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Новости за 09.10.2018


Officials: Stadium worker who spit on pizza has no diseases

DETROIT — Tests show that a food vendor at the Detroit Tigers’ home stadium who was fired after video surfaced showing him spitting on a pizza that was apparently intended for a customer doesn’t have any communicable diseases. Authorities say 20-year-old Jaylon Kerley tested negative for sexually transmitted diseases, HIV and hepatitis. Kerley is charged


Mississippi dispatcher accused of aiding co-worker’s robbery

YAZOO CITY, Miss. — When a man burst in to a 911 office and robbed a female dispatcher at gunpoint, Mississippi authorities say he had help — from another dispatcher. Yazoo County Sheriff Jacob Sheriff tells news outlets that Terrance Freeman was arrested Monday for accessory to armed robbery. Sheriff says the 27-year-old Freeman propped


US teen flies for round-the-world record by youngest pilot

A Louisiana teenager flew for hours through a sandstorm over Saudi Arabia and got stuck in the Philippines by typhoons to set three youth aviation records. They’re not official, but 18-year-old Mason Andrews doesn’t expect any problems being certified as the youngest solo pilot to fly around the world and over the Atlantic and the


Pakistan’s currency plunges as it seeks IMF loan

ISLAMABAD — Pakistan’s currency plunged by about 7 percent on Tuesday after the government said it would seek emergency bailout loans from the International Monetary Fund. The Pakistani rupee briefly weakened to 138 to the dollar on Tuesday before settling at 133.6. The rupee was trading at 124.3 at close of business Monday, before the


Best-selling author Albom returns to heaven for first sequel

DETROIT — Mitch Albom’s books are about faith and salvation, forgiveness and second chances. What they most certainly are not about, according to the author, is a certain five-letter word. “I really don’t think my books are about death,” Albom told The Associated Press. “And I don’t think they’re depressing. I think they’re the opposite.”


Top seed Svitolina advances to 2nd round at Hong Kong

HONG KONG — Top-seeded Elina Svitolina kept alive her chances of reaching the WTA Finals in Singapore by beating Australian wild card Priscilla Hon 6-2, 6-3 at the Hong Kong Open on Tuesday. Fourth-seeded Garbine Muguruza gave herself a belated birthday present by defeated Spanish compatriot Sara Sorribes Tormo 6-3, 6-1. The 13th-ranked Muguruza, who


Lawyer: Inmate’s choice of electric chair won’t buy him time

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — An attorney for Tennessee death row inmate Edmund Zagorski says his choice of death by electrocution over lethal injection is not a ploy to buy time. Kelley Henry announced Zagorski’s decision Monday night. He’s scheduled to be executed Thursday. Henry said some people will see the choice as a stall tactic, but


South African finance minister resigns after graft testimony

JOHANNESBURG — South Africa’s finance minister has resigned after acknowledging missteps during the scandal-tainted tenure of former president Jacob Zuma. The resignation of Nhlanhla Nene was announced Tuesday by President Cyril Ramaphosa, who has pledged to clean up corruption and revive South Africa’s struggling economy. The new finance minister is Tito Mboweni, former head of


Japan urges Myanmar to conduct credible Rohingya probe

TOKYO — Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has told Myanmar’s leader that a credible investigation into alleged human rights violations against Rohingya Muslims is key to resolving tensions in the country’s Rakhine state. Abe told a joint news conference after holding talks on Tuesday with Aung San Suu Kyi that Japan will support efforts by


Polish leader honors WWII diplomat who tried to help Jews

WARSAW, Poland — Poland’s president and descendants of Holocaust survivors have held a graveside ceremony to honor a Polish diplomat in Switzerland who helped Jews escape Poland during World War II by issuing phony Latin American passports. The ceremony held Tuesday took place at the cemetery in Lucerne, Switzerland where Konstanty Rokicki was buried in


Atlanta United star Almiron week to week with hamstring

ATLANTA — Miguel Almiron is battling a left hamstring injury with Atlanta United trying to clinch the best regular-season record in Major League Soccer. The star midfielder is listed as week to week, putting in doubt his status for United’s final two games. He also will miss a chance play for his national team in


Review: Lou Berney keeps tension high in ‘November Road’

“November Road” (Morrow,) by Lou Berney Although set in the aftermath of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination, “November Road” avoids being another novel about that fateful day in Dallas. Instead, this superior novel from Edgar winner Lou Berney melds crime fiction with a tale about people reinventing themselves, played out during a cross-country automobile trip.


Romania leader advises ‘mature approach’ after marriage vote

BUCHAREST, Romania — Romania’s president said Tuesday that the country needs “a mature approach and openness to dialogue” following a referendum that aimed to make it harder to legalize same-sex marriage. Low turnout voided the vote. President Klaus Iohannis was the first senior Romanian politician to come out in support of same-sex partnerships. Iohannis voted


The Latest: Limo service lawyer: Issues fixed before crash

SCHOHARIE, N.Y. — The Latest on the limousine crash that killed 20 people in upstate New York (all times local): 10:25 a.m. An attorney for the company whose limousine was involved in an upstate New York crash that killed 20 people says multiple safety violations on its vehicles were fixed before the tragedy. Attorney Lee


Ohio districts put issue of school safety on voters’ ballots

COLUMBUS, Ohio — One school district wants funding to expand mental health services. The district next door wants to hire more school resource officers. Another neighboring district wants both. Instead of independently proposing local tax levies, they’re heading to the ballot together this November. As schools around the country grapple with how to pay for


US stock indexes waver as interest rates ease back

NEW YORK — U.S. stock indexes wavered between small losses and gains Tuesday, with the market nearly even split between winners and losers. Raw-material producers sank sharply on worries that higher costs and weakening demand are eroding profits. But energy stocks climbed with the price of oil, and technology stocks recovered some of the sharp


Stocks are mixed as tech recovers, material producers sink

NEW YORK — U.S. stock indexes were mixed on Tuesday after technology stocks and other areas of the market recovered some of the sharp losses created by last week’s rapid rise in interest rates. On the losing end were raw-material producers, which sank on worries that higher costs and weakening demand are eroding profits. Treasury


US stock indexes are mixed as rising-rate shakeout extends

NEW YORK — U.S. stock indexes were mixed in early trading on Tuesday as markets continue to absorb the shakeout from last week’s rapid rise in interest rates. Higher interest rates can slow the economy, and the International Monetary Fund cited them late Monday when it downgraded its forecast for global economic growth. It also


Man with hammer hacks Algeria statue of bare-breasted woman

ALGIERS, Algeria — A man with a hammer has attacked and damaged a statue of a bare-breasted woman, an emblem of the eastern city of Setif, in the latest in a series of such attacks. Setif communications director Mohamed Topuiri said Tuesday that a Salafist, someone who adheres to a conservative brand of Islam, disfigured


Afghan women’s basketball player among 9 elected IOC members

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — The International Olympic Committee has elected nine new members including 24-year-old Samira Asghari, an Afghanistan women’s national basketball team player. Two more women among the newcomers are Daina Gudzineviciute of Lithuania, a shooting gold medalist at the 2000 Sydney Olympics, and former nurse Felicite Rwemarika of Rwanda. Six men elected by


Berlin ordered to institute partial diesel vehicle ban

BERLIN — A Berlin court has ordered the city to ban older diesel vehicles from several downtown streets to reduce nitrogen dioxide levels in the German capital. The Berlin administrative court on Tuesday ruled in favor of a suit brought by the environmental lobby group DUH, saying that the city-state’s pollution reduction plan had been


How to see the world in your 20s without racking up debt

It’s a dilemma many 20-somethings face: You badly want to travel the world. But if your bank account could talk, it would say, “Are you kidding?” When you’re just starting out, even a weeklong vacation might seem like a one-way ticket to credit card debt — especially if you have a modest income or lack


UK union calls for 24-hour strike of Uber drivers

LONDON — A British union has called for a 24-hour strike of Uber drivers in London, Birmingham and Nottingham, putting up a “digital picket line” to demand better pay and conditions. The Independent Workers Union of Great Britain, the IWGB, is asking the public to support drivers “by not crossing the digital picket line by


Li Na tops fan vote for International Tennis Hall of Fame

NEWPORT, R.I. — Li Na has received the most support in the first fan vote for the International Tennis Hall of Fame, followed by Goran Ivanisevic and Mary Pierce. Results of the six-week online balloting for fans were announced Tuesday. The Hall did not say how many people participated. Li will get a 3 percent


France’s government reshuffle expected by Wednesday

PARIS — French President Emmanuel Macron is expected to give his approval for a government reshuffle by Wednesday following the resignation of the interior minister last week. Macron is likely to seize the occasion to extend the restructuring to several other government positions. He met with Prime Minister Edouard Philippe on Tuesday to discuss the

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Экология в России и мире

В 2024 году исполняется 140 лет созданию в Москве первой общедоступной публичной бесплатной библиотеки

Путин в России и мире

Президент России Владимир Путин подтвердил проведение XVI Международного военно-музыкального фестиваля «Спасская башня»

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

«Набей им морду, покажи им, что ты настоящий белорус». Лукашенко о поездке спортсменов на Олимпиаду

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

Цинизм зашкалил: Елена Зеленская повеселилась в Киеве с герцогиней Эдинбургской

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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Анастасия Ивлеева удалила из Instagram все фотографии и видеоролики


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