санкции: как навальнисты и команда Ходорковского меняют стратегию борьбы с Россией

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Концерт «Вселенная Depeche Mode» в исполнении концертного симфонического оркестра



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